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DTIC ADA428354: Onset of Spacecraft Charging in Single and Double Maxwellian Plasmas in Space: A Pedagogical Review PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA428354: Onset of Spacecraft Charging in Single and Double Maxwellian Plasmas in Space: A Pedagogical Review

REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE cou in Brow ree hs etd ett aan a ama ot pea TREVOR OATES APPT) REPORT TPE 3 SarEE OVE Fe Ta gi-11=2008 Regia So rTTE An SUETTE SCOR RRCT ROT nae of Seren Carpio in Single an Davhle Narseer. Plasmas ia Sane: A Pacagogle! Weslo ea FORSY TREY i" Sar Eka Soe PEERS ORME TR WBS] TT REOREETET re REC HORTON ic Luce Researeh Caorstny/ SET ero RuMAER 5 2s Rarigh Rowe SERIA ARTA Baoscom ATR, MOV 7RY-3M0 20041208 266 —- ‘pwoved fr pubis reese sttbuion unined Repeansd tom Procedings, Sh Spaectak Cloging Techolegy Coxleence dL, Minar, Cope (ASAICE DOM. 213051) Nations Acronanics and Spure Adguniiaron, Mars Space Mig Ceoler, Hult, Aldana Hz, 0-2 Oct 2000 RESTA Ths paper reviews nme receot advance io he ons of spaceert charging, Curent balance determin he spacecrah potent The dedten fox ntreepcd bp an eon in lama exteds Cit fine 9 crocs of magne Bann othe on-eleevoa mas aiference."Neguivevohoge charging aenms wien Ge incoming election tix exceeds the outgoing sevcdary and bckscaered elect xe ‘The seandary ccetron ofsion cole: depeads on surface mst, Pcl exces ul out 4D ‘aon eof primary clot cova). af alls hsow iy at higher eocrgiss Bevend a eal ceaperaue Te Ico ezcron tt exseets har oft aesondery elec, thetcky nigate eburping cece.” Sour evilewe of Twas observed en ‘ATS Sard ATS sacle, Reson, atrdart eederee war obecried on he oe Alas National CaNeeary eeawOrDD ‘cles. The exisznes of T cnahlek sour praiion of actcTfe charting ase to double Maxon lasmes, eons of epaccrst corgi deen an the dewey su iempersnoe at ht dceition. We expat peagoteally th ont of uatgag Ba oust Manwelaan pans, agi oot ei spasetal pela can vec ‘Spaceerat charging Seta eaperatre TTEPORT ]e-AGSTACT = TSFRGE] | SOSTRACT or ‘ShoT. Lat uxeL fURCL "KCL PAGES Fp YEIPHOUE ROGER Ee maT va ‘Er ation eae Fay ag OD AFRL-VS-HA-TR-2004-1174 ONSET OF SPACECRAFT CHARGING IN SINGLE AND DOUBLE MAXWELLIAN TLASMAS IN SPACE: A FEDAGOGICAL RRVIKW SkuT. Lai Space Vehicle Yrootorute ‘Air Foe Research Lahoratory 29 Randolph Road Hanscom ABB, MA G1751-3010 Abstract ‘This paper reviews some recent advance in the onser cf spaccorat charging. Current balance determines the spaosstatt potemisl, The elestron fx intercepted hy an object in a platma exoeeds that of ios by orders of magnitude because atthe fon-elecrun mass difference ‘Negative voltage charging occurs when the incoming electron flux exceeds the outgoing secondary and backscattred clocron flux. The secondary electron emission coefficient depends ‘on the surtaoe material, typically exceeds unity at about 4U to 1300 eV of primary electron nergy. and falls below unity ut higher energies. Beyond acral temperature T, the incoming cleerna fl exceeds that ofthe secondary elecicons, thereby meyalive charging ocoues. Seatce evidence of 1* was observedon ATS-5 and ATS-6 satellies. Reoentls, abundatn evidence was observed on the Las Alumos Nutivaal Luborstory gevsyachronous satelite, The existence af ‘T* enables accunaie prediction uf spaceeraflchargiag ohsst, In double Maxwellian plasms, the ‘onset of spacecraft charging depends on te dancivy aad texuperature of both distributions. Wee ‘explain pedagogically the onset of charging in double Maxwellian plasmas, rple-root jumps in spacecral potential can occur yulcal eason of Critical Temperature ‘The spacecraft potential is geverned by current halice. Whe the incoming cleeton flux cexoceds the fluxes of the incoming ions und uukgoing secondary electons, negative chaeging ccuurs. Inthe geosyncheonous envicwoment, the electron ua exceeds that ofthe fons by weary ‘wu orders of magnitude, because af their mass differewce [Figure L], Negative cherging ie important at geosynchronous altitudes. However, the ambient thx ditforence alone is insullicient to ublain negative charging because the seconday cleetons playa important rein the current balance. Ploting the log ofa Maxwellian clcertan distibution fs} a5 a fonstion of electran energy T alvesa straight lie. ‘The invere ofits slope givos the wemoporatre'T. Higher emperaiune ‘serosponds fa meme abundant higher encsgy electrons [Figure Upper]. The secondary electron ‘evefficient*(E) exceeds unity, meaning more outgoing secardary elecisins daa incouting primary electrons, inthe energy E ange of about & -¥ 1 # 800eV of primary alecten nergy, depending on the surlace material. [Figure 2 Lowel: DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A ‘Approved for Public Release Distribution Unlimited Stopes = Wir Figare 2. (Upper) Temperature T of Figure 1. Eleetroa and fox fuxes Maxwellian distribidon. (Lower) ‘measured at geosynchronous Secondary electron emission alteudes. Combining the twa concepts of (E) aud *(E), the temperature T comirals the eompetiion bberween the to camps of electrons, viz, the Jow enctgy cam. generating more culgoing sooondary electrons and ths high crergy camp gcnerating less seeondaryelevruns dbun primary flecrmons. spacecraft put in an iially Tow plasma wl not charge negatively, because there are moze ow energy electrons, As the temperatore reaches eral value TY, the population of higher energy electrons hegins to dominate, suppressing the secondary elesieon ‘MayyreDing Space Plzsma Environment ‘We now consider 2 mathezatical formulation ofthe oust of charging 79 negative potentials. ‘At oquiibeium, the spacceratt potential N is dctmtined hy current halance. At the threshold of ‘charging once, the potential N is zea. Por uniform charging, iis sufficient to consider balance cof faxes —the incoming, ux equals the cutgoiny fl [arr = [aR AAL a ‘wre (8) isthe sulin fneton of te incoming leetrons, +) and) are the “eeonsary and haskeratered slecwon eison coctisans To ctculat (one nl the fanational forms af f(t), {e) and E}. Fora Maxwellian pam, SE rod DY" ens bit2) 2 Simple analytical foruas of {E) and 0(E} foe worm iaidence bas bocm given by Sanders and Tnauye [1979] and Prokapenko and Lattarnboise [1980] spectively AB) =degEla}-ent BiB) a and l= afte) 6 Sting e995 ca} oe tans cf(vesrsay* (bein) Jealous) “Tue Maxwollian distibution/(B) is function of electron energy B, electron density mand cleeton tempermane T, ‘Tbe energy variable E in eq(H) has heen integrate eat i the efiite Intcgral, Sinoo the density » is multiplicative, itcancels vot un both sides of eq(l). Therefore, fhe onset onndltion (eq t} for eharging i dependent ofthe plasma density. Ln ouber words, ‘he condition forthe orel of charging isa Cunction of°T oaly.. The solution o ea) isthe titealtemperacuce T* forthe onset of spacecraft charging, Ausplar Deneudence ‘The angular dependent forms of secondary and huckscattere electron emission coeficients hhave been given by [Darlington und Cossfer, 1972] a5 follows 618.91= 8B DEL AIPM -cod)] 6) ant WE.) AE OpeRD[ACEMIL 290)] ° ‘whore Nisthe angle of incidence of the primary electons. -% and 3 ne empirical factors. By Sting experiment dala Lafrumbnise eto 1982] have obtained the fonts of 3 snd 3 BB) ~ exh) 8 aad fats on whew $= 027381E -1.688)-{[o.2785(5—1 650] +0072¢)"" (Loy nd gahUE tL.) an sm (9), 7 the atomic number ofthe surface material. Fp in 6911) i the primary : ectcon energy where the secondéry eras is anim, Substeuting oqs(34,6-11) inte ‘yf. one ablains the extical temperature T* for given surlace materials [Table 1] ‘Table 1 Critien! Temperatures ____ MATERIAL [ISOTROPIC | NORMAL : Mg ad | AL ox = Yenc aE a5 4: 0nide “ue 12 Talon zt a zt ut a2 ee 36 i ar 1 t Ts 13 7 ee 20 Gog Tag a9 (Tae (ema) 7 59 MeP 109 78 Euless of Crit Early ovidenoos of the existence of T* were given by Rubin etal. 980]. The Los Alamos [National Laboretory (LANL) geoxynchronpus sulellies prvi abundant co-ordinated data of spacecraft charging andthe space envirenment, Uhe dale span over several Years and a> available on the CDCWeb. Using these da, we have found abundant avidences of the existence Figure 3. Kvidence of critical temporature, “Meatorements nlfained on LANLO7A, of critical temperature, not only on one LANL satelite but cn allo them, aad wt ayia onc ‘year but in all years, -Abnudant observational evidences bave been reported in Lal and Dells- ‘Rose [2001] and in Lai and Tantz [2003], Figure 3 shows au example ofthe existence of erica Teraperaue T*, Below T®, no charging coours; above T®, dis sharging tevel increases Almost Figure 4, A triple-roat sitwasian. “The even root are unstable, linearly with T. Using several years of dat, we now know without a doubt che existence of atitcal temperature fortis onsct af spaccccatt charging, Mere dctalls are given in | ai and aut 2003), ‘Double Maxwellian Plasma Eoritonment Tn general, the current balance equation i ofthe Form ICN) ~ 0 where J is the (otal (or ne) fiux. Its possible that the equation has multiple root. i. solutious [Whipple 1981; Besse, 1980; Laframboise, etal, 1982, 1983; Meyer-Veruat, 1982; La, 1991a, 1941 by Garret and Hastings, 1996]. Ifit has te roots, the JUN) curve asa fuction of Nisa “wiple-ost curve’ ‘The spacecraft potential is ar one af the Toots. As the ambient plasma cemaiinn changes in time, a “triple-toot jump” may occur. That is the spaccerat potential may jump from sine Wet to another. This behavior will be explained in the double MasovelHian plasma model ‘A. General Thearem on Multiple Roaty ‘Our sign convention is that Incoming ux of postive fun is positive, and so is ourgoing cfectroa ux. Ina general curve of Iux-volkage [igure 4, there exists at Fast one r001. UN] = 0, where Ji the total flux. This is because at high positive potential N> O, incoming electron Jax must dominate und therefore <0, Athigh nogative pntenial NO, incoming. ion Flax aust dominate and therefore JO, Taeween these bv entrees there us enist ol es wie oran odd nurabar of ero crossings, KAP = 0. Uherefore, we have a general theorem: The number of roots, JCN}= 0, must he odd. ‘The even rans we unslahe, hecause ther slopes, dBra.Nf have the wong sign, comespanding to negative resistance. Only the odd rons are sishle. Since the spsosereft potential cannot be ‘nultiple value atthe same time, it sat ne afte add roats cy ‘As the space plasma environment chaages, it nay happen that ow neighboring cout uding te spacecrat potential, disappear together [Figure 5]. The spacecraft potent would jump tothe next nojehboring (te third) eoot. When he space plastia parameters reverse tele norse, the 0 lost roots may appear again, Yet. the spacecratt potential may remain a he neW oot. A retum to is frst oot may occur but at different values of plasma parameters, This isa hysterexs hekavior. re S.A triple-root jumpin spacerraft potential, ‘The space plasma cuviroumeat Yates in tie, In ho outer region af de goosyncbronous combi, energie plasma clouds fom the magnerotal may’ cara in at ahout midnight hoes. Die {a the curvature ofthe magnetic fel, the onergeticolecrons tnd ta drift eastwards and the ceneryetic ions westwards. Aa they move noare the Earth, the co-roation effect Yends to move everyhing eastwards, This deversnes wh usually Rappers daring a suhstor injection, which ‘may occur fom once in rnany days te afew times anight. | In quit time, it soften & goad apprenimation lo describe the energy distribution ofthe space plasma at geosyuchrouots akitudes as a Masvellin fE). When 4 new plata cloud artves, the ‘lusma distribution changes. itis allan convenient ro describe the disteibution, fafa double ‘Marcellin, which is a sum of alow temperature. T. compoacut and « high temperature, ‘somponent. and [By convention, the fist Maxwellian isthe one hat has thc Jower sloctron temperature‘ ‘The density of jis greater than that off, otherwise the population is called “inverted” which is ro) as “The Viple gt Situation of Spaceeratt Potential Fis, at voy high poshive surface peta the fx mus he predovnnandy that of sncoming lecwous (ott <1). Sovondly, mt very high negauve surface pulental, the Mux aust be predominantly that of incoming ions (Ota 0) Consider re potential Nasa vaiable, Lot decreases for the 4D region. IC J(M climbs abuve 0 and thea deceeass to below 0, wo ave @ tipl-soot situation Figure 7. Ina double Maxwellian plasma, che total (or et) fix Fis given by «16 4 ody oust have ups sigs at roots ef ON) ~ 0 where the potentials arc node, i small enough fron crv abe negligible In eer Tor J and J to have opposite sans, anustbe below TY, while Ts above T™ Rory, «an hich gives > 0 while J ‘The coalition fo the existence of a pesitive fx AYN is Mal> Vel «ag ‘whore, aeglesting e fons, the net anes ar given by A= [ee fo ll-(6(2)+ en Joan| 2 0% = [eB ELI (OLE) otEvJoxw ~ 2 (20 Since Te Ty, (dears fase than (Nw he maguitude of oceative) N inereutes Ge. lo he lel side in Big). ALa sufficiently large magne of (negative) M H(ND) decreates to a value so smal thatthe equality (18) at aise, rendering the ttn ogatve. ‘Wether the inogualry (18) i violted dcpeads manly on the selacve densities m and nT dboareases, J dsteases accordingly. Eventually, when f~ Jin magnitude, the ctl ux (2 AUN)~ JAN) A root isa his value of Ns the magnitude uf (regative) Ninresses © ‘ery lange values evetaly the ambient ions cust ake over, That, evenualy at much high pritude uf (wegative) WY te curve J must have negative slope, crossing the JM “0 agin CCowating the rots, we already have one azponiive N naw one wenegalve Nand event there must be ove at high magitude of negative N. Thus, iplewect sivation is formed. A trnle-oce jmp oosure when two of the adjacent ons coalesce and disappear Ai {High wary Blectroa Emission ‘Asa corallary, the use of spacecraft surface mateials with higa secondary electron emission ‘oecticcut * poses a potential adverse effet, vz, tripe-rct jump in spacecraft potential. Ligh «value makes / postive {because of oulgoing electron) tor near A'= 0, This propor prevents the surface fom onset of charging unll the ambient electron temperature isbigh, However ir. double MuxowelKun plasma (Figure 7), high J at = may increase the likeihood af a eile Jun flua. The red Tine shows OK + Ji “1 the low Nvalues before the ions tase aver at very high negative N. tect situation with a high negative font. Ifthe space weather chunyes in such a mae Oh doorceses rapidly the um J of Jyand J; may decrease ta zens al N= 0. 150. tiple-toot jump spasevTef potential cours. The amplitude ofthe junp may be very large. The tne of ump muy be very short, depending on the surface capacitances involved. Far example, th jump in Day 114 ef SCATITA accurted on the copmer-beryliam sueftee, which has += 4 approximercly Troccurred when n 995 dropping rapkly, wife the otter space environment porameters stayed relatively constant inthe period ofthe event. Sammars asd Concls ‘When an objects laced ina plasma, whether in space ori 2c laboratory, the object ‘mervepls more electrons than ions becaune the eleci¢ons at lighter dau ons ancl therefore the ‘ecto fax i higher. When elattous iapact on a surtacc, secondary and backscattered lecirons are emitied from the surface, Secondary clestons are much more abundunl and ‘etefore more important than backsoattred electrons. Ata range of primey electron enetuy, ‘ypically between 50 to 1500 eV depending on the surface matcral, the aurgeng eletroa Hk exceeds te inconting primary electton ux. This propery prevents negutive-voltege eburging of the surisce for incoming electrons inthis eange nP energy Howovor. primary clearons from space plasma are sul mono-enesgetic but fom a cfisrburion in energy. At equilibrium, the distribution is Maxwellian, which is charatstized by the eleston density and electro lemperaure, Because of the sovondary-emistion property af ‘von surface maria, the eleetrans in a Maxwellian distribution ean be thought of falling into Fo camps. The lnw energy camp yentrales mre auldng (Secondary) cloetons than incoming clostzons and therefore ends tv drive the surfaxe potential postive. The highecnery samp _Reoecates less outgoing electrons than incoming elecleons. Therefore this camp tends to drive thesurface potential negative. The compection between these two camps determines the unset ‘of spacecraft chargine, As te electron temperatro ‘nereases, tho ruber afeleicuns i the bigh-cucrgy caump inerosses. Eventually, at sufficiently high temperature: (the cial ‘eapcratc), the we caps ae even, meaning onset oC charsing. AL higher temperatures, the high-energy eamp mins andl therefore the sorfice potential is negative. Abundaut evidenees have boon ohscrved om the LANL gevsymchranuis slelites couirniag, Withour& deubt, the existence of oiical emperalure fr he ansel of spavecal cueing In general, a spacectat surface flus-vollageenrve (ar equation} can yield an nd numberof oats, The even cools are unstable because they ale opposite to Ohm's aw. A tiple-root Situation does not necessarily imply a iple-tact jump in potsndal. To have a jump, two of the adjacent vats have 1 coalesce aad dsappeatrogcthee, The amplitude ofa jump cam he very large, KV, forexaniple, Te tine of junip, being lint manly hy surluce capa, cast be cxeomely fas A double Maxwellian distribution soften a gond appruximativn for destibing the space plasma, especially when u new plasma cloud kus arrived and an equlibium has not aac. Conventionally, the Fst Maxwellian f(E} the one with the ]ower temperature, Alkhough the ‘concep aC erica temperature T* Was developed for single Maxerllin plasmas, surprisingly the conoept plays an important cole in double Maxwellians and fiple-roots.. When the

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