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Preview DTIC ADA430360: NMR Method for the Quantitative Analysis of VX Hydrolysates

EDGEWOOD CHEMICAL BIOLOGICAL CENTER U.S" ARMY RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND ENGINEERING CORRIAND ECBC-TR-417 NMR METHOD FOR THE QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF VX HYDROLYSATES Richard J. O*Connor ‘Mark D. Brickhouse H. Dupont Durst RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY DIRECTORATE David J. McGarvey William R. Creasy EAI CORPORATION ‘Abingdon, MD 21009 January 2006 ‘Approved for publlerolaane; ‘detribution so untied. 20050303 304 ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND. MD 21010-6424 Disclaimer ‘The findings in this rapart are not to be construed as an official Department of the Army position untess 0 designatad by other authorizing documents. iar aaa REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Sheronr cave poaweviryy | SRErORTIVEE TERE COVERED Fam Ta O1-MT Final ‘et 2001 = Sep 2002 [NMR Method forthe Quuntitise Analysis of VX lydrolysares 7 FRR ELEY AOE TATTIORST TROT ER ©°Comnar, Risherd J: Brickhouse. Mark Th: Durst, Dupont (FCBC: | 62260255200 McGarvey, David J; and Creasy. William R. (EAI Corporation) Fe TAOR WUE [> Penronsmnc onsanZ TOR WANES) AND ADDRESETEE] ANG ADORED, ' FERFQESING DRGANEETON REPORT DIK.ECBC. ATTN: AMSRD-ECR-RT-PDIAMSRD-TICRRT-PC, A NRE MD 210)0-5424 BRC TRANT TAT Corporation, 1308 Contigental Drive Suite J, Abingdon, MD 21009 j SENSOR MORITORN RENT WARETST AND ADORED, “A SFEREDRRETORE BERIT, 7B TON TARRY ETRTERENT Approved li public eelease:distbution is unlimited, ‘This pracedun:is based om previously published ERDEC-TR-449, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Aualysis of (Chemical Agents and Reaction Masses Haduoed by theft Caeaical Nenteafiztion andl unpublished work caitled NMR Method for the Quantitative Purity Analysis of Feedstock Samples. This procedure uss an internal stand eestblish an absoluts woighr porcen: forthe analytes in question. Identifying the structures of ether components inthe rnisture is nol neceseary. The Weigh. percealcaloulations are not negatively afectee by the presence of ndetzcable ecmpanents (22. elemental sulfw. inorganic sats, etc.) in the sample NMR ced ‘Noslear Magnetic Resonance ydrotysate Quantitative 7E SEEDY CLESERTON TEL ENON OF [Ta MRIRER OF | i MARE OF REPORT PERSON ‘sssmact Paces ‘Sanden, Johnson w r c UL 16 (410) 436.2014 ‘Sine Form 7 a PREFACE ‘This work described in this report was authorized mer Project No. 162262255200. The work was started in October 200] aud eoumploted in Sepleraber 2002. “The use of either ade or manofacterers’ names in fis repurt dows not constitute an official endorsement of auy commercial produsts. This report may not be cited for purposes of advertisomen'- “This report has been approved for public releae. Reyistered users should request additional copies ftom the Defense Technical Information Center, untegistered users should dlicect such requests tothe Nafignal Technieal Information Service CONLENLS. INTRODUCTION. Purpene. o : Analyte Concentration Range. ‘Sample Matrices and Interferences Thraughpu, RISK AND SAFETY ASSESSMENT SCIENTIFICBASIS TRATNING. ANPARATUS Tnstrumenuation . Glasesare, Miscelteneous Equipment, and Supplies, Chemicals sere PROCEDURF. Sample Preparation. Obtaining NMR Spectra Spectral Data Analysis CALCULATION. CALIBRATION, AND DOCUMENTATION FIGURES ¥C Spectrom of the Organte Layer of a'VX Hydroisate P Spectrum of the Organic Layer of a VX Hydrotsate PC Specttum of the Agucous Layet of a VX Hydrolswte. ™P Spectrum of the Aqueous Layer of a VX Hydralsate ‘TABLES Analyte List. ‘ACWA PEA Results for 100 ppm DIMP Standard in D20 on AC-300 Results for Standand in DI Water by "P NMI 8 Runs on Each of Two Days ‘NMR METHOD FOR THE QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS (OF VX TIYDROLYSATES, n INTRODUCTION Md Bumper nig procedure is based an the previounly published ERDEC-TR-449" and published da.” This procelure uses an itemal standard to csblish an absolute weight percent forthe mulytes (Table 1) in question. Identifying te structures of ether components in ‘he mtureiviot necessary. The weight percent caleulations ace not nepatvely affected bythe presence of ndetcetable components (ex elemental sulfur, inorganic salts, et) in the sample Tule t. Analyte List DCH urea. ether CTT produets DIPa EMPA EMPSH EtOH MPA Other RS-compounds RSCCSH Phoaphates (8 0-19) Onher acids'esters (8 = 19-39), P(OYSR), R2P(S) (5-39-69) ‘ther PS (6 ~ 69-100) CUBP(OYOH I 312 compounds (Total) Ror Other 317 BAL2192 > Baths. MDs Keen PAN: 0 Unie, I;Durst, HD. Nuclear Meee Resonance (MM anasicuf ‘Chania Ages ne Ration sees Prodi i tee Choma Meat ulations EROFC-TR409 8, ADR [Etgcuood Rewirch, Develapinot and Faginoering Conte. Aberdewa Proviag Grow, MD, 1997; UNCLASSIFIED Rept (AD-AS3 308) * Oar, lL sree, Mg McGarvey, Dz Dust LD Crees Wills Kath, BM Method forate (Quantnstne Party dnabia of Feria Sampler: HBE-TR-285; US. Aros Edgewood Chemical Milage! ener: Abele! Proving Greand, 30D, 202 UNCL ABSLC ILD Repen (AD A105 815) 12 Anatyce Concentration Range, Analytcs can be quantified at any concentration level from the dereetion lent ‘neat material. The following detection rit study was performed using phosphors NMIR on the ‘Bruker AC-300 (Table 2), Detection limits lor other nucle and other instruments were estimated the knowledge ofthe operator. Detection limits will dopend an the matrix and interferences. If detection Fits are required foro particular measurement, they should be determined forthe particular matrix, analyte, and isteument and given in the analysis spor Table 2. ACWA P&A Results for 10Q.ppm DIMP Standard in D.C on AC-300 Results for Standard in DI Watcr by "P NMR, 8 Runs on Each af Two Days ‘Sample No. NBI30/248 Integration fiom NUTS, LS-1IMPA, compound is DIMP, EM=1. manual phase ‘Ares for Internal Area Standard of File (0.26forF) compound peak — WL % eve sample (ppm) AROSOR.IN4 19000 wa7 osonis 7195 AROOIF.114 9917s 95.02 0.00896 8258 AROSE. 114 10354 190,33 0.00862 Bar AROSE 100714 146.86 0.01257 125.49 AROOSE.114 100816 1501 0.01286 128.59 AROSSR.1N4 101035 142.02 oo1211 w1i4 AROSGE.114 99364 9278 0.00805 8048 AROOTE.1N4 99201 9235, o.onge2 0.24 AROOOF-116 g6718 37 0.00623 0227 AROS 98331 146.85 0.01287 128.73 AROQ2F.116 99423 M4728 001277 127.68 AROOIELIG 100302 150.89 8.01297 129.67 AROSEF.116 100915 138.24 oorisr 118.08 AROSEI6 98958 101.63 0.00885 88.52 AROOEF.L16 99634 84.96 9.00737 BR AROSTE.L16 98668 n6 0.900634 6342 Average Faund 98.06 Concentration (ppm) Stundard deviation 26.20 ‘MDL (ppm) : 688 Sample concentration 99.48 Recovery % 98.57%

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