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Preview DTIC ADA428634: Gearing Up and Getting There. Improving Local Response to Chemical Terrorism

DISSERTATION Gearing Up and Getting There Improving Local Response to Chemical Terrorism BRIAN K. HOUGHTON 20041208 277 BN] PARDEE RAND GRADUATE SCHOOL DISSERTATION Gearing Up and Getting There Improving Local Response to Chemical Terrorism BRIAN K, HOUGHTON. Thy detec bite 9 ers nip 204 i or ‘ana’ oh cian ol ort Syn ply ans athe Fore AND Godel Sho. Tha lcm at speed ond ‘ppv dina rite of drace W. Bear (ha) Dk Filod, nd Ere laren vas apes wor aide oder re uaraon | PARDEE RAND GRADUATE SCHOOL ‘The Pucdee RAND Graduate School diseration series reproduces disereons that have bern apprened by che students dscemaion committee “The RAND Corprestion ita nonprofit resecch organization providing abjecrive analysis aod effective solutions thar addeess the challenges icing the public snd private seers around the wotkl. RATIOS publicrione do wor wee well te opinion of iba ‘ents and sponser RAND iss ise nef emark © Copyriahe 2004 RAND Compoeion al igh eeserved. No part of dhe buck may be epeeuced sy farm by any Crean mechanical means (incnding photocopying, ecaetng, ot inanmarion statage aed reiea ‘withouspeirntion in wing fot RAND? ‘bed 200 by the RAND Caypration TAM Nan Ser, PO. Sor 2134 Sarge Monies, C8 OAC 2138 1200 South je Sues, Adiagen, YA 22202-5050) 201 Noh Cog Sree, Sue 209 Picsbrgh, PA 152131518 RAND URL: heptane! Tuner RANT dnsimens a te arn avian rmain, cmc ‘iusibuon Servon: Telephone: (3:01 451-702 ax (10) 451-6915; Eel: oder@randorg ‘hs dssertonie avidin pote sabtacon fhe requirements ft dare of Decor of Phibsopty In Policy Analyse al tw Padoo RAND Grade School. The research afters to Jnyroe respons che! tareritingent by floning a mehadolgy coming examination of ‘he sk of chetricel tema, the caps and perfomance reauted to respond te Buch ac ost ete cpr to moot pactanoa gol, and hugetay analysis. The fdngs shoul bo of use to ‘emergency responders and muricealpelmakers who mus hale ther mead to yrpate to revert rt espn toa alchemical troram again ef chor escurce-domandng acs in assertion fcused on Les Angeles aoa ase sud. the methdlogy ‘2 metopctn ara. io and lessons shold be satu fo other communities throughout the nation, as wal 2¢ @ famanat for ‘making other deckiera in an envtonmant of unceralny. “Ta author acknondedges the suppor provided by tha independent resarch and development provisions of RAND's contacts fr the opsraon of is Dopariment of Defense Feveraly Furie Research end Development Center, the Naina Defence Rassurch Insite (sponsored by the Gice of ts Soattary of Refers). Tha suhar also acinowledges the generous supaod ofthe Nabonal emote forthe Provarticn of Teter (MPT) which provided the author ith Simo o puri tis reseaeh, Tre oprices and concustons expressed are these ofthe auhar and should not be rtorpeted a representing thse of RAND, MIPT ar any or agency Preface um Figures. ai ABIES nro seinen oy Abst se x Ackrauledgamants ‘Chapter One: Inretuctin 1 (Chapter Two: Backgraund and Framework for Analysts 7 Chapter Thee: Vieat and Risk Analyses. az CCheptar Four: Magnitude and Capablies.. 8 (Chapter Five: Cost Etiacive Programs. .--nsmnemnanea ee (Chapter Si; Budget Constierations 181 Chapter Severt Conclusion. seni 169 ‘Sources Constitad Figure 2.1 Nomogram for Anseasing Courter Chemieal Torilsm Options. 2 Figure 3.1 Perealved Risk of Cherie! Tarvism ovar Nex! Five Years by TEW Participants... Figure 4.1 Postulated Eflectivanass of Grose & Teahnel Decontamination fr Selected Chemicale si 58 Fre 4.2 Pesuned Values (gh ana Lo) Techleal Decotewintn Tar of CCaguaties Avoied for Parathion 8 Figure 4.3 Posttated Value of Timely Metical Respanes in Tarms of Lives Lust for Chlorine (CL, Phosgene (6G), and Hydrogen Cyanlle (AC) amare ant Figure 4.4 Magnitude (Numtarof itis Requitng Technical Rerortaminaton) Drives Capablly; Capabiies Fred vv 2 Fgwe 4 Natonal Changs in Coptily Brough improves or Lack of Tring and Respanse. ws rennin Figure 4.6 Basalina Taernical Decontamination Capabilies ofa Single HazMat UN aenons 68 Figure 4.7 Baseline Stike Team Tant Decontamination Capabilities o Figute 4.9 Nellonal Baseline Mass Oocantaminston Unit Toehncal Decontamination Capabililiss o m Figura 4.10 Bassina (Single) Hostal Shower Decontamination Capabily Figura 4.11 Tima After Set-Up to Complete Decortaminatian ‘or Varying Number of Hospital Showers. : 2 Figure 4.12 Baseline Gerebilis for Ml Decontamination Units % Figure 4.13 Flow Chart of Chemical Terrorism Planning Model 83 Figure 4.14 Visual Representation ofthe Chemical Tarerism Planning Model Figure 4.15 Baselina Technica! Decortamination Rates ofan Incident responded to by LAFO In the LA Downtown Arua or LACOFD Elsevhere in the County without Recussing Mutual ld. 94 Figure 4.16 Bacelina Cepabity fora Single Hospital te Tachricaly Dscontarlnate 200 Vicims 85 Figure 6.1 Botlanack in the Bair Tech cal Deconlarintion Process in Ceuniown Los “Angeles Due to Sings Engine Company Providlng Gross Decontamination a0 Figure 5.2 One Strike Team Tent Sytem to Tecsncally Decortainste 50 Intuitants... 104 Figura 8.3 Comparlsor of Tent Syster va the Naas Decontamination Unltto Technical DDocantaminata 800 Inavidua's; Inluting Acquistion Coa vs 108 Figure 5.4. Single Original LRGOFD Cache vs. Breaking Cache ‘nto Thraa Smaller Gach .1%4 "a Figuts 8.6 Comparison of Baealine, No Tents & Mul Equlpment Cache, and No Tans & Single Equipmert Cache Options for LAGDFD un a nna figura 6 Tethical Decalarsinallon Str iret ut) spre PPE ve, Wall fo Equipment And Using Tents (Basins) 115 Figue £7 Compateono" groves Option (lsprced Eaupment and Staring Tachi! Decontamination immediate y), Baseline, and the Imaraved Opin wity MUS. “7 Figure 68 Compatlson of Basatne Capablites and tha Stat-mmotatoy“Improvad' Option in DDowntawn Las Angolas by LAFD. — 119 Fire £3 Canpurzaof Basen, Imoroved Nut Gece Opons or tps Locations-—Los Angeies International Atport (LAX). Dowrtowm Los Angeles, Port of Los Angeles, Pomona, City af Indust, and Sante Monica. wt Figure 510 Comparsor oftha Improved, Mulple Caches, and Baseline Options across Multile Locations when Performed with Traffic thal Doubles the Travel Tama 124 Figure 51 Comperizan of improved Optians, Msicupler Bringing Addtional MDU and the Current Basel in Bavintawn LA and Pornans with and wihe.t heavy Trai; Psychosometln ‘Viekins Thaged at 25 Paroant False Postive. smn Figure 6.12 Comparison ofthe Improved Olion In Downtawn Los Angeles ene Port of Los Angetos when Starting nmedlatay or Wating Until Carica ls ented by HazMat. own. 130 Figure 19 Technical Decontamination and Subsequent Emergency Madica Serves... 133, Figure 615 Varying Eflectveness of Triage for Improve, Hey Trac (Improved Option}, end Baseline versus Peroantage of ward wo False Peefivas for th high and Low Postustec Values of Casualties Avcidod we 195 Figure 5.16 Techial Decontamination T me “or 250 Vlethr's Based on Number of Showers & ‘Numb o1lage Pereannel wih 25 Porment wari wall Fasc Positives, vn 18 Figure 6.18 Tach veal Decontamination Time “or 950 Vieime Based on Number of Showers 8 ‘Numbe’ of Tiage Pareannel with 50 Percent world well False Posies... 140 Figure $.19 Techrieal Decontamination Time ‘or 600 Viens; Hospiel Has & Shower, 3 Triage Pesan. vv a8 Figure 5.20 Technical Decontamination Tne for 600 Vieuins; Hoxplts| Has G Showers, 9 THage Porsonnel, a8 One MDU Aiving at Hospial fer Fishing On-Scena Decontamination... 149 Figure 6.1 Estimated Tettorsm Expenditures in Las Angeles (City & County) through 2002... 155 Figure 6.2 Fixed Cast: Compatsan of Ingraved Ojon, 2Eaupment Caches, and Baseline sing th Fl Cherial Tarim Made 158 Figure 8.3 Fad Perfersanoe: Campartion of Inproved Option, Mulisc MLIUs, and Bassina Using ‘he Full Chara! Terri Mosel 150 Table 8.4 Propetes of Four Chemical. 2 Table 8.2 Relative Risks of Dying 6 Table 8.4 M ttary Standard 8826. a Table 84 M tary Standard 8820 and Rick Loval for Chemical Temorism in Los Angles wen $0 Tabla 4.1 Response Cnaraclelstes af Selec Chemicale 64 1 18 a 3 Table 4.2 Ganabiltias of Various Chealeal Terrorism Responding Unis, Table 4.3 Units Requirad fer Raspanse,Acleg Alona by Type Table 44 Percentagea fr Physical Vict Cstagoros. Table 4.5 Percentages for Total Vitim Catagarias Usad in Simulation Tabla 4.8 Arfval Thnes In Minutes of Responding Units (T=Tima ofthe Incident Reported Dispatch) . Be Table 4.7 Verinbea in tha Chemical Tarorgm Planning Mal wane 28 Tale 4. CasuatesAvelded by Baseline fore for LAFD in Does and LACAFD fh Gouly {or Poration, China (CL), Phesgane (CG], and Hydrogen Cyanide (AC); 200 Total On-Seana Contaminated Casualties. seni a Table 4.9 Gasunting Avided by Hospital Bassin Etfors fos Parathion, Chlorine (CL), Phosgene 66), and Hyelrogon Cyanie (AG); 700 Total Cantaminatod Casuatiae. nf Table 5.1 Casualties Avolded for @ LAFD Response to Downtown Los Angeles Ps ‘Soanatia wih One oF Twa Engine Campartes Providlng Gras Qacnntamination we Tabla 5.2 Ceaustiaa Avoided fora Response toa Chlorine {CL} ot Phosgene (C6) Seenaro wif ‘One to Three Gross Deoonominaton Stations for the Or-Seare Vicims: 1,500 ndviduals Sent ‘Through Groes Desontaminstlon af which 200 Are Contaminated Vitras me ‘Table 8.3 Potential Casuatce fvelded for Baseline and Muli Equipment Cache Options far taGorO. vs a Table 5.4 Casualties Aveided for tat ne, No Tants & Mut Equpraont Cache, and No Tents & ‘Singla Equlpmant Cacho Options for LAGOFD a 14 Tabla 5.5 Gasuslis Avcidud for Basal ne, No Tents & Mul Equpraent Cache, and No Tants ‘Single Equipment Cacha, and Dispersed PPE & Stattng Immedlatly Options for LACOFD. 116 Toba 5.6 Cenuntiae Avoided por Option, Comasrending Agu stn Casts, and Cost pet Aadtlona Casualty 870 dh nnn “7 Table 5.7 LAFD Casualtlos Avoldeo for he Baseline and Improved Opton—Starting tmmodiataly vith Dispersed PPE, Ratner than Wallng to Sot Up Tents 118 tian ‘Table 5.8 Casualles Avolded in Reeponse to. Parathion Expocurc by Location and Response Option se we ‘Table £8 Comparison of Casustiae Avoided for a Normal Reeponse and One Delayed by Trafle 10 Chiorina (GL) ur Phosgene (GG) Seanario with One a Three Gross Decontamination ‘Slatons for the Or Scene Vek: 1,509 Sant Through Gross Dacontainination, 300 Contam nt Vitis. 2103 “Table §.10 Casvetias Avoided In Response toa Parathion Exposure by Location and Response ‘Option tor wth Trae (Dauble the Response T mo) ard Normal Tri ne OE “Table 6.11 Casuals Avoided “or Improved Options, Hekcoptar Bringing Acdtional MDU and the Ccutrant Basin in Downton LA and Pornana with and without aff: Psycrosomate Vietns “TWiagod ot 25 Percent False Positive, ro “Tino 6.12 Casualies Avoid for Improved Options In Dowriown Los Angeles ard Port of Las _Aogoles whon Starting Immed ately ar Wainy Un ARer Chemical is Mentiied by HazMat... 120 “Table 5.19 Cosuslas Avoided n Reeponee to a Paratlon Artack with Canvargent Casualties 1 Hospital wth Ether 1, 2, o 8 Parvons Performing Triage: 70 Conteminated Casuals, 360 Vietime al the Hospital, and & Showers. wn “Tabla 6.1 Budget Options and Total Cool for Equipment, TYalning, Crgarizaton & Doetine. 161 45 “This deceriationientes pois and organzatonsl options at te leat ave tat cous save lives enor reguse injury likely to occur fom an act of chemical terarism, The desertaion seeks out o1-20st options to improve the curent performance vel n responding io chemical ‘erorism, The dssotaon uses Los Angeles 86 acasa study nts fot ‘The dicceration fll a four-part framework. Fst ltampts to determine the ‘evel of ‘ck of chaszaltreviam in Los Angeles and idetfias en anticipated mogeltude for which merger responders and decision maiers shoul pln. Second, the dssorallon consiiers curentcapablty and perfomance level in chemical terrorism response and determines @ performance geal or response tothe planning megrituse. Thin, rough modeting and simulaon the seraton presents fow-ceet apiors in equipment. waning, organization ard ‘docine tat could Improve the response ton chenia!oroit even. Lastly, the dlszeration sxamines these louscost options in ters of budgat considerations In Los Angeles, “Tho alsseraton’s findings pont a decentezng eounlu-chemealtenorism expipment throughout the Los Angeles metropolitan area, the reformiaon of catain doctinal pois hat may naavertenty stow the mitgntion procass he astab'sant of aascost traning metho to Conhanee the specialized knowtaxige nesdod ta respond effectvoly, the inclusion of doctrinal pulloos t accelerate the decontamination pracoss, and th conthued focus on an all-hazarda approach to preparedness.

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