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DTIC ADA435998: Room Temperature Mineralization of Chemical Warfare Agents Using Hydrogen Peroxide - Pd/C PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA435998: Room Temperature Mineralization of Chemical Warfare Agents Using Hydrogen Peroxide - Pd/C

NOIT AEZ RI MULF OTAOLOARA RRECEENIRPIMA MMEFSEHRTTCANWE GGANISU HYDROGEN PEROXIDE – C/ dP udY nlaleco r .PeRcnerw a,Lreng a .WeWgroeG - gn auYhC :BN S T,STC MAByA Cm.ErSA.U - RRT - , DG,0 MP.1k Ad0wR1a2hkc a3 l8,B1A5C - 5424 o tf onoitadix opee dehT d nCa/ dgPni ssutnalum itsne g)aW Ce(rafr alwacime hdc nsacinag rcoix 0 8t aedixore pnegordy hr onegyxoid - 90 (cid:176). l tane e ySdbetartsnom eydltnec esr aCw 1 sref fsosec o rspi hT oelbaveihc ayllanoitidar trenna man islaireta mW Cgniyortse df osnae mlacimeh ca .noitarenicn iy byln nwoh seva h)PMMD (etanopsohplyhte mlyhtemi dtnalumi snommo ceh tf osnoitagitsevn iruO gHni seutahpso hcpinagro n ointoitazilarenim O – Pd/C at 90 (cid:176) oPtM M fDeogavae lecvitad i. xCO 2 2 repme tmoo rt aevitceff etso ms idic acinohpsohplyhtem dHecud eoer tuydltnerap p,aeruta O 2 2 dn a,erutarepme tmoo rt aegavael cevitadix odewoh sosl aX Vdn aD G,ylralim i .Snoitisopmoced ttanedi voes l sanioitazilaren i,mlocylgidoi httnalum iss tdi n Da rH. oeFtahpso hcpinagro n finooitamrof .erutarepm emtoor NOITCUDORTNI ydbehsilpmoc cnae esb ashtne gearafr alwacime h fcnooitaziratilim eed h,tyllacirotsiH O C.e. i,stla slareni m,dezidix orieh to tstneg aeh tgnisirpmo cstnemel eeh tgniredne rsuh t,noitarenicni 2 - , 3 PO 3 -, SO 2 -, NO -no c,revew o .Hct e, yllaicep s,eset iesgaro t tsnaoitarenic n fiyotef aes httuo bsanrec 4 4 3 .seigetar tnsoitazilartu elnacime h fcnooitpo dea hdtetpmo rsp a,hsae rsauolup orpaen 2 sdohte mhc u S ts oepriuqer -no neh tf otnemtaert - rnooitarenic n yi.bg .,estcudo rdpezilartu e,ncixot o,tnoitadargedoib .lasops iedtamit lru oefta tdserrefe rep h;tstl alsaren idmleiy 2 srekrowo cdn aneS dn asurohpsohponagr of onoitaz1ilareni meh tdetartsnome dyltnece r ,OC/ dgPni ssudnuopm orcuflusonagro dOrnCoHa at 80 - 90 (cid:176)sinahc edmesopo r ep. hCT n inwoh s,m 2 2 H,yllaitin i) 1:spet sgniwollo feh tsevlovn i,X Vro f1emehcS roH( tfih ssa greta weh tn idemro f 2 2 lat esametaren e)g OmCo r*fnoitcaer -late meh t) 2;edirdyh - hOt iswtca eerdirdyh late madlei yo t - 2 late meh t) 3dn a;edixorepordyh -dixorepordyh lat e,amtnadi xeovit cea hstmr oef - si h st. tisIeice posxo n nasi u. hsTcinag rmootaoret e fhsonoitadi xpoe eddevres beo htt uyorr a octthguo h sttia hsteice prsettal aelh td(i ccainobr adc ncairohpso h,pcirufl u,scirt idnle idylu o Xw,Vgnitt essuoeuqa O Cgnivlov erett 2 late meh t,ylevitanret l . A1emehc Sn inwoh ss a)snoitidno ccidic arednu - dn a,edixorepordyh late meh tyltneuqesbus -Hmor fyltceri ddetarene ge bya m,oxo O . ltna eed Sn,a 1 gnicalp etra hdtevo rp 2 2 sHuoeu qhat iswes aeght O limi sdlei ydi d seavitcart t. salAone hrp orfoivah enboitadi xpoe erda 2 2 Odezirusser p,detae hhti wgnikrow dH na sHuoeu q,a eyb a O mrCo O r oeflbatpec cear osmpahr e spi 2 2 2 2 tdaemrofr e epdblu oscnoitca eer h fteiu rytllaicep s sesi i. hsTtne g Wa fCnooitaziratilim eedht moo r edixore pnegordy hdeed n .Ierutarepmet -stnanimatnoc eddesab 3 yratil igmnuo myatiralup ogpnini aeg ra 1 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 2. REPORT TYPE 3. DATES COVERED 00 JAN 2002 N/A - 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Room Temperature Mineralization Of Chemical Warfare Agents Using 5b. GRANT NUMBER Hydrogen Peroxide - Pd/C 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION U.S. Army ECBC, ATTN: AMSSB-RRT-CA, 5183 Blackhawk Rd., APG, REPORT NUMBER MD 21010-5424 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release, distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES This article is from ADA409494 Proceedings of the 2001 ECBC Scientific Conference on Chemical and Biological Defense Research, 6-8 March , Marriott’s Hunt Valley Inn, Hunt Valley, MD. 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE UU 5 unclassified unclassified unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 dn aD G,X Vf onoitazilareni meh terolpx eo ts iydut stnerru ceh tf otnetn ie h .Tsrennal pesnefe dlivi cdna Heh tgnis uDH O - .mets yCs/dP 2 2 SCHEME 1 [Pd] [Pd] CO. CO 2 VX H 2 O H 2 H 2 O 2 HNO 3 + H 2 SO 4 +H 3 PO 4 + C O 2 + H O 2 O 2 [Pd] H OOH O CO/H 2 O* O 2 H + Pd (m) Pd (m) Pd (m) Pd (m) or H - H O 2 2 *CO + H O CO + H 2 2 2 LATNEMIREPXE %05H O er eswnoitc a. ehRcird lmAo rdfeniat beor e)w10 1eEp yatssuge DC(/ d %Pd5 na 2 2 % H0,5etartsb u,sC/ dgPnid dylabess esvsa ldgerr i nt taiudsoeirrac O d nraet a,wses aecm o ns,id na 2 2 .e Hlh CT.Hcnoc O dedd arehti esa w :noitu a .Cpmu pegniry sahti wylwol sn iderete mr oecn ot all a 2 2 %H 0 f5nooitca eerht O lHaitnatsb u nssitlus edr ncaimrehto xyelhg i shCi/ d %Ph5t iw O 2 2 2 2 . sisyla nRa MrN onfek aetr eswtouqi lLa m.1 a,cslavret ndietcel e! tsnAoitisopmoced 1 H, 31 d nCa 3 1 P er eswtfi hlsacim e. hrCetemortce pRs M0N 0s3ulpyti nnUair agaVni sdueniat beor eawrtce pRsMN S( MlTanret x oedtecnerefer 1 , lH, C)0DmCpp ( 31 )d% 0mn5,.pa8HC7p7 PO ( 13 el p.m )aAm s p,0pP 3 3 4 portce lyerallip a ycdbezyla noas lsa anwoitca e DreH hfto drakc atPtelw egaHni s)uE Cs(iseroh D3 CE O Smrifno co tnoitcete dV Utceridn igniyolpm emetsys 2 .noi-tazilaren i.me .,inoitamr of 4 NO ISST SLDUUNCSASEIRD deirr aecr esweidu tlsait i . ne1Ilb a nTniev ieg rsatne gda nsatnalum issuoir arv odfeniat baotaD OP (etaohpsoh pcinagron ignitcete df onoitnetn ieh thti wPMM Dhti wtu 3 - y)b 13 gniv osr up,h RtPMN 4 Peh tf oegavael cevitadixo foor pevisulcno csih t,revew o .Hs-urohpsoh peh tf onoitazilareni mdn adno bC surohpso hop w ytdberepm ashaw -sreziliba tgsniniatnoc %H 0e5 h nttinese rp O O Psa whcih wf oen o; 3 - 2 2 4 OlPaitnatsb uo,esn1lb andTietrop esrnoitca ePrM Me .Dhr ftolFesti 3 eh tdn a,-tnediv esa wnoitamro f 4 detcete do tderapmo cgniniame rPMM Df otnuom aeh ttcelfe rylere m1elba Tn idetrope rsnoisrevnoc cudorp . 0et9rAutarepm ehtt idweir asvtcudo rep s.e shtT (cid:176)dic acinohpsohplyhte mlyhte mhto b,C derruc cnooitisopmoc e,derutarepm emto o trta u,bdemr o)fAP Md(i ccainohpsohplyht edm n)aAPMM( e htta h steicnereff isdi hrt onfoitanalp xeelbis s. oAAp P oMytltcerid P MyMaDwh tnaopitc aer fi APMM fi egavael cevitadix ohti wevititepmo ce bdluo whcih w,sisylordy helpmi sro fdetcepx es iAP M evisulc xhet itwnetsisn o scticudo rAp PeMn oel h,terutarepm emto o. trsAerutarepm edtetave ltea no cllarev oe h .Tegavael cevitadixo ,s0t0n5a9oisrev (cid:176) ,%0 0d 1 n5,a32. 4e9r eewrutarepm emto od rnCa HL m36. 5yln ognis udeveihc anoisrevno cretta leh thtiw O . )snoitca erreh teo hrt o Lf 0m o1dterapmo c( 2 2 t0A5 oj aem hst aewgavae lecv(cid:176)itadi xdo n,adevres bso atwcudo rspisylord yAhP M oMCn .msinahce mr Hdenethgie ho tdetubirtt as inoisrevno cwo lehT O hgi he h .Tserutarepme tdetavel et anoitisopmoce d 2 2 0 t9naoisrevnoc ts osmraep peaga(cid:176)vae lecvitadi xso u. heTgavae lccitylord y ohdtetubirt tyalegr a slCi ereh w,erutarepme tmoo rt aevitceffe Hderisednu O snoitcae reh tr o .Fdezimini ms inoitisopmoce d 2 2 2 OlPaitnatsb ueo1slnb annTiwohs 3 Heh -tf otah tdnoye bnoitamro f O ;adevres bso adwnuorgkc ab 4 2 2 Peh tf oycneilise reh to ttnematset weno dsnoit-cae rdednetx en i,detapicitn as a,t e .Ydno bC PhMtMiD at 90 (cid:176) d XrtD ndVoaG,anfCa eru tmaoroerpmet O Planoitidd atnacifingi s,)wole bees ( 3 - detcete dsa w 4 . sy aldarev ersetfa ELB.A1T Substrate pmeT C/dP a H O lCH b H O c emiT noisr e v n o C d 2 2 2 25 µL DMMP e 90ºC g l0m 3 m5 62 .5 l 7m l8 0m .11 0h2 94.2% 25 µL DMMP 50 250 5.63 1.87 10 22 35.0 25 µL DMMP 22 250 e n o n 1.87 5.63 24 100 23 µL TG f 22 250 e n o n enon 5 72 >91 g 38 µL DH 22 250 e n o n enon 10 24 100 h 1L8XµV 22 250 e n o n enon 10 24 96.3 55 LµDG 22 250 e n o n enon 10 24 79.6 10 i 24 100 a .%5dt Pw b . l. CcHnoC c %05H O . d 1[ - ( . 0 ]0×)1tcudo rspelom/etartsb usselom e lyhtemiD 2 2 .etanohpsohplyhtem f .locylgidoihT .noitcete dG Thti wderefgret n ticudor p;etamits etimi lrewoL h DH .reta wn iG To tsezylordy hyletelpmoc i HdnoceS O . 4hl2anoitid d nara otfca e ordtewol lnaoitid da 2 2 s ntoa ir toGd cFTnDaaHer eru tmaoroerpmet , 1 Cf osso letinife ddewoh sRM NH - dno bH fnog itsnatrop mli lea h,teromreht r. u )Fe1rugi Fe(lpm alsortn o Gc oaTetvital eyrtisnetni O,Snoitazilarenim 2,reve w. osHiserohport-ce lyerallip a ycdbevres bso a,w OCH - ,devres bto osn aw 4 3 e.r1 ugiF noitca e)rmotto b D1(dH n)aelddi m G(dT n)apo tl(ortn o GcrT odfeniat baortce pRs MHN .)noissucs ieDe ss(erutxim 3 O Cf onoitulov eeh thti wtnetsisnoc . 2emehc Sn inwoh ss a 1 e h otdtetca e GrtTa hdtewo hRs MHN 2 oflus OG Te(nofl uds n)aOG Te(dix ydbetcet e. sddAevres beor eswtcudo rrpehtr u oftn u,b) 1 H NMR 2 y bdemrifno cdna 31 ,OD He(dixofl ues hst atwcudo r DplHaiti nei h,tR MCN 31 hc i,h)w m3p .p,773 .:3C5 OG To tyltceri ddedeecorp ( 31 . )e2mehc S)(m p4p. 4,50. 5:5C s u. hdTevres beor eswtcudo rrpeh tooN 2 OG Tf oegassa peh tn idevlovn isetaidemretni eh t,D Hr o .Fdevi ltroh se btsu mnoivilb olareni motn i 2 non -D Hf onoitceted -OD He(noflus O D fHsoisylord yehlic aef hhtt itwnetsisn o scOi G rT)o otOGT 2 2 2 emertx eeh tdna .O D fHyotiliba tcsitylordyh 4 SCHEME 2 O ]O[ S S OH HO OH HO ]O[ TG TGO O OH OS HO [O] OS 4 -2 + CO 2 TGO 2 H O 2 O S lC lC O ODH 2 ]O[ O ]O[ S S lC lC lC lC DH ODH etacid n)iAPM E X(dV n)aAP M D(rG osftcudo rdpetcet eed h,tPM M oDrtalimiS moor erutarepmet 2dn alylocani prieh tf oegavael cevitadix o ,spuo-r gloihtenahte)onimalyporposiid( mehcS (ylevitcepser oot w rtyo aeadriuq esrnoitca eerse h ,te1lb a nTsinoisrevn oec h ytnbwo h. ss )Ae3 laitnatsb u,ssy aldarev e fseosru oec hrt e. vrOets atfahwem ogsnirruc cnooitca e XreV hhtt i,wetelpmoc f ostnuom aeh tn isesaercni PO 3snoi-tcae reseh tn idevresb oer a odtednopserr oecsaerc nsii h,t Dr.G oF 4 eh tereh w,X Vro fxelpmo cero msa wnoitcae re h .T) 3emehcS (AP Mf otnuom aeh tn iesaerce deht O,PA P oMdtedarg eAdP MdEemr oyfllaitini 3 lyte c sadaetalut-s oeptanohpso hnpwonk n nuda na 4 .dic acinohpsohplyhtem i hT citecaonohpso h,ptcudo rrpalim i nasdoes aebd a smtinemngis seavitatn est . l tane e ySdbevres b,odica .edix oenihp1sohplyhteir tf onoitadix oeh tn i SCHEME 3 O O [O] [O] P _ P _ OP 3- O F "tsaf" O O wols 4 GD APM O O O [O] [O] P N P _ O P _ O S "tsaf" O O wols O O _ VX APME O A +P +M OP 4 3- 4 SNOISULCNOC C/ deP hgtni seurutarepm emto o trdaezilaren iem r DadH n Xa,VDG - cat .metsy sedixore pdezyla 2dn alylocani peh tf oegavael cevitadix oeh tdn aD Hf onoitazilareniM loih-tenahte)onimalyporposiid( Peh tf oegavael cevitadix owol seh to tderapmo celica fer aX Vdn aD Gf ospuorg - .A P fMdon oCb STNEMEGDELWONKCA .krRnM aehWt .elpm aDe s Hhfstoisyla nEr aCo,f.pr oI CA,Eetnacie h.dCLrahci REFERENCES .1 ,. nA ;e,.SnC e ;h,.S nM ;i,.LnRosp m ;i,.SrBeked e ;n,.SnTa g ;o,.HrAefiP J. 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