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Preview DTIC ADA428955: Geometric PDE's and Invariants for Problems in Visual Control Tracking and Optimization

agemgemerrenortempionit ne mince a parecer ATHY SAE TROS. Saearacasay mete oem =~ 2 heme fl tae ictal mea TE ‘onions SS STENTS TESTE SEES Soorais Tee: ruts of Technology, Arsantz, Gh 20732 BE SPONERTIS THOUTTORING RGF WTF) A ARRESTS) 0 SOR BORTHOATORS AERONTAST —] pm HUMBER) [2 DRTRIRUTONT AVAITASICRY Sates cee on fous ta treat a umber of key issues victor, im cranking. ‘Tho €lowe are all derived. stom Yorintions] principie a4 Justified, In fact, many of the pare Aifferonctal equations (#DE%e! in imec-ng are based on curvetave driven lowe trom interfacial piyad: Deer shown Lo be wesful for © munser ef soplications including crysra- grower, Tis fan. asd cerpater vision. he hmus extensively scutind the problene ‘and’ opeieal flaw for problonn “mn trroking. Optinn] erauepore ken apprared in nnononet rion, Fipld dynaw on, svtematde contro:, tranepertation, statistical Payaics, shape optimisation, expat syasens, snd weteorology. ia particolar, for the geceral Misual cxscking probler. in controlled active vision, a robine and re! <ahle ohjnar and shape zecogeision system in of mijor sqpartsrer. Wo hive based a new approach to thie probler on the tranny of optimal qaee tranapere controlled act!ve vision, vieal tracking, robust contol. invarian= tiowa, opting! mace trangport cone om il Saray aaa ea DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A Approved for Pubic Release Distribution Unlimited Final Report for AFOSR Grant F49620-01-1-0017 Entitled “GROMETRIC PDE’S AND INVARIANTS FOR PROBLEMS IN VISUAL CONTROL, TRACKING AND OPTIMIZATION” Allen R, ‘Tannenbaum School of Electrical amd Computer Engineering Ceorgiis Institute of ‘Iechnology Atlanta, GA 80332-0250 January 3, 2008 1 Introduction In onr just completed sescamdh prouramn, wo considurudl eerain gairetrig variational welbe os for problems in oowzclled aztive vision. In this report, we will conoedlmale ou Uae ‘work we perlonimed lor dhe profiles of registration, warping, and optical ow au roles 40 dynaresoal (aul Vision is « ey peneor modslity Sn both the natural end aueuawde domains. “the prvnalrnoe. of biological vision in even very siuple orgasisuns, indicates tts utiieg WL uae nace machines. More procticlly, cameras are in gucral rather imple, reliable passive fensivg deviies which ure quite inexpensive per hit of data, Furtheruoce, vision tan er information a€ a igh rate with high resolution ‘ith a wide fled of view aid ancrracy capturing umlt-spsetcal informacion. Finaly camneves can be use iu nora ative manne. Nataly, ixchnde motorived louses mounted 02 mobile plaformns which ean actively ‘explore the surroundings and suitably adapt heir eeesiay e-publitina Tir some tine novr, the rele of eoalrol U:vury in vsiou ins: been recognized, fa por- sienlar, she branches of coutvol Ul dual wilh sysloat uucortw'nry, rarely adaptlve and sobust, have becu :rupuved at sesertal toa in coming to gripe wich Ubu piublesaa of ath Mioluge nnd saachine vision. ‘Thase peobloms all booorae aauulfee when cme atrempts o-nge a visual censor ix ua unvertsin rrvirammeat, and to febd hack in soe ianmucr the ‘nforraatinn. Thaw iaues constitute a key thst ih ov> esearch propia, ln Ubis report, we will degeribe in come deball Our new apzaeooch to the clamical of optimal trmnapoct. Optimal trausport ine appuured in enanemettien, fia dyna, antematic conti, banspdlation, tutistical physics, shape opeimiaricn, expert | 20050112 041 seal welourclauy. bu parciemar, Far the general vial tracking proba iu ciatallal nective Vishay, a robest and veliahle object and shape recegnicion sysuum is of evajar importance ‘A eey vay to catny tls Out is via femplate matching, which is tha matchirg.of acme objec ‘0 another within a given catalogue of objoela. Typically, Ine match wil not he exact and deuce some eitarion ix hecaneary ta menapre the "gondnens cf LL" ‘he mustang erieyion ‘an alan be considered a ahap® metric for awusariug the Sinilarky herveen tan objects Th ome work, we applied euucepla Grom aptimaal transport theory to levelop such shape matties, ‘Thin alk Ted to a novel apovonsa for the problem of optical fre. The compnation of optical Row ang peoved to by an impertaul Lao for problen ening n active vison, tach ‘ng visual tracking” We huve vouksneel ths naval optical flew conatruials wis ide fenn optitaal cransport und the Ley af ares-preserving mappings, This ecard represent our coutianing efforts on the vtitzation visual information ia a fordbrcs Ine. 2 Curvature Flows in Vision and Image Processing ‘The mathecuatival basis ler uur work senso: two yilags: invariant emvvature dive lows and geometric vaciutona? peobles. Tere we 37k outline reme of he buuie smite om fee lus whick are the heris of the pertialxiflreatial eqnation micthads in contrat active RG Ad ht thos Rew he a ted ns notin outed [2] ‘A cron may be regauded se a crajevlury uf a point maving im the plane, Foray, we fede + (closer) curve CC) ag the aap Clu: S* > RE (where §" denotes the woit eid We anaurae that our curves aru have no veltintersections, Le, are emabecided, ‘We now cousider plane enrvos defrming in time. Tat Clp,2) 1! x [0,r) => BE denate afeanlly of dosed Guibedsted curves, where f paramateries the “amily, and p parametarigas vodh eure, Apmcme fast thie family volves anvordiny to Uke fllowing equation & =oT+ ON , Bet as 1 (ace " share N i the nad Hust eat msc, is Uke wt tangent ant nd @ ac the Uaagent and normal componeuts of the wvalution vlacity¥,zerpeeticly. Li cl, ii cory to show thet Ima(Cin,4)] = lel wt] where Cloy8} aud Clos.) ane the satntions of G=af +N and 6, respectively. (Hine Lug denoces the image of the given paeamtesized wrwe in Tj Thus Ube tangectal component sfects ualy Use gurainclriausion, and not lug" (which i icdopendent of the paramuoicization by acinition). ‘Therefore, assauuiny Ul dhe norinal omponent if of # (Lhe curve ecolation velocity) ‘9 (1) does aul Gepand on the curve partunelsizalion, we can consider the evalusion equetion aay P net, i where = 7-8 ‘Th svelulion (2) has Dosa shuld ustewsavaly or dilferval funeions 6 both from the henrekical and arplied poincs of view. Tn partevlar, it was inéracuced into computer ‘islon fw a theory of ahape in 2, 40,4] “Trio af ae mont irzportant Eom are decived for @ == x aud (2— 1, Tn the former cn, sve will an thar thine is natal ginchaatic interpretation which msg lead to an alteruative ‘may af ewnlving lypecsrtaces, which is one of the acbjects of cur new uesccach prograu, More precisely, cousider the lore ae 3 ot ae equation (3) ls iy origins in atyndusl phenemeus [23]. Tis ened the geomn ‘pinion or the Puctidem shortening flow, since the Phelan perimeter ariuks porsihle when the curve evolves accorcling to (3); aee [23]. tenons ® w 6 ‘This equation sisiolare, under certain conditions, the gransve few [0], and sche bass of ae merphalogicnl sealemace defied sp che disk aa aemetnrir g elec ‘Thee is alan an affine anacnge of the Euelidean shestaring How which motivated tue whole subject uf invariaal Dons. Ladeed, ia (60), we show that Ube able anmetrival fue ivan uw ia be plane gen by Ga all8M. @ (Que cate shee that Hf CU) #816 RE he a amncth ancbalded enrve in the plane, chew there tres faraily C9" IU, 7) +R? eatiatying Gn AlN, such that C(.,1) & smooth forall ¢< 7, wad mecoover there is a iy Tach that for all 2 > fy, C60} is south mud comes. Tener jou in the Duclidagn ease, @ non-convex terve lrst becemea convex shen evolving acowaing to (5). Afee thi, the curvy eouverge to-ar elipar rom cur resale it (6). (Oxe can use tis ow to cosnlrusl a eine inenriunt seal spaee for Planes sheen [BT This in voejumction wita the tnnry of diferrntial enrinnts car be used for a Ubu of innavisut ubject recogsitien 3 Conformal (Geodesic) Active Contours Im this poctiva, wo wid briely review a puzadigs Jor sna ur artiue eonoura aaaed on sineiples Lau eurv'mo devon floma and the euculus of vezintioma. Active contous 8 "ray he rogprded 9 autenotions processes which employ emaze cobesene a wir to te teri features of liter over aus, Sc deuntanteeodlotas have the ay to condeta 1 ura object shapes end mations. Rnakes tave bes lind for soe alan diacetin, apo movlng, ae worl trackeng 1h he ceteal theory of snales, oko considers energy miuinlastioa methods whote conmoted outinity splice arz allowed wo maove under the lathe of ete mage depencene force, lnlera or, al eared cousonts 4 fy hw unr Az ip Wal nown, {pre uayy 90 u anumhor of probleme ssoneinted with thin sppreach euch ad inline, ‘aivtcorn of meine rina, aul the selection ofthe easily pasauclers.Moremen. ‘afore eters forthe epg aud dyn of ouours (ot fox We treatment of uliple oniours)arv-uok ctxt smile in this Framework. Th (wee propese a deorecuble ‘eon xsi wa acsstlly sore srk praBles which we cl confornal ceive contour. (slo approacin wus indigent eran i [L3, La [3 the method i called geodesic achive contours he ied based on th Eel corn sstning even wi dfn th radiant direction n which a given ove fst ef. pose tie to Eeldean ielmngih,anden the theory of couounal asics, We blips Ike Buiean arlength ya confor acter dane bye felaren ofthese lice want to extyacty a He sme eomptte the ootrspoudiug gradient ration equalins. ‘Tue fetes which We al to eaptavetLeeelore ten ur bn of 4 tern wll ln bch the totic eoutour wil low, Moreover, eur raniel tray he be aptended tn exteack 00 contours based on motion bby man curvrtune 25, So Fired, let gles9) to au image depsuvcal fuel taller tothe type of ture whieh, we Wout 16 eapture: Pur cenmpin, tee term ala.q) may chown to be soil aaa edn Soulwax conto the eolusion when the cant era clave to au dye, Ta den nonin Uoeliope se ordinary ar-length fuetionaloug 9 ctree C= (eda) with pasameter piven br ds (eB 1 yee, as, ~ G23 1 Pad. ‘Then ve muah lo vompute the corterpanding arationt low for shortening length relagwwe tthe me see thy Accordingly set mee, Le te t= flat “Thot tay lie Ket vsinton of the movie Iengthfamston fy snd sig ingention by paris foo (B5)}, we get that . 149 WC ge Hy) = — [Ge a ais hich means that the dikectins in which ch Ly posimote i stinking aa fat so poosible Ec y a ’ : 0 Grn me a NW ro) This in precisely the gradient Raw eaerespexing to the rola ton of the length fc: onal by. The level dec exsen uf Ui is os ve Fp rsh eb og) +09 o ue eerste that this ermlotion ahould attract the contour vex quiddy to the fentane ‘hich Herat che bertarn of he potoatal well dovcibud by tho grate low (7). We may fika a9 constaul iallulion era (oo also [45] for w ao rgoreme joetiictica) wad 30 dare modified mdi of () sien by ou ae y = obwotiaint oy 103 1 GeV. alvBf(ai( gp) 1) | Ve @ 4 Optimal Transport for Registration and Optical Flow ‘The mans trohgport prudlesa wns lint Sorcanlabel by Caspar Monge in VRS1. and eouveied finding the op imal way, i Uke wate of rduicua! Lrompor alien cont, of moving pile af anil from one eice to anoles. This problem yas giver w modure. formolecion in the work ut Xantovovick [87] acl so is nuns owen 1s Eau Morge-Ricwlormoich remblemn” ‘The robles of ancimal twarpourl has uppoured in coorametriea, id dyasmien, aursmaslie contra, feanapottation, statistical plys-es slupe opuaizalion, uxpurt ayster, snc retoonclogy [64]. alco uocurnlly fits into certain peakloas in computer vision 25), La yartioalay, forthe yeucral visuil taking problem, a rohnet ard eebable objers 20a shape recugaltion syste: iv cf unjor importance. key way to carry this 7 i la daplate matching, which Ji Lae matching of rome ohject to ahothe: wisn a glven calslosne of ahjec:n. Lypicalls, ‘the match will ot be exaet and hence sume eeiterion in cerery to mengute the guoducet of it" For udescription of varionr mthing procesnren, ee [3T, and the sefarencen therein ‘The talchng eriteion enn slap be comsideted a ehape tetris fox cuausuclag the imate Dbeticun two obgerts, Registration proceeds in several suyus. Flt, eack image ex date ert to be matehod should he individually calibrated, wrrected lus iuering diatortioes and artlcts, and fleared of uoise, Nexl, a mounre of sinilaricy het the data sets aust, bo estab lised, wu thar ous can ansntify hows cloge an image is from quoter ulter trannformatir axe applied. Stach a meaaore riay include the similasity betwoou piel intensity values, ‘yell ae che proxiuily of predelinsd image fechirce such au iaplerted fiducial, aaloicnd lendimaris, surfeee coalonns, mud ridge Hiner. Nex>, the transformation thel ruaxdmmrea the sinnilariy hotween the transformed images is found. Often this Leauaformation ie given 3 ‘the schytion af an eptimization problem wheve the transformations to be ooasideced ase consteauod lo be of w puodoleumined clase, Filly, cuee an optional tonustarmatinn is febvalaod, tis sed eo Luge the iuaye date wus, ‘Ad we will erpicule below, ube mclhed we propose [or regstrution in the conte of local i baud on nv opi-aaiation poobleut built nrownd the Z* Kantngenich-Weseerstein Glistance tsken ax the similacity mesaure. The constraint thet we Lave put on lie eansor- ‘mations consiered is that they obey a mass preservasion properly. ‘Thus, we mutch rags ities in tis eputhod, whieh suny Wo thooght of us weighted arena in 27) or weighted volumes in 4D, ‘Wi wil lao desciibe tbe uss uf suet idews for the problew of uptical du. ‘The uae utetion of optical flow has proved to bu aut iapeetunt tool for problema arising in active Vision, including wil aking. The mplieal Guo he'd is dette as the velocity vertor lied of apparent motion of brighinesa patterna in a seqrence of imagen. We have explored. various aunstenined opt ciation sppeoacher for the prrpose af acrurateyy sarapnE OD- tical low. Tn our work, we formulated spnranches based npon the Cory of upluaal ras Lwnsprrt aca aren-preserving mappings, 4.1 Formulation of the Problem We now give a wodurg formulation uf lie Mouge-Kuntereviuh problem. Let y and 2, be thro subdonains of BS, wilh seuoulls boandaries, each wiLa a posaive denaity faction, yn tin gs mopeds Be meme fo-ke 0 Uhal the same total mesa it assnclated seth Oana 9. We consider diflxnuucp Minus & Trem {R34} to (84,14) which rasp ame density tr dhe other in the range that woo Din ed co) ‘which: 9 wll all the mass prsszrention {MP} property, and write @ € M2 Byualion (0) is tallod Lae Jacobian equation. Hare [Di denctes tne determina; of the Japsbiaa mop Dis In particular. Famacion (8) fimplies, for eczample, tac if symall region ia fy ts maps to a lvger region in {then there must be a coxresponding decrease ia deuaity it orde> fr the masa to be piesorved. A mapping @ Ubat suliive Ukis property cany tha be thenghe of ax defining a yolistributiva uf & sows of materiel Irom ou> distribation jy co ancther ictubution py ‘Thoru may be zusny auch mappings, and wa want to pide eu on optimal one ia suse nse. Accondinely, we define Lue 1? Kanuorevich-Wessersteie wuts us [ella sess” om «tae, f st ~ Pa oo Au optimal MIP seap, when i existe, in cme which ry niminan this agra, This tuwelionsl iwceu fo place « penaly on the distance che wap fk moves esch bit of malate), weighted boy Uae materials mame ‘The case p = 7 has boon cxtonsvely studied, ‘Lhe £ Monge Kuntorovish problem Jas been studied In stolistics,unioust analysis, acid the almospherisacie-cas; soe [17,8] tnt the referaroea therein, A fundamertal theotetial rea (48, 10, 27] ix that there ie a nique optimal @ € MP Lrenspoting jy ws jy. kl Ubu tists eharacterized aa the stadieut ul w eons tiation, Le, d= Vin, Note that from Equation (8), we havi that ww satisfien the Morge-Ampare equation | [ta ys. 9 (Se) = po, whe [2a daustes the decerminant of tae Hessian fw of v. Tienoe, the Kamtarorich- Wasserstein zu:zic delves se distsooe betwen taro reas Ue siti, by computing the cheapest Say ro clanspart the mas fen one domain tothe other ‘with reapact to the fuctional given in (IC), ule optimal Lriaspart sump in the p = 3 cage Feng the gradient of a cortaia fuuolia. Ths navel of Uh aes is that We the Hien mappieg theoceiu in dhe planc, the procedre singles omt a particular wap wills prefect goomieny. 42 Monge-Kautorovich and Optimal Transport J ut reward, we focused on the uses of idess from eptimal uausyoxt far peublems in contioled avlive vision and vimial tracking. Homever, givan the polcalial power of these Ideas in syslurus ona centre, we mould like te Hit owe ey uses of Mlaye Kastor 1. Lyemmow theory is essential is studying nowlinear syatean stability and contzcilee pothesis. In same very interctiog work, Rontzer [6%] hos formulated a dual la Lyepmuct’s aves theorem. ‘The iden is that the Lyspuney funolina ia engarded 14s cho "ost te go” in au optima! teadapett probleut aud is cual (in the sense of linea programming) so che deusily Favetoc byyeully studied in Mor ge-Kartoxovie ‘henry. These ideas uive « powurtul new Leal in studying noalinenr ayes tus 2. Shape optintaulion is another ares of nae for op-imal trengport, Hor ecaruple, given lwo densities und an insulting medinm fain which so plats a Fixed amon of cone Autcting walzenl ons can conaier tae problem of the optizual alassuont of te era ducting tonterial te minimize the beating mdsiced by the Gow. ‘Thin cam be put lnta the Monge Kentorovch optiuul lran:pont rumewurk. Sim‘ler remarks apply to problems ir ceimprescion mlding, where one considers an inceupeossibl pietin smlesiol belue paeneed heing two plates in which one wauls to trunk the sit-plaslic InlarEae, 3. One of the cust scantifnl nnea of optimal transport is in swetuarulogy, in prtienlar sunsigcostrephie wendela. ‘These ave concerned ‘ith with Largo eeala trated flrs with Front fermation [27] ‘he es is at ansteucologists whut to model how fronts rise in “angescale walher palyurns, Tracing 2uek Leute in ker gna, wd semi: teoa:iophic equatioss raem ta give a reatonabla eastheanatical medal fr the eration. af mnck fronts. This" av nat avally to pein mag frauspust quali, 4.3, Background on Algorithms for Computing The Transport Map ‘There hse been 2. pucuher of olgoriclans considered for computing nn optimal tranrport ana. Por example, matiads hace beck pacposed bosod on ausr programming (Ah and i Togranean mechanics cleeely related to ideas Fro: Ike stady af Suid dynamics [Au Interesting geemetie 1notod has 4oeu folate by Cullou anid Pree [17 ‘One very commun worthod i to reduce tn [# aptizul zransoore to « neat progranuuias, problem ‘Thos one can approximate the the denritira py and jin ab weighted wurns delta frmntiane, such 96 UNS ew) poie\ 2h mule) RA The £7 Kemorwvich distance i then ind SD [es — 21 shee she ftcutn ov ll permalatnony on NY Tits ‘This proba can be sived as Ivar prograrnng problem, by acting thal Ear ‘tion (LL) con bu exproseed as int 7 exits for UN give pars ws. mets uy where cis ~ fy ysl? ond g denotes any Nix N matrix with nonnegative unleies, acti that the Sum of al gama td row equals 1 (eon ae fh ley acochstie mule) ‘Chere ure optima! algorishms for general cogt sasérioes cu, but to die uct of eur koe isoreaze co know optimal algorithms for tte special cave ia whic os ~ 94), Final ofr that even i the 2D case, typical iuage ses run fo 512 X B12, nnd an the Tineae programming problem cau gob Ww be qulus wie ‘A auore elinuivenlyrichn iam ideas fam contin mechanics ws propused in [9]. Hua bse on iene from Legzanian mtechanios and a cestain culation orchod. This thas infinenced out approach discuss below. Tu our ease however for image traci, we ‘ll rgie tal ike most. cetive meet’ shanld be based on giadieut deacen. na! the oncopt of "pula facturizasen.” We discon thin in the next section, 4.4 Variational Aigorithms for Optimal Transport In this section, wo desuibe u aatur roluvon uy £¢ Muugr-Kantorov'ch baoed on. the ‘squialeul prublam of polar fartorcatirs sex [1 26, 48] andl the references there, ‘Tlie sat.ncenticnl Pea for the approach describ neve may be foul ia 5), aud apy setions to visual fracking in [20], We will wore with tho goucal cass of mikdomains nS, end Doi val seme stm fcskuus Ua! seo pose for Ube 2 oe ‘As ubove lo. 2), 8; CB! bo aubdouusne witt smooth boondavie, with conespealing poses leit fre im jy wd js raining fo = fo, Let (Oa) > (Oia) be intial rompping: rth the mss piesnving (ME) property. Then according to the generalized voruls of [1, 26) cue eun write [Wao} % i) where aig 3 convex fmction and s is a1 MP mapping & = (a.s) —+ (Bon ‘Thies the polos factorizatiow ow will scapula fT: [2], joa Lam ence of area smmcarvotion is considered, 40, up is aasomed canetan:, but Hee general case goes thaeel ut well, Our gual 8 ln find the polar factorization of the MP mapying x, uocordiag %o the {allowing strategy. We eonsider the family of MP mappings ofthe firm @-- was an vacies uver MP uapaingy front (Sh, il tn eset, Woe enmmider 62 woctor el, we ean always Gud a Tunotinn 27 and angcher versor field, with ASC) = O, cul that vere 1, we ca decempuve # itu the aum of a curler and divergence free weecor fi (66) thus, whut we try to do is cd a rampping # waica will yield a & withoul auy cul Uae is, sc taal f= Var. Once sods an 2 i¢ fond, we wil have = Go s— (Tus) ow and wo we vill exe found the poder factorization (12) of uur giver: fmelion a here ig tae key point, As we discussed abowe, the unique optima: salution of che Z? Mange Kantoravich problem hos Ue fora d= Vo, awd an the preblem of fining he polar fartnrizaion of and Lindiny the optima: Monge Kastorovioh mapping @ an: avivalent, In eeseroe, our prouosed apacondh to mule the Blange-K antorovich prablew is fo create a "arrangement? of an intial vector field 1 uring, a Map 3 $0 lak le renting veclor ald ie as has na en Finding an Iuilial Mapping: ‘We will describe an exziiet ulgonithm to nilys the Manne-Kantorovich problem. So we \saut to module the 2! Kantawvieh—Waseerstein distance funatioasl ovte MP finetions rum (, gt (2, pn). We wl ry todo thi by floding at fitial MP mapping w and then tuiaieuicin over = vos by woaying 2 orer MP snapping rom % te Me, sarting with < ‘qual sr the identity sup. Our frst task arco Sind ane antisl MTP wlappiay w, This an be lore for generat domaie using w euthorl ef Mow (51, 18, on fre siupler douusics weing te following ulguribian. For simplicity, we work in B? and assume fy 2) [0,1]F, the agcuuralizacion to bigher @imersions being straightforward, We define a functics) a

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