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DTIC ADA434444: Remedial Investigation Report, Presidio Main Installation, Presidio of San Francisco. Volume 1: Text PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA434444: Remedial Investigation Report, Presidio Main Installation, Presidio of San Francisco. Volume 1: Text

SFIM-AEC-ER-CR-98018 Remedial Invyape Reepiaoir t Ma(cid:127)in staaon "Presi(cid:127)dO Presiido of SF(cid:127)T+ .SCO iV o'i.me.- Text Contract No. DAAA159(cid:127)*D.-001O Task Order 0002, Data Item A009 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A Approved for Public Release Distribution Unlimited Prepared by, MD UAAS &M OoiQQR 4repared fbr. U.S.Armny Environmental Centier Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21010-5401 January 1997 REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE - No. 0704o188 Publicr eportingb urdenf or this collectioonf informatioins estimated to mrag. I howpr err esponse,i ncudingth e toie for reviewing tniructioum,e archeixnisgti ndga te sources. gatherinangd m aintainitnhegd ata aedsda,n dc ompletinagn dre viewinthge colectiono f informuitSioannd. c omanenrteso gardthnigs b urdeens timateo ra nyo ther aspect of this collectioonf informtni o includinsgu ggestionfso r reducintgh is hardetno,W ashingtoHne adquarter(cid:127)asr vics, Directoratfeo r InformatioOn perationasn dR aports1,2 15 Jefferson DavisH ighwayS,u ite1 204, AringtonV. A2 22024302, andt o the Officio f Menoaemeenntd B udgetP, aperworRke ductPiotonj ect(0 704-0188), WashingtonD,C 2 0503. 1. AGENCY USE ONLY (Leave blank) 2. REPORT DATE 3. REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVERED January 1997 Final 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5. FUNDING NUMBERS Final Remedial Investigation Report, Presidio Main Installation, Presidio of San DAAA15-90-D-0018, Francisco, Volumes I, H,--l., IV, V, VI, VII .1 VIII Task Order 0002 6. AUTHOR(S) 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Dames and Moore REPORT NUMBER 633 Seventeenth Street Suite 2500 Denver, CO 80202-3625 9. SPONSORING I MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSORING IM ONITORING U.S. Army Environmental Center AGENCY REPORT NUMBER ATTN: SFIM-AEC-ER SFIM-AEC-ER-CR-98018 Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5401 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES Q 12a. DISTRIBUTION IA VAILABILITY STATEMENT 12b. DISTRIBUTION CODE Distribution Unlimited 13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words) Dames 'and Moore has conducted a Remedial Investigation (RI) of the Presidio of San Francisco (PSF), CA. The objectives of the RI included the determination of the nature and extent of contamination at PSF and to quantify both the human health and ecological risk posed by that contamination. The report concludes that, in general, the Presidio does not pose a significant risk to either human health or the environment. There are, however, a number of locations where elevated risks are present. The remedial actions to abate those risks will be identified in a follow -on document called the "Presidio Main Installation, Feasibility Study". 20050534 004 14. SUBJECT TERMS 15. NUMBER OF PAGES 9 9,500 (approx) 16. PRICE CODE 17. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 18. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OFT HIS 19. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 20. LIMITATION OF ABSTRACT OF REPORT PAGE OF ABSTRACT Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified UL NSN 7540-01.280.5500 SPrtaenscdraibrde dF obrym A 2N98S IISR tdev. .Z 23-98.9118 298,102 UsAPIc vt.oo SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Il a RnElaP. ORTs l.SREECTUICRIITEY CLASSIFICATION lb RESTRICTIVE MAARKKIINGGS ECURITY CLASSIFICATION AUTHORITY 3 DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY OF REPORT Unlimited ".0 DECLASSIFICATION /DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE 4. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) 5. MONITORING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) SFIM-AEC-RP-CR-97001 6a. NAME OF PERFORMING ORGANIZATION 6b. OFFICE SYMBOL 7a. NAME OF MONITORING ORGANIZATION -(If applicable) Dames & Moore U.S. Army Environmental Center 6c. ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) 7b. ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) 633 Seventeenth Street U.S. Army Environmental Center Suite 2500 ATTN: SFIM-AEC-RPO Denver, CO 80202-3625 Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5401 Ba. NAME OF FUNDING/SPONSORING 8Bb. OFFICE SYMBOL 9. PROCUREMENT INSTRUMENT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ORGANIZATION (If applicable) U.S. Army Environmental Cnt SFIM-AEC-RPO DAAA15-90-D-0018 8c. ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) 10. SOURCE OF FUNDING NUMBERS U.S. Army Environmental Center PROGRAM PROJECT IWORK UNIT .TASK ATTN: SFIM-AEC-RPO ELEMENT NO. NO. NO. ACCESSION NO. Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5401 11. TITLE (Include Security Classification) Remedial Investigation Report, Presidio Main Installation 12. PERSONAL AUTHOR(S) TYPE OF REPORT 13b. TIME COVERED 14. DATE OF REPORT (Year, Month, Day) 15. PAGE COUNT Final FROM TO 1 7 Januar UPPLEMENTARY NOTATION I I 17. COSATI CODES 18. SUBJECT TERMS (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number) FIELD IGROUP I SUB-GROUP 19. ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number) Dames & Moore has conducted a Remedial Investigation (RI) of the Presidio of San Francisco, CA. The objectives of the RI included the determination of the nature and extent of contamination at Presidio of San Francisco and to quantify both the human health and ecological risk posed by that contamination. The report concludes that, in general, the Presidio does not pose a significant risk to either human health or the environmental. There are, however, a number of locations where elevated risks are present. The remedial actions required to abate those risks will be identified in a follow-on document called "The Presidio Main Installation, Feasibility Study". 20. DISTRIBUTION /AVAILABILITY OF ABSTRACT 21. ABSTRACT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION &3UNCLASSIFIED/UNLIMITED 0 SAME AS RPT. [O1DTIC USERS Unclassified 22a. NAME OF RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL 22b. TELEPHONE (Include Area Code) 22c. OFFICE SYMBOL ,~r. John P. Buck I(1)61-3261 ISFIM-AEC-RP]O ORM 1473,84 MAR 83 APR edition may be used until exhausted. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE S.... All other editions are obsolete. 'UNCLASSIFIED ¶11LONAfp, Final Remedial Investigation Report Presidio Main Installation U.S. Army Environmental Presidio of San Francisco Center Executive Summary Contract No. DAAA 15-90-D-0018 Task Order 0002, Data Item A009 0 Prepared by SDAMES & MOORE Prepared for U.S. Army Environmental Center Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21010-5401 [ .January 1997 AEC Form 45, 1 Feb 93 replaces THAMA Form 45 which is obsolete. TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Page 1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Purpose of the Remedial Investigation ....................................................................... 1 1.2 Background on the Remedial Investigation ........................................................... 2 1.3 Prior and Concurrent Environmental Programs ..................................................... 4 1.3.1 Programs by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ............................................ 4 1.3.2 Programs by Other Agencies ........................................................................ 6 2. BACKGROUND ....................................................................................................... 8 2.1 Historical Background .......................................................................................... 8 2.2 Demography and Land Use .................................................................................. 8 2.3 Physical Setting .................................................................................................. 9 2.3.1 Environmental Factors .................................................................................. 9 2.3.2 Hydrogeology and Beneficial Use of Groundwater Areas .............................. 11 Hydrogeology of Groundwater Basins .................................................... 12 Beneficial Use of Groundwater ............................................................. 13 3. REMEDIAL INVESTIGATION METHODS ........................................................... 18 3.1 Site Conceptual Model ....................................................................................... 18 3.2 Field Investigations ........................................................................................... 20 3.3 Chemical Analysis ............................................................................................. 23 3.4 Contaminant Identification .................................................................................. 23 3.4.1 Overview of Regional Soil Data .................................................................. 25 3.4.2 PSF Ambient Soil Evaluation ...................................................................... 26 3.5 Risk Assessment ................................................................................................ 30 3.5.1 Interpreting Human Health Risk Assessment Results .................................... 30 3.5.2 Interpreting Ecological Risk Assessment Results ......................................... 33 o:\proj\psfiriWf-text\exsum.doc DAMES & MOORE January 1997 i Executive Summary Final RI Report, Presidio Main Installation TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Page 4. N IKE FA CILITY .................................................................................................... 36 5. CRISSY FIELD STUDY AREA ............................................................................ 37 5.1 Consolidated Mo tor Pool ................................................................................... 37 5.2 POL Area ............................................................................................................ 37 5.3 Fill Site 7 ............................................................................................................... 38 5.4 Buildings 609, 611, and 633 ............................................................................... 39 5.5 Sewer Lift Stations ............................................................................................. 39 5.6 Proposed We tlands Restoration Area ................................................................. 39 5.7 Potential Impacts to the Bay ............................................................................... 39 6. BUILDING 900S SERIES STUDY AREA ............................................................ 41 6.1 Vehicle M aintenance Area ................................................................................. 41 6.2 Storage Building Area ........................................................................................ 42 6.3 Building 979 ....................................................................................................... 42 6.4 Groundwater ...................................................................................................... 42 6.5 Potential Im pacts to the Bay ............................................................................... 43 7. DIRECTORATE OF ENGINEERING AND HOUSING STUDY AREA ................ 45 8. M AIN POST STUDY AREA ................................................................................. 46 8.1 Building 215 ....................................................................................................... 46 8.2 Building 231 ...................................................................................................... 47 8.3 Building 1057 .................................................................................................... 47 8.4 Building 1065 .................................................................................................... 48 8.5 Building 1167 .................................................................................................... 49 DAMES & MOORE o:\proj\psfiri\f-text\exsum.doc ii January 1997 Final RI Report, Presidio Main Installation Executive Summary TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Page 8.6 Building 1151 ................................................................................................... 49 9. FILL SITES AN D LAN D FILLS ............................................................................. 50 9.1 Fill Site 1 and Landfill 2 ......................................................................................... 50 9.2 Transfer Station ................................................................................................ 51 9.3 Landfill 4 and Fill Site 5 .................................................................................... 52 9.4 Fill Site 6 ............................................................................................................ 52 9.5 Graded Area 9 .................................................................................................. 53 9.6 Landfill E ............................................................................................................... 53 10. M ISCELLAN EOU S SITES .................................................................................. 55 10.1 Building 662 ..................................................................................................... 55 10.2 Building 680 ..................................................................................................... 55 10.3 Building 1244 .................................................................................................. 56 10.4 Building 1351 .................................................................................................. 56 10.5 Fort Point U .S. Coast Guard Station ................................................................ 56 10.6 Lobos Creek ..................................................................................................... 57 10.7 M ountain Lake ................................................................................................. 58 11. GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT STUDY AREA ............................................................................................................ 59 11.1 Transform er Area ............................................................................................ 59 11.2 Underground Storage Tank Area ...................................................................... 59 11.3 Paint Operations Area ....................................................................................... 59 11.4 Bone Yard Storage A rea .......................................... ........................................ 60 12. BAK ER BEA CH STUDY AREA ......................................................................... 61 o:\proj\psfurikf-text\exsun.doc DAMES & MOORE January 1997 iii Executive Summary Final RI Report, Presidio Main Installation TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Page 13. BATTERY HOWE/WAGNER ............................................................................. 62 14. MISCELLANEOUS FOLLOW-ON SITES .......................................................... 63 14.1 Bu ilding 302 .................................................................................................... 63 14.2 B uilding 669 .................................................................................................... 63 14.3 B uilding 1245 .................................................................................................. 64 14.4 B uilding 1369 .................................................................................................. 64 14.5 B uilding 1388 .................................................................................................. 65 14.6 B uilding 1750 .................................................................................................. 65 14.7 East of M ason ................................................................................................. 65 15. BASELINE RISK ASSESSMENT ........................................................................ 66 15.1 Human Health Risk Assessment Summary ....................................................... 66 15.2 Ecological Risk Assessment Summary .............................................................. 70 15.2.1 Comparison of Risk Assessment Results to the Assessment and Measurement Endpoints .......................................................................... 72 Ability of the Crissy Field Study Area to Serve as Suitable Wetland Habitat as a Future Use ..................................................................... 73 Survivability and Reproduction of Populations of Avifauna (passerines, raptors) ........................................................................................... . . 73 Survivability and Reproduction of Special Status Species and Plant C omm unities .......................................................................................... 76 . Survivability and Reproduction of Populations of Small Mammals that could Serve as Prey for Raptors and Other Predators .......................... 77 15.2.2 Recomm endations ..................................................................................... 79 DAMES & MOORE o:\proj\psf\rif-text\exsum.doc iv January 1997. * 1. INTRODUCTION This Executive Summary presents, in condensed form, the basis and results of the Final Remedial Investigation (RI) conducted at the Presidio of San Francisco (PSF) Main Installation. This summarized form of the RI report is intended to make the RI results more accessible to all individuals who take an interest in the U.S. Army's efforts to identify and remediate contamination resulting from the U.S. Army's activities at the PSF. To that end, this Executive Summary provides the RI results in a concise form with a minimum of technical jargon. Because the PSF is so valuable for its scenic beauty and recreational use, the U.S. Army, the National Park Service (NPS, which currently controls the PSF)), the State of California, and the general public want to ensure that the area does not pose a risk to either human health or the environment. As part of that effort, this Executive Summary serves as a convenient reference to the RI results and to interpretive information that helps readers put the results into a realistic perspective. The interpretation of results from RI studies is crucial. While scientific study yields valid information on environmental contamination and associated adverse effects, that data must be evaluated against inherent qualifying factors. Only then can the most appropriate resources be committed to remediating contamination in the environment. The first three sections of this Executive Summary summarize the RI program; describe the background of the PSF, its history, use and physical setting; and presents the investigative methods used to collect data, along with information on how to interpret the risk assessment. sections 4 through 14 describe the RI sites individually and present the findings of contaminant investigations. The final section, section 15 summarizes the results of the human health and ecological risk assessments. 1.1 Purpose of the Remedial Investigation The purpose of the Main Installation RI is to characterize the nature and extent of contamination resulting from U.S. Army activities at the PSF and to assess associated risks to human health and/or the environment. When the PSF was closed as a U.S. Army base and o:\proj\psf\ri\f-text\exsum.doc DAMES & MooRE January 1997 Executive Summary Final RI Report, Presidio Main Installation was transferred in 1994 to the National Park Service (NPS), it was required by the Base Closure and Realignment Act to undergo environmental studies. As a result of early studies, a number of sites were identified for investigation under the Main Installation RI. The Main Installation RI is only one of several environmental studies initiated by the U.S. Army. The specific objectives of the PSF RI are to "* Identify and characterize potential sources of contamination at Main Installation sites "* Define the concentrations and distribution of chemicals of potential concern in environmental media (soil, water, sediments) "• Evaluate the risks to human health and the environment which may be posed by these chemicals. In addition, data from the RI will support the Main Installation Feasibility Study (FS). The FS will identify procedures to mitigate environmental contaminants that present an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment. The RI was conducted in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) guidance for activities performed under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) as amended by the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act, the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), and the President's Council on Environmental Quality 40 Code of Federal Regulations 1500-1508. The investigative approach was based on recommendations in the USEPA's Guidancef or ConductingR emedial Investigations and FeasibilityS tudies Under CERCLA (1988). Furthermore, the procedures used in this RI are consistent with the Department of the Army policy of integrating the NEPA and CERCLA processes. Local and State environmental policies, laws, and regulations were also followed in conducting the RI. 1.2 Background on the Remedial Investigation In December 1988, the U.S. Secretary of Defense's Commission on Base Realignments and Closures recommended closure of the PSF. The PSF was transferred to NPS on October 1, 1994, under Public Law 92-5 89, and became part of the Golden Gate National Recreation DAMys & MooRE o:\proj\psf'ri\f-text\exsum.doc 2 January 1997

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