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DTIC ADA430192: Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals for Near IR and Visible Optoelectronics Applications PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA430192: Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals for Near IR and Visible Optoelectronics Applications

AFRL-SR-AR-TR-AS- REPORT DOCUMENTATION FAGE oooh Tenn 2 ly 200;- Deg 2008 [iss rnin Paula's Crs fr Nese IR saaan BL Ls Tin iee Optelseroiee Appleton: aR TER - ALQSiIPK wasss0 RATORET B ea nteoy [csivaty otarko store, VU teen sn ens Of of Soin Recor ACER fav Ranh ae [rasan —| Hs Ne Teen [astmaton, VA 22002-1972 “Dibbibuke Hades At vahinite ag pomermr «20050218 027 | fre ow ote ra: itn ons <paccene fr enainsticg twodincosoral 2DYpkctnic eal, wie wil cago [imerne cian, Os apteaeh hasbeen o-alzeanaodaral pose EC, otic races 420 hagend 2309 oF | cel wide ‘at ece ci oie icles neq a 9 29 patie sap bo calcd seth NCG nv Fh eres ith [sos hac nsnn psi carb ud ite Sanne ashe pany rem “acu Fh se Dadi = fsb pee oh cee ale eg lard ecensouet Seale to. duucnnceal paki cystals Dat ope de CY vine tasecvleagt regi tie igh porn The perry aos of ls ask ass ben Dcotel oe Us Foes cance seachren an ele Phe ston lrcvel mannii and baits La high npr tp eatin Tha fades ete or ee shat re: wna os aod bo godsred wi hovel zl store apart er ease rth eee paper fears ow feral wis is emtuee Jars othe mas ante oct 2 pletonie st ProgressAbstract “the focus ofthis project isto develop a process for cor stusting weraiensianal (2D) photonic crystals, which will be amcuable fo commmercinlization, One approaca has been fo utilize aanochannst glass (CG), which eonsists of a 2D hexagonal arays of cylindtial voids that navorse the entre thickness ofthe glass. A.2D ploctonis cam be realized with NCG if high indox mnaerals with good wansmission propertics can be fntexduced inf the channols. This is fhe primary mission and focus of this projec. In addon, e-bean ltzograpby techniques ae also being utlized co construct pretalype ‘ewo-dimcasional photonic erysbk that aperae in te LV to low IR wavcleng’h region of ths light spectrum. The primary discoveries ofthis work have besa ticoretew. modeling of ga flows in nanoscale strictures aud modes for the formation of aovel nanoparticles and nanowi:es in high aspoct ratio structures. Tre findings oF Uis work suggest thar novel elieinfcal sensors could be coustrcted with chanel glass where nanoparticles or nanowires with specie properties have heen formed within the channels, In tms ofthe ‘itimate goal of the project, -D photonic crystals based on nanochaune) plas, tbe Fil conclusion is that nanochame xlass i not an appropriate fozndation with which to construct 2D photonie ysl. David Melhey 1, Projeet Overview ‘The Focus ofthis project isto develop a process for constructing two-dimensional (2D) hotanic erysals, which willbe aracnsble te commersilivation. Our approach has been toutilze nanochannel glass (NCG), which consislsf a 2D hexagonal arrays of cylindrical voids tht tnverse the encirs thickness ofthe lass. A 2D photonic can be realized with NCG if high index materials with good transmission properlies cam he inzouced into the channels. This isthe primary mission wd focus of this project. In ‘ition. e-beam lithography tochnicucs ao also being ullized 1 eynstructprotatype ‘svo-dimensional photonlo crystals that operat in the UV ly low JR swavelength region of the light spectrum. 2, Progress 2.a. Diflerentiatly Pamped Plasma Enbaced Chemical Vapar Deposition of Oxides in Channel Glass A model forthe tranaport of guses dawn nanochannels (Pig. 1) was developed in order to ‘dstornine the optimal conditions for introducing, optical materals into cx0 dimensional natechanel glass arrays, The verticslazis ofthe plot in Fig. is the warspont flax as 3 function of chanel iameter and differential pressure 2otoss the usochanncl samples, ‘This model assisted us in explaining the Comiationof nanoparticles in channels during, dopovilion (Fig. 2). These results have been published in the Joumal of plied Physics. Figure 1. Transport flux down for Figure 2, The formatioa of fron differentatiy pumped substrates, ‘oxide nanoparlicle in channel glass asa fiction of channel diameter Re, and differential posure (Ref. 1} ‘Based on this sry it was concluded that an altemative method! for inirnducing high index materials into ranochannel glass would need to bs developed Devid Mallroy 2b. Atumie Tayer Deposition Modification of System ‘The differential pumped! depesition system has been successfully modifid such thal high index mitcrials can now he ieposited by atomic layer deposition (ALD), This system can ddepasice high index ox'dew such as tantalum axide and haftiuen oxide, Displayed in Fig, 3 Js the complete system that inchudes computer controlled gas delivery and saenpls boeating, Displayed in Fig, is a close-up of Tre chamber. ‘The systam is completely antamated and allows precise control ofthe Tiousands of eyeles needed to deposit 100 ‘m-plus films of of high index oxides ‘Figure 3, The eurrent configuration ofthe deposition system for producing, 2-D photonic crystals based on uncochannel glass provided by the Naval Research Lahoratory 24, Resulls of Atomie Layer Deposition of Oxides ip Channel Glass ‘We have discavered thet we can for KCl nanowires into channel gts, The first teats were performed without diffrcatial pumping ncross the channels. The results are shown below in Hig, 4, which shows the formation of single crystal ICC] nanowires. We arc in the provers af exploring the pkotolumninescence properties. The ability to grow ‘material in the channels without differential pumping sugucsts thal when include se ‘il succeed in filling the channols and therefore obtain our goal af realizing 2D pheturic, crystals, The distribution of the nanowires ix entered am 240 mo and stl a tancand deviation of 50 nm, The process has ben modified such tkst HCI cau bo uscd instead of tantalum chloride. This atcaly simplifies the process and opens up the wer ofthese anowirethightvision substratss for enhanced visualization or lunetionalization of aight virion goggles. A paper entitled “Potassinm Chlovide Nauowiros Grow inside Micro- channel Array Glass Using Atomic Layer Deposition” has hoon suamitta for publication. Davie Metiroy igure 4, Ascanning electron microscope Figure §. Diameter distribation of KC! imageof KCL nanowires insite microchannel ofthe sample in Fig. 4 efass. 3, Fotare Plans Have bog to design wnd proves developrsent to cocstuct txo dimensional pholonie suuctutes using nanowires, thereby elimiuated the weed for using aanochamne! glass, These devives would be hazed on GaN nanovrires and would be integrated with Si lechnolouy, The eoncept i iflustated in Fip. 6 where instead of an array of voids the seray would consist of GaN’ nanowires, Figure 6, A conceptual image of Foture fabrication of 2-1) photonic crystals using GaN nanowires 6, Final Recommendation [Nanochannel glass (NCG) is 2 vory intvesting inedium that appeared lo have potenti! for photonics applications, Isfial altompls o fl the channels with metala were promising, However, alempts to [otreduce high index materials, relative to the NCG, proved tobe much mote diffinlt, An exhaustive nurabor of feclniques wero utilized in ‘xdor to achiove the goal of creating a2-D photonic oryaul. in every ease inhomogeneous filling af the channels was favored over homogeneous filling, ie, umopartstes and David Mellroy nanowires, While itaeresting results, they were uot the desired materials, ie hhomogencnus, low defect, high index materials, These difficulties were encountered for micron scale channels, and in tar, sugges thal filling nauoscale channels is untenable, ‘The diffienftios encountered sre aleihutel lo Ue Tllowing issues: 1. The confinod geomenry ofthe channels significantly alters the growth kinetics of materials, 2, The high wxpect ratio ofthe channels, whea taken in conjuction with €1) ‘prckahite uniform filling of the chauncl from one sie to the other. 3. Materia used in the formation of NCG Ioich pul of Uw NCG, wich would be detrimental to the optical propertis of the photonic crystal ifuniforat filling was achieved A.NCGis incompatible with high temperature (-400C) deposition techniques Ise om our ste, ‘The final eonchision is that NCG is nota unsuitble as a template For Che constuction af 2-D photonic crystals and my rocommendution ito noc proceed in the future with NCG for optical applications where filling othe channels with bigh index optical materials are requir 5. Publications ‘Nanopatticle Fonuation in Microchanne! Gtass hy Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition, D., MeTirny, J. Muso, Y. Kranoe, I. Merchinek, C. kbor, 8, Moore, E, ‘Manji, R. Gandy, Y_-K. Hong, M. Grant Norton, H, Cavalion, Ruely Bouz, BJ. Justus, A Rosenberg, . Apple Physios 93, 3643 (2003), Potassium Chloride Narowies Grown inside Micro-channel Array Glass Using Aton. Layer Deposition, Daging Zhang, Sami Moore, Siang Wei, Abdullah Alkhatco, Dev Gungudean, Hasan Mahmood, and David N. Meliroy. Aaron D. LaLonde, M. Grant Nouton, James §. Yenug and Chougmin Wang, submitted to Applied Physics Leters 6, Presentations ‘The Effects of Physical Coufincment on tho Formation of Nanomaterials the oteatial Lowsds th: Realization of 3D Nanaaensors, Materials Research Society, San Freseisea, CA (April, 2094). (uvited) “Tantalum Oxide Nanoislands ane! Continuous Films Grossn by Atomiv Layer Deposition, ‘The American Physical Society, Autin, TX, March 6, 2003. Abstct: Daging Zhang, Tisog, Wel, Santuel Moore, Xianghei Chou, Leah Bergiana, D) Erie Asion, Batric Posie, ‘and David Mellzoy, Bull Amer. Ps Soe. 48, (200%). Synthesin af Free Slunding Tron Spheres by Plasrca Enenced Chemical Vapor Depunition, The American Poysioal Society, Seatle, WA, March 15, 2001. Abstract: . Pavid MeDroy Jason Murchinek, Abdullah Alkhateeb , Rex Ganey, David N, Metlroy, M. Grunt Nortoa, BLL. Justus, Buh. diner. Phys, Soo. 46, (2001) 1954. Nanoparticle Formation Using Naaochannel (ass in a Plasina Environment, Northwest American Physical Socicty, Partlind, OR, May 20, 2003. Absteect: Eh Manji, Dave Metloy, Radha Padmmabhim, Hongmei Han, Rex Gandy, and Ashley Kado, 7, Collaborations A. Rosenbarg = NRT. BLL. Juswx = NRT. R Ben = ITT Indust-ies Night Vision Fames S. Young Pacific Northwest Netioua! Laboratory Chengmin Wang - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory YK, Hong - University of ldsho, Materials Engineering 8, Students (Chea Rhert, B.S Physic, 2002 Sara Moore, BS Chemical Hnginoots Hongmei Haut, M.S, Physic, 2003 Ratina Padwnanabhau, M.S Chemical Engineering, 2K ‘Wei Jiang. M.S, Physics. 2008 Pradeep Paga, M.S. Electrical Tngineering, anticipated Spring 2005 2008

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