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COOPERATIVE RELATIONAL DATABASE INITIATIVE FOR THREAT NOITCUDER reldn i .LrEeht udL nnaahae heSllehciM sesaes ilDairetc a fBtonemtrapeD RIARW 01 9,D0gM2ni rrpeSvliS TCARTSBA ltacigolo i nbhicraes elracini ldc ncais arb oefcruos eeartae r ocrted rnoI eva he w,noitcude rtaerh mo rsfecneuq eesn e fgdoesirpm o sceisabat asd i. heTsabat aldanoital edretaton n nadaepoleved nsaon uersabat aeDsnef emDsirorreto ie Bh,tstlus eyrrotarob a’lsrehcraes ed rnsaesabat acdilbup bissec csd ainmarofta lL pQtSfosorciM drowss a napeol esne-fedoi Be h .Teti stenretn Idetcetorp e h,thcraes e fReotutits nyIm rdAe erRetl aeW hnteewt etbrof feevitaroball o sacticejo repsabatad lanoit asNoma lsA oeL h,tsesaes isDuoitcef n fIeotutits nhIcraes elRacid eyMm rSAU ,y rdontaarobaL .mahgnimri Bt aamabal Af oytisrevin Ueht NOITCUDORTNI sdrawo tdemi aseidut seh to ttnavele rsene gf oesabata dlanoitale radepoleve de v a he W rieh thti wsecneuqe sene glaudividn if odesirpmo cs iesabata de h .Tnoitcude rtaerh tlacigoloib ic aonima elbalia v,ayticix ottuo bnaoitamrof nhit idwetaton nnae eebv atha hstnoitalsna rdt secneuq ees n. esGecneref eerrutaret idl n,aniar t,smsinag reocru o,secnatsis ecritoibit n,aseborp mo rhft onbek aet reacnatsis ecritoibit nda nsarotc aefcnelur i,vsnix ofto d nsaehcra eksnaBn eG drowss a napeolbissec c saeisabat a ed. haTt aedcneuq edsehsilbup nnu w'osrehcraes emrorf - d neam aenn e,gmsinag rgonidulc naiireti rscuoir a yveblbahcra e ssdi n,aet ibs edwetcetorp retoi Beh tf olao getaidemm ie h .Trebmu nnoissecca s athrof fneoitae recsabat aeDsnef emDsiror d nraae l,clufe s sutia httamr onasfirehcraes e oratt andegoht alpaiborc itmnese r opnteeb ene gen oeh ts iesabata dsih tf oerutae feuqin ue h .Tevisneherpmoc eh- tdn angise decneuqe seno mrofn ieh thcih wn iyaw edulcn io tnal pe w,rae ytxe neh trev O.detatonn adn adelipmo cs inoita seisabat a rd. usOrotar utcrep x yedberape r,pecneuq eesn ehgc are osfnoitaton neavisnet xeerom egr a faltoec aefno -wt etbrof feevitarobal l sotaica hltatr otpaer hltacigolo ieblacs srehcraes enree E O,DRIA R,W)nosred nnAive KD(IIRMA StUa - d n)anott uaSrtce ld Ensare ydMlare GP(NBC latr olpan ief htta h stniois i rv. u)Oztiwokf etLoill Em(ahgnimr i tBaamaba l fAyotisrevi neUht srehcraes e orltaicu r sctia hntoitamrof neisabat aeddulcni faoe rea h ntsieidu tgsnimrofr ep .esnefedoib SDOHTEM en e sageisabat aeDsnef emDsirorre t o i eB hT - seirt nee h fty on. aeMsabat aldanoital edresab er asreht oelih wknaBne Go tdettimbu ssecneuqe sene gdesaele rylcilbu pmor fdetcele sera dehsilbupnu knaBne G,ema nene gy bdeifitned ier aseirtn eene ge h .Tsecneuqe syrotaroba l .noige rgnido ccificep ss’ene geh tf oecneuqe sAN Deuqin ueh tdn a,rebmu nnoissecca d d sasiebo rdp n,asrotc aefcnelur i,vsnix o,tecnatsis ecritoibit n nanooitamrof nlianoitiddA otn ide e hstelba nse i) h .Te1rugi Fn(oitalsna rntieto rep hdt nsaecneref e orstkn i sllal e sw,adroc ehrcae 1 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 2. REPORT TYPE 3. DATES COVERED 00 JAN 2002 N/A - 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Cooperative Relational Database Initiative For Threat Reduction 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Department of Bacterial Diseases WRAIR Silver Spring, MD 20910 REPORT NUMBER 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release, distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES This article is from ADA409494 Proceedings of the 2001 ECBC Scientific Conference on Chemical and Biological Defense Research, 6-8 March , Marriott’s Hunt Valley Inn, Hunt Valley, MD., The original document contains color images. 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE UU 4 unclassified unclassified unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 tah tdroce rdetatonn an awei vo tdn a,ecneuqe sene gn odesa bseigolomo hro fhcrae so trehcraeser r rpAo NeDlbitapm ohct idwezyla nraehtr u efnbac .erawtf ossisyla neacneuq ensieto esabat aeDsnef emDsirorreto ieB hmto rdfroc eeRn eeGlp m . ae1SrugiF 2 ,esnefe dlacigoloi bf oydut seh to ttnavele rer atah tsmsinagr odn asene gdedulcn ieva heW na g. rseo thnTe gtaaer hltar idv nlaairetc agbnidulcni tnerr urc u nodie ssuesaes idd nsamsi .e1lb annTiwo he sraaireti rhccraes .tseret n fisoeneg/sesaesid/smsina g . rE1OLBAT Anthracis Junin Anthrax Lassa apamin Machupo Batrachotoxin Marburg Beta-bungarotoxin Notexin Botulism pilin Brucella Ricin Chloramphenicol resistance Rift Valley Clostridium perfringens toxin Sabia Conotoxin Salmonella toxin Coxiella Salmonella virulence Crimean-Congo Salmonella pathogenicity curare Saxitoxin Dengue SEB Diamphotoxin Shiga toxin Diptheria toxin Shigella Ebola Strep Resistance EEEV T2 toxin Escherichia coli toxin Taipoxin Escherichia coli pathogenicity Tet Resistance Escherichia coli virulence Tetanus Toxin fimbrillin Tetrodotoxin Francisella Topoisomerase Guanarito Vaccinia Hantavirus II Variola HantavirusI VEENCGR Heat-Labile Vibrio cholerae Heat-stabile WEEV Yersinia pestis Yersinia enterocolitica msirorreto ieB hott ndieret n seaitaD gnits adp nganitt u yc,byllaun armeht ieesabat aeDsnefeD b egwnida e yr,byllacitamot u ra,ostlus eercneuq eesn e’gsrehcraes emrorf - hat iawt aedlbissecca soma lsA oeL hhtt inwoitaroball o ncdiepolev esd anwoitacilp peasr asp i. hnToitacilp peasrap lanoitaN be wgnidaolnwo dseka mdn ayrotaroba L dn atneic-iff eero msknabata dene gelbissecca ,seirt nee hstweiv errotaton nea h,tdetalup oep reag ayprt neen eeg h ftsodle ief het c. neOtarucca yla nraehtr umfo rnfoitamrof nsid dda n,asnoitcerr o rcsoegna hyc nsaekam citoibi t. nsAes sn a .lr epusOabat ae dhntiht iswelb aettarap esdsaeret nsaeit aedbo rd pn,anix o,tecnatsiser ene gdn anietor pf oytilanoitcnu feh tgnidd adn asretsul cotn iseirtn eene geh tgnizinagr oedulcni eene geh to tyltceri ddekni lsloo tsisylana etelpm o ocetl b easbu hltl irwotaton n ea. hsTeg ayprtn eh tgnicnahn e,stcudor pene gderetsul cf ote shca ero fsnoitcider pdn asesylan alanoitidda . esabat aeDsnef emDsirorreto ieB hgtni ssurehcraes e fryotinumm oec h otetlbalia vnaoitamrofni 3 sr e sU ,secneuq eesditoelc u rnnoieto rgpni seunitu oTrSA LhaBt iewsabat aed hhtcra ens ac l. lsAtlus ehrcra edsetaton nwae idvna - tsniaga - ra een h ntdied d ealbl iywtilibap ahccra elsla reg r fataolr asepisabat aeDsnef emDsirorreto ie Bh,tnoiti d. denarIutuf d neazinag r oottrof fe ycne giA rsT i. heTtisb elwatr ohapguor hyttinumm ohccraes eer h otatt atdnavel etrneserp scitamrofnio i fabtolus eer h stliatr omPargo ryPtiruc elSanoit alNacigolo idB nlaacimehC lanoita Neromrevi Lecnerwa Lneewte bnoitaroballoc lanoit asNoma ls Ao,LyrotarobaL .RIARW/DIIR M,dAynSraUotarobaL fyotilibap aec hetdulc nlil ilwatr oPpN BeChT e hgtnidulc n,isesabat atdaer hltacigolo igbnitapicitr alparev egsnihcra eyslsuoenatlumis ta h ot,ser edhetnese repsabat aeDsnef emDsirorretoiB ts oem h otstsec csa arhehcraes eerht p u,evisneherpmoc - ot msirorr eltacigolo i fbdole i-ef h ntsitrep xmeo rsfesyla ndaetaton neatad .esnefed SNOISULCNOC atbs oem htta h otssseco ryprt naet aed hetnilmaer t osdtekr oewv a eh,wra etys aep h rt e vO cis e. heTsabat aed h otdted dyaltneicif fde nyaletaruc c eanb ascen etgnavel etruo bnaoitamrofni eh to tevitamrofn idn aelbaula vero mesabata Desnefe Dmsirorretoi Beh tgnika ms ipet stxen ers u nonooitamrof n fihotdae reb hgtnidnap xhet o yb,brehcraeser n odn a,tseretn if osecneuq E O,DDIIRMA StsUarotaroball or c uh.ot nioWitatnese rlpacihpa rs gtginivorpmi - ,dPnNaBC elbaul a eavlbl iewsabat aed htta hntoisiv n ee,wmahgnimr i tBaamaba l fAyotisrevi neUht :gniwollo feh tn oata df oecruos a r,ts e•n eg stcudo repn edg n,astpircsn sdimsal pdn asemon e •g seigolone x,seigolara p,seigolohtr o:seigolom o •h staep edr nsatneme lyerotalu g• er sdnal syiticinegoh t• ap sebo rdp nsarem i• rp stnirpregn i;fserutang irsaluce l• om stcurtsn otcnanibmo c• er hc e •m yticinegohta pf osmsina ecnatsis edr nsacitoibi t• na at acdipytone h;pseitrepo rhptw o• rg sesyla nraetsu ldc nsatnemngi l;aytilibai r• av seitrepo rlpacigolonum m;iserutcur tnsiet o• rp sdnuorgkc adb nnaoitubirts ildacihparg o• eg atds odh nlaacin i• lc ta tnemtae rdt nsaixalyhp o• rp erut a•re til 4

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