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Preview DTIC ADA428225: Health Benefits for Medicare-Eligible Military Retirees: Rationalizing TRICARE for Life

REPORT Health Benefits for Medicare-Eligible Military Retirees Rationalizing TRICARE for Life Michael Schoenbaum, Barbara Wynn, Terri Tanielion, Katherine Herris, Renee Labor, C. Ross Anthony DisTmIBLTIO STATEMENT Apnined fr Pic Rlane Ditibion United 20061208 275 BP] NATIONAL DEFENSE RESEARCH INSTITUTE and RAND HEALTH REPORT Health Benefits for Medicare-Eligible Military Retirees Rationalizing TRICARE for Life Michael Schoenbaum, Barbara Wynn, Teri Tanialian, Katherine Harris, Renee Labor, C. Ross Anthony Prepare ahr lth erry flat Aepron apo how dares wind NATIONAL DEFENSE RESEARCH INSTITUTE and RAND HEALTH “The rescrch decribed in this repare vas sponsored bythe Oilize ofthe Secretary of Dense (OSD). The esearch wat condacced jointly hy RAND Tlealth and che RANID National Defense Research Insts, a fdenliy fundo reeatch and developmene censor supported ly the OSD, che Join Stel, cheunied commana chedelanse agencies neler Concact DAsWL-O1-C-0006. kay of Cet Calg i Pelcon Ma San Ma mihi $2. Mtg 3 Hela thd tee gen ie lca) at es inmates acho wate The RANT? Corporation i @ nonprofit research organization piusiding objective analysis aad effecrive soluions that adsies che challenges facing the pole and privace seca four the wordt, RAND's publicitions da nor acecsrly eflet tte opinios of ts march sires and sponsors. RAND* isa gia! exdenash © Coppeigit 2008 RAND Carportion Al sights esered, No pat of this book may be rapid In any form by any clei or mechanical mens (including photocopying, eeconing, or informacion storage and veces) ‘yichoue pers i ih fen RAND. Poised 1904 by tbe BAND Carporaton 1799 Min Sten, PO, Bus 3138, ates Manes, CA 9467-2138 126 Sth Hager Sure Alfogton, VA 22202-5050 201 Now Cai Sie, Sut 202, Prdvgh, PA 1S2IS1SIE RAND URL: hupilirwerand og? “Te ordee RANT donne ato obi 2 ination, cmeae iauibaio Sec Ileyrone: (30) 451-7002: es GI) 451 U5; Bn scerrand.ng Preface ‘The 2001 Narional Define Authorization Act expanded eligibility for TRICARF coverage to Medicare-cligile milicay retitees age 6$ or over. EHestive Quiober 1, 2901, Medicare- ligible milirary cerirees enrolled ia Mediate Part B became entitled to bork Medicare and 'TRICARE health care benefics, This coverage is cefered to ax TRICARE for Life (FL). ‘Under this progcamn, Mostcare isthe primary payet and TRICART. the secondary paver for ‘Medicare-corered services, In addition, YRICARE cover all Medicare cost-sharing by pa- ‘dents including Medicare deducrihles and coinsurance, Regular TRIGARE benefits apply ¢o services that Medicare docs nor caver. ‘This report examines the TPL lepisariow audits implemenrarion. The suchas sums- rmarive iene and poly uptious thac were discussed in several becfings present to the De- [partment of Lefense {DoD} for ts ennideration of options for improving TRE in the Forare ‘This ropore is noe intended w Ly x oomplere discussion of 'TRICARE ot Medicare Rather, ia aim is to provide au overview of TEL and to highlight certain ines fo ‘consideration, in particular ubyso thar may pose potential policy undfor implementation dif Geukis for Dal. “The findings aul eecommendasions reparted here are base priuuutly on information prchered Zecween Jute aud Septomber 2004, priae to THL implementation. DoDD considered many of che sues discussed in this repore daring dhe ‘TFL inuplemer tation process, and ome of che authors’ recopimendarians have bsen implauenied or ate stl under active review as ofthis wtting, Bocanee his epart was prepared alle the THI implementation, che authors note thove isucs idcrliod during their research us being problematic, which weece then address in sulbvequem legitarion. Tlawevee, they da uot comider actual experience sander TEL, “This sepor is directed primarily ro policymakers within DoD and in Congress bus it nay alga be of interest to idividuals ar the Ceneer for Medicare andl Mesicaid Srvices and to ather readess interested in heath insarance for the DoD/Medicare papmlation. “This research was sponsored by the TRICARE Matagensent Scciviry under che Assistant Secretary of Defease for Healeh Ahir. Te was cattied out joinsly by rhe RAND Health Center for Mivaty Health Policy Reseazch and the Foros: and Resnirrs Paicy Cen- tee of the National Lefense Ressact: Intute (NDRU, NDEI is a federally fended resenech and development veule: szonaored by the Office ofthe Secrecary of Defense, the Joint Stall the Untied Commure’s, and the Defense agencies. ‘Camments ou dis report ac weleame and raay be addeesed tothe principa'investi- ator, Michael Schoecbuum {mmikels@and org). For more information on the RANT Cor- ration Forces and Resouces Policy Genrer. contact the ceuter’sdicexior Susan Fveringham ae [email protected]; 310-393-0411, extension 7854; of at die RAND Cerporarion, 1700 in Honth Benes tr mer Eile rary toa: Rati TICARS fore Min Steet, Santa Monicz, CA 90401, More information about the RAND Compotation is arilnble se were.tand org Contents Preface Tabler Summary “Ackaorledgment. ‘Aeroayms, trireducton (Oeenve of TRICARL for Lift Foxus ef This Seay... Rewates Methodology Ongivaion uf ie Repo. 1 1 2 2 4 Medicare and TRICARE Benefits and Coverage Policies. ‘Overview of Medicare ae! TRICARE Progeams ‘Compacizon of Medicine and TRICARE Beasirs ‘Camipacison of Coverage and Medical Necssiry Determinations 9 ‘Comaprison of Denials anal Appeals se Conapasion of Coverage ir Bmerping Techratogies n even Dilfsenees in Cneage Polis for New Teckloye . n CComperitnn of Coverage Policies fr Seleced Technologies. ub (Conapatzon of Poe hese Cace Boncis soc 6 ‘Cover for Sb Natsng Falgy Series ~ nese BS Coverage fr Hosta: Health Care onset emery Policy Option: Expand HHA Covers Vavannanel Policy Option: Cover Aheratvas to SNF Care eee) Compazzon of Coverage of Ourpaienc Rehabilitation Series e's Ouepatient Retaliation erapy CCovenage for Canline Rebabiliation ‘Comspari of Cusisage for Behsvioral Tlealth Series Inpatient Sesies Ouryaticat Cae Paral Hoxpitliacion Subeanee Abas Treaement. eal Bnet for Mane Eble lay Retieu: atloaleng TARE fo fe Pocental Changes to Medicare Benes for Bebaeoval Heal Care Canclesons and Resommerslations TTRICARE for life Benefit Cost Shang for Cian Care Coverage and Premiunis Prior t TRICARE for Lift... Prevalent af Supplemenrl Cneeags Ihr to TRICARE: far Life... 30 rental Consequence of TP. Cast-Shatng for Beneliiasis w..e 31 Peel Consequences of TEL Coce-Sharng for uke Deparment of Mefease. 32 Prruntal Consequences of TTL Cose Sharing fo Medicare. : 38 Panda Conan of TAL Cos Swng fr Tp 34 CCanclasions and Revonmmendadians M cera roa Managing. Miltacy Tresoment Fairy Care Pronided to TRICARE fos Vile Bonficiatis.......57 TTRICARE Ploy and MacDL65 Diewonwtarion «soe 38 Goals and Assumpcions fue he TRICARE Pus Progra 40 Imprave MTP Acces 40 rascrve Exsing Clinical Reeth. 40 innpeve Qual of Cave und Benefchry Sorihton and Lower Cosh 40 -Moce DoD's Readies Mian. a2 (Conclusions and Recommendtions i) ‘Models for Medicare’ Sharing in Milsary Trexemont Faclry Cs Policy ramen for Medicare Cow-Shasing, Cost Implicecions of Disect and Cian Care A Conceptual Mode Cornparacive vt of Dect and Cian Care ‘Lessons Learael fom the DaD-Medicre Subvendon Demorsertion, Medicare Cost Shiting for Fee for Servier VHL Benficeies Model 1; Maca Makes Fe fr-Servve Pajeats for MTP Cate ‘Mode 2; Maca Pays Capirated Rate for Primary Cate Sv xs. ‘Model 3: Modicare Shares Any Salty with DoD (Medicare Cote-Shatng for MisfasteeCheice Enroll Atigning Incentives atthe MUP Level. Condusion and Recostenendations Coudusious and Reomnacndations oe 6 Benefit and Coverage Pofiis aoe a "TEL Beneficiary Cant-Sharing for Civilian Cate. . 63 (Mavaging MIL Care Prowice1a TEL Benefiaieoevnentso AB ‘Mull for Medicare's Shaving in MTF Cos 4 65 ibMograpby «. Tables 2 22, a3 2 aM 5A 52. Sunnary of Modine Boner Versus TRICARE Beifis—Malizate Patt A Swoninery uf Medicare Beni Veusns TRICARY Berets Medicare Fare Dilitenoes Berween Wadia and TRICARE Coveral Ser Bclaiutal alth Benet. vo Hal Insurance of Medicare Beneiciatie Age 65 or Over by therm Lev. 1997, Compacion of Drs Cane and Chin Service Provides For for ServieeLiahiies fr Mrefeare Coed Servacs Under TEL, Timpace of Beefs Switching fora MTF Disect Cave to Cian Ca. Summary “The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for fixal year (FY) 2001 made sweeping changes to he way thar health care ficnished by cilia providers ca Modisareligible mili tary reins is esau, The lav divecced the Departnuit of Defense (DoD) to implement ‘phacis now commonly reload #0.as TRICARE for Life (TFL). As of October 1, 2001, SEL provides RICARF. as sopplemencal health insure forall Meclicare-lgblesniltary rett- tes age 65 oF older wha are encaled in Meivave Past B, As of 2003, approsieately 1.6 mil Vion maltary ttiocs are clipible for TEL. In general, TRICARE fer Life covers all caste shacing fet Medicans-covered services and standard TRICART cost-sharing for serves har are covered by TRICARE but nat by Medicare, Thes, TFT. provides Medicare-cligible riley etiees with One ofthe mast comprehensive call insurance benefit packages in the United States. Pocus of This Study ‘This study was unnderraken in the monchs preceding implementation of the IL program. ‘Given the Tinted ime and resources fr the study, we Focued on there types of iss: those that DoD specifically adked us eo examine, those relate to services for which Medica and 'TRICARF. benefice differ significacly, aud chute of porenral operational concern. Our goal ‘was to ident areas that may pose policy and/or implementation problesns, Where ap- propviare, we suggest policy uptions char DoF) might consider iu order co accomplish the Fallosing ‘+ Rarianalze benefits by vousideting changes in the TRL benefit ssuctune: + Promote eave of apetatins by improving compaibilicy wich Medicare beoctis + Improve efficiency by promoting aprimal use of direc care servives and limiting ex cessive fail for evan care + Improve ehe overall Leuelit package for Medicare-eligible scary eee, Data and Methodology “We relied om several sounces of informatio. in conducting this sud. We began sith a.com prehensive review of televane poficy mammals, Giteracuce, aul wile: materials on bork the Medicare and 'TRIGARE programs eo dacement and compare dhe eligibility requirements, benefit definitions, and coverage policies within exch progeimn. As appropriate, RAND Cor. 1 ot ene for Mian Eg tay Reo: Ratna “REHKE fr Lite poration af received copies of internal DoD couuptinicarions and briefing slides ra inform the work, We alo conducted a number of formal and informal iterviews and discussivus with key DoD offical, eeprerentatives hom cach of DoD Surgeous General offices (Axiny, (Navy. and Air Fores), and relevans aotrDoD experts with regard fo particular benefit areas, such gs long-term care services, [Assraced above, the Inival wack for this eeporr was done prior w the Implementation fof THI, Since che TFL implementation, we hive not updzoed this report 10 inctude a diss son of actual experience under HL or pelicy changes since (I. implemencation how ive updeted our discussion of cettalt ise, auch at aost-aente care services aud Ustvioval health issues, shar we had criginay ienrified 2e being problematic end thet Lave heen ad dressed ip subsequenc legislation, We note those inues, and other issues thut emuain poten- tilly problematic, in our sunueury of fncings for specific pics. Benefit and Coverage Policies ‘Most bealdh care servicer chat are covered benefics under TRICARE are also coveied henefics under Medicare, and vice versa, However, hecause TEL benafis are based on the existing "PRICARE pmgiam, ehey were Hoc expressly designed 10 fir cagerher wich Medivare heneB:s (in contrast en privately purchased Medicare supplemental or “Medigap” polices. shich do. ‘Asa result, chere ate bonefic and coverage inconsistencies that post operational ulullergrs fad are likely m lead 10 confusion and misundentunding for beneficiaries, Fat example, thee ae same differences anyong the providers why can fanish certain services and the vet rings in which covered services can be provided. Some of dhae issuer should be resolved hy Section 705 of the FY2003 NDAA, which provides that a physician or orler practitioner rho is eligible to rocrive reimburveuteut 1 services under Medicare is also approved co prom vide sare under TH ‘When a service or icem is a benefit of boch TRICARE and Medicare, FL seies on ‘Medicare's determinations cegardiag redial necessity aud aligiiliy or coverage. That is, i ‘2 dually covered service chit is éenied for seizabursement fiom Medicare oa the basis of lack of snedical necessity, TRICARE will nox comsider the caiza for TEL ovstsharing. In ‘eset in Which a Medicare claim is denied bron iis fora service dat is nor covered by. Medicare, TRICARE will accepe the claim for processing and detetsine whecher che ivem oF service is eligible for cost-sharing ut payment ueder currea: TRICARE policies, (Fa claim is dUehied doe to lack of medical necestgy and is appealable der Medivare, the denial cannot ‘pe appealed under TRICARE, Uh porsncial concesn fur IPT is whether the coding specificity in Medicare's claims deicrmination is mufivien for TRICARE to distinguish berveen Mulicave coverage aud medical necasity deieriinations,esablid its cnst-sharing liabliy accnrately, and afford che beneficiary sullcienr appeal rights, TRICARE Manageraeot Acrvisy (TMA)! has indicared thac che dit denial cadee esed by the Med'csre contractors shonld be sullicionr fox "TRICARE's pneposes, but chs hinges on an empicical question char will need to be evahuaned in prac ac TO i nf ihn di Dyan of ee wie seat i emg bli mf ee eres aay dando ad ei:

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