Geometrically Intrinsic Nonlinear Recursive Filters I: Algorithms R. W. R. Darling1 2 1. University of South Florida. E-mail: [email protected] 2. Supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research For updates, see Report 494 at ABSTRACT The Geometrically Intrinsic Nonlinear Recursive Filter, or GI Filter, is designed to estimate an arbitrary continuous-time Markov diffusion process X subject to nonlinear discrete-time observations. The GI Filter is fundamentally different from the much-used Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), and its second- order variants, even in the simplest nonlinear case, in that: ¥ It uses a quadratic function of a vector observation to update the state, instead of the linear func- tion used by the EKF. ¥ It is based on deeper geometric principles, which make the GI Filter co(cid:154)rdinate-invariant. This implies, for example, that if a linear system were subjected to a nonlinear transformation f of the state-space and analyzed using the GI Filter, the resulting state estimates and conditional vari- ances would be the push-forward under f of the Kalman Filter estimates for the untransformed system - a property which is not shared by the EKF or its second-order variants. The noise covariance of X and the observation covariance themselves induce geometries on state space and observation space, respectively, and associated canonical connections. A sequel to this paper develops stochastic differential geometry results — based on (cid:210)intrinsic location parameters(cid:211), a notion derived from the heat flow of harmonic mappings — from which we derive the co(cid:154)rdinate-free filter update formula. The present article presents the algorithm with reference to a specific example — the problem of tracking and intercepting a target, using sensors based on a moving missile. Compu- tational experiments show that, when the observation function is highly nonlinear, there exist choices of the noise parameters at which the GI Filter significantly outperforms the EKF. AMS (1991) SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION Primary: 93E11. Secondary: 60G35, 58G32 KEY WORDS GI filter, intrinsic nonlinear filter, stochastic differential equation, intrinsic location parameter, target tracking, state estimation, extended Kalman filter Running Head: Geometrically Intrinsic Nonlinear Filters March 18, 1998 2:43 pm. Thi d d ihF M k 403 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 1998 2. REPORT TYPE - 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Geometrically Intrinsic Nonlinear Recursive Filers I: Algorithms 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR),Bolling AFB,DC,20032 REPORT NUMBER 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT see report 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE 22 unclassified unclassified unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 2 Background on Nonlinear Filtering 1 Background on Nonlinear Filtering 1.1 Example: A Nonlinear Filtering Problem in Target Tracking D(cid:213)Souza, McClure, and Cloutier [8], [9] consider the following tactical air-to-air missile intercept prob- lem. The state of the target is represented by a position, velocity, and acceleration in space, making nine dimensions in all (the authors also model three time constants as state variables). Data consists of a sequence of noisy observations of: range, angle from vertical, azimuth, and range-rate, all mea- sured from a missile with known position, velocity, and acceleration. The goal of filtering in this case is to provide a sequence of (cid:210)good(cid:211) estimates of the state of the target, based on all measurements so far, so as to defeat the target(cid:213)s possible evasive maneuvers and intercept it. D(cid:213)Souza et al [8] point out that, although the state dynamics can be modeled linearly, the observa- tions are a highly nonlinear function of the state (see Section 2.7.a). Alternatively, if a spherical co(cid:154)r- dinate frame, based on the missile, is used, then observations are linear, but the state dynamics are highly nonlinear. Moreover the Extended Kalman Filter, and standard second-order filters, will give a different set of answers in the Cartesian co(cid:154)rdinate frame than in the spherical one, because they are (cid:210)non-intrinsic(cid:211), i.e. lacking in absolute geometric meaning. 1.2 Drawbacks of Current Approaches 1.2.a The Infinite-Dimensional Approach The standard mathematical presentation of the nonlinear filtering problem, as can be seen for exam- ple in Lipster and Shiryaev [12], and Pardoux [14], involves a measure-valued SDE called the Zakai equation (or the Fujisaki-Kallianpur-Kunita formula). This is virtually never used in real-time filtering applications because it is impossible to store enough data to update an infinite-dimensional SDE (although see Lototsky, Mikulevicius, and Rozovskii [13] for a computational method using a Wiener chaos expansion). 1.2.b Finite-Dimensional Filters Under certain circumstances, the conditional law can be described using a finite set of parameters. Although this topic is outside the scope of this article, an account of recent progress using geometric methods can be found in Cohen de Lara [3]. Apart from the Kalman filter, these methods are not widely used in practice, since the parameters may be difficult to determine in theory, large in number, and difficult to update computationally. 1.2.c The Extended Kalman Filter and Second-order Filters. Linearizing the state and observation about the most recent state estimate, and then applying the Kalman Filter, gives the Extended Kalman Filter; see Jazwinski [11] and Bar-Shalom and Fortmann [1]. The goal here is no longer to describe the full conditional distribution of the state given the obser- vations, but merely to approximate the conditional expectation and the conditional covariance. As mentioned above, the output is co(cid:154)rdinate-dependent. A careful asymptotic analysis of this and other approximation schemes has been given by Picard [15] - see also references therein. The Nonlinear Model and its Induced Geometry 3 1.3 Desirable Properties of a Nonlinear Filtering Algorithm 1.3.a State Evolves Continuously, Observations are Discrete The state dynamics (for example, the dynamics of an aircraft) should be modeled by a stochastic pro- cess {X,t‡ 0} in continuous time, on a differentiable manifold N. However since digital implemen- t tation of a filtering algorithm is carried out using discrete-time observations, the filter should involve observations Y ,Y ,(cid:201) collected at discrete times t <t <(cid:201) on another manifold M. 1 2 1 2 1.3.b State Estimates Should Not Be Co(cid:154)rdinate-Dependent (1) (2) Let {X ,t‡ 0} and {X ,t‡ 0} be representations of {X,t‡ 0} in two co(cid:154)rdinate systems, t t t (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) where X = f (X ) . Likewise let Y ,Y ,(cid:201) and Y ,Y ,(cid:201) be representations of t t 1 2 1 2 (2) Y ,Y ,(cid:201) in two co(cid:154)rdinate systems. We require that our state estimate of X , given 1 2 t (2) (2) (1) n (1) (1) {Y ,(cid:201),Y } , be the image under f of our state estimate of X , given {Y ,(cid:201),Y } . 1 n t 1 n n (1) (1) (1) Notice carefully that this criterion excludes use the conditional expectation E X Y ,(cid:201),Y t 1 n n as the state estimate, because it does not have this kind of invariance. The replacement of conditional expectation by an (cid:210)intrinsic location parameter(cid:211) is the main theoretical contribution of this work. 1.3.c Must Coincide with the Kalman Filter in the Linear Case When {X,t‡ 0} is a continuous-time Gaussian process, and Y is a linear function of X with t n t n additive Gaussian noise, our filtering algorithm must give the Kalman filter state estimates (which fully describe the conditional distribution of the state, given the observations, in such a context.) 1.3.d Optimality up to Some Order 2 When the noise covariance of X, and the observation covariance are taken to be O(g ) , where 2 d » g is the time interval between observations, we are seeking an algorithm which is optimal up to 3 O(g ) , in a sense to be made precise later. 1.3.e Stability The important issue of stability will not be studied here. For results on the stability of the EKF, see Bossanne et al [2] and Deza et al [7]. 2 The Nonlinear Model and its Induced Geometry The geometric ideas in this section may be unfamiliar to filtering theorists, so we shall illustrate them with reference to the specific example of Section 1.1. 2.1 The State Process Consider a (possibly degenerate) Markov diffusion process {X,0£ £t d } on N@ Rp, written in local t co(cid:154)rdinates as p dXi = bi(X )dt+ (cid:229) s i(X )dWj, i = 1,2,(cid:201),p, (1) t t j t t j=1 4 The Nonlinear Model and its Induced Geometry ¶ where (cid:229) bi is a vector field on Rp, s (x) ” (s i(x)) ˛ L(Rp;T Rp) , and W is a Wiener process in Rp.We assu¶ mxie for simplicity that the coefficients jbi, s i are C3 wxith bounded first derivative. j 2.2 Geometry Induced by the State Process 2 Such a s induces a C semi-definite metric Æ|.æ. on the cotangent bundle, which we call the diffusion variance semi-definite metric, by the formula p Æ dx|idxkæ x” (s s(cid:215) (x))ik” (cid:229) s ji(x)s jk(x) . (2) j=1 This semi-definite metric is actually intrinsic: changing co(cid:154)rdinates for the diffusion will give a differ- ent matrix (s i) , but the same semi-definite metric. The p· p matrix (s(s (cid:215) )ij) defined above j induces a linear transformation a (x):T * Nfi T N, i.e. from the cotangent space to the tangent x x space at x, namely a (x) (dxi) ” (cid:229) (s s(cid:215) )ij¶ ¶⁄ x . (3) j Let us make a constant-rank assumption, i.e. that there exists a rank r vector bundle Efi N, a sub- bundle of the tangent bundle, such that E = range(s (x)) ˝ T N for all x˛ N. Darling [5] pre- x x sents a global geometric construction of a canonical sub-Riemannian connection (cid:209)(cid:176) for Æ|.æ. , with respect to a generalized inverse g, i.e. a vector bundle isomorphism g:TNfi T* N such that a (x) •g(x) •a (x) = a (x) . (4) In local co(cid:154)rdinates, g(x) is expressed by a Riemannian metric tensor (g ) , such that if rs a ij” (s s(cid:215) )ij, then (cid:229) a irg a sj = a ij. (5) rs r,s The local connector G (x) ˛ L(T Rp˜ T Rp;T Rp) fo(cid:209)r(cid:176) can be written as: x x x 2g(G (x) (u˜ v)) (cid:215) w = DÆ g(v)| g(w)æ (u) +DÆ g(w)| g(u)æ (v) –DÆ g(u)| g(v)æ (w) , (6) where g(G (x) (u˜ v)) is a 1-form, acting on the tangent vector w. This formula coincides with the formula for the Levi-Civita connection in the case where Æ|.æ. is non-degenerate; for more details, see Darling [5]. Our connection (cid:209)(cid:176) gives rise to notions of geometry such as geodesics, parallelism, covariant differentiation, exponential map, and curvature, as explained in texts such as Darling [4], Sakai [16]. We assert: Axiom A: The appropriate geometry for the state process is the one induced by the diffusion vari- ance semi-definite metric. 2.3 Intrinsic Description of the Process The intrinsic version of (1) is to describe X as a diffusion process on the manifold N with generator The Nonlinear Model and its Induced Geometry 5 1 L” x +2---D (7) where D is the (possibly degenerate) Laplace-Beltrami operator associated with the diffusion variance, and x is a vector field, whose expressions in the local co(cid:154)rdinate system {x1,(cid:201),xp} are as follows: 1 D = (cid:229) s(s (cid:215) )ij{Dij–(cid:229) G ikjDk} , x = (cid:229) {bk+2---(cid:229) (s s(cid:215) )ijG ikj}Dk. (8) i,j k k i,j Note that (cid:229) G k(s s(cid:215) )ij has been specified by (6). ij 2.4 Target Tracking Example 2.4.a State Process 3 3 3 The state x consists of a column vector whose components (p,v,a) ˛ R · R · R are respectively the location, velocity, and acceleration of the target in three-dimensional space. We model the accel- eration as an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, with the constraint that acceleration must be perpendicu- 2 lar to velocity, i.e. v(cid:215) a =0 , or equivalently that v is a constant. The (v,a) components can be 2 6 considered as taking values in the four-dimensional manifold TS (cid:204) R . Thus within a Cartesian frame, the equations of motion take the nonlinear form: dp 0 I 0 p 0 dv = 0 0 I v dt+ 0 , (9) da 0 –r (x)I –l P(v) a g P(v)dW(t) where the square matrix consists of nine 3· 3 matrices, l is a positive time constant,g ” l c deter- 1 mines the noise intensity, 2 2 r (x) ” a ⁄ v , (10) T vv 3 3 P(v) ” I–---------˛ L(R ;R ) , (11) 2 v and W is a three-dimensional Wiener process. Note that P(v) is precisely the projection onto the 3 orthogonal complement of v in R , and r (x) has been chosen so that d(v(cid:215) a) = 0. (D(cid:213)Souza et al [9] describe a procedure for estimating l , but in our simulations we assign to it a predetermined 2 value.) The constancy of v implies that DP(v)z = --–----1---{z vT+vz T} . (12) v 2 v v v 2.4.b Geometry Induced by the State Process 2 The diffusion variance metric (2) is degenerate here; noting that P = P, we find 6 The Nonlinear Model and its Induced Geometry 0 0 0 a ”s s (cid:215) ” 0 0 0 , (13) 2 0 0 g P(v) where 0 denotes 03· 3.The rescaled Euclidean metric g = g –1I9 on R9 is a generalized inverse to a 2 in the sense of (4), because P = P. In Section 5 of [5] we show in more detail that the correspond- ing local connector G (x) as in (6) is given by 0 G (x) (z ˜ V ) = -S----(--z-----˜---V---2---)---v--, S(z ˜ V ) ” z aV aT+V az aT . (14) 2 v –z V T–V z T v a v a 9 where a tangent vector z to R is broken down into three 3-dimensional components z ,z ,z . Note p v a 2 0 0 g G (x) (s s(cid:215) (x)) = --------2- P(v) v = 0 . (15) v 0 0 2.4.c The Intrinsic Vector Field It follows from (8), (9), and (15) that the formula for the intrinsic vector field x is: v x (x) = a . (16) –r (x)v–l P(v)a 2 Differentiate under the assumptions v is constant and v(cid:215) a =0 , to obtain z 0 I 0 p T va Dx (x) (z ) = 0 0 I z v , Q” --------2-. (17) 0 l Q–r –l P–2Q z v a In Section 5 of [5], we show that, if we write a symmetric tensor c ˛ T N˜ T N in3 ·3 blocks as x x the matrix c c c pp pv pa c c c , vp vv va c c c ap av aa where c T = c , then av va The Nonlinear Model and its Induced Geometry 7 0 2 –2 D x (x) (c ) = --------- 0 . (18) 2 v Tr(c )v+ (c +c )a aa va av 2.4.d Curvature of the State Space The curvature tensor is given by the formula (omitting x): R(V ,h )z = DG h( ) (z ˜ V ) –DG V( ) (z ˜ h ) +G G(z (V ˜ ) ˜ h ) –G G(z (h ˜ ) ˜ V ) , (19) 2 and this may easily be computed from (14), noting that, for example, since v is constant, 2 DG h( ) (z ˜ V ) = S(z ˜ V )h ⁄ (2 v ) . v 2.5 Covariance Tensor of a Random Variable in a Riemannian Manifold We now introduce a local covariance concept, which we use for describing the uncertainty in the state estimates. Suppose N is any manifold with a torsion-free connection, m ˛ N, and exp is the expo- m nential map from T N to N. Suppose S is a random variable with values in N (we assume that S takes m values in the image of the set on which exp is injective), and S is a symmetric element of m T N˜ T N. m m 2.5.a Definition S will be said to centered at m with covariance tensor S if h ” exp–1S satisfies E[h ] = 0˛ T N, and m m for any cotangent vectors q and l at m, E[(q h(cid:215) ) (l h(cid:215) )] = (q ˜ l ) (cid:215) S . (20) In more concrete terms, if {e ,(cid:201),e } is some basis of T N, and 1 p m S = (cid:229) S ije ˜ e , i j i,j then (S ij) is the covariance matrix of the random vector (h 1,(cid:201),h p)T defined by exp–1S = (cid:229) h ie . m i i 2.6 The Observation Covariance Metric In our model, the observation Y will be the image under the exponential map of a zero-mean ran- n dom variable V in the tangent space at y (X ) . Thus when y (X ) = y, Y is centered at y with n t t n n n covariance tensor b (y) , a non-degenerate symmetric tensor in T M˜ T M. Provided yfi b (y) is y y sufficiently regular, it serves as the metric tensor for a metric Æ|.æ. on the cotangent bundle of M, o called the observation covariance metric, namely Æ dy|idyæj = b ij. o We assert: 8 The Nonlinear Model and its Induced Geometry Axiom B: The appropriate metric for the observation space is the observation covariance metric, not the Euclidean metric. We denote by (go) the metric tensor on TM, inverse to (b ij) , and by go the associated Rieman- ij nian metric. The Levi-Civita connection (cid:209) on M has local connector G (.) , computed as follows: G imj ” –--2--1--(cid:229) (cid:238)(cid:237)(cid:236) gjok¶¶b ykm+giok¶¶b ykm+¶¶ gyiojb m(cid:254)(cid:253)(cid:252)k . (21) k i j k 2.7 Target Tracking Example, Continued 2.7.a Observation Function The observables are respectively: range, angle from vertical, azimuth, and range-rate (all measured from a missile with known state (p ,v ,a ) ) and a fictitious measurement; the latter is a zero- M M M mean Gaussian random variable representing a fictitious observation of the inner product of velocity and acceleration of the target, which according to our model should be zero. Take 3 3 3 2 2 y :R · R · R fi R · S · R to be: + 1 2 3 4 5 y (p,v,a) ” (F (p–p ), v–v ,a(cid:215) v)” ((y ,y ,y ),y ,y ) (22) M M where F ” h–1, and h is the spherical co(cid:154)rdinate transformation h(r,q f, ) = (rsinq cosf ,rsinq sinf ,rcosq ) . (23) For the sake of brevity, we omit here the calculations of the first and second derivatives of y . 2.7.b Observation Covariance Metric The covariance matrix for the five observed quantities is taken to be of the form (cid:230) 2 s1 s3 2 2(cid:246) b (y) ” diagŁ(cid:231) r s0,---2--+s2,---2--+s4,r s5,s Fł(cid:247) ” diag(h1,h2,h3,h4,h5) , (24) r r 1 where r” y denotes range, and other quantities are constants. Then ¶b = d diag(h ¢,h ¢,h ¢,h ¢,0) , ¶ y 1i 1 2 3 4 i and with go(y) = diag(h–1,h–1,h–1,h–1,h–1) , 1 2 3 4 5 ¶ go (cid:230) h1¢ h2¢ h3¢ h4¢ (cid:246) = –d K, K” diag(cid:231) -------,-------,-------,-------,0(cid:247) . ¶ yk 1k Ł h12 h22 h32 h42 ł Now (21) gives G k = 1---(cid:237)(cid:236) d d h----i--¢ h –d d h----k---¢ –d d h----k--(cid:253)(cid:252)-¢ . ij 2(cid:238) ij 1kh2 1 1i jk hj 1j ik hi(cid:254) i The Nonlinear Model and its Induced Geometry 9 5 5 5 Let f : R ˜ R fi R be the bilinear form with entries (cid:230) 1 k k 1(cid:246) h ¢ fk(u˜ v) ” –(cid:231) -u------v------+-----u------v-----(cid:247) ----k---, k = 1,(cid:201),5. Ł 2 ł h k The components of the connector aregiven by: G k(u˜ v) = fk(u˜ v) +d 1kŁ(cid:230) -h-2--1-ł(cid:246) uTKv, k = 1,(cid:201),5. (25) 2.8 Summary: the Model in Intrinsic Terms Following the discussion above, we can rephrase the nonlinear filtering model in an abstract way. 2.8.a Model The model consists of: • A manifold N, called the state space, a canonical sub-Riemannian connection (cid:209)(cid:176) induced by a diffusion variance semi-definite metric Æ|.æ. on T* N, and a vector field x on N; these 1 serve to define the generator L” x +---D of a diffusion process X on N; 2 • A Riemannian manifold (M,go) , called the observation space, and the Levi-Civita connec- tion (cid:209) induced by go. 3 • A C function y :Nfi M, called the observation function. 2.8.b Data Data consist of: • A point mˆ ˛ N, called the initial state estimate; 0 • Sˆ0˛ Tm N˜ Tm N, the covariance tensor of the initial state estimate; 0 0 • A sequence of times 0<t <t <(cid:201), and for each n‡ 1 a noisy observation Y of y (X ) 1 2 n t n (in the sense of paragraph 2.6). 2.8.c Goal The goal is to construct a sequence of state and covariance estimates (mˆ ,Sˆ ) for the state process, n n n = 1,2,(cid:201), with the following two properties: • For a linear system subject to invertible smooth non-linear transformations, our estimates should be the transforms of the Kalman filter estimates. • The construction of (mˆ ,Sˆ ) is intrinsic — i.e. unaffected by choice of co(cid:154)rdinates — and opti- n n 4 mal up to O(g ) , where g is a noise intensity parameter.