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DTIC ADA431742: Effect of Pretreatment With Human Butyrycholinesterase Scavengers on the Toxicokinetics and Binding of Nerve Agents in Guinea Pigs and Marmosets PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA431742: Effect of Pretreatment With Human Butyrycholinesterase Scavengers on the Toxicokinetics and Binding of Nerve Agents in Guinea Pigs and Marmosets

Ausrd Nunbes+ DAWD17-00-2-0032 THLE: Bffco: of Pectrestment with Hunan Butyrychol ingscerase Scavengers on the Toxicokinetics and Binding of Nerve Agente in Guinea Pigs aad Maruosets PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Jan P. Langenberg, Ph.D. CONTRACTING ORGAUTZATTON; TNO Pring Maurits Laboratory 2280 AA Rijswijk, The Nelierlinds REPORT DATE: January 2003 TYSE OF REPORT: Final PREPARED FOR: U.S. army Yodical Research and Materiel Conmand Port Detrick, maryland 21702-5012 OSSIELBUL GN SYRYHMMNY, Approved for Lublic Keleaze} Distribution Unlimited ‘The views, opinions and/or findings contained ix this report are those of the avthoris) and ahould not be coneteved ap an official Department of the Arny position, policy or decision unless so designated by ckher documentation, 20050415 057: REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE otuane treares : TEED a iotie eae eigen eae ma TTR aT oat re SER ei Mn nan ERE agency Uae ORL ‘2 pepont DATE 7 REPORT WWFE ANG ORTEE GOVERED its tact Femary 2006 imal con 2690 ~ 31 Der 2008) Pefect of Pratrestaant vith suman Tutyzycha-inesterase DanDir-a9-2-0032 Scavengers on tho Toxicokinetics and Binding of Nerve Agents in Cuines Piga and Uarmancts Jap P. canyeabery, eh.T 7 PERFGRRAN ORGANIZATION HATS ANG ABORT FERED GAMER Ie Prine Maurive Laboratory AEPORT NUIDER 2280 AL Rljsus3k, The Hetherlande EM Langenbergegnt tne-n 3 SFORSRTE TERT 15 SEOREDARG TORTIE AGENCY NAMEISI AND ADORESSIC [AGENCY REPORT MIMIBER V.5, Amy Medical Resegech aod Maverio? command Fort Detrick, useylond 91792 $922 "is ETAIVGN TRVAIABUTY STATEGTT ” ~ TEE TART ESSE approved for Public Retease; Divtrizution Unlinited TE ABETARET Ti foe WaT "ho air of ian fasted aah china (shNCH an tes blo onli toncciat of (beh ‘e6 soan a pectneruntsientnes of WX in giles le Waele Ale Lm hii af aba hs UC atv in toed sadly ees aking mani fle 20-24 had emai tbl sed mo 2 _Appnaaly 25% te otiniere das of BABUCAE was Gulag hn oda! 2a ict nto, lowe docile Sl hy ect of HOBUCKE out alter olnern art afer animation oe ear, Pos mn ith PRBLCHL (a mnt east of LA LDSD (x) of OH aes np pe) lel a sei eee oF te AIC ofthe Salou uniahinec caves. of tte of BACHE sar ais ogi pgs a meee Ay ‘surat smn nd srs apres a WX. ACH pomeamen ened in igen ee ofthe ALC of he exit aves oF sm bat fn, VX was ll Head f hes een pp he were peroneal? xrsatn WA plyblialy hau rnin cod wae dvelop fhe skies fama eave amd Hubne petettd minal, Portcuons vi Herida enna asp iglesia a jin nnd in lon ws rooted ‘eiealaal, Monon butyrylcholineeterece, evavengers, toxicokinctics, nerve pe 32. agent, gslnen pig, mrnosst 75 PAE ESE TY SECURITY SIAGBFICATION | 18 SECURITY GASGFIGHTION | XB, SECURITY CLASSIFGATION | 20 TRNTATON OF AETRAGT ‘or neront ‘or ia Pact ‘oF assTRAcT Tnelaees tied Opelasaified ‘Uaclageities maLindesd TSN TE SBOE nee Fed Fo BE oy 7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ‘Te ans wich fo sok the people who ae volved nhs uy: Ta. Mur, Beussbop De. Daan Neate, Miz De. Craton M, osme, A, Alee Cerda, We, Cv Ti, Mi, Heerea yan der Wiel, Mis. Helm Kt Spi, Me Ales Fier, Me, Tan L, vader Laske, Me. Kees Plejsier and Me Henk Tap. {ABLE OP CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, 3 TAULEOF CONTENTS 4 FIC AUS ANT TANLES ’ LIST OF FIGURES 8 LISTOF TABLES, 1. wmkopucuos uv Hh EXPIQIMENTAL PROCEDURES, WL) Mave uz Metoode 121 Aatsly ul busy hotnetrae fn ond 112.2. Sarple preparative usa fv slood 128 Sample prepation af C24P->snnan fr ad 24. Sayplepopaation uf (VX oboe N24 Msrideinduced activation of ofganiplophates bound ts ees into 26. Gas demargraphie anatssis oro WZ: Cas emonitognphic anaes oF CN nan U2 Gas demarographic amass ga V 129 cin ememicagepie anaes 12.10 Kabcian wl lscua aerve agent renner L211. Detensinaton ef so constant afinkblion cf HuDuChE by th ro inpmets ofthe nnee geass} VX, (Harn an CCUM ornan 26 212 Animate TIZIR Aleit Hi CRE 2 214 Toxicokusis of) CLIP semun and PK 41 the swe, aropiniged and ar iia'y onl ae pk fellwng inbeveno ulus adastion a T3A8 Thien netis of smn of CENME-)-oman he sett ax wrp'red gies yer venly exponur a >2ain sung vapor nae Eo 216 Toxicol’ sist ef euan iv the unettized ad arpicined mus aernoseanly espesus i oman Yaporin a 2 ZIT Tosfcavale uf Xin be anettized, arsine and lily ventlated gos pie ae pete ppeaton of VX 2 1318 Collection fguiren pig teem » 13.19 Dieoiburion of avast hele “C-arsan in Maa peeete iineu pig afer Cx, boas adiniation » 2.20 telat oRUCKE using procainamide fis ehromatogriphy 29 221 Prgjaraton of postin ffs ge » 222 Curve diing of ice eo da » ‘TABLBOF CONFENTS Cyeiaued) mm. ma m22 m3 mau. 32 m3 ms uit ms ae mn ms BESULIS “neste Lo CRE bo oe einen pig llering, Inwamuseatas adiinsccainn 1.0 0) Uoslcoinetic of Ca}PG+ somo steric ik anesbtival amopiized ard steals vealed zoe pigs prexeutet it) FHOBUCHE afr nvanate holsglristtion U.O.a2 and 3) (Gs srunutowsupbie aalsss af onan stocoieaners Tusieskinelis nf (LP psemin ia Mood of ths guinea innassnaus alistatin of» deve eresputiag wih 21050 (5 were) Lunicobinetics of-bo meecigomcrs oF |-}arin in sesh stoped and cial sete ye pigs hl wee reteatd wth HuBMCh act inuaveoeus blus adnan (E.-8) Gis shonaingrighi nese oft strcaieeers of sata Toxiecknctis of (+h nba oC Ee ue pig oravenoe brinbttm of dese concsponcing wih 21D50 Torizokncti of -L}-ar a nbs of ae BuBUCLE-pstreted gine iy ler inmwrenoesndinisurion of «dae eamesponing with 2 LUSD Tosieikiin nPi1}A°E sereiemensin maethaiae,aopized and aricialy vented hase guiac pigs pte ih CHL aie segvrwusbutos ukeseion(.C. 5) Gas euaatgraphi analyar nb V3 Tinka oF f°} VXC 3a HMBC pcs hei riven pg Toxeokinctiosu CC 9? CUP seeo steroosercs in esta snd arpinized guinea plas pereasd wil Ng HoCl aller stanly sepsnorsta CIPS) omni vpn ie (EO. Tuskokinties 0 (CYP and CW }otn sensors in aectiznd sd annie gine pigepoxoatd wit HABUCHE fer 5 nin tose omy expeeac noma sqm ini 3 ‘Tinks Csi dereatzers in acshetrat and apie ina pig istrestd with TDC? fe in noel poet 70 (ysern sag ine (0.8) Tovicckinatiot of (2-¥E mates psig ia seca vented Riles gues vis petted Wh Hubs fer perenne spplietion (7.0.5) ne oery of HuBOCDE iy Mood eft marist filo name siitisetion (1.0. 10y Toxcokinetios of (rman scrsizinere increta opine roars reel wth Ho BCE er 5+ aoaeoly Sse 10 CI=MGlJsonan opal insie (TO, Rand 13) lemminston oft rac const of ohn o€ TC the steveakomerc uf err ats Cla) aoa. (arin and (17x ost Bincing in esta vsear compartments (1.0. 1820) Thysiloell teed pharoacelbetic modeling (2.0. 21), Pine a” 8 o @ ” » 6 HAIL CONLIN (Contino w wa w2 waa wa wat waz ea wal was, Ws Na wa x Discussion: ‘Timo eau of HOBICHE anne ia Heo afer kn, adnan usec of HUBUCHE renee gas gs icine tana Anraenoustooaineies of sun Inhalt oe coriekination of(--soman [Pacer of Mtn peraten om excokintioe a (arin Aoravenous tenets of sin Inhalonoxicainetin of arin [ExcetofTMa"hT preetaent n cosokinstion of VX. lenuvenouetsionsinetin Perens oncahintes Invspsiation nf he re oe urd weacivtion aie ‘ste constants ofnbicon of HOR crv pen veces Tarsogioaly basal pharmacokdnee madslng Some comracats ths anim experiments KEY RESEARCH ACCOMPLISHMENTS, REPORTABLE OITTCOWTS, CONCLUSION REFERENCTS APMENDIX 1 yluaton often conse fr nh of 1h ICHE by ‘ep mrcosomers far ae pepe boing a emcl Ziffetene n satihutinesteice activity fon reaction wile metic ane APPINDUL2 Culolaon tvolevane ts Iva | WCLUN-CAL OBIECTIVESSSTATEMEN' OF WORK 1S) OF PLRSONNEL RECEIVING PAY ISDE IL I$ COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT 0 26 List of Figures snd Tables IST OF HLGURES (Cenrisd Pigue 1 ign Hewes gues Figs ignes Figs? Fane Ree ‘Conzcnaton-ins soures of Hot ht-eonceai on meaetod in blu a gulne igs Following arse’ ar ae aatnn OFC w "ypu pean of tho acroigmars af sean and inal standard A150 Hreomun ag the 2D-GC contigo, oy ‘Man consowestion (og 9PM °C PC) som und (CC) coman in bleed of individ! anita, beg aul nechntelis vented anes pgs arn dni straion ofa dose of CF1)™) mum eomempening with 2 LD50.55 weg). ‘Mean sonccntatioa + SFM (1a of CPCs in bo Cia soetetie’,stopiniaed and mosh ried guinea pigs tar wer peta wll MEL afer, baa ‘delarasnn a ase oF eB >soman eseesponding with asi 36 ‘Mesa soorention (ash) oF C4P-omnan aul Hsia ie ‘blced a ndvidul anced, spines and mechanically verted gies pgs bul were present eh FRENCH. (200 wig er {bole advintenat ou af tow dies ul Catt aomen comesponding ‘wl’? LD50 35 ugha et 96 and t= Bin 2 ‘Conezotmtion of BACAR. blot atin anetbeeed, ap wel au chau wematd zine ig ha we retour wih FRBUCRE 200 aah gh afer, bok _aloiisvalva of we doses cose oF CH) somen cores ‘Wi 2 LDSO (35 upre}at $6 nd Dani, a ‘Man sonccntraton-te career (ag = SEM, r=) in bles ofameatstized anoinizod and mechanically ent vine pig alle ie ainlivn of aur at a dows oF #8 wae, “which eonespaads with 2110, 45 ‘Men sonrcrumiontns couse of (arn (gm boo: sendin ed seine ocbaioll vena anid HOBAChE pretceedguitoa igen, wlan of (ahaa dos of 48 nx, which comspond wit 2 L050, a ‘can sonccotontn = zeuses of vr (api = SEM, 2-3} lel arestheized meepbiad. mechanical tena) aio hepa gine pgs lie x. ad itton os (eanrin dos of 18 up ka, which eurxponde wl LDS, a LISLOF FIGURES (Comrie) Figure 10 Fie 1 ewe 12 Figure 3 Figus Fegue 15 Fame ts Laue? Fgue 8 Fque 9 ‘eo canara soma ef (V2 ingaL = SER) ia lod of HBA preted antl, srpiized aati ‘vealed aise pines pigs ari anita yx 6 whe comespeadng wth 2 LDS. a ‘Mean concentronstime cama Huh 4M = SLM) ia blood of HuuChL prevents (120.200 ani) asthe, necpiized snd arial srl bares guinea pig afer. adinisation OF (VEE 56 uate) oorespendng wis 1LDSO, 3 Conconeations of (9pm stereoisomers ng) in ‘ood fuori, cnopined gunoapine er 82s resent exposure to 200 men" af Ci) saman vipa oti, st Concentation of CL-ymar ae) a blood of anehtzed, droped und HEBACHE yremoucds3ins pig era Pin ocoouly expan 2m of CEP peaman Vapor ‘Cameras of ude agence soman in plea pr 0F soestistiaed sopiized and Tb hp gies pict ftrugn 30 min nowecnlyexpoausto 2 min C(O oma vapor in a. * [Concertante cusses of sin ag bad af noetatize.anspiize, and TaRuC pre rete ae pe ar 22a nowy eps o 27 ang of amin Paper ins a Concerutisn tins cores of sarin (of) a hod a snestlzed anal sropinced sien pigs ae &2tinnaenily expoeure 12 2005.8? oF arn vapor in, 6s Cencertru-tn enone of} ym abled of rset, sopiaieed and HoBUCWE-pretcatel guns pige ses Das noc-rly expe 200 maar of =)saca vapor inal, 6 Concertrina-thue curv of aa tive mets in lod of memset fi). felloning itn misao oF HuBAAE {Som Con cetrton of CayP- Penman etn gn jan bo ofan nest tive el epinzed manne afer a 2-m whee expose 9 59 mgs? of (nm vapor a » LSE OP LIGLRES (Cortina) Figue 20 Figaro Heme 22 gum Figme2s Figs 26 Figue2? Higue 28 Figs 29 Concent: of C()P(} son sercuisemes (apt) in ood of metsiznd and anopinized manos aie 4S ern niee-oaly eps te SO mg of C1) seman apo in Distitution of BCA i pitca eyo 74 be tan, wlniasiton of Hache Relative ditibaou uC hs in aie ine pigs and HuBUChE- reed ial a: 24 heer preetnent sohenarie mt roel ie oF ysinloglly baned plarmacolinete iokintioe of oman, Predicted eopcentaton (npn of €()epoerean ed C2) 9m Inkl of desta nebo, trpinin€ and mochanialy pigs afr ota adeinaten of whe of (CUPL sma cuespoding wth 6 COSC (165 wee Prac voncentation (ma) of C¢-}soman (ahi liner (CPE-teeman (oid ie in bh fac ual mesheted, opined and mochanialy went vine pigs llr. bos ‘hima eu dose sf Chal aenanoorespand gh 2UDSO(SS pate, Prodotd conosiltin (aga Ce 92(-soman (ed Hi) sre (439) smn (cl Hg) a Blood of initia ana nicely vee is pigs wher i. Boks Cie coman consenting wil (8 LD50 22 we Trezsted oneentation (xi) of CPCs. and ‘CL3PE--seman in los of sues pigs aor iy ols sala eatin dove of CUP goaan comes ‘with 6EDSE 5 pata), Cleaetod onosrtarion (og) uC ese and (6£P1-zoqmun is Nood of cuca pgs air olan oF dose of LL) soe ersponing w22 LDSD (55 neh) Price concentration fog"L) of C(JPF-psoran aul CME poem fn Blood of guitza pgs alee bol alinratien ofa deseo (Cla}P=} suman easesponcing with? LD (55 Page a 6 ey © 0

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