ON THE CONVERGENCE OF A DUAL-PRIMAL SUBSTRUCTURING METHOD∗ JAN MANDEL† AND RADEK TEZAUR‡ January 2000 Abstract. In the Dual-Primal FETI method, introduced by Farhat et al. [5], the domain is decomposed into non-overlapping subdomains, but the degrees of freedom on crosspoints remain common to all subdomains adjacent to the crosspoint. The continuity of the remaining degrees of freedomonsubdomaininterfacesisenforcedbyLagrangemultipliersandalldegreesoffreedomare eliminated. The resulting dual problem is solved by preconditioned conjugate gradients. We give an algebraic bound on the condition number, assuming only a single inequality in discrete norms, andusethealgebraicboundtoshowthattheconditionnumberisboundedbyC(1+log2(H/h))for bothsecondandfourthorderellipticselfadjointproblemsdiscretizedbyconformingfiniteelements, aswellasforawideclassoffiniteelementsfortheReissner-Mindlinplatemodel. 1. Introduction. Thisarticleisconcernedwithconvergenceboundsforaniter- ativemethodfortheparallelsolutionofsymmetric, positivedefinitesystemsoflinear equations that arise from elliptic boundary value problems discretized by finite ele- ments. The original Finite Element Tearing and Interconnecting method (FETI) was proposed by Farhat and Roux [9]. The FETI method consists of decomposing the domain into non-overlapping subdomains, enforcing that the corresponding degrees of freedom on subdomain interfaces coincide by Lagrange multipliers, and eliminat- ing all degrees of freedom, leaving a dual system for the Lagrange multipliers. The dual system was solved by preconditioned conjugate gradients with a diagonal pre- conditioner. Evaluation of the dual operator involves the solution of independent Neumann problems in all subdomains, and of a small system of equations for the nullspace component. Farhat, Mandel, and Roux [8] recognized that this system for the nullspace com- ponentsplaystheroleofacoarseproblemthatfacilitatesglobalexchangeofinforma- tion between the subdomains, causing the condition to be bounded as the number of subdomainsincreases. Theyalsoreplacedthediagonalpreconditionerbyablockpre- conditioner with the solution of independent Dirichlet problems in each subdomain and observed numerically that this Dirichlet preconditioner results in a very slow growthoftheconditionnumberwithsubdomainsize. MandelandTezaur[13]proved that the condition number grows at most as log3(H/h), where H is subdomain size and h is element size, both in 2D and 3D. Tezaur [19] proved that a method by Park, Justino, and Felippa [16] is equivalent to the method of [9] with a special choice of theconstraintmatrices,andprovedthelog2(H/h)boundforthisvariant. Forfurther comparison, see Rixen et al. [18]. Klawonn and Widlund [10] have used preconditioned conjugate residuals to solve a saddle problem keeping both the original degrees of freedom and the Lagrange multipliers, and obtained the asymptotic bound log2(H/h) using an extension of the theoryof[13]. Thesaddlepointapproachhastheadvantagethatapproximatesolvers canbeusedforboththeNeumannandtheDirichletsubdomainproblems,atthecost ∗ThisworkwassupportedbyNSFgrantECS-9725504andbyONRgrantN-00014-95-1-0663. †Department of Mathematics, University of Colorado at Denver, Denver, CO 80217-3364, USA, andDepartmentofAerospaceEngineeringSciences,UniversityofColoradoatBoulder,Boulder,CO 80309-0429,USA.Email: [email protected] ‡CenterforAerospaceStructuresandDepartmentofAerospaceEngineeringSciences,University ofColoradoatBoulder,Boulder,CO80309-0429,USA.Email: [email protected] 1 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED JAN 2000 2. REPORT TYPE - 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER ON THE CONVERGENCE OF A DUAL-PRIMAL 5b. GRANT NUMBER SUBSTRUCTURING METHOD 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Office of Naval Research,875 North Randolph REPORT NUMBER Streeet,Arlington,VA,22203-1995 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT In the Dual-Primal FETI method, introduced by Farhat et al. [5], the domain is decomposed into non-overlapping subdomains, but the degrees of freedom on crosspoints remain common to all subdomains adjacent to the crosspoint. The continuity of the remaining degrees of freedom on subdomain interfaces is enforced by Lagrange multipliers and all degrees of freedom are eliminated. The resulting dual problem is solved by preconditioned conjugate gradients. We give an algebraic bound on the condition number, assuming only a single inequality in discrete norms and use the algebraic bound to show that the condition number is bounded by C(1+log2(H=h)) for both second and fourth order elliptic selfadjoint problems discretized by conforming nite elements as well as for a wide class of nite elements for the Reissner-Mindlin plate model. 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE 12 unclassified unclassified unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 of of solving a larger indefinite problem instead of a small positive definite problem. In [10], Klawonn and Widlund have proposed new preconditioners, proved uniform boundsformodificationsofthemethodforthecaseofcoefficientjumps,whichinclude anearlieralgorithmofRixenandFarhat[17],andprovidedfurthertheoreticalinsights. The original method of [9, 8] does not converge well for plate and shell problems, and the existence and the form of the coarse space depend on the singularity of the subdomainmatrices. Therefore,Mandel,Tezaur,andFarhat[14]andFarhat,Mandel, and Chen [7] proposed to project the Lagrange multipliers in each iteration on an auxiliaryspace. Anauxiliaryspacechosensothatthecorrespondingprimalsolutions are continuous on crosspoints made it possible to prove that the condition number doesnotgrowfasterthanlog3(H/h)forplateproblems[14],andfastconvergencewas observedforplate[7]aswellasshellproblems[4]. ThismethodisnowcalledFETI-2. For related results for symmetric positive definite problems, see [6, 18] and references therein. The subject of this paper is the Dual-Primal FETI method (FETI-DP), intro- ducedbyFarhatetal. [5]. Thismethodenforcesthecontinuityoftheprimalsolution atcrosspointsdirectlybytheformulationofthedualproblem: thedegreesoffreedom on a crosspoint remain common to all subdomains sharing the crosspoint and the continuity of the remaining degrees of freedom on the interfaces in enforced by La- grangemultipliers. Thedegreesoffreedomaretheneliminatedandtheresultingdual problem for the Lagrange multipliers is solved by preconditioned conjugate gradients with a Dirichlet preconditioner. Evaluating the dual operator involves the solution of independent subdomain problems with nonsingular matrices and of a coarse problem based on subdomain corners. The advantage of this method is a simpler formulation thanthemethodsof[14,7],thereisnoneedtosolveproblemswithsingularmatrices, and the method was observed to be significantly faster in practice for 2D problems. However, the design of a good 3D variant of the method is an open problem [5]. In this paper, we prove that the condition number of the FETI-DP method with the Dirichlet preconditioner does not grow faster than log2(H/h) for both second order and fourth order problems in 2D. By spectral equivalence, the result for fourth orderproblemsextendstoalargeclassofReissner-Mindlinelementsforplatebending as in [11, 12, 14]. After few initial definitions, which are substantially different, the analysisisrelatedtotheanalysisdevelopedin[13,14]. Justastheformulationofthe present method is simpler, the analysis is simpler and more elegant than in [13, 14]. Thepaperisorganizedasfollows. Thenotationandassumptionsareintroducedin Section2. InSection3,wereviewthealgorithmfrom[5]. Section4givesthealgebraic condition number estimates; these estimates apply to partitioning any symmetric positivedefinitesystem,notnecessarilyoriginatingfrompartialdifferentialequations. Finally, in Section 5, we prove the polylogarithmic condition number bounds for two model problems of the second and fourth order. 2. Domain partitioning, notation, and assumptions. We are concerned with iterative solution of symmetric, positive definite linear algebraic systems. Parti- tioning of the system is motivated as follows. Let Ω be a domain in (cid:60)2 decomposed into Ns non-overlapping subdomains Ω1, Ω2, ..., ΩNs, and each of the subdomains be a union of some of the elements. Let us be the vector of degrees of freedom for the subdomain Ωs corresponding to a conforming finite element discretization of a second order elliptic problem or a fourth order plate bending problem defined on Ω. Let Ks and fs be the local stiffness matrix and the load vector associated with the subdomainΩs. Wedenotetheedges ofthesubdomainsbyΓst =∂Ωs∩∂Ωt. Corners 2 are endpoints of edges. The subdomain vectors are partitioned as us (2.1) us = uis , r us c where us are the values of the degrees of freedom in the subdomain interior, us the i c values of the degrees of freedom at the corners of the subdomain, and us are the r remaining values of the degrees of freedom, i.e. those located on the edges of the sub- domains between the corners. The subdomain matrices are partitioned accordingly, Ks Ks Ks (2.2) Ks = Kisi Kisr Kisc . ri rr rc Ks Ks Ks ci cr cc We use the block notation u1 K1 u= ... and K =diag(Ks)= ... . uNs KNs The block vectors u , u and u of all internal, all corner, and all remainder degrees i c r of freedom, respectively, are then defined similarly, u1 u1 u1 i r c . . . ui = .. , ur = .. , and uc = .. . uNs uNs uNs i r c Vectorsofvaluesofdegreesoffreedomonthewhole∂Ωs andthecorrespondingblock vectors will be written as v1 r,c vrs,c =(cid:20) vvrss (cid:21), vr,c = ... , and also vr,c =(cid:20) vvr (cid:21). c c vNs r,c Let the global to local map be a 0−1 block matrix L1 . L= . . . LNs Thatis,foraglobalvectorofdegreesoffreedomug,Lsug isthevectorofcorrespond- ing degrees of freedom on Ωs. The map L is introduced so that we can state the problem to be solved, (2.3) LTKLug =LTf, independently of the solution algorithm. Note that ImL is the space of all vectors u thatarecontinuousacrossthesubdomaininterfacesandthatLisoffullcolumnrank. We assume that each matrix Ks is symmetric positive semidefinite and that Ks is positive definite on the subspace of vectors that are zero at subdomain corners, {us|us = 0}. We also assume that the global stiffness matrix LTKL is positive c definite, or, equivalently, that K is positive definite on ImL. These assumptions are satisfied in the intended finite element applications. 3 3. Formulation of the algorithm. In this section, we review the algorithm proposed in [5] in a form suitable for our purposes. The degrees of freedom from both sides of each edge Γst should coincide, (3.1) us| −ut| =0. r Γst r Γst In(3.1),eachpairofsubdomains{s,t}istakenonlyonce,withtheorder(s,t)chosen arbitrarily. We write the constraints (3.1) as B u =0, B =[B1,...,BNs]. r r r r r Note that it follows immediately from the definition of B that r (3.2) B BT =2I r r and, for any edge Γst, (3.3) (BTB u )s| =±(us| −ut| ). r r r Γst r Γst r Γst Let B be a matrix with 0,1 entries implementing the global-to-local map on c subdomain corners. That is, the equation B1 c . u =B ug, B = . , c c c c . BNs c determines the common values of the degrees of freedom on subdomain corners from a global vector ug. c From the construction, the space of all vectors of degrees of freedom continuous across the interfaces can be written as ImL={u|B u =0,u ∈ImB }. r r c c Theproblem(2.3)isreformulatedastheequivalentconstrainedminimizationproblem 1 uTKu−uTf →min, 2 subject to B u =0 and u =B ug for some ug, r r c c c c which is in turn equivalent to finding the stationary point of the Lagrangean us L(u ,u ,ug,λ)= 1vTKv−vTf +uTBTλ, v =[vs], vs = uis . i r c 2 r r r Bsug c c Eliminating us, us, and ug from the Euler equations, we obtain a dual system of the i r c form, cf. [5, Eq. (14)], (3.4) Fλ=g, and solve it using the preconditioned conjugate gradients method with the precondi- tioner (3.5) M =B S BT, r rr r where (3.6) S =diag(Ss ), Ss =Ks −KsKs−1Ks. rr rr rr rr ri ii ir For details of the implementation and numerical results, see [5]. 4 4. Algebraic bounds. In this section, we prove bounds on the cond√ition num- beroftheiterativemethoddefinedbyEqs. (3.4)and(3.5). Denote(cid:107)u(cid:107)= uTuand, for a sym√metric positive semidefinite matrix A, denote the induced matrix seminorm |u| = uTAu = (cid:107)A1/2u(cid:107). If A is known to be positive definite, we write (cid:107)u(cid:107) A A instead or |u| , because the seminorm is then known to be a norm. A From the minimization property of the Schur complement, we immediately ob- tain the following lemma, which characterizes the bilinear form associated with the preconditioner. Lemma 4.1. It holds that uTS u =min{vtKv|v =u ,v =0}. r rr r r r c The next lemma gives a more specific description of the matrix of the dual equa- tion (3.4). Lemma 4.2. It holds that F =B S˜−1BT, where the positive definite matrix S˜ is r r defined by (4.1) uTS˜u =min{vtKv|v =u ,v ∈ImB }. r r r r c c Proof. Let L˜(u ,λ)= minL(u ,u ,ug,λ) r ui,ugc i r c Then, 1 (4.2) L˜(u ,λ)= uTS˜u +uTBTλ−uTh , r 2 r r r r r r with some h . Minimizing over u , we get u = S˜−1(h −BTλ). Substituting u r r r r r r into (4.2) and taking the variation over λ gives (3.4) with F =B S˜−1BT. r r We can now characterize the norm induced by the dual matrix F. Lemma 4.3. It holds that |vTBTλ|2 (4.3) λTFλ=max r r . vr(cid:54)=0 (cid:107)vr(cid:107)2S˜ Proof. From Lemma 4.2, |wTS˜−1/2BTλ|2 λTFλ=(cid:107)S˜−1/2BTλ(cid:107)2 = max r r . r wr(cid:54)=0 (cid:107)wr(cid:107)2 The substitution w =S˜1/2v yields (4.3). r r Let V =(cid:60)p be the space of Lagrange multipliers. In this space, define the norm (cid:107)µ(cid:107) =(cid:107)BTµ(cid:107) V r Srr and also the dual norm, |µTλ| (4.4) (cid:107)λ(cid:107)V(cid:48) =mµ(cid:54)=a0x (cid:107)µ(cid:107)V . Since V =ImB , substituting µ=B w , we can rewrite (4.4) as r r r |wTBTλ| (4.5) (cid:107)λ(cid:107)V(cid:48) =Bmrwarx(cid:54)=0(cid:107)BrTBrrwrr(cid:107)Srr. 5 The main result of this section is the following theorem, which gives a bound on the minimal and maximal eigenvalues of the preconditioned operator MF. Theorem 4.4. If there exists a constant c such that for all w , 1 r (cid:107)BTB w (cid:107)2 ≤c (cid:107)w (cid:107)2, r r r Srr 1 r S˜ then λ (MF) c max ≤ 1. λ (MF) 4 min Proof. The proof is based on a comparison of (4.5) and (4.3). Using Lemma 4.3, the substitution v =BTB w , and the property (3.2), we find that r r r r |vTBTλ|2 |vTBTλ|2 |wTBTλ|2 λTFλ=max r r ≥ max r r =4 max r r . vr(cid:54)=0 (cid:107)vr(cid:107)2S˜ 0(cid:54)=vr∈ImBrTBr (cid:107)vr(cid:107)2S˜ Brwr(cid:54)=0(cid:107)BrTBrwr(cid:107)2S˜ Since,bydefinition,(cid:107)BTB w (cid:107)2 ≤(cid:107)BTB w (cid:107)2 ,weconclude,comparingwith(4.5), r r r S˜ r r r Srr that (4.6) λTFλ≥4(cid:107)λ(cid:107)2 . V(cid:48) On the other hand, from the assumption, we obtain |wTBTλ|2 |wTBTλ| (4.7) λTFλ= max r r ≤c max r r =c (cid:107)λ(cid:107)2 . wr(cid:54)=0 (cid:107)wr(cid:107)2S˜ 1Brwr(cid:54)=0(cid:107)BrTBrwr(cid:107)Srr 1 V(cid:48) Trivially from the definition of M and the norm in V, we have (4.8) (cid:107)µ(cid:107)2 =µTMµ. V Using (4.6), (4.7), and (4.8) in [13, Lemma 3.1] completes the proof. We now show how to verify the assumption of Theorem 4.4 from inequalities of a form that is more usual in substructuring and easier to estimate for boundary value problems. DenotebyEs,ttheoperatorthatextendsthevectorofvaluesofdegreesoffreedom onΓst,notincludingcorners,byzeroentriestoavectorofvaluesofdegreesoffreedom on the whole ∂Ωs, and let E be the set of all indices of neighbors Ωt of the domain s Ωs, with a common edge Γst. Denote by Ss the Schur complement on ∂Ωs obtained by eliminating the interior degrees of freedom of Ωs, i.e., usTSsus =min{vsTKsvs|vs =us }. r,c r,c Ourestimateisbasedonana-prioriboundoftheerrorofapproximatingavector of interface degrees of freedom that is continuous across the corners by a vector that is continuous also across the edges. In the applications in Sec. 5, the approximating vector will be chosen as the natural interpolation on the edges from the corners. Theorem 4.5. Suppose there is a constant c such that for every w , w ∈ 2 r,c c ImB , there exists u such that B u =0 and, for all s and all t∈E , c r r r s (4.9) |Es,t(wi −ui)|2 ≤c |wi |2 , i=s,t. r r Ss 2 r,c Si 6 Then, λ (MF) max ≤c n , λ (MF) 2 e min where n is the maximum number of the edges of any subdomain. e Proof. Letw begivenanddefinew tobetheoptimalcornerdegreesoffreedom r c from the definition of S˜, cf. (4.1). Then Ns (4.10) (cid:107)w (cid:107)2 = |ws |2 . r S˜ (cid:88) r,c Ss s=1 Let us be as in the assumption of the theorem. Then B u =0, and, consequently, r r r BTB w =BTB (w −u ). r r r r r r r Extending BTB w by zero values of all corner degrees of freedom, we get using the r r r definition of S , cf., (3.6), that rr Ns (4.11) (cid:107)BTB w (cid:107)2 = |vs |2 , r r r Srr (cid:88) r,c Ss s=1 where vs = BTB (w −u ) s, vs =0. r (cid:0) r r r r (cid:1) c Using the definition of Es,t, we have vs = Es,tvs. r,c (cid:88) r t∈Es Hence, from the triangle inequality, and then using the property (3.3) of B and the r triangle inequality again, it follows that |vs | ≤ |Es,tvs | r,c Ss (cid:88) r,c Ss t∈Es ≤ |Es,t(ws−us)| +|Es,t(wt −ut)| . (cid:88)(cid:0) r r Ss r r Ss(cid:1) t∈Es Squaring the the last inequality, using the inequality (a+b)2 ≤ 2(a2+b2), and the a-priori bound (4.9) yields |vs |2 ≤2c |ws |2 +|wt |2 . r,c Ss 2 (cid:88)(cid:0) r,c Ss r,c St(cid:1) t∈Es Bythesummationoverthesubdomainsandusing(4.11)and(4.10), we canconclude that Ns Ns (cid:107)BTB w (cid:107)2 = |vs |2 ≤4c n |ws |2 =4c n (cid:107)w (cid:107)2. r r r Srr (cid:88) r,c Ss 2 e(cid:88) r,c Ss 2 e r S˜ s=1 s=1 It remains to use Theorem 4.4. 7 5. Applications. In this section, we verify the assumption of Theorem 4.5 for twomodelproblems. TheSobolevseminorm,denotedby|u| ,istheLp(X)norm m,p,X of the generalized derivatives of of order m ≥ 0 of the function u. The Sobolev norm is then defined by (cid:107)u(cid:107) = (cid:107)[|u| ,...,|u| ](cid:107) . Sobolev norms for m,p,X 0,p,X m,p,X (cid:96)p noninteger m are defined by interpolation. Cf., e.g., [2, 15] for details and references. In particular, |u| =(cid:107)u(cid:107) =(cid:107)u(cid:107) , and, on the boundary Γ of a domain in 0,p,X 0,p,X Lp(X) (cid:60)2, |u(x)−u(y)|2 |u|212,2,Γ =(cid:90)Γ(cid:90)Γ |x−u|2 dxdy. 5.1. A second order elliptic problem. Considertheboundaryvalueproblem (5.1) Au=g in Ω, u=0 on ∂Ω, where d ∂ ∂v(x) Av =− (cid:18)α(x) (cid:19), (cid:88) ∂x ∂x i j i,j=1 with α(x) a measurable function such that 0<α ≤α(x)≤α a.e. in Ω. 0 1 We assume that model problem (5.1) is discretized using conforming P1 or Q1 elements and denote by VP1(Ω) the corresponding finite element space that satisfies h theusualregularityandinverseproperties[2]. Lethdenotethecharacteristicelement size. Assume that all functions in VP1(Ω) vanish on the boundary of Ω. Assume h that each subdomain is the union of some of the elements and denote the space of restrictions of functions from VP1(Ω) to subdomains by VP1(Ωs). For every vector h h of degrees of freedom us, denote by I us the corresponding finite element function. P1 The trace of this function is determined by degrees of freedom on the boundary only and we often abuse the notation to define the trace from the boundary values only. For simplicity, we assume that the subdomains Ω , i = 1,...,N form a quasi- i s regular triangulation of the domain Ω. Denote the characteristic size of the subdo- mains by H. Finally, let C denote a generic constant independent of h and H. Theorem 5.1. For the model second order problem, it holds that λ (MF) H 2 max ≤C(cid:18)1+log (cid:19) , λ (MF) h min where the constant does not depend on H and h. Proof. We only need to verify the assumptions of Theorem 4.5. For a given w , r,c defineu bylinearinterpolationfromw ; thatis, I us islinearonalledgesofΩs, r,c c P1 r,c and u =w . Writing w =(w −u )+u , we get from [1, Lemma 3.5] that c c r,c r,c r,c r,c H |IP1Es,t(wrs−usr)|21,2,∂Ωs ≤C(cid:18)1+log h(cid:19)|wri,c|Ss. Using the uniform equivalence of the seminorms |I vs | ≈ |vs | , cf., e.g., P1 r,c 1,2,∂Ωs r,c Ss [1], and the uniform equivalence of the seminorms |v| 2 ≈|v| for functions 1,2,∂Ωs 1,2,∂Ωt 2 2 with support on the edge Γst, which follows from the fact that the subdomains are shape regular, we get (4.9) with c =C 1+logH 2. 2 (cid:0) h(cid:1) Remark 5.2. The assumptions that the subdomains have straight edges can be relaxed to accommodate the case of only shape regular subdomains with edges that are not straight in a standard way by mapping from one or more reference subdomains. 8 5.2. Afourthorderproblem. Considerabiharmonicboundaryvalueproblem in a variational form: Find u∈H2(Ω) such that 0 (5.2) a(u,v)=f(v), ∀v ∈H2(Ω), 0 where a(u,v)=(cid:90) ∂11u∂11v+∂12u∂12v+∂22u∂22v, ∀u,v ∈H02(Ω). Ω Letthemodelproblem(5.2)bediscretizedbyreducedHCTelements[2]. Weuse the same assumptions on the decomposition as in Section 5.1; in particular, the sub- domainedgesarestraight. LetVHCT(Ω)bethefiniteelementspaceofHCTelements h satisfying the usual regularity and inverse properties and the essential boundary con- ditions. Note that VHCT(Ω) ⊂ C1(Ω)∩H2(Ω). On each element, a function v in h 0 VHCT(Ω ) is determined by the values v(a ) and the values of its derivatives ∂v (a ), h i i ∂xj i j = 1,2, at the vertices of the element. Denote by t, n, ∂ , and ∂ the tangential t n and normal directions, and the tangential and normal derivative, respectively. The traces of functions from VHCT(Ω) on ∂Ω are pairs of functions (u,∇v) such that u is h piecewise cubic, n·∇v is piecewise linear, and u and ∇u are consistent, ∂ u=t·∇v. t Wewillabusenotationandwritethetracefunctionssimplyas(u,∇u)orjustu. The space of HCT trace functions is denoted by VHCT(∂Ω). Denote the finite element h interpolation operator by I . As in Section 5.1, we abuse the notation by defining HCT the trace of the interpolation from the boundary degrees of freedom and write, e.g., I us ∈VHCT(∂Ωs). We adopt the convention that all functions are understood HCT r,c h extended by zero outside of their stated domain; e.g., u| is zero outside of Γ. Γ The following lemma gives a bound on the interpolation from subdomain corners to edges. Lemma 5.3. For every w ∈ VHCT(∂Ωs), define u ∈ VHCT(∂Ωs) by HCT in- h h terpolation from the corners of Ωs to the edges; that is, u = v and ∇u = ∇w at the corners of Ωs, and, on each edge Γst, u is a cubic polynomial and n·∇u is linear. Then H (5.3) (cid:12)(cid:12)(∇(w−u)|Γst)(cid:12)(cid:12)12,2,∂Ωs ≤C(cid:18)1+log h(cid:19)|∇w|12,2,∂Ωs. Proof. Denote v = w−u ∈ VHCT(∂Ω). Then v = 0 and ∇v = 0 on the corners h of Ωs, so from [12, Lemma 4.1], it follows that H (5.4) (cid:12)(cid:12)(∇v|Γst)(cid:12)(cid:12)212,2,∂Ωs ≤|∇v|212,2,Γst +C(cid:18)1+log h(cid:19)(cid:107)∇v(cid:107)20,∞,Γst. Since ∇u| is from a space of dimension 6 and all norms on a finite dimensional Γst space are equivalent, we have in the case when the length of Γst is one that |∇u|1,2,Γst ≤(cid:107)∇u(cid:107)1,2,Γst ≈(cid:107)∇u(cid:107)0,∞,Γst. 2 2 Since |∇u|1,2,Γst and (cid:107)∇u(cid:107)0,∞,Γst are invariant to stretching the edge, we get 2 (5.5) |∇u|1,2,Γst ≤C(cid:107)∇u(cid:107)0,∞,Γst 2 in the general case by scaling. We will show at the end of the proof that (5.6) (cid:107)∇u(cid:107)0,∞,Γst ≤5(cid:107)∇w(cid:107)0,∞,Γst. 9