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DTIC ADA430443: Aquatic Plant Assessments for Spring Creek Low-Dose Fluridone Injection Treatment. Year-of-Treatment and 2-Year Post-Treatment Findings PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA430443: Aquatic Plant Assessments for Spring Creek Low-Dose Fluridone Injection Treatment. Year-of-Treatment and 2-Year Post-Treatment Findings

US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center ERDC/EL TR-05-1 Aquatic Plant Contro! Research Program Aquatic Plant Assessments for Spring Creek Low-Dose Fluridone Injection Treatment ‘Year-of- Treatment and 2-Year Post-Treatment Findings R. Michael Stewart, Adam S. Way, Chotta 8. Owens, Jantary 2005 and Donald M. Mergan > 2 2 oO £ 8 2 oO _ Q g = 3 £ 8 2 > fS wi 20050302 118 sr ay ce id Aquatic Plant Control ERDGIELTR.O5-1 Research Program January 2008 Aquatic Plant Assessments for Spring Creek Low-Dose Fluridone Injection Treatment Yaar-of-Treatment and 2-Year Post-Treatmant Findings R. Michael Stewart Environmental Laboratory U.S. Amy Engineer Research and Developer Center 3909 Halls Fery Road Vicksburg, MS 39180-8199 Adam 8. Way DynTel- Lewiswila Aquatic Ecoaystem Rescarch Facitly 201 B, Jones Sreet Lewisvite, 1275087 Ghetts $. Owens ASI—Lewiovilie Aquatic Eeosystom Research Facitiy 201 E. vanes Streat Lewiavile, TX 75057 Donald bl. Morgan US, Amy Comps of Engineers Mobite Distnct. Lake Seminole Project Office 2282 Booster Club Road ‘Chatahoachos, FL 32974 Final report Aspro for publi relent I uri Preparadtor U.S. Anmy Cores of Engineers Washington, DC 20314-1600 iostoree by Environmental Laboratory ULS. Amy Enginewr Researe) and Development Center 3808 Halle Farry Road, Vicksburg. MS 39180-6199 ABSTRACT: | ake Seminule was impannied in 1957 and hydeila ws dscovered inthe 298s. By 1992, lero imiely 75 percent ofthe surive cea ofthe rescrenir wus impcciel by hyd-iDs. This dy vas contin tn deternine effectiveness of ls dove tlurdow: treatments inthe Sing Creck Arm uf Lake Seminole, Pre- and post-eqpatie plan surveys uxing poiu- resco, plant bicmmuss und bydruaceustic tecbniques wer cordacte to assess tecnent S0ecess year 2000, prereatoent surveys found Syd ceurted between 71.4 ep 100 percent a a Spring rook ites. Hy year 2002, inthe upper regions ut Spring eck, hy had been replaced ay several native aqueti plat spies including pondvreeds, trusts aids, al coorsal. In Ue ower zegions,hydila wuss the bust Feqtenty observed ‘plul bowrover,severa: native planlt inching caonail. musky, nslads, ané pondwcct bad inzeased fn fequency ay cunguod 1 year 2000 whem the prorealmert snrveys were conduct ‘DISCLAIMER Ibe ralvas af this port are oot a be woe fv aveniaing, auton, ox promtiwal pues. {Gini e wate mes dace ot cuastnte at fsa endonsetea or appeal ult ase of ch cranes produc [ni notust nach aod irideau¥e etre to ropeny of els esate ners. The fg of lis ep ate noe fo se canerued sao oil Deparment of fe Any pion ures so designated by lhe bie Anew, Contents Prefave 1 Tainxduction. Paokgroued o os Calendat Yeats 20H, 2601, aad 2003 Fhuidone Treatment Plan 2000. damn dona. Stuly Oijostves 2—Methods Poiat-Turereone Plant Biomass Hydroucouslc. SAVEWS deception, Gener! plan 3—Resmts, oint-Anereept Species Ii. Trequency of neenmnce of individvat speeres Freqreney ef aecurence of plant groups. Summarized ndings Species Riche Plant Biomass Hiydvilla Tuber: Hidroucouslie Savers Summary of Findings Reference SF 208 List of Figures Figare F Clune of four sampling reyions Repivu FY) of Spring (eked for eon quate sey fr aa pis {in Years 2000 wad 2002. reid Figure. Point ivercept sampling ‘ocatoas fo Region 1 (A) approximate Tocal:one af points preselected by 210 m % 700 me ged vverays (&) sora! locations of poine sampled doriag Yeas 2000 survey... Figare 3. Poineintercopt sampling ‘actions Cor Region I: (A) apprusiete Yoatinna nf pols preselected by 290 mo * 200 m grid ovetlay: (Bp acnual lations of pols sompled during Year 500 survey . Tignte 4, Pointintercept sampling locations for Reelon Il (A) appronimate secations of points poscletel by 200 m9 200m id overly (8) sta 1oemios of pin spe ng You 2000 sarsey i 8 Figure S. —Poineinlescopt sampling lecutions for Region 1V: (8) sppensimaze ceations of points proscTectou By 200 * 200m» rid overlay (Rp semi locations of posts sampled dusing Year Soon sarvey. ° Point ietenep sampling luctioas for Region I: (A) appmoxieate Joeatinns af points preselected by 200:m* 200m grid averiny, (@) acualloeacons of poins sampled during Year 2002 survey... 30 Jigare 7, Toint-ntorcept sampling lacarions for Revium I: (A) approwimate wations of points prose’ected by 200 m x 260m age ova: 8) sma lato poi sa. ding se 2002 survey. revise TT ‘Byun & Point-intoreep sampling locations for Reyium I: (A) spproximie locations of poine pres eted by 200 m x 200m sg overlay (B)nctual loculios of paints samocee during Year 3an2 survey . igure, Pointntersop sampling lacaions fer Region IV: (8) approxima’ locations of pointe areselested hy 200 ma 200 m xi overlay, (1) act eestioeg of points seated during Vear BOE SUEY nr i} Figs U0, lasttation of approximate Ioatior of main navigation canacl ttansoe sured in Spring. Creek with SAVEWS dnving May aznd Septemher 2061, Numerical Ibels represen distances :long the eranset from the Highway 253 bridge. Distace labels are ‘disonmtinged ilar approximate sudern bonndary of Region HT 1S Pye LL Figure 12, Figure 13, Wire 14 igure 18 Figure £6. Figire 17 Figure 8. Figue 19, Summary outputs csleulated from SAWIEWS surveys fore Spring Creck navigation cuannc! durin My 2000 (A) and September 2002 (B), Grp depict the creak bottom and tie tng of vegeution along the uavigucon channel at diferent distances (0-100) yn) foe the Hiway’ 283 Bridge. Sueanery ouput caleaated om S4VEWS surveys or the Spring Ctock navigation chante during May 2000 (8) nad Septembur 2002). Grogs depict the creek bottom and the tops af vegetocon along the nusigation duane! a dtixent stanoes(1,000-9,000 mi Srom the ighviny 253 Rridge Summnagy ovis ealoulate rom SAVES surveys fort Spring Cresk navigation chaasel during May 2000 (A) and September 2002 (B). Graphs depiorthe crocs butlow ad the tops of vegetation slong the nevigation chumel diferent dates (2.090-3,000 m) from the Tibway 258 Pridge Suunmary omeputs culated from $AWKWS surveys [ov Ihe Spring Creck navigron chanel during May 2000 (A) and September 2002 (B), G-aphe depict the creek bottom and the tpn of vegeatin along the naviguive channel st different sEstances (3,000 4,00 mi rom the [bay 253 Bridge. Sutunnry cepts calculated fom SAVEWS surveys fur the Spring Creek navigalioa cham! during My 2000 (A) ant September 2002 (), Grophs depict he erek bottom and che ups of vegetation ang the wavigaon channel a different Aistarnes (4000-5000 e) foun the Highoeay 253 Bridge ‘Summary guts calculated Atom S4VEWS sunveys fr the Spring Creek navigation channolcuriug May 2000 (§} nd Sepleber 2002 (9). raph epithe eck beta and the tops of vegearion emg the musigation chanel at different Sitances (1H-6,000 ax) Lom the Higaveay 253 Bride Summary wits calgotoned from SAVEWS surveys forthe Spving Crock navigatim chanel dite May 2000 (4) and September 2102 (Bp, Graphs depictahs ere bullow sad Ue tos of vegelation along he navigation channel at ditfsreat stances (6,000-7,000 ra) teom the lighway 258 Pride. Snurnity ovens coloulated Eu SAVRWS surveys for bbe Spring Creek naygation cae! éuring May 2000 (A) at September 2002 (D), Graphs depict he eek betlom and the tops of vegetation slong the navigation chunrel at different states (7.000-8,010 m) Gu Ue Tighveay 253 Pde. Smmmnarysusputs calculated from SAVFWS sarveys forthe Spring Cro navigation channsl during My 2000 (A) and Sperber 2002 (B) Graphs depict le creek bottom and eho taps uf vegetuion along the navigation channel at sifcont Aslances (K-9,000 a) from the Highoeny 253 Bride 30 aL 8 vi igus 21 Figure 21. igure 22 Figure 23. Figare 24. Figure 25 Figure 26. igure 27. igure 28. Summany outputs calculated frou SAVEWS surveys forthe Spring Crk navigation esbael dring May 2000 (A) und September 2002 (B). Graphs dept eke creek bouoan an the tops of vegetation along the navigation chaunel at differant «stuns (,00¢- HO") Fro the Highsrny 253 Brive Sonmary output calculated from SAVEWS surveys forthe Spring Crock navigation channel during Muy 2000 (8) and September 2002 (B), Graphs depict the creek Botioun an the tops af vegetation along the navigation channel at stances (5000-1 1,000 ra) rum the Highway 253 Bridge Snminary ouput celeulaed from SAVEWS surveys forthe Spring Crvek navigation channel during May 2000 (8) and Septentbor 2092 ¢R). Graphs depict tic eres bortom and the tops of wegetution along the wavigation channel at diferent dligtances ([1,000-12,000 m) team the Highway 253 Bridge Summary outs csleulatd tom SAVEWS surveys or He Spring Creek navigation charnel durine May 2000 (A) an Sequenaber 2002 (B), Graphs depict the erook bom and the laps of vegetation aking the navigation channel a ifferent staves (12,00-13,000 mn} kom the Highwey 233 Bridge Somunsey outputs celled from SAVRWS surveys fore Spring Crock mvigation channel daring Muy 2000 (8) an Seprember 2002 (B). Graphs dept the eroek bot and the tops of vegetation along the mvigation channel at cifecen <dptinces (15,0-14,000 ma} rom the Heghneey 283 Bridge Summary aigats calculated trom SAVEWS surveys for ete Spriug Crook navigation ctaeael during May 2000 (8) und Sepeember 2002 (B), Graphs depier the week botlum abd she tops of wogetation ako the navigation chan at ciferent sistance (14.40- 15,000 ro re the HE ehway 253 Bri, Sumatary oma culculted ftom $AVEWS surveys urbe Spring Crock mavigsion channel dura May 2000 (A) and September 2067 (B). Graphs dept the creck hottnm and the tops of vegetation alo he navigation channel at dierent fstancea (15,000- 16,000 m) fro the Hiebway 255 Bridge. Sumauaty ours calculated Geum SAVEWS survoss for ibe Spring Crook navige‘ou cane} during May 2000 (A) and ‘September 2002 (B). Graphs depict the creck bultxn acd the tops of veyelation along the navigalion channel sr different ixtances {16,000-17,U0U a) eat The Highsray 253 Bride Sumupary ouput eulculased thom SAVEWS surveys for the ‘Spring Crock navigation channe? during May 200 (A) and September 2002 (F). Graphs depict he crock bnttom ata the tops of vegetation ulvow the navigation chav et ilTeveat sistance (17,000+18,001 en) from the Highway 283 Bridge. 38 ” 40 Figure 29 Higu 3. Mkusration uf avezage plant heights calatated using SAVEWS mvey results for M-meterincrexweals sore the Spice Crock siglo chanel ring (A) May 270 a (2) See 2002 surveys Iystration of the avenge percent ofthe water enlume necupied, ‘by vegetation fe plant height = wate: depth 110) wsiag SAVEWS nurvey reels for 1-m incremeals along the Spring Cook neviget haut ving (4) My 200 on) September 2002 surveys e List of Tables Pak Speen Lin 2000 28 Agua Pat Srey or Sp Greck, Like Serine. 7 Trble2, Regio I Plant Species Ovcuatonecs by Dute 2000 Aquatic Plant Survey for Spring Crook, Lake Somiaote 19 ‘able 3, Regie 1 Plant Species Qosurrencxs by Dale ~ 2008 Aquatic Plant Sureey for Spring C-ock. Lake Scale eee) ‘Table’. Regio HI Plant Species Ocoattonces hy Date 2000 Aquatic Plant Sorecy fer Spry Creek, lke Seminole 20 TableS, Region If Pleat Species Occurroncey by Dae — 2010 Ayuatic Plant Survey fer Spring Crock Luce Sexinoe. 20 Table 6. RegiouTPhat Species Oecureuces by Dats ~ 2002 Aguatic Plane Survey for Spring Cue, Lake Seminele... a able? Ree Pll Species scares by Dats — 202 Saati laot Survey fer Spring Creek, Lake Seminote vnieBl ‘rable 8, Region Il Pent Species Qecnrrnces hy Date 2002 Aquatic lent Survey for Spring Cresk, Lake Seutizole 22 ‘sble9, _Regoe IV Plan Spies Donan hy Date 244 Asti Plant Survey for Spring Cree, Lace Sominnle 2 ‘Table 10, Meon Spscies Richness Values for Four Diffeen, Pant Grom in Cafe For Repo o Sing Cesk Dang ‘mn Plant Sucvey, 24 Table 11. Meen Species Richnest Values for Four Different Plt ‘Groupiugs in ach uf the Fast Regions of Spring Cree Dating 2002 Plant Survey 2 Tobe LP iomne Sine Satin by Rein JV) and De 20M) Aquatic Plaat Survey for Spring Cree, Lake Sominule w..25 “oble 13. Pht Biomass Summary Sass by Region (LTV) und De Sep 2002 Aan Pa Sune fo Sag Ck, Lae Seminole 26 Tele M.D Tuber Dey Summary Sit Region and Survey Top. ¢ Spring Creve Preface —_————— “The work reported herein ws conducted as out of tac Aquatie Part Curl Aeveutch Progen (APCEP) and the US. Army Corps of F Distiet, Lake Semisole Project Offico. The APCRE fs sparsore by Headquarters, US. Anuy Coops of Engineers (HOUSACE), unl is assigned to Ge US. Army Exginoer Research and Developreent Contr (ERDC) under the poview ofthe Environmental Caburatry (EL), Viekrburg. MS. Funding was provided uudee Deparmant uC be Ariay Appropriation Nusnber 96X3122,, Coustvctinn General. Me. Robert C. Cunkel, Ie, EL, ERDC, wa Prognaa, ‘Manager for the APCRP, Program Munitor duving this rudy was Me. Timnothy R. “Topliek, HQUSACE, Principat Levestigator for his study was R. Mietuel Stew, Aquat olay aud lavarive Species Beanch (AKISB), Ecosystem Evatsation and ‘Engineering Divisio (EEED), Fl, HRD. The ropart wos prepared 2y R. Michiel Siewert, Adam, Way, DyaiTeh Fevisuille Aquatic Beorsstem -Reseateh Frolity (LADRE). EL, ERD, Chella 8. Owons, ASI, CACRT, EL, BRIG, and Donald M, organ, ACISB,EED, El, RDC, Late Senincle Paxjet Oiice, This repost wis seed hy Mr Joe Sup and Mr, David Honnell, University af Non Tesae, LAFF, EL, ERDC. “his investigation was performed under the general supervision of 1 Fliabeth Pennie, Acting Dicseor, BL; Dr, Dave Tank. Chief, FEEDS: and Dr. Al Coltanesseo, Chief, ALISD, ‘COL James R, Rowen, EN, was Commander and Txaoative Diteator of [ERDC. Dr. lamer R, loastoa was Dieser.

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