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DECON GREEN udY nnaosredn e .HiDkk i,Vlleco r .PeRcnerw a,Lmartr a .BpWili h,Preng a .WeWgroeG - gn auYhC BS S:MN AT,TC ABy Cm.ErSA.U - RRT - , DG,0 MP.1k Ad0wR1a2hkc a3 l8,B1A5C - 5424 ,aetanobracib/etanobr a,cedixor enpegord y fhsonoitul oeslpmiS o cdn - ,dip aer hdtrof fsatnevlos daorb NOCE Dd“emr e,tsnoitalumr ohf c. usStne- gearafr alwacime h fcnooitanimatnoc emdurtceps n oe nr,a”NEERG -n o,ncixot uti sn imor fsesir aytivitca e .Ryl-dneir fyllatnemnorivn edn aevisorroc HO Onoin ayxore pdetareneg - d na O CeHtanobracoxor ep - dip aer hdtrof f,aylevitceps e,rhci h,w 4 no nrieh to tD Gdn aX Vf osisylordyhrep n osn t oi Dt fH-nooitadi xeo hdt n,asdi ccainohpso hcpixot - .slen adpetni aCpR AgCnitanimatnoc e tdlal eswmrofr eNpEE RNGO C. EeDdixofl utsnacisev INTR NOITCUDO ,tnerru cecalpe ro tsmetsy snoitanimatnoce dyldneir fyllatnemnorivn egnipoleve ds iymr A.S. UehT .etirolhcop y shhac usstnanimatnoc ecditamelborp ed1ulc ntinemecalp eer hrt osfcitsiretcara heclbari s eD dao rgabniniatniam -w oyttivitca emrurtceps elih w,snoitarep orehtae wdlo cn inev e,stneg all asdra eh tf oeruta nlufmra hyllatnemnorivn edn aevisorro c,cixo teh tn inoitcude rtnacifingi sagniveihca noitca eerlbarised neucudo rdp neavisorr oec reatirolhcop y shhac usstnanimatno c. etDnanimatnoced p.seitrepo rtpnacis ervo/d ntanatir rniiat ehrci hDr wHosftcudor 1 enirolh cf otnemecalpe reh tgnivir dnee beva hsnrecno clatnemnorivn e,snoitacilpp alairtsudn inI .smets ydses aebdixor ehpt iswesseco rgpnihcae ldbesab 2iov asmetsy sedixore p”neerg “ese h T eh td rep a npdiecudo repso h sthac ussdnuopm occinag rdoetanirol hccinegonicr a,ccix o ftnooitamrof .noitcudorp n ideyol3pm ee bosl aya msmetsy sdesa bedixor e P military lacirots ighnicalp e,rsnoitacilp pa ts yhs c. usStnanimatnoc e”dhcael bd“es aebnirolhc e h nt si,ad nsanoitca edrip ayrrassec een hdtrof fsame gnisimo rtp u,bgnilgde lsfi hltl a. ecsWtcudo replbarised nduio v,agnihcae llbairtsud n fieosac nsitne g fasociten idk nyartsime hncoitca eer h,trep aspi h” nt.INEE RNGOCE Dm“ets ynsoitanimatnoced tNaEE RNGOC E fDeocnamrofr eep hrt osftlus edr n,adessucs i edlbl iswnoitalumr oNfEE RNGOCED .detneser pe blli wslena pdetnia pgnitanimatnoced LATNEMIREPXE H (edixore pnegordy h%t w0 5dn a0 3suoeuqA O dnuopmo cnoitidd aedixore pnegordy haer u,) 2 2 HN( O(C HN) (cid:215)H O , 89 ,%e r6u3p tw %H O GPP (locyl genelyporpylo p,) - . ,)gdW55vnM22aa44 2 2 2 2 2 2 etanobraci bgnivlossi dtsri fy bdexi mere wsnoitulo snoc e .Dhcirdl Amor fdeniatb oere wstnevlo srehto 1 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 2. REPORT TYPE 3. DATES COVERED 00 JAN 2002 N/A - 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Decon Green 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION U.S. Army ECBC, ATTN: AMSSB-RRT-CA, 5183 Blackhawk Rd., APG, REPORT NUMBER MD 21010-5424 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release, distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES This article is from ADA409494 Proceedings of the 2001 ECBC Scientific Conference on Chemical and Biological Defense Research, 6-8 March , Marriott’s Hunt Valley Inn, Hunt Valley, MD. 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE UU 6 unclassified unclassified unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 sHuoeu qea h nteitanobr arco/dna O o ceh tgnidd ao troir p -tnevlos dn aedixore pnegordy hae r .Us 2 2 NaHCO o ceh tgnidd aerofe breta wn idevlossi dylsuoenatlumi sere w - X,V D,G B fGsonoitc a. etRnevlos 3 y bderotino mere wsnoitulo snoce dhti wD Hdna 31 dPna 1 R 0Ms0Nu3lpyt innaU ig rnaa iV RsHMuN eerr eawrtc e. prSetemortceps %H 5l8anret x oedtecneref PO ( 31 ,P 0) mdp npSaMT( 1 ,.H )0m pp 3 4 m m5an ideniatno cnoitulo snoce deh to tD Hdn aX V,D G,B Gtae ngnidd ay bdetaitin iere wsnoitcaeR ec hxt iymlhguoro h otnteka hds nmalifar ahpt idweppa r,wdepp aecr esweb u et. heTb uRtMN . stnetno noituaC ytefa selbacilpp agnis ulennosre pdeniar ty bdemrofre pe byln odluoh sstnemirepx eese h :T .de seur eDMwH1 .d 0n, aXd V nD,a GBMG10 .fs0onoitartnecn olc a.n sieFrudecorp atn oecr eswnopu odcetni a)pCRA Cg(nita otCnatsis etRne glAacimehC 2lareve shti wdetanim m L mc/ g f1meognella hnaciat b oo Dt rH,oD G,T X fVsopord 2 m /0g 1( 2 dnat so tdewoll aere wslena pe h .T) noitulo snoce de h .Tlena peh trevo ctsu jo tdeilpp asa wnoitulo snoce dtneiciffu stnio phcih wt a, h1rof tf c oadtewol lsaaw o tdewoll aneh tsa wlena pe h .Tesni rreta wahti wdevome rgnie berofe bni m0 3ro stcart xtene g ea. htTne glaaudis etrcart x oer1ht omfroforol h ncdiesrem mgini eebrof erb i nayi rydlfeirb ttelw e yaHdbeyas searew - Packard 5890 GC. STLU SDSENSRAUCSID NOI ,sedac erd o)fnira S B(eGtanimatnoc eydldip a orntwo nnke esb aehdixor ecpisaB 4 noitarene gai v HO Onoin ayxore pelihpoelcu nlufrewo peh tfo dev-resb oeva he . W1emehc Sn inwoh ss inoitcae rsi h .T gno leht -detcepsus 4s uetaidemretn ietanohpsohpyxore p gni 31 dle ihyci h,w DdG n BahGt orb oRf MPN d nBra Gosfnoitca eervitatnese r.p yelRevitceps e,r)sremoiretsa iodw tm (p0p. 1,46. 1d 4n2a. 2ts4akaep fl alhaiti n nisatibih xeedixor elpartu e nn . Bie1Glb a nTniwo hes rDaG -gnitca eyrltnerap p , a7 hf6eofil H OdOnuorgkc ahbtiw HO Od[ n- Haep h stnaoitelpm o ocrtoi rspwo lyslkci unqoitca eer h tt. uB - .p o]rd otts aof oetmoc e DbdG n BahGt orb osfnoitca eer hettanobrac i fbsotnuo mlala mnse vhet i,wrevewoH tR (MyeNbrusaem .noitelpmo co to gdn a)ni m1< < e rsatne g,Gats adfeed n sisiisylordyhr ehpguoht lA 1/2 ,ilakl aetuli dy bdetanimatnoce dylisa eosla .stneg aes1eh tro fegatnavd adetimi lsreff oedixore po s SCHEME 1 O _ O HO P P _ F H+ O F O O _ H O HOO 2 2 -O 2 H , 2 O O P _ F H+ O OO stisylordyhr edpip asreogred nous l XatVa hdtnu osf a tw,irevew o,hyltnec eertiuQ ylevitcele so . 2emehc Sn inwoh ss a)APME (dic acinohpsohpyhte mlyht edleiy 5 e h T N -XV (X Vf oedixo - os l)aON yxor e. opeNt arrewo l tasta u,bsisylordyhr egpniogred nyulralim i;ssmrof - s ietaidemretn iAPME hti wnoitcae retaidemm io tgniw ospahre p,devresbo .etaloi hdtetareb il 5 sisylordyhre p,stneg aGeh tekil n U A Ecixo ts aX Vro fnoitcae rnoitanimatnoce devitceff eero mhcu masi -.dedio v sa2i912 5 sisylord ychi s aB A%E 2t2uo bsadleiy - 2192. 6lartu e. nen1Ilb a nTniwo hes r XarV osfnoitca eervitatneser p eR ,edixor ep puor genim aX Veh tf onoitanotor po tgniw otnediv es iroivahe bcitylatacotu aemos HO Of onoitarene gtnatimocno chtiw e h-tta hhtc u Hsep hstrew osltcudo rcpidi c fanooitamr o,freve w. oH ordyhr erpehtr u ofdn nnaoitelpm o ocrtoi rsppo tnsoitcaer feosru oec hrte vsoruc csoisylord y rhsoisyl 2 ontoitca eer hstevi rydticap agcnireff ulbanoitid dea h,tetanobrac i fbnooitid dea hhtt i tw. usBru olhareves .noitelpmoc ELB A.T1 flaH -. DdH n Ba,G XrV odfevres bsOeviL t 1/2 .oN srotavitcA edixoreP oC -stnevloS XV BG DH ODH 1 en o N % H0l3 3m.1 O a l9t m.1 - HOuB 6 1h>> c,b s ny i a 2m9d42 2 2 2 0.037 M NaHCO % H0l3 3m.1 O a l9t m.1 - HOuB n i m0 2 1 c ni m1 < d ni m0 2 e 3 2 2 3 0.1 M NaHCO % H0l3 5m.1 O f l9t m.1 - HOuB n i m1 1 c ni m1 < d ni m1 . 2 3 2 2 4 “ “ HO tl9Em.1 - - 1.8 nim 5 “ “ li9m.1 - PrOH - - 1.8 nim 6 “ “ 9Gl.Pm1P - 425 - - 1.9 nim 7 0.33 M NaHCO % H0l0 5m.1 O g l0t m.1 - HOuB c e 6s5 c - - 3 2 2 8 0.75 M NaHCO g347a.e0ru (cid:215)H O h l0t m.1 - HOuB n i m5 . 7 c ni m1 < d ni m6 . 1 3 2 2 Hl m1 n i O 2 9 0.2 M KH CO % 0l5 5m.0 H O i li 2m .0 - PrOH n i m6 . 2 c - 5hn 4 i 21m .2 3 2 2 n oXt i 3lr+.mT0 - 100 10 0.1M KHCO “ “ n i m1< c,d - n i 4m 0h .42 3 + 0.1M K CO 2 3 a % t 5ws1niatn oncoitul olsaniF H O . bXV/ X%V 0t5uobA - rehtr u oftn u ,nb1hiht idwetca eOrN 2 2 .6r h1et fdaerruc cnooitcaer crewol sf oyace dsedulcnI - XgVnitcaer - NO. d . erusa eotmts ao fontoitcaeR e . a 3e1cneref emrorF f %2o6tH2t2w O .lohocl aeh tf oytisne deh tn ognidnepe d, g 30 %Htw O . h 11 2 2 2 2 %Htw O . i % Ht8w2 O . 2 2 2 2 SCHEME 2 O _ O HOO P N P _ + _ N O S O O O 3S _ H 2O 2 HOO _ O O P N + O S 3 no no tsisylordy hy bdetanimatnoce de bya mD HhguohtlA -,locylgidoih tcixot 1 cilihpoelcu nst i aS iyvlevisulc xgenideeco r,pwo lesti u sqnioitutitsbus 1. 7o tD Hf onoitadix oeh t,dna hreht oeh tn O eh t n .dipa rylemertx ee bna cenoflu sdn aedixoflus 1,8 seanofl uds neadixofl ues h ftyotilibati ues h ot stA seitrepo rtpnavel e,rstcudo rnpoitanimatnoced 9 -11 n o sneidixofl u es . he2Tlb a nTniwo hes ra -tnacisev 9,10 .sisylord yshdraw oetlba testi udqna 9 aniate rseo dedixoflu seh ttah tdeto ne bdluoh st i,revewoH . D oHltacitne dyiticix ostuoenatucbus 9ytivit ctanacis eevlbaicerp phat osbniat eernofl u es hT 9,10 d na ,yticix ostuonevartni/suoenatucbus 9,11 .sisylordy hwol sogredn useo dtu b 9 ey rb aDsmHu hT no nderedne - reta ws ienoflu seh t,demro ff i,d n .Aedixoflu seh to tnoitadix oevitcele sai vtnacisev - ero msuh tdn aelbulos sdicayxor edp neatirolhcop y shhac usstnadi xloufrew ohpguoh t. lfAles t DinHa hstisylord y ohetlbanema .e.i( m - acioznebyxoreporolhc n orneht aer ryae h,t D fHnooitadi xdoip atrcef f)edic - ,evitceles ylevitcele sedixore pnegordy htnadix oredli me h .Tenoflu sdn aedixoflu shto bgnicudor pylsuoenatlumis atnoce detaidemm if oesopru peh tro fwol soo ts inoitcae reh ttu b,edixoflu seh tsdleiy nwoh ss .Anoitanim o cdn aedixore pyln on iylwol sylria fdezidix os iD H, 1elba Tni - snioitca esri h,tyllacino r,i t. etYnevlos . snoitidn oecm aes hrted n DudG n Xa fVsotnuo mealbarapm orc odfevres beoso hnta hrtets ahfcum tah tnwoh snee bsa ht iyltneceR etanobrac irbotavit ce aht 12,13 sedifl u fsnooitadi xdoip aer httcef f oeetl b sai O CeHtanobracoxor espmr oeftanobrac i,bedixo r. eynplIlacitylat aDdcHna - sezidix oylevitcele shcih w 4 .sedixofl ugsnidnopserr orcie h ot DtdH nsaediflus 12,13 noitca e sri hT . 3emehc Sn iD Hro fnwoh ssi OCH[ -. 1 H1rpa eonr e ozste odg n H7arpa ednezimix a sm]i 14 ro fderiuqe rytinici vH peh tn i,revew o H 4 O CtHneiciff u,s)evo bea e ,s o9H8t ps(isylord y XhdV n BaeGvitceffe - D Hezidix oylkciu qo tsniame r 4 fl ahahtiw - f oefil s)iOD He(dixofl u DstHa hwto he1slb a nTsieirt noe wtts a el. hnT in2ma hstsel OD He(nofl ues h otntoitadi xroehtr u ofttcejbus fsored r sonioitca eerlbarised nsui h fteot aer htt u,b) 2 .flest iD Hf onoitadix oeh tnah trewol sedutingam ELB A.T2 cixoT O Dd HnO aD, HDfsHoeitreporP . 2 y t i ci x oT noitc AtnaciseV et asRisylord yeHvitaleR )gk/g m,esu o m ( DH 125 a ; 8.6 b gnitatir rtisom cereve s; d ,0 n2%n0i 0i1mt5s(aF (cid:176) C) c ODH 521 a nitati ryrliecracs g ceno n; d 00 1t anev e,dezylordy htoN (cid:176) C c ODH 105 a ; 50 b DnHa hsts eyllthgils cereve s; d 2,2n i0m 5 n1%i9.5 5w(olS (cid:176) C) c 2 a . 0e1cneref e,rsuoenatucbuS b . 2e1cneref e,rsuonevartnI c . 0e1cnerefeR d. 1e1cnerefeR SCHEME 3 H O H O 2 2 2 _ _ OCH 3 OCH 4 O S S lC lC lC lC T oeclbati udas n,aetanobrac i,bedixor enpegord y fhnooitul oeslpm isasuh -ret arw otfnevlos - daor bderise deh tseveihc aD Helbulosni .stne g fasoe-p yeter hlt l fanooitanimatnoc eddip a,rmurtceps 12b tI 4 o celbid ef oes ueh thti wtah teto no tgnitseretn isi - GHrP OoPhst caEsutsnevlos - eh t)evitidd adoo fa (524 gnis udehsilpmocc ae bna cD Hdn a,X V,B Gf onoitanimatnoced ylno doo f - e! hsTlairet aemdarg fl ees rsanoitalumr ohfc u fssoegatnav dlaatnemnorivne - edixor eape rduil otsa hett orneht r. utFnedive tidda aeru (dnuopmo cnoi (cid:215)H O fsonoitul ossdle ilyairet asmi h steadixor espuoeu qra odfetutitsb u esyb a)m 2 2 muido s.g.e (hgi hoo trehti eer atah ts’H pdlei ysedixore pdilo snommo creh t .OH ptcerro ceht ,et aHnp5o.b0r1acrep 15 usonomoxore pmuissatop (wo loo tr o) . eHtpa2fl - 3 15 ae r,uyllanoiti d. d)A f otah tnah tsse lllit shguoh t,sedixore pdilo seh tf otnetno cnegyx oevitc atsehgi heh tsessesso pedixorep % H0s5uoeuqa O . 2 2 i g na DidH n,a D,G B,G XgVnitanimatnoc e tdtape deati ueq rsanoitul oesvo bea hhtguohtlA ,detat .gnignellah cero ms isecafru sn ostneg adenekcih tdn astneg af onoitanimatnoce d,noitulo ssuonegomoh tnatsis etRne glAacime h nC DodH n,a)DG T D(dGenekci h,t X fVnooitanimatnoc eed hrt osftluseR EE RNGOC EtDcel egsni ssulen adpetni a)pCRA Cg(nitaoC .e3lb a nTniwo hes rsanoitalumr oNf .slen aCPR A fCnooitanimatnoc e .DE3LBAT detanimatnoce Dtneg A% a .oN )%loV (edixoreP/stnevloS srotavitcA X V TGD DH 1 )5.25 (lohocl AenotecaiD 0.1M KHCO 95.91% 99.66% - 3 )5.2 2e(nalofluS 0.1M K CO 2 3 %05H O )32( 2 2 noXtirT - 00)12( 2 )5 7e(tanobr aeCnelyporP emaS 96.66% 99.95% - %05H O )32( 2 2 noXtirT - 00)12( 3 )44 (lohocl AenotecaiD emaS - - 87.55% )9 1e(nalofluS %05H O )63( 2 2 noXtirT - 00)11( 4 2 6e(tanobr aeCnelyporP .5) emaS - - 97.20% %05H O )5.63( 2 2 noXtirT - 00)11( ag µ000 1leve lnoitanimatno claitinI - mc -2 . b.sn uerer h fteogarevA . ycacif fneoitanimatnoc egdnisimo ryapfing issnoitalumr oNfEE RNGOC EsDuoir aevhT h teveihc ao t,revewoH no ntu b,elbiden itae fsi - olcairtsud nciixot - oytlirami r;pderiuq eer rsatnevlos odtetubirt t sasii hdt n,aniam etrne g fasotnuo mtanacifing i,s DdH n Xa fVeos aec h. ntDI GeTvlossid eh tgniru dflest itnia peh totn istneg aeseh tf ognillew sr onoitpros ruoh - ,drage rsih tn .Iemi tecnedise rgnol yllaut cea rsatne gdaenekciht reisae ski r. osWecafr uost nyilida ebrr ots o onyde hetcn iestanimatnoc e odt .tnia pnihti wdebro stneg af onoitanimatnoce deh tenimax eo tgniunitnoc 5 SNOISULCNOC tcef f,ets aefhT edixore pnegordy hdetavitc agnis uD Hdn a,DG T,X V,B Gf onoitanimatnoce devi oeclbati udsna -no nr o .Fdetartsnome dnee bsa hstnevlos e bya mnoitan-imatnoce d,stneg adenekciht doo fsuouconn iyln ognis udezilaer -n otn u,belbid e. nsIlairet aemdarg -vlo scixot eh twoll astne mrofr eNpEE RNGOC E fDsonoitalumr orfett aels e. hsTecafr umso rsftne gdaenekci h ftnooitanimatnoced .slena pdetnia pCRA Cf onoitanimatnoce deh tn illew STNEMEGDELWONKCA ,nosdrah cd.iiER v.afD o,roPg al.rlSDes s.ufR oer tP eakhlnt aehWt notn u .BdAroffi l.Cfo rdP na tne gea hhtt iewcnatsis sra okfcirr odSiv adD nraevIc anMai r.Bsrss edM n,asnoissucs ildufpl eyhn armof .snoitarepo REFERENCES 1. .,YgnaY - C.; Baker, J. 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