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DTIC ADA432042: Numerical Studies of Low Grazing Angle Microwave Scattering from Breaking Water Waves PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA432042: Numerical Studies of Low Grazing Angle Microwave Scattering from Breaking Water Waves

REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE one ET exer CHES ‘Youn FORM To THE ACOVE ADDRESS, RESORT BATE GEUNEWPOY) 1 REPORT TYPE 5: BATES COVERED Frama 18-04-2005 Final Technical Wav, 7002 -- Jan. 2003 Suterical Studies of Lox Grazing angle Wicrovave Scattering from Hrookieg Water fac gsarmme———— Waves Nooet4—-n3-1--0134 Janes C., pest [se Ta NORE —— — 7 PERF GRR ORGANIZATION WARTS) AND ROGRESTERT F-PEFORTING ORGANIZER Orlahona state University ‘PORT NUMBER Biec=rical aad Conputer Enginccring 202. BS Stillwater, Ox 74973 fo sronsommanvontTaRBe AaPNY RATRTEY ANE ROGRESSST 1 FESSOR OAS RCRORTINET Office of Naval Rescarea on hellalor Ceatre Tower Oae, Code 334 800 N. Quincy Strost TSS ORS TORT Arlington, VA 22217-5660 suas APPROVED fUL PUBLIC RELEASY the alezowave backesazzering from broseing uncer waves at seal] illends tion gvazicg argues (0h! tae been lavectisosad sine cerpveation=) clectronsgnetics (eno ‘tecunlyies. Good agueenent 12 aosieved batweon tee fumorscstly ca:sucatea ane Siperinescelly neasured backscattering from a wave tank Fl) aasurec 30/7" polaviza fea catze ie dae to the shape of tha wave cross ead che culti— Fete sssttering srom she wave crest ana froct face. tho KAW ratio (o mdniacmed woe Ene wave crest nar mocified scmuniformitiss in azauth, asthough it 2¢ affecc= by Lasqus variations, The tro-scale adel Zlle to predict the Lie sentrerseg. rom = ihe gently apllling oveaker even afta: ths stespess wave features hoor tars remove Sea surface ia scattecing kough surface Ra geaktering Compulakional elcotromagnetics Fiz SECURITY CRASSTATION OF FPERTARON OF 8 PRET TS AE OF ERPORTTE SOW REPORT [ABSTRACT [2THIEFAGE) ABSTRACT eg |__oaues C. Wen! v o D oo PAOES Tp TELHONE NOMEN acs” 19 440517246096 sega Fag Bey eH DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A, Approved or Public Release Distribution Unlimited Numerical Studies of Low Grazing Angle Microwave Scattering from Broaking Water Waves James ©, West Peiucips! Investigator ONR Contract NOOOLENS-1-0134 oajoet period: 1 Nowereber 2002 ~ 81 lununry 2005 1 Introduction ‘Receord efforts have been perforin’ to fellate ihe audsrmtanding alent modeug oie xoatse sualtering ftom snp al reetrontfestines on the aaa suite al how erezing angle (TGA) Sluminetion. TGA a sumface tealtecing is characovial ls bef bates f yen RQoNn 22 “eek spies". Sen spibes ace can estate ly brizntaly frac eeanest/tersivel (LL) 2a4er ‘vesoting thet ot vieica polarization (VV) ly mete than 10 dB (Lewis and Gila, 85 eae, 1901), (Lvencs vl HH exoasca VW ane ennotings also relent to a Seuper tc.) “ale beclevior is at prodited by troditonal rough sucfceaetterng eadkla sock ante, Rize ap peonimecion {KA} ar twuscala model (T8V) that have proven etal st modanajnidenea, Se 2plkes have been eotelatnd with braking ewes fa eperimaninl sili in both labnesbry abe taka nnd the open ea (Kalinghuy ane Pastosoylo, 1970, Lat w aly W005; Sots et 1200, Lee etal. 1990; Ties et ol, 1998), wih mnsions eine OoeaT}A Aly wear tho tbe of ripe imum steepness ofthe breaking waer. Proriouny, the os euseasful raods bo expla ae oi responses ure fir sirple optical aprons ta dao Ie ltipat ccaicriny fra the ean, rest (Weel, 198 Triznny 007). ‘Phe ving saliech nayonary 3 the he lecantane ee AN iaterterence,lenlng co tha ou spike In previous wath, we tocorpoveest un fats af te sseve ett abage ait if regtace on ce fx of the beak Inn Fru diseacenal ceeomagnice seattering wodels thas deuanvteted » sing’ entering eauroe of wopor evets (Kel. 202). Tae {sof Ih project was uly validate thar lnwliarasinal tandleIivough ezect voor af ‘aodsled ater with wavetank experimoaral eile, nd to apalyAdwenerd amsrcal sc(oag ‘algerithins I more complatelyeneral thren-diaracid wae cana tll addional sal ering schon thal re got avid ledinenions ia 2 Approach ‘lormomegseir wottering motels wre vault freslaed using eppuusinations to Mons oun tions tha ali fhe deefratione of cvs) form elutons bur go Bade it range of appleblte fo ‘ie curbs conTniout, The rongh wn surface quite complica, wilh features angina ‘vive eral toile Igo compared WU esetromagante savelngeh, Tel Heefareimpresve to havouteize the arateriog vith arate, unfcral setter made. Lani Ue appraaah Fonsi fol in this monk is to bret pci seater mothandans wilh nique made tht are frail for ut pucicular extn. The "global" wll is fred by wrcbining the efi of the inde rns ia 8 physivaly consistant mame. Th eheae pebnairy mechs neice. are qui specie reRostion Som steep wove ses, Oshutod atu cattring Bow reeduta roughoeet om 20050419 016 1 ‘the even, sd uultipathrwlerton between Ha eres and other poiuts on the surface, The vai of the miosis under spel: conditions ws leled through enrapwccen with boferencaaeaerg ccna wie cuuputationaly expensive ramen wcthode: Where onptepdsin eristiog oltre secandel 10 yield more areurste results at tor calito afar ples xe ooneere, A the sulte sue onfy us valid at che unelvng ate repnenentartny aged inte calculiogs,the on is foeneed on diosty meancel profs of hreskingwavee when poral, oro tumerically gover sualnce thot are thoaghs tr provide realli epressrals of tho deaunar! necting ales ‘The peajeer was ciel into to distinc, luk ralated, Fires ‘he frm, ees cue appletan of s nueecal scattering apnrthm tea svi uf azeznured woe prodlee mrwsned ft a wate ua by James Donen of the University of Mrvioud under ORR. lvnding Flimuing beatae Wav ‘were melonically generated hn the Univats of Maryland ww taak, ha lieve evolatien of the ‘upwind /dowsind erose-actln of Cac bali ieee ran contin moasired iy deo eater: ‘mounted tn netrumant careingo thse tactlst with che wave exc A over she Unita Buorescens ie withix the ster to peosde 8 aga in the reo Stam thot wes digitally deta tc veld the saw profile, The fol meneacemeat techuiqne wo shown ts Dunsan et a (1990) A summa cersomagnetis code was apulis co the dececlel sare profs ot Oblatoun Site, vig & tise hisbory of the vaso radar cnny-wctons, Siwoltonoooe baie mcamoebeal of ts baehsceLletiry was ponevinel by Mark Beer uf tho Naval Ressch Laboralony (MBL), ala wider (OU funding: he simutaneons rperimentsl rahe measurtienln provide around treth to whieh fc numerical ss may be enorsred co tly widens “be tartniguc of epplylng tho aera swooning reniinns ly mecaure] was. Rafinemnots over previons, sinilat eaperimeatal ara ‘aclu movement of the eatennas Tarr faa lin wow eat tn ern eboe they were operating in se far Bel, as wel npraved opti maazureannt of ott thes mi under Ube jo tad the region in font of che eval. Infrared (TR? phctographa che wave nels (lahea by el Sith of the Nao! Taconteh Laluraturs urder ONR, finding) were ake masse die the Breskiny enge revealing Uv seimahal vation of the pntbreaking worl eanank be masstced bythe ase Inoes shove. The RRL manatnnotcuts are deserved i Sletcen (2004) “The set ering Eom the succes eavecane create waa everett Ed sing & Ayr teh igue that ponds the monet mothod (WIM) ving the gSvtcrialthosry of idkaction (G20) (Wis ofa, 1806). MM/CTD ie ivw-dimans.otnapitational encod thar nme te wate evil daly mhiforn in the celta directing, mtn all ul Rr appelion tothe mee, ura wn dowosave co-aeccienet wase-toak wave pres, ‘Tbe tehaigae allt te wodled oatbering exe to be numerically exande? I innit with Wille editions ewapacatentl ec Joo, theta coating the ext edge ditartion fein euncned surface eyes thnk an Mas the seattring ealeasties Thain unre alla ele teal nifocm phone wave iannintion ots alc ontermp pabeci Wo ured i te watering elise, ing a realistic reperrination oF Ce coulis af lfrsok ave feature ty the total alluring arom on, lmpetane Doundesy cdi ane applied ia te eurface 20 2eprevent€38 fils onduatvly of mata ae mierorone Be quencies. Thi tecbniqne hn been used estraerey by sw Pl in peeviton sve avatering seadeo (Wet et wl, 1998 West and Milne, 1997: Wis! 2000, 00) “Tae meconl major effort. of the projck was 20 chazacery Lue seater, bom fully Ure de mcnsicnal wave crest (this i, woves that ae not ridin in ove dimavsion), Direct muplnotion of sevacard mnriealelatromegnetic algortha to gaara! Ihveodmencnval tating pelle i: for move eranyutationally een tha the poviounlypetlosned txo-dinenetnal sien ie eatoring clowlalsn.s ers tere pexfouant urive oa atalraid taller! ft natpole Sle, ‘chun (BILPMA) cat we implateatl mv hows (Zh nd ese, TURD). The Ceca te decal ‘tea, grasralseattevng tga: georotcce, a5 Wally sued ta pplication to the rattan ft ‘uve seit with beeing wacer waves tha patrol implementation, esl loodng of ‘he edge nf the modeled nsf is ud lo vale the aveaco cxeroats le ety sal alone Fhote ‘appienting tbe edge cist that would ke t insranateeetterng croseanctions. Plane pave Suminaton run ugaim be une to give realltiy Humana of She scaeriy, Raautes. The Dato 2 ovluctviy of che snrfaos it ele acing impedes bounty wnlitiogs. The leslie ylation Df the MLPA aystert is partored ing the gnszatbel imam veal (GMRES) mporthua fotiemtion wih & Khrsholded incomphte LU dacomtion (LAT) neanditiores. Th areca. ‘loner reduces the nuuiber of MRF tyeations vd for convene om seater Hn IUD to Sonrarimataly 15 tn moet soass. The vlidig of the MTS cchutywe wus contre npr som festion ofthe aeueriug fram imple +1 shopea with coulytical aad 2D based nomatial cles ve tothnique ie fills donrived in Zao oad West (2481). ue dificunty in yrrforsiag the enocanensioaal slicing sbudien that dzeetly wenurcd 8.7 woe profiles are not redity wade. Ina, we ve reed igen apathenaing 4D est fro existing mnversally yonsrate! or mnced 2D ces rafle, ‘The nls press allows the fnewteity 3 che wave harect tobe cacflly enameled, with now selterng entra merbnlealy introduced, “The tealive eunteibatinn a cach foture tyae eam tbeceline Uv Hearied, and ap- Imac bo accunately proce cha backascnring without rumaeialyaoleeg tefl 20 probe a be formulated al detod. SD tose phoning breshat vaste were generate om the Wiser feally qrncrabed LONGTANK pron (Wang ota, 1995} thet reper de Lnae evecntnn hi Anterrafiate sale (appnaciustely Ew wave'ength) plunging tna Chee ees have Beene extensively iu 2D electroncypetie astunng tndins (Holic ct af, 199A. Wists 2002: Feta an ebacoo, 2002) amd have lncuno a standard ese eos fer LGA rip seating rem breablag raves, Ad hily.s sample SD sping besser erat ae syshstod by satel ining he 2D upmevefdonnave censssectins of x geull piling teal mesma ‘Maryland wave tare 8 Results 3.1 Wave Tank Results iy. 1 shows tha Une listory of the langag brake eve! mcasared to ths Univesity of Maryland bine tak. The iacidual rsdmsnsiona cfce protease inthe podem 238 the cenle of the tare tank are stacked verily, ‘The veri dimeasina Creve chow to rolation of the uve with mcrening time, Sika tbo ietsamact cocrage “aal eu the optical ‘scurencant sxicon was non with he ene Lhe we, fetes Tht oppest to ent th et in the faure arth “wereciag tine ore moving fete van cho ve rest, we Heal res Wie oH ‘>the night nee anng lower uit tho cnet. Thy wave stoepens ml aot nua vs U co 180 coe ‘Tho je impacta he wrfae st epprosiestaly EN a, ner tic theres "plea sense hoy 20 mato A00 ma, Aer that, rude cll ours firme the inst at ate lek Debod oe se wee ropa ig. ¥ shovs the geriry uscd Sn ube wprmtiel ealeualins of che herkenttoring fom he ani wrests, Additional pli meosaretss performed by th Urey of Mocplaad showed ‘thar che ewrace Weplocemane etre alzely to vero the saglon fn Lunt ofthe wove. A splise Interpolation was Usmufore ure jee the Bout a i aeasund css too et dager poi placed approwlrely 1.25 ma in Front ofthe ext. Tho sunfae win Unen scoot Jone! bo Bate ‘rtenscos chat wee ged at 3° t horizonal, Ths any eteraon lw tho uzbef eyed 2D YAM/CID mumme.cal nthod. The emplote radled afew the exon aan ig 2, ‘Te large dot in Fig. 2 rs the appreslnute phase cer vf tho wide ancl horn antatana wedi fhe Naval Resecth Laboratory mearnectnts, ‘The dati Hoe shows ue wulhipts bastion paths Fro the erat tthe anvunas wich ts ur foe extension. "Uo itsnution erating abe st he wave peaks ypprenimalely 6° (the incor ange i") Merouredanteuna pbteraa peor by che nnufactuser wore wiataally diz ard ineladed 4) Vas autpetiead cautions, Aateen beams erat last 20° ut the bequenciny conan, su tho featiees mire approniattly nil naato Fg. 3 chow 9 compan botmean the 7 Gi seateetng mans by cbe NRT. radar an chaz Fy igure 1: ‘Tins hiery of che wynseo/domanare c-section ofa pling Ezeakar wave seat pty -maszmed ina wave ean. Ea > oo ee at 2 2 4 3 xb) Fire 2: Hitensiont of w single 2-D wwasineé ereta vied in 2D MM/CTD WeaBscaterig aa suleiors. ‘The dash line sure the extennion uo eo awl ultipath vellelinn, he colt! Use ‘thao the font tes eadewion uscd ea give wltipoch relia, ‘The dotted lie sere aka elleriuea whoa tho aneaioe tcl atthe ch Joe cumieally. The oooluta Ivey of che sedar cease shot ihe direct compart Suor the measures yield tue -D cree ia JB tlalive o Lane Alc the 2D manerat results yieM 2D oreazarelions ia a salatie to L mk, Th crusescctionsahow tr crane ea: spike superar respae with, HH backeeasieriny exceeding VV by upto 25 dB. Overall eels, SNgreement Ss ublined during the jetting and aylisieup stages of breaking fom O tit ea. Te pestcuar ie HIT backs, es rail rig the ering sage in boc, th The eam Yeachad jure aller 10D ms. HE ladlsxotering toy aichty afer Ia, but than ren again dig ho splaab-ap with soon vent wim appearing jst beta sl na, VW barks 00 Ure otber hand reins very low fr tho Sst 10D wre, after NLICh rie quickly to 20s, A tH the Level oeciates, Bt che numer VY level alin apeoxdmote eomevat tacugh 4 et sma, Aft 400 ms th agree ie not aa gone AB II pats loaligy Unis is doen Inge rare {2 the uote fev of the radar menursseats, whlch ajpecea at -I8 dar, However, i ro the TET backaestarog Muga deamdlale ater the epleki opion, whic i consent wither ‘nfenlatoon. The measured VV barke-Ulur dees lawl fnr 100m. Tl mneiel VF ens 4 uwnwieal ROS tan Po) Tigun % Comporion of manares! ans ewmnwental ? GF. haskecotering fm tho wave tale reals ut ig tectiera alo chnw a yeowral downward tread during thie tine bur woes anc ama copy "The IN metauretente choved that The su Taos Inarme very noruifere in te wlzanthal dss doring this ime, ‘Theis uot rllectt in ihe 2D ergreocionnl meaeucaairs ad tetas ak ‘he sorveriealseeeringealelelora, Tig: 4 shove o widsband compasison (f GH to 12 GH) of do NIL exporimantal remake ad ‘the wuineriel eelealtions, Overall the agreement Ss yind. The VV baclzertaring baa a majo rosuiwe centered at 11 Ole/60 ma Sa bot, wleh rower steoog vale ding at omer feo From 100 ste 00 mak LM reponse ts Goushated by the lag rxponve during ee eting at 1M se ab all Lexuencho, eit wonter eeponzcs at 276m, Fig. 5 abies Une Seyeifers of thy Doppler shift found at 7 GHs ae Inieion uf tine. (Ihe Doppler shite ae cancer a0 Hu in the fen of ference moved with the ware] RU po Toreotioncgeia shows cele ante, with Use jet dovinating wad a later Vee sent <aving th: eploshan. "Ube jercg aespanoe ie easter we appraimptey 16 He ance the ee tine Taxi Man The ware phuse seen. The VV Dopplee vente aunce ie roones atending out 1thAN He ducing The jag round 200 me, Soonge nespoove cure st Dg/2U0 ma str that the i respons ireroase in equency, aca 20 Hel Ao AM aie the agrasme ‘sansathat nave yan eat eeiutk nou-uniemmity ofthe win inthis tw: pera. lower, signin Doypler syrals appear Kem -20 lz 0-420 He i lk the mera wad aac seater thelighont this Fre Aa. Gna tt the mumeleal stern from tho monsured eave cent wd Roun itn Be fro ee extensions thor ite che lip buderefltion, An erazaple of the reeohng urs le ahuven a Thndasled hao in Pig. 1 Tea tne Rtery of the rurneally found beekeattarlaz fEom hie wave Wnty i shin i fg 6, The VW backacatening is ay slightly cbonged tom the comsepoadhng snmenes! emits in Fig, &, Tha confine thal milli eRection ab westial poly lassen is damped tur to tie ewer yng fects of the fnite convey ha wate. The bk low level of tbe VY backirsering is duc to the shape of the eves fate Hersch wet ack seftions from the ron vl coneove envi ragiona descrutiely Sueforing. At herzoxal Polatisation, howaver, tne backeclicrvg, dori jetting hos despped dramas, cuufcing that he stang eroeeeactionsabaerve ain pet cv to co multipaets. Theor, bat Khe eresi feats, fond amitiath eBesteconttbute to Ihe expel bred stroagnuper evant 3 g a eso (OHe} Freaund tt [gure ds Widchond eompavean of the baskactteting fam tb rar of Fig. 1. Ths unr pos 08 the eapevinwalt myles aad che lower are oierioal Aaa atime fa) wetaus keueney (Ga. 3.2 3D Plunging Crest Results -Al134> erteulstons shows were penformed at 19 GH using the MLEMA scattering code derbi ‘dune. B22 Uniforus jots ig. 7 alow Une 2D LONGTANK wast: rete that mate tl fo aynthesize che phingingbaakse Dest gw bies, AD ora avllnved from LONGTANK ws through 13 em in Big. Ba re pile was farmed by aligning the eres ofthe LONGTANK waves i the eve: wave dirsan wih ave FY iw the centr, Proles 12 to T wero chen glanal on bot iden seventy with the spacing Tetweey he: profiln decreasing tho ditengenicted Irom the canta. Snr polation fn the scoes wove diection gave a ctatinmoae nutes sn, Prof 1 wo a0 reat ote Gem ot Une extruur edge tn ge + ten for eho recite Inn neadad te ave eye doco, ‘ho eading sl tating edges of the wares ene aso extn! by Dea for therein Icing. ‘The back culeing froma the eave corso Pig eben aking dicey pave shown in Fi ‘Uho HE bactealtcring fnuad using the MUFMA momeranl rte excavls that at VY at nels Exptimental ° 30 0 Dopplor Shit Ha} 9 Dopplor Shit) ‘Figure 5: Comparison of Doppler shit of? CHL Tos beattnring fxn the plunging bres of 5g ‘The once ore tase (2) voraus Deppler a (2) RCS (¢6-n) oo aid” staaoa sta c00 750 bo Tene tn) Figuie 3: Nonoasiealtiumestal 7 GHs Dackaatiering fam mre wn eeaty wh Sout ae xtom) Figute 7: LONGTANK yosee wed tu spathesige -D wre ene, (QS imo a meta a9 Rin pei an oy Figuy & 4D wavn crs ayethesind from LONGTANK wanes J abnough 12, sll insdeaco angles etiong wil occ in the WW Tuslaralering ot 5” ieidene (18° gran ‘Vhs tohavios scenester with that obser pretouay wilh 2D wom problem sad appends othe sinall VV erosesostions during eting fa fig. The onlin Ue 27 foarte me som a he due lo inerlernara in the Iovkereeeio From apetilar pointe ot the wre untae Fri, Jot nd wl the cavity bel the jt. ‘The orroqpondingreeston pnts for ue 3D? we ant sha in Fig. Sb, The sane a entatore of the anfoe at the rection pois bz aller Than ts Cleotremamnetia warelangt, #0 the eeetion rom theve points didi at the tro palate. Tis ses myodeled in che 2-D case by mullpylng tho elton from cooh pol pradctad by greeted optics by the correction factor Le Smgas + tier BH, ‘ware & i che eletramagretie wave runber «By the rodiua of curvature at the tellin mint, andj Ths ayrare roc ol. This “extde yurateea epee (GO) toednereoppast fs tii the releied Mlle al VY wel HH, iving devrueive intertnence a VV wd center iwulerusa: al HE, Pig. 8 ube stuns tie BGO prediction ofthe backscattered fled wan aed 8 (ae ate os » igero B10 Gis beskocatering fom the cess uf Fig. 8. Shona ave the scattering exvesestinos Forel wing MLPKIA snd the 3D extended gcomediriad option face ave radar eroce-seetion (2 urs tsideney augh (), to cho reflection points of Fig. Sb. The cureeshi Forte was anplind to the auntie cotvabie the oft print in boch the upmave/dowtavacn aul rrowmenee rection, 3 direc application PPGO to the rection pois found Ly an auarnc poustue gave 9 reesonable petition at the HRL-VV tiv ovvoll but manval adja of Ui surface curvature ae the ralerlon finns terol to ily represent the deep wll In the VV beckeentering, A fly automated feet) of piling, the sp VY mol ont the wate yropentn nt tho rection pots as not fue, Tig. 10 sucus the dependenv of ths sackwottering from che erat of Fig. a0 ainnth sre "indicate dzeetiy upwave IUwlnavon. ‘The bigs HIL'VY ratio sem la Py. 9b austivod out 8 srimnt, besoad whlch the VV Taclewatoriog inereee, Pg. LL ame te Deletion pits on ho sae cost at 6 and 10" aimuth. AL 5° rf pote eeu Beth on te fl Ue wave fa tho ent, giving detruccv laste Tntacrn fs vmeave cad eoute pelottefetion, AE 1 Taoxewor ths eeflceton poze bave tooved cif Ue wnin poet cf the ame ost the ald, wl he cunceve acy engi e not a defied athlete. Fig. Zebown a 3.D sue cnt formed tom LONGTANK veaves1 dhrough 16; This ware has a sunk score davelped jt. ALO" gear the erty a felyebedowtt fon ss ov Mapenecion ty the jet co chae ie na concave stim poiat Ubi ratlsted J Uhr haclonwtcring shor in Fg. 18, No VW cancellation spam at O° asimuth, However az the aint sensi to ‘acho VW nll opponre, Tia explained Wy uw: rf pots ied st 6 alr son a Fig. 12. As the osimuth angle inreare, the cavity xederuct tho et bernie slinging He ‘aneeva -sectinn jvnt woud for the V¥ eanealation. Oval we have cemsitenly observed VV cesnosEtlon wheurver Uns ue beth zonsave aad caves back-cRevion pinta dient Sire ‘hen the rad of emeatnen al Hse man points exe oa the cde uf an lf th electromagnetic woveleagth, 82.2 Nomuniforn jets Adttinal esta wene prvi to determine the eact ote otn-unllrntics onthe beceratering, Fig. 1d chavs tove pies formed from LONGTANK waver 11 rough 1d th ripples of iasteanig, ride iteoued ino tho eaves, ‘The 0 asiawt: harkncaring re hse waren i abr In pat d ofthe gue. The buedscatering is very sia te lat ie Fig. when sal nd moderate 9

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