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DTIC ADA430999: Integrated Instrumentation System for the Surface Characterization of Organic Electronic Materials and Devices PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA430999: Integrated Instrumentation System for the Surface Characterization of Organic Electronic Materials and Devices

AERI-SB-AR-TR-OS- REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE | ore5 x ieveoos—spiance “ Pager iegvated Instrumentulion System for the Surface Characterization of Orgaule Electromie Materials and Devices ‘yang Yam, Poker, Malaale Sino ane Ene nseig, SLA FER EATERY WD ATS TRACHEA {ae Angee cAStnOS RN OCC AERST WAST AD STORES) TENSE bbe charles Lot Srevanvont Snr Air ome Cio f Sooo Reseirsh 4013 Wien Bhs, tonn 713 ‘Arliogta, Wa 27208-1954, Pages Tareumublibedresuks, Approve for Public Reles sores dicted TAT EA ST be AFOSR DUREP gan: as belped us to sch hacer mt-chnigue (UPS and XPS) sore ras syst, pivchased fro Cniferm Nuon: Techuclogy, Tis isthe ruost important equipment we bave obtained in recent SJeus. This instrument ulluws 1s ¢0 measure Ullasioket Pbotncleuisen Spectroscopy (UPS) and Xeray Photoelectron Spectoscopy (XPS), which ave indeed the Firs such sysuemt at CCLA carpus. The Snstrnnentatien ssa insttled in Min, 2004, and fly operational iw July. Some Luporiant esuts have repshied from this rnin even for Hs shoot operation time. These gesale arc reports in.che sper in deta oa NES al bela, - tinal Performance Report Dr. Churles Lee Air Vorce Office of Sciealific Research {4015 Wilson Blvd, Room 713 Avlingtum, VA 22203-1954 ‘Talegeated [astrumentation System for the Surface Characterizatou of Organic Eilcetronic Materials and Devices DISTRIBUTIONSTATEMENTA Approved for Public Release Distribution Unlimited Rrepared by Prof, Yang Vang ‘epartment of Materials Science nad Engineering UCLA Los Angeles, CA 90095. “Tel (310) B2S-4052 Fas: (310) 206-7353 e-mail: yonev@uela eda 20050325 126 ‘This AKOSK DURIP grant has siguifcertly helped UCLA in soveral aspects and stem et UCLA, and projects. Prom the equipatent point of view, tis isthe st sample ‘whole campus as already bestefitd feom this instrument remenlously, (Please see the auached lemters atthe end of this report.) From the resesrel point of viow, several projects on orgamie elecinwic malesials and devices, such at organic photovoluie device, polymer lightening ‘devices, and organi bistable devioes ete, Reve already taken the advantage fram chs piece oF instrument, ‘Tho instrument was shipped to UCLA in ently May, 210 and 0s installed and tested in Jute, ft beete filly operational in July, afr some debugpiny process 1, System introduction A. doal-chamaber rad-techniqus sucace nalysls aysters Was purchased fon Onision ‘NowoTechnology. This & the most important equipment we have abtalned in regent pus. Tas lustument lows ust measure Ultrvinle Paoluelecran Spectoscory (UPS) and Ky Photoelectron Specirascopy (XPS) “The system bas vo ultastigt vacuum humbers and the vacwom in both the chambers | Dunl-chanber mut-technique surfice can enh 1A x 10" ear, Fig, | she overall sale aston view of the system, The vacnum is achieved by 10 rotary pumps, fwo fom getter purpps an ra titanium sublimation amps Aawlysis chaniber (ig, 2) is the main part athe system, TL contaits monocharaotie X-ray source, Nigh density UV sour, and bemisgherisd electron specteometer for XPS PS mesutement, It also has ald ig. 2 Analysis chamber of the system ‘erthode spulter fon source fo clear. substrates ur decrease the thickuess of thin films. An electron ‘beam source is also insta to neuzliae the postive charge when the ooudectivity af the sample is insufiient tu discharge the somple during the XPSIUPS messorement, The eesolution of the [XPS is 0.GeV andthe muni count ate is 22ketWsec, The reselution for UPS is abut 0.10 sad the maximum couat rate is 7.7Mctssee. The position of sample hnlder ow te manipulator ip analysis chamber is comlled by fur step motors that make juan v it consenicat foe saapte ransfer aru measurement, Hot XPSITIPS meusurement, J¢ is important to have “nailu” soeaple preparation capability tw avoid unnecessary concamination, Out system is equipped with 2 sumsle preparation chamber to deposit metal andor organi fils in ‘the same vacuura couitian, Preparation chamber (Fig. 3) has wo evapoistion somces. One fs thermally heared Knudson cell for organi mutes, ahd anorsr one is electron-beam eared saree for me‘al Fig. 3 Preparation chamber The power supplies and controler Cor all the electrics instroment, vacuum gages ciller tv eaalng the K-ray and LIV sone, conacllem for ‘puonmatic valves, et. are install in ts electra! racks, (Fg, 4)"The mensurement of XPS/UPS, FF, iscentelled hy a PC wih The special software (ETS } frum 1 mieten 2, Experiments results Tn the prosess to cain ourselves und fumilieize map wiht XPSILPS, wo invited Prof Yougli Geo from Department ef Physies & Astronomy st University of Rochester to our laboratnry for one sweck, Te is a would fimeus physicist on experimental surfave _plysien leetenie imeractions und mumpholaey of ibterfiees and ‘nesfaceforzation, ransient hchavior of charue easter Fig. 4 Election racks and PC: seross interfaces, and interfaces in organic semiconductor devives, He has helped us v0 dus fone she system tots best performance. ‘We bave slready obtained nese very imporlan cults, even though We syst hus been up and running omly for afew months, Mere ato some examples: (1) entiation of and so deniticatan ca joint work wih Pe. Wel) Carbon of the sp-ype (able to roke one duble bond with auothar at) is reaponsible boodh for the igh conductivity and amaticr bandaag (back color) of graphite and forthe wy fis arvanged in layers. Ths, in turn, azcounns for the lubrication and thor cAemical ard physical properties of graphite, Benasae is alsa ap? lybridized, We ai work with Prof, Feed Wall at Choatistcy & seme exvsperatia on this Biochemisky Mepaiment of UCLA. They syathesized some new material (HCEPESE) and ‘we identified the carboa type ofthe material (On he other hand, the sp carbons (all single lands) are what male diamond, an, insulating teanspatans, und very hard material, The bes kind of carbon Iybedization, sp (or “sp, one wpe lvand ur sr double bonds at the stme stom, swovld make acolylene. Fram those preliminary ‘nda Enrane) Tig, 5, Cis XPS speottum of | polvethviens, graphite and HCCPLSB. experiments, IC was knovay thar the mateiat ts mostly composed of sp? carbon, which wuld explain, amamg other things, ts dackoolot. Tn Fig, 5. XPS spestrum af ets shows thet the eatbon i TICCPISB is move like the carbne im graphile nuker dian carbon in polyethylene. We kame that the carbon in graphite and poiyethylene is sp? and op? styl, respectively. This is te reason that HECCPISH shows gnod conductivity (2) Chango ransfr in Au-nanepacticle a is poki-nais pastie.e 2epents Clg Svea s¥ 8 1403.2 08 2epeaks fining Stoo ev 2 1402.6 ° © givetic Boerar (eV) Tig. 6 XPS spectea of An 4a pure gold film and Au-nanupurtie‘es actos Tig. 7XPS sects of Ns in pn palvaniline (a) ard compesite a Au and puyuniline (6) ‘We also investigated the charge transfer between polvoniine and Au nanc-patiles. Fig. 6 {is the results abluined Sno XPSHUPS system and me cam sep that the XPS Au 4€ spocta ee Uifecert in pure geld film and in Av-vanopantcles, which means Au in Aussnoparticle hus ame charge transferor chemical reacton With offer clerenis. The Au Cin Au-uanopacticle salts by (0.2eV to high Kinetic energy (low binding energy? Tig, 7 is the XPS N1e spect of pure polyauilize and of the Au and pulyniine composite, The Ns iz palyuniline & a two-pesk strusture (there are ‘wo chemical states of Nitrogen in pnlyarifin}, uke position of the poaks ate 1087. 19e¥ and 1088.452¥, while the N Is ie Au-polyanne composite caznt be docompme 10 ‘ovo peas, the peak position is 1086.6ScV. Ue N 1s shifts at lus! 0eV wo low kinatis enctey comparing with the Nitrogen in polyaniline. Ae 4f and N 1s shit to oppastte direction, so there Is Thum vovedinate bond, These sssuks some charge transfer between gold aut Nitrogen atoms, th van help so understand she ruschantam of cur plymer sys Summary: Uhis XPSAZPS system has help UCLA to enhunce its research eapabiliy and taining sudents \We locke forward tn produutive resis Gon this instcumentation. Several professors whe was the Initia eats trom this machine have provided their supporting Leer atthe end of his report, ERWERSITY CSR ARRNT4, LOS ANCLUS vet ‘August 38,5008 Di Clatea tae STORRS Ds Wor od soe Angin, VASE DeieDe Lee Sanu slg ate the er Torco eae Rezar forces fhe autor prtmrceroealy send Tots Yang Yang arian, Ths Earercny a Ursspnnur inzaicay pron obese hpag sae see Irate ply tpn mn i ‘Esa st Bat Yangand he erent Me face devel naied fr grog, ‘nha aie waaay py nai sd dasa he ibe th po Tanosatclesef tent intone Cringe iene natealnca dil Enews no ‘Beeuodes Peonswr eng’: gong hee dears ceramic so eet five pestoren onde uf gdade denen conor ty ea Deon ano ee. Raa quetus wales lhe hare ofeheepestrsge, Using he OMICRON KPA! IES Spoor lad no ase han nom date eld nanopcteaea ener “Tostbey creed and the eehupsnan te pepantne hs bevose pasely arses TH stdeater ha Le schon nee caebeerlar end nbeping eke apld procs {plapettent cen: Crone A25/ UPS neal, Snes ploeag ak porte rin Sheet sd iho wi caer tempat tend Span Sweety cae Fi ger Reet fey Sere Se eta UNIVERMELY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES Anpust 17,2004 br Carlee Lew ABOSRINL, 41S Wilken five, Roma !13, ‘Anington, VA 22003-1554 Dear De Lee, express my nas (av) fr raf. Yeng'e OMICRON XPSIUPS, fea sanchrd XPS utes, bis wis carpe preention allow un there ‘vannrate organic moloules usta a biclogical fasts J aye pte plas toute hi ayaa nd ook forwerda working with Pret Yung to devel dh capac. Phase eal ei yar appre e1y more dais ori yew have any questions. Sincarly, ee Bap Den Wu, DDR.PED ‘View Cit, Departenent af Bioengieceing

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