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DTIC ADA431005: Investigation of Structural and Electrical Defects in GaN/AlGaN Structures and MODFETs PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA431005: Investigation of Structural and Electrical Defects in GaN/AlGaN Structures and MODFETs

REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE AFRLSR-AR-TRO5- aia a ous 1S Dee 2000. 30 ov 204 FINAL ineiguion of Souscaral aod Meck Doles in UINANCAN Shrocores and | 61102 ies ns Be Marino ERE RE EATER TION ATCT AD ROORESTER FEREGRRTTE GRERTTERTT viRcints COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY REPORT Hua J502 West MAIN STREET. ines sown VA 2a2et-38 ERT TAT TS ROTC WME AND HOUT 7 SRRSSRITSTSURTORE ALOT. ‘ARENEY REPORT NUMEER a> WOSON BLVD 9420-01-08 sure na ARLINGTON ¥A 22298 Fa BETH GW KURI ARTY TATED “TEE TET RFTON COO DISTRIGCLIOR SLATER a. Usiied SERRA RET TOOT iv hs projct, min goa wast Focus on MMODFEET siruues to uadersind (be sect ut saprovenens aot be oases 0 agra, In order to raceme cf ta besve. Ue CaN copies yrume by MOCVD st flse Ny c-sa vagocuion oT aye. By the ees of iia nason ia hydrogen nd snuzenin caviar leds he MOCD sya in Ti ayer ae conver its az etelive naan netwuek ul SN shih deity 0 sods att sana poses CaN sade rises nanan Ca lenges were ese 3¢ 2 ema or nane-TRD epitny fr CAN grant ss early ben reported Ue plow of ck CaM oa sequel separating for apni sober by avo eee sepicaion (VAS! ecru, wich ulBzek a hr. THN sans nwa 2t dc kegining ot hydride vapor pase ein uterr grown ey obtained a ers low TD desity of Set em— fer ho 30 em CaN lye om th THN el e, ese epee by HVPR gro calcein such CaN iemplares withaoc a TIN eco. Wis, heetore, sce o deter} se re of THN aswetk nelson roduc in inner CaN Hest sper, weep Ue Ee ee coaetcterinstion of CaN grown a i i TY pore nstserk by MOCVD with setced ditiallon ancy and het npc teal an xyaline ropes. SECURITY SCRSSHTGRTION TE SECURITY GI ASSFUCATIW [To-SECURITY RSERTNTTO Vases Lotus Deolciit Ee . DISTRIBUTION STATEWENT A Approved or Public Retease Distribution Unlimited Food. Répar prepared fr De. WhesAFOSR Award FAS9620.01-1-0085 by Matis Morte Anvestigalon of Steturs! ana Retreat Defects in GaNAIGAN Structnes and MODFETs vie MODTETs fibre ow CaN filus show a cumbor oF deviations Sow ths ‘ol sinvttes, The snc wil henson ths rset ety cours of imprest ppuhe Yo ubdertnd to sources of degradation. Ibe porary focus all be un IMODFETs, bur the rvs will be appiable a bast range uf wine devices. Lesage esocted sith tie gates <f MIDs # a geimaty Tinstzion in devie: peclnmanse, Corel sdkige gals, ae who purs'asne phntacontuctsiy, 30 Cent ag aul cure ealape, ae cated to clseuiealy active docu, suriace inorfee stats, and mel indneed sup stres QHIGS). We vil impiore devi sapabltisthrovgh severat mesa ceablions (og, tengstae, WML to), (rowh melied fe, panrT RO, TVPR. telus, ecing and regrow), and pos morh pusivation Progra Diet reduction by tanto ntrde uanonee this pujet aa a! vest fous on MODFET sousrrcsr aadertand the sunoesatngraernes aad th sees of degedao, I erdert ash oar of the ehieaves, the GaN trplace erova by MOEND wes falloved by e-beam ‘eaporation of Teper, Hythe aaa of oi trio in bye el roa cavionment inside the MOCYD yeti, this Ti Iyer was coven tv av efetive ann netic of TIN sh high densky of voids and aexo-porns GaN ier, Thove anauo-potein GaN teplnes were weed osu Sept Li nemo £14 epibny for oath eas seaentty heen reported the aroerh of tick GAN ara subsequea: scpwaion fort sapphis aubere by 2 veidassiee! sear. (VAS) tehmigue, ‘which ulizge a cb 15N porous etwork at ibe Drang of Eel wager phase eplany (IVPL) srw! They ube way low TD density af S10 an? ete $e-jr Ga ayer on the Terk, was eeparted iy HVPE goon elie ia Fah GaN tsoptces witht TN network” Ici hecfore,icteverting to derzine the role of THN aesoth uo slum etn thinner Ca Te 8 oe, sve report te growth ard saratrition af CANT grey on ua he TIN poses fete by CHV ih eae cilncaron an and heetee improved pec? and ogein ropes Tor tbe HIN Liver expect, 4 UT yn GAY grows se sain by MOCND sa se i emplatien J ies of ZH an a Ma Wore obeam evaporated on dio GaN tenpltes aed then abject ena terval aneating proces at (000 °C for shuts, for 9 Rod rave of Myo , (3) cuts inside che MOCYD chamber, Gud verso as Dea mede on these Foo temples f 1939 °C, orth consist TMG Tow tale of Ts yeni an Ml Mow tle af ¥6 Lin, Fa cempcsoe ¢coata) 20050325 134 GaN layer sue grown em the se Gat) telat ish. enti gro contin bout witout the 13N newer, The Gi vimgle with 20 ain TN Tager ras Cacia’ sing erie an] parece nenaisting elton mies (TEND, logebor wih he coe sarple. Table I sunmarizd the gro condita ‘nd elastin, eu ora te erage (omen “Fab 1 a ad tyes gn 2E tad Un TR porous etn, la the ‘ol GaN ler woo TN, Tae HRD ce cad tn>-esobed PL dat ne ewan tere Fh samples wore haracrid hy seaming eleion nisseeo3e (SLM). vay difisron QXRD), and room tempersure Unsesesolved poloiuminescets {TRPC), SEN images show tha the sac xunpboloyy uf TN euvere serge Is souls acted by annealing ame, bul Wa tener ele Oy cifras aia and seualiog ieuperturen Tole song prove, micseane windows weve Soros ‘on te lear dun desorption of fo Ti layer at high empertpe,aecorpsnied by niuideion of his scorigsous Tec fe TIN meswork Alte ine ean sgn lee chins sere nd a1 wha feats ae of 2m. & sist hencwsenon wae als repotad? We suggsst hat hese small windows (chan) Sst appeared at giain boundaries of urderving GaN wnmplate at the inieal age of ividagon, Th es porous ante of GAN ute sain bonds aml 9 ube este elect of Tun GaN decoxositin ed us Los mest «By he fata Snneiling preci progress, nove wont agin to format Be sala bandas and ‘unegovall bch De deny aul ses of ise vidos inoease sd time. Fgus (a) shows he SEM sartacs momphalogy oF TIN poreusasrworkformod onthe 20 ren ‘Te lyse. The cos-cticnal TEM scrogrpb tor the GaN wth the 20 om TIN porous aeerk is shovm in Fy 1b), Neer be ser tt Nee GaN grt he TIN Dore netrk iad Irn he o'amenne windows nf ths dioecious TIN ‘stink abting a2 GN itends. THis flowed by the gion of Ga eer ‘from ths istnds by lesa and vical expansion leding 0 enleseave, Ibo be creel thet bin er ll subareas De dct TNL Tagen de oe aeralavergrvil of GaN a tho poste “aninactar: cee” of Tint Thvcatingdsioatonssignifcatiy decease ato above the TINGS intertce. Avast hoo mestimisms can be Euggese for esloclion reduetun elt 1 Ost poor on LIN porous alec. Fs, ont uf the Ucaingdisooains hho GaN fanplate are effectively Meckod by te TN layer, Scrand, some ending Alslosatogs pstemee zpugh te TIN wéndows tothe epper lier but sreadpans hange their propaption Unertan and extend lateral inezad. Th the near Aiiestion-fio region above TIN, wore plane slacking, aie aro Joissd dus to ising ond dsovilion of dalncrinns inte pera. Burgers vorear pecmig, Soul dsketi tedeioncna'd oooae rough recomblonton and samba, There, the pipapaton of dslostans i eflcsvelysupprete:|avar Ue INGA Jive, For compacieon dhe somal GaN ler grown wu! the PN incr is shown fs Fig eh wich shave no observa. Ustcslion sation above che iit GaN teupiae ice 1) SUM aN png wa (29 49 Tar, od Uy ean meg in Niet (ith. Gone lina 12M ast th efor 9 11 poroe star Con 2D Taran Gia ietionreducizg (Gas ge sur oe A precise artoviment afd amar of dislocation celoutvn cat be mae by cenuncig neti de delcrion inthe plz. ew TFM ocengrapbs. We Fig. 2il, the Pai-view image of ube Call opabel Ieee gteson srtheut TiN (03 jam thickows} sath density of og cislaeaeon aerays (1.5 «108% se meee by "e, aud 2 much lower deity of iit endnn sors dioeaions (13 hem) os mario by "Far te GAN gjoxt vith 20 nu TN porous retner ‘hin of onty 15 gin shown in Fig 28), he sere lc daly 5 alee rchanged (1.4 = Ue bu the ihe slacations (0.9 > 10'n') ve Seeresed bya estan onder if engi, These avis nagar saggea het te {Win FIN parva ucivrk wedi very sffsotive in reducing edgo dislocations. Lex teow Glocatin, hei maniher ero aleney lowe {abort 20% uf Ue tal ‘Selowzrng) in MOCVD GaN, and the effet of Luh iz rediing Drm i Hares Issa kely. Hlghresclliea sty rocking coe (sa) shor hac the GaN saaples ‘row on but 20 yn nt 10 ny TIN porous runes have Srproved eying (geahy fa ters af he fa-widtha-halznesimure (WLM) 0° Ue asyeuclic uO?) aitzaction weak, az cane sen Tle Speielly forthe GaN eaaplss ‘eith 2 am and 10 0 TiN pucsus elves, FFM of (1012) jouks are 5.4 ari, el 45 gr, easpecczaly, ax comparee to 7 aon: the congo) empl e ie onsistnt with die TEM nels i Lp. 2, which xo 10 « ection ‘hs ods alocacoos conmunly wsovined wis He asyarnctie (1012) beeadoning whisa 5 tecuilive Wb edge daoestiong. The wally unetlected srumevie (002) FWLIM ic ‘Sonsstne with tz TEM micrograph shoonay unebungel are locaton desi ‘TREL is uondestietive and ponerfl fecha evenly sed te measure earie serine am impure parca ‘clad reste quality ax device pekemmance Figars2o shoo theron tempenmure THPL data fr the CaS corto sz <8 in Dhoirs) wich xo LN, az the Cats sales sh 16 cm ane 20-3 TAN porous avlyuchs, Th tivecesoved signls vere idegated over x 10 ama wie spsest Teun Site peck PL encigy (24 eV), The inetemeea- hile ge ples tae the estvation progenss ena the canes fom 4 eV enltalion anespy-dstacd Hates to the 2000 qoinearim eavilooe bir ge sites are very fs For ash favcpls, th doveying part ofthe TIL dt is wo! fest y a bexpancotal Alecay fmoloa: Ay expla | A; egy) Table Tiles Cr decay cure 3, find) nd Se amplitude ratios AFA) ub fate 8 iy @ Fieve 2, Plows THM riangngle smi oye ate srw dante ithe on of aN rae, 1) eh eel spe ween TN, a he CS ih 2 mT res, (e Ginteasesd Poe. sobrg Beexgmenisl day eae ties So {GaN groan TN pose deracts ani 29 yon ond rey lene, an willow TI (eon, ay constant sal prbebly repress effeiveno-aitve seeumbinatioa st room fexpertoe, se she decyleg,enmponent tis arise co the raskaivs Tiling wf The hoe exciton, Compared ee cancel snmp Co sens wit 10-am TAY porces work she alm! Biter o 2 imgeceancn 0 the curler fete fr) be dy eres for Ure GaN sang th 70 ow TN een, {esl to ther fe te conte ensle, However, di elative maga of fe ese <ssaging comprnont to the fat desepingeomponen [AIA fr bh af he sales ‘eit TOR netwodks ae igroved compared i The vorenl eres This ioaze tat the noaradve reeembiation is mute? by Me inclvcn of the TIN eras network, Te vansierah isc: in he ctr Bifedne (rn) Yor the 19 ou TEN hee haw the 20m camp i sane puzaing mace the RD daa Ker sane me sir arcs, oweven ane nd kao ind ‘hatin adaion to the feaing alors, the warty Time ie 3t0 ssn to ther ype of defets euch a pil dose the fet oF whic ae not acodeted by [XE ates ls with ately broad ay cifSncion pes. Distocntion reduction by woectiv etch ‘The arlectvely etching of the dslcitvy diets ard peition of an ‘The aeketiveeshing af dip detective rons wae cae og, by erin wih KOM. Some pet ofthe samples prowe 2y ZC VD technique wo beste wil noon KOH. {1210 °C, ont for 2 sosome an ons fee 39 seconds, Thaa overgrowth of 2m of ‘EAN on the KOM elehed and aon-etsd som GaN senplt sone it 1020 °C, iol. a Mg-Coped layer 200 sen ere oe prow lo frin ap fneton. Blstioal mewimeren, csi yeu vllage -V), ws aloo perforined ard this measinemen! showeé sir leakage cutee: fey all of te beatuents. Lhe eect va the chal "rfp sven Fig 3. KOH ctchig for 2 ee eches sol pits athe solace KOH {ething fr 30 sos opens up the gt argerbesaponsl sie Sustral aad opis eavictaratinn i nt vevcal any sgnicant dtersanes im he alr! properties. Ria Pacing 6x width ar bat manna (WHIM) 47 AUR arom tor te (002) ine, with aegligile ville betwee he etched and grown, and neeathed erd regomm layer, The (102) line wie 69, 25, aud 6S, seria fo he noo-cched sample, the sma ecm! for 7 st, an he samc ee fe St) aos, cemportvely. Bhocolmminesoenze specks shotee vary salar haretriones for ail sample, wih r9 Satnguiehing diernces af can he Figue 4. UhebW1M of ke ecilon peaks a ISK rage fom 4.697 a. aces aime Beer ge 3, APM ings ofthe templates for regrowth of aN by MOCVD, Behing fr 2 conde ich nen pp Longer ROR ska etl Pe amt haem e918 zw pea lta forgo st GaN by MOCVD. oop level mansient peckoscupy (PLES) sae ual tu meus ths daft conceastion far each ofthe healaes, ok well a6 the dofor uorgcs a exptre ‘uns seston, The DETR sor i hare oa a SULA system, vet added digtication ‘of the trnseot forrati-espenentileomponeal (ih, revert seenate at cach fenageretre stp were ootized by averiog 20M) rawioits wage, aking “50 pins ot O1 meve sampling inlercls Me ilkng oulee with was 10 rsce. The fensgerstre ws vaio i 4 aps fom $0 19 700 K “Tue sate ovindow plot fort cont sample, andthe samples vee ix KOT or 2 and 30 sozoads ia Fgue Si} shoes several aps, rot his rater doo ph, fppnote tha the 2 scood etch in KIT was ens ofztve at reducing ths wos promt bap a1 340K. ecmparznn af fo eae wind plots for sevecal ses Eom diodes proceed Metcally real tat >a variction in the evocation of ‘uape wee uoaly ab lrge as those sex cm Wg Hower, es bap eomecteation at 340 K was soneitently lor (oe de war etched fr eccoads compared ta the fone) sims, or Ue srple ekdal far AN seonde. Behite tor 30 seconds produced same of Ue highest conceration rps at low temperature below 200 K. [Rone of fe etching iralvens lisiated any speci 2aps. The Acaheris pts iver in Fg. 0h) shoring the oberg for ho electon and bole “ops, able J suds the characterise of eash ap. The bole tap at 75 me bys rel been reported previcealy, mor has the obieraton af werlipping rape ak 300 380 K ih cuore 620.536 eV and USNS eV. Figure 5. (4) DLTS sosindce epee fr MOCYD roan GaN Ta fmwvong carparng ‘he mnatod roi conse spe, 0 CoS eich or De Sacer KOM pe epeuth, The eccaeren simon woe 9¥ alg ple. 1 renconcn B (e ero ty ater ont The aeinde i 20. QD) DLTS Asians Pot aps 624 {SF nd GSE we eonttnly act o-Gat grove by erm tne The eee [ims amd he tap sh 1506 eV psig ih he ana taps 385 0 ave ot een merely “Tw caprte irae wore al studied os w meas (u dicate hetoen peiat defects and Ungar defers, auch a2 dislocations, Copsctance tatcont Eplindes from dslaeatins buve tee shaw lo ive gels dependence 00 ‘ing pole width* neressng Ihe firg pols fam L pase to 269 mace fee the at 346 K rested i «lavas vee inspite ne: plotted veras the ly of de Sling pose wth snating thet te kap esate o aloaoos The tp at 12 Swed a chaage i easier: ample when varying De ii, yalss wie mt L ros co 200 mice st the respunie ns cowplirted Wy the meatal maar of ie ‘8, which ie dscosed wet “The conceanation of raps mesure a eupecarnesbslaw rece omperanre pended onthe conditions shning cocling, The 40p level spore in ig. 6 were ‘llected tnder various comlions svi caning t 80, neudirg 9, 130 aA (or ier A. 190 minutiae ia pap and cepsoo) faward eure, iad "30 Ys Thee Siow thar th confguaren of dafex structure depeuls one evans uf 60005 Jing eloseally active when fx Wap se ill Fillet, ia otha by Wo, cal [5. There aio a aautig ffl a9 sexe poviouly “show bythe Bee ‘ate sper iene not ng its 10 V applied i high fh “he 2th hen wll ¥ sooling, AS a rvul of tis cbsecation, all of the spelen Fig, 2 were ‘Renvded after bestng to 700 K, and wah 150 ro applied doving cooling to the Sartngsencpeatre of 39, Further mpimremenis of the TTS spectra showed that the arence ‘ete concent af aps was at pesathennsen dese oathe seme piece, ws fe Aiioence beeen arene tretmans, "This bus 9 buen weeu by ollers (Foss, [WSU fe odor MOCVD samples, Vigane 6, The conan 9 dep ‘atelea€ 161 K pied or the enone arr ‘fing indcalng strane cootgtion Ale, the ar meng eet woe be pee a aes 10 a beer thm the era er OW. Tho wer Bah Be spoon wore oer Tp ¥, 24150 pA BOY. MRR grate Aneto for iat ety RGA. RHEED, oul AFM netiatshavs bacn used to delenuioe the desorpiva ‘al Aisin ossaios of vavious zpcis ueoted in te ere ith BF mogen oe SSnvconia and molecules of 8-C, Theoneray ie detrmed a a uceion aera ‘Srection hy espost he ze using cthing ane geont ‘allies (Ga) eurece deseyion >eivior was ineesgalel ass efleion ighorergy elton eatin {RHFBD thing the GaN g-cenb by plato ast amalechr bes epltay JPA THF 1s Hon ha the Anton nf Ga tors fom the (QUUI) GaN curves yrlerdifrent TV ratio Acviatsr ftom the zorot-rder nee neha the devon ei independent ofthe coverage of adsorbed slam, atough witha egal empertursrerge unde the same LN’ rls, the weoonlor ines can be applied to fou oul Ue desorption energy appusiaely The azeoptioa eagles tae dlermine be 2:18 eY on Gea foe Ga deoplt, 29 c¥ Toe Ga under Goch growl wntion. and 042 eV ~ 224 o¥ tor Ga under sloichvnrtceqrouth eoians by maoite: the const change of REED sper lar besa diag de gro, The ona lion ofthe GaN sorace marpbology varnog nee difetent THY ratio ow porses completes zatehes the result ub the Ge Assptoa energy dependents othe coverage, and IIA zl Comune the wrath riod Molecular beum epitiy CAB: iy» provisinn thd fr fabrization of Gat bignt forteurtns deviogs hors hgh por and precise coo! of yer duchess 22S royuited anes thas ploeee contol of he berm Hanes end owt conditions? Maroover sit characte wus St BL asstew saa 0 yrs ‘enc bed gon eth dares. 80 fr Tigonting isd, aor ends UV pholgdsasn and eterjuneian field efit uansiters” have been produced Ang GaN hoveticd fox tc expablties ef MBE. Tse comprehensive sly of thesia ap deviee opens Rave beracamed out conceming some sila, paver for gronth be pla wised mufeclar bean eplany’ (PAMTBY However, the itensve work un epitaxy of GaN for ec apiations sf contrasts atte fe states nn ihe glgsioe af goth isel= Only rocoely, gow: studion ‘sl MOVE wc Ul the ipo ncehahian and the revoking eurace seustne cE (ak tin las are emily eenstve to the ine, i. G3 lo mt aa pot feuperacae tin roported tt che to-cersiont gol, which i ese for ‘este Lito, ie eoerrumly tial unto Cheri eondits 6 e Cacrich vions. Thi rmltmegge's at tho GENT plow Rent is stbileod by «etal Gea legen! Ga desoptis. proveseee ave. been cumin ul previvosly by. mars speckometry™ and HLULD! F echoigees, however the els ore mu, ‘onststeal, Ube wide cae of selivatin energie tpeetsa for Ga desorption goat fom C4 e¥ fo 5d eee =, hile the. plelly roprted vals for GaN ddeconnjothon ig near 35 6" The Ge dosorptor cozesce in the absence ct aa eto niuogey thor wate tportsd to be 205 eV, 3.7 eV 3.1 eV and 22 eV fom ‘As (00017, GILSIC (GCF, Gute, aml Ca (O0DT) anvaces,sespecteey ‘Tie aiixence i. the Ga dezostion sng ecparted havo bron acebece tthe Ga bond energy wits diecror bere atoms, fooee of cl rept al ie Ci, ezorpiton exergy Som Gi (0CO1) setae nthe presence af RU i Tb OO 8, dancing Tw absuats temperate, tis suggoettht the aoarh easiramett conditions modity ee desception enor. Th eBiect em the deserpticn roery by ta enviuouneatel conditions is condraed by it dependence on the IY ro. [ertermire oven the growth corel can allel he desrptnn ela Faces ‘ie Hionlsge thre har haan no senate anucy of Ga devevtion energy as & Fanti of tis Ga surfece coverage. To hia work se analyze the desorpcon eS ws { fimetn af xe Ga coverage Tn Us sly, celkcion high-uey eectou Uiliveton (REED) wax used Ataing GS grow in PANTER wo eng te Ga deneption bohesior ends ‘its gconthoondiiens, Ths rerlte eveel a dependenos of desanpioneusigy af {Gp om Gah surfice onthe Gn ayer coverage bch ts deerminet By the LL sin, The desnyptin energy mas determined tobe 2.78 e under very Ga ih grote Clin withthe la aslayer eorcrage close :o 100%, Thie vale iv clo Ta dhe fnvaron exergy fie Ike ewapintin a0 Ga fiom seals Ga (ZAI eV"). With decresing IY cao, the tesnisn enaeyy deeseand to O82 with coverage tgs 10%. The diferent gra mes Erouphe aba by lle IL eatios steak venga? and pared “The experiments were cari ul usa pis silat MBE. in ceuipped svi to convene Ci effin etfs forthe wt sposes and 8 adioequeasy (Ar) plem some Kr Ue miropen (0001) GaN tec lens grow by metao-eenic shemual veqr depociéan (MOCVD) on sapphire wero nsed as abst since hey Trove wopiedusly see srtaces wth stomically fat teracee ‘Th: Cat epilayers smote gry on tse abtales i the erpertie rouge of 6€8 °C ta FERC The a [Bt RILACD operated al 159 Le, al vs Suet along tho [11-20] aimath oF te GaN (Qt) eains wit a fod Mame: consne at LA easing iu Baad cntision oument. The itsnste of REEED specular beam ws meni.oeed when the fgemseh was seise. The deecmpticn exergy ws determina Gow tt aeatonsip betwocu ho atnaiy aad mvbmtate rapture for giv IV rn. Vs study tho pont aoe ander h(eeal cei, AP shat topology measurercuts ete ‘ied oul hich aged Che lavastigainn ofthe curfao morphology of GuX hich {Bre guovcr op porout GaN template under ieent IN-W rates we the eubetate fangranaea wan kee at 70°C. ‘Dusng the GaN prow MBE. a crim faction af autre sre Mux to lium fx, iting lle wrTae neal a he bined fer afew, Wen Ga Douce impioge on the GaN harps sortase, hay we sider isarsoratcd into Gok plage ih active eigen or adsorbed onthe erfoe to firm layer 0 te ‘tier bare, somo Ga tom: may ve-evapoite Gum iby Ga ullyer. The Aesgpion process becom patty wha le soba emgeetee i higher fn $50 °C Tho incorortion,adcorpon axa deeespticn processes reich a siliaieat ‘ulcer GaN growth proceeds vader sey conn in which ase te ‘desorption ane oan be expressed Eames EulhsT) 0 whet es the lll feo, Aba CAN roth tvepazatne by MBE (ae ie in the rang: of 699 °C ~ 80D), the Ga adams docs not condense into u ‘entrain, fet rier seprzeat a quid He Hl," his reed lv eae an fneatton ofthe RHEL speonlae bea intent” Ay a rca te degondones of the desorption rain cepted hg the THERE imonsiy ve subsets temperate provide ths ampecunty te stu tho dseortion kicetes of Gn in veel ine. We Gromret the ssetionzhip besween the :ntzty of RULED a he devorptiva Urey stn exponetta. even by Temple) 2 at 9 cabs teepecanre T, wtb de ‘the Gy stnas deaueds Dus the sot Gsnptin ete Ea “Figace 7 shows the typcel wend of the vaviston of RIDEED specular beem imenaly daring. GaN yeast vert imate eempeatuar under the ickiowce coanne, Wa this #335, the Ga Boe ie sk:guty trgher then thal Lor sivogen The Ga coll expert was lp coastal a 140° tbe pss Sal Far, The sabtraly lerperaure was vivid fae 618 °C to 680 °C, Sco t's feigeraine ange fe all, Hea be asuraed that the coverage change ofthe Git dlayer oo GaN anor cate ty anerising subsite lempetaiare 18 Sophie

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