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Preview DTIC ADA431404: Augmented Cognition: Amplification of Attention for Better Decision

REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE ot ee feasted aut commana ‘sebee-2002 FwNat ‘OV Api oa Svemertel Cogn: Amps a Aen fr Br Din ‘Sovun L016 pais Bat Oxon Heth Sie Urey We! Cana Srrorninae ine NF Welacltnea Na Beavansn, OR 970068021 Nia, wa Nia A. Agel fin sublet; itu fa wlinited ia psa ene dss ie ore even erie finangheyptve tate ous oman tot ston noun condo ie cogent a ‘Resta ning yyilglea aswel asco coases: Erupts of te slg uc oud EEG a ‘vedi vir menace promo there movements eee eel + areal Rem meh Hr hcl ri a ee ates ira nena wre ud wedeoeneaed oa ably app ie SANE Seva an Salcony = couse eseara te avesigte cece cs agpantin eh beach preigh. Our re sgrt ot iat imevenen re ple, rly natn nee etermance ISicat Re hy tse a thn op Arent zion viel yan wha sumtin lel of wgaion REPORT [ABSTRACT -THEPRGE] ABSTRACT Cre | ita Pave! w ASE jy, TeLEHGUENINEER owes ¥ po 5 1B 145 1158 Pavel Final Repurt N00O14-01-1-0706 satiun uf Att Augmented Cognition: Amptif for Beller Deciston Final Report Tanuury 25,2005 Grants NASA-NCC 2-1218 I Namse: Misha Pavel, Department: Blometical Hogineering Iraticution Oregon Health und Science Vaiversty Address 20000 NW Waller Read City: Beaverton Sta Country: OSA, PEPhone: 503-748-1188 Fount: puvel Gonengida ‘Telephowe: (503) 748 185 Kan: (503) 748 1406 ABSTRACT "The primary purpose ofthis pruject was la investigate the utdesying principles for the firurs development af systema supubl of eslitmating the coyaitve state of an ‘operator, the demmeds othe Lusk, an the elevuat exviranmaental colitis, The sognitive stat is estimated using physiological es well ws bokuvieral meusunes. Cxumyples ‘of tho physiological measures inehude REC and hear rts an the behavioral measures ‘include perforrsance on the task, ce movements, ct, We develaped a thearctical Geomevtork for a class of models fae relate attcution allocation toa msasure of workload, and we demonstrated eur ability lo apply this Jearmework 1 several casks, Subsequently. ‘ye carriod out severa! experiment i investigate the effectiveness ofthis approach witha 4 visual search paradigm. On resale suggest dh significant improvements ue punsible, ‘bat only in sitations wee the performace is indsed limited hy hs abilities and the sate ofthe buraan operator, » 20050408 023 Pavel Final Report NOOOL-DL-1-0706 ‘Table wf Contents 4, Exceutive Summary. 2. Introduction, Framework for Workload Modeling. “Tyya-Task Example, MultiTask Framework ‘Multidimensional Workload Framework. 4. Emplrical Aspects. 41 Data Acquisition, 42, Approaches ta Parameter Estimation 43, Mpltidimensional Representation S.Significance and Papeeted Tmpuet 6, Keforenees, 1. Appendi Pavel Final Repost NOOOL4-01-1-40706 1, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ‘The rmin scientiFic woe of is project was to carey ont intial investigations of techniques for avgmsnting cognitive cupubilities. ‘The specific focus ofthis fot was to develop principles that woold permit engineering developments aud designs of dovices and systents that would preatty enhance performance in systems currently Tinted hy on opereter's eugntive abilities, The Augimsntod Cognition approach sonslats af duse eompanent: 1, Sensing andl data acquisition ww support estimation of cognitive sate tas demands su cxvirontnonta ene 2, Cugnitive sate cxtimation using intligont statistical pultem recogaition ‘cchnigues tn infor concurrent cesousce allocation and spare capacity 3. Anlfcal intelligence tecluniques capable of adjusting in ral tie the fas ‘demands i match the instantanzens processing resources ofthe human operator. ‘Because ofthe curren capahiiies in our laboratory, the focus of this project was on cogaitive state estimation, she development of mathematical odels, and empizical investigations of de application ofthe modsling efforts. The xpesifie reslls of Us rojeet includes Ldcattisation ofthe bottleneck thut a ely 1 it performance, ovslopment ofan intial version wa made! of workload that defines a quantitative _spresantation of workload and provides « Gromescork or establishing 3 relationship ‘betreen the observable biatogea! quantiles, ubservable performance dat, aad the information capacity ofhoman aperatun. Completion of « numberof experiments wiizing several diferent implementations of cognitive supp. We hen to investigse the conditions that lead co significant improvoments, We idetified 1 subwel of conditions wider which search tasks are essentially impossible te perform without augmented cogaition support evelopment of aoftwure thal implements, ia C1, dhe Warship Commander Jitoractive game for testing a vurety of interventions in sipport of ayemated ‘epnition systems, This sofware allows the designers uy exunpulte the Wajectalies of he individual gam clemonts in realtime, and te endif the display dynamically in response to the operator” actions and extemal cvants. ‘The real-time vapablites are tsa] in onder to provide a sutticicaly tight feedback Tony that will alow: Ihe performers tw munipulste dhe wsenitive load in ea timo, Ravel Final Report NOOO14-01-1.0706 RODUCIION {4 order for cognitive aids to be effective performance amplifies, they must bz sensitive to the task context the spocitie take demands, the environmsutal éontext, and the cognitive state ofthe operalurs. For exaraple, sm auemented cognition aysem may _nced ¢ aaipulte th anopat of information flew tothe operator to match his ‘nsialacuns ees ad processing capabilres. Information overload as cl ax infernation deficit would Wikely esult in subwptimal perlormance. The information proceasiug capabilities depond ce the nsluntunons human infrmation processing, escusves, and thus, are relared tothe instantancans cognitive sate and werkload. The development of eagntive atiplifiers, therefore, sequlses a continuous assessracat of the coguitive sate and understanding of the refaionships among various cognitive resources ‘andthe oognttive stats, An important determinant of enynitive stale iw eombinakion of Skil, capabilities fatigne, ess ard worklond. These determinants of eognilive tal have aifereac time coutses ranging ftom years (c.g, caining) eo rilkccands. PAfecive ‘ngritive amplification deviees will eed tbe tallred to the cognitive stato based ou all. those sharactevitie, har the mast challenging udusition is We one tha changes most pidly ~the cognitive worklnad, For the purpuee uf this paper, we assume dhat workdoad Js he erica aspoct that determines the propertza of cognitive amplification. Given this assurapinn, there are two key questions underiyig the development ngmontel cognition systems: (1) Tow wo qouuttatively wens the individual's cognitive state in terms of spscfie measure (gauss) and (2) how ta use these eses menses 10 contol the avgmented cognitive aids, Tho only vay tn answer Ghose questions fata develop explicit quantitative models that relate information processing capabilities tr ‘worl, We assert ut sre made is ashuaned imapliitly whenever che empisical measurements are mae and interpreted, We therefore propose to ttake the assumptions underlying the models explisit and directly available For the designers wonaleuet specific euginecring models, ‘the design of the eagnitive amplifiers will, letefore, need a theoretical and a practical connection belween wurklout sense, performance un acl as, ud the contol of sogaitive amplifier, Such a theory has tr comprise at ews Lt compunenls: Ihe ‘notion of warklosd and a tpresentatian af the aspouts tobe eantrlled. To the following aragraphs we describe bristly a sot of asic assumptions that will enable us to develop ce igovous defialtions subsequenesoctious {We asarme that for the execution of amy purticular sk Ue Turn egnitive processor roquices processing resources, same of which cun he allncated amon ‘conenrcent tasks. The key assumption is chat workload is rlated tothe avilahle resctoes, and i particular, hat iis monotonically decveasing wich inercasing available escuress. Consequently, the moresithe awiluble respurces are alltel 1 waeious ‘aaks, the highs i the warlord, For the concept of workday he wied u «critical entity te support cogaitive amplification, it is neccasary to charactsriz the relationship bolswen workload and the set of concortont, individual tga. ‘Thi characterization must include (I) the eonleibution Pavel Final Report NOOOL4-D1-1-0706 of the individu ask to the workload, Le, “task Lond”. (2) relationship hetwen pesfonnivace on the taak and the rexpurvesallacated tothe task, and (3) the relationship between the difficulty. the nmovne of information dat weeds is he peacessd, and the resouroes allocated lo he ask, (Our approseh tothe development ofa heretical framework for workload vill be bused on un assumption tha all sources are cxchangeable and can be allot kn any task, We atartby examining usual with wo such sks aud davelep sat initial notion ‘of workload, We axtaud thi framowvork to multiple caneurmnt sks and develop 0 one ‘dimensional noon of Workload, Inthe last section we discuss a mrificaion of Thi Approach to account for situations where some resources are bound toa class of tasks and tat all zesontess ean be allocated to arbitrary tks. 3. FRAMEWORK FOR WORKLOAD MODELING Aw we nated shave, te motivation to measure workload is rooted in the relationship botwoon workload and the available iaformation processing issourecs, This nation is ‘thisated in terms ofa agra au yeneralFeamevsouk in Figure 1. The dhageam Observable aia | 28 Nea | uy : Heim | neneas> | ignee 1. General framework for workload modeling ‘dealles twa componcats ofthe ftamawork: the abscrvab'e component ar The uncibservuble eonsiructs, The key composent of dhe unobservable model -the cognitive rescurees — ia represen by the block identified by 4 cousists of two pars (1) allocated resources nod (2) availahle mscueas. ‘The allneutel resources ure divided acwong, several Pavel Fal Report N(OOL-01-1-0708 ‘cov, such thatthe eesoutve coctesponding tothe th task is designated by hy, 'The ‘worlnnd, denoted hy x, sa viriahls thal reMects availble resoutees. One athe key ideas vndlrlying eogoitive amplification iy ts eximats Uw instantaneous eon of available copnitive processing resources. despite tho fact that these are not dncclly hworvable, We iherefore rece a model that wanld provide a quamtative coupling borwcen observable and wrabservable aspects oF is Famer The agpoets that ae, ut lest in theory, directly ubservable are hse that can Mt ean be seased af dovived ftom seusony data, ‘Thess are the varions aspects of performance wn signals from biological scasos. Although some aspcets of the performance eculd potentially he assed usine perceptual interfaces, forthe tine being we would lke te ass058 the availahle esnurees fram biological duta becouse the assessment of perfonruance from bchavierel data requires inferences chat are heyond the current ‘apabilies ofthe artificial ietefligence methodology. Although the ultimate goal isto focus on biotngical dats, the slarling puinl of the ‘modeling eon is foonsed on performance. Iho razon for thi arama is thal fi the ‘purpune of voynitive amplifcstion of performance, it willbe necessary to contol the fnforimation oad, the difficulty ofa task as a function ofthe estimated available 3. Two-Task Example “To descrhe the approach we stat by oulyzing a situation with onty two tasks that Perceptust Cognitive Response Filler Resourses Generation — ——— ——— conwon = Response Visual Information Capacity Channels Figure 2 Bottlenecks in information processing compete fo: the resources, This typeof sitvatiou, illustated in igure 2, has bee ‘examined experimentally and thoogcically ia @ nnatbcr of psychological stdics of dual. Pavel Final Repost NOOOI4-01-1.0706 AC a a & 5 g 5 E € 5 é 1.0 Performance on Task 1 wre } Atteation operating characteristics. See the text for explanation tasks, An in-depth discussion of this upprouch can be found in Sperling (1984). Sperling and Dosher (1986). For the purpose of this explanution, is useful to think ofthe resources as tne sflocatcd ta teak. The tot! osources ia Tin exaraple is then Qe te allocated t0 The ‘vo tasks, Hat's supp: that task 1 is allocated hl of he total TTresumrces (enous uf ‘time), thos providing the “worklond"; fad 2 is the contrl task tv be managed ssi _xcapect to 5 rakload, ‘The pertarmance on cach tsk wonld presumably depend on the amount of resourecs allocated to each tsk wih the resulting radeoft berveen the petfonmances ou the tsk, ‘One way to characterize these deofTs bergen two fasks petformod simultanccusy i the so-alled attention operating characleristics (AOC} depicted by the graph in Figure 2. Tn this graphs the pointy RL and R2 represent the hen! possible performance on each task individ, The solid curve on thie graph represents the tradeofT between the pprformance on the two tasks and the prticolar shupe uf the vurve felts the deyree lt ‘which the to tasks share scsonrces, he parmnater ofthe ADK isthe amount of esourceswllovated task 1, 4. The fondamousal relationship that ndertcs tho AOC is therefore the dependence of performance ou each tak cu the amount of resarecs allocated fn this tack. Tee denote this performance by Pavel ual Repost NOOOL4-01-1-0706 pedi) o where pis the porformaneson the Fh task and gis a mountonic Functinn. the total amount of resources fs constony, and hl is allocated. task f, then the pesformance en, task 2 will be given by aoa (¥-h) @ ‘these two relationships then specify completly the shapa ofths AUC, At his point tis postible to eomidera deinition of worklond ha is goncratod bythe processing resources aTlnetedo sk 1 At this poiz the oul contain the defritinm worcoad that it tit ncroaze wit the deteasing aie rewures end decease with te ftal amount of resourses. These considerations auyaunt to simple rode Fist s based onthe assupion tal resumes are represented hy an itera eae abd Ba he form we -H aia) I o ‘The second model is based on the asturaption nf ati scale am has the form & alin) nor @ [Both ofthese models have ths desired properties and ae i fac are claely elated to each other by’ logarithmic ransfonuation, 3.2, Mult ‘ask Framework “Tocxtend the detiotion of worklou from Seetion 3.1 ro mine rsks requis a satension of Cuz AOC representation fo multiple diacusous, To Uscribe a tnuhidimensional AOC surface we cat with some defi ind wasumptions, Fst define a performance vector B= [P.. P,P.) Where each element corespeinds to the rerfummincs onthe comzspouding tsk, The wabservabl reroure allegation Yo each talkie deeribed by a vector fi=[4Abyo,] ive ese definitions, th workload snodel can be specifi by tho following astm: 1, Total cognitive resources wellble fr nn individual depends oni kil lve fatigne and aiteseZ7(S,K,¥'), whore Sis ses, Ki kil level and P x fatigue 2. Workload ic feton of available and allocated sngnitive rogessng resources, tan 3. The resomreas allocated ts diferent sks are combined additively anu the Kuen cance ‘exceed the Lata available rosourecs, 2kse ro) Pavel Foual Report NUOOL4-01-1.41705 4. Tusk peformonce on a particular task dopends only on the wnount of resonrees allocated tothe task and the refutionship between the performance on the it tsk is piven by amanotonie perfimmance fonctien g ina sinar mariner to that ia Tquation (1) ra=sth) @ ‘5, Tusk perforce is conditiously indepsactet, given rescues allocation 6. Biological measures of workload depend only on the specific wet of eomeurent ‘sks with @ possible parameter sepreseating tes resources Attbough the total sgn of resorees thot depend un dhe upertor’s knowledge, P2- Performance Task 2 Figure 4 Attention operating charactersties, Iatigue, and stess, those quaniies change rcladvely slowly in comperisan to the. dynamics of workioed, and we thetefare drop the referenee 10 these variables, and denotz the resourses by 7.

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