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Preview DTIC ADA427019: Echinoderm Adhesive Secretions: From Experimental Characterization to Biotechnological Applications

“pe Echinoderm adhesive secretions: From experimental characterization to biotechnological applications PATRICK FLAMMANG!, ROMANA SANOS' wp Daven HABSATRTS? "Université dle Mons-Hinavs, Laboratoire de Biologie marine, Mans, Belgium "Univeriré Libre de Dewretes, Lavoratvire de Biologie marine, Brussels, Belgium run Bok onenasPumte Ieephone 3245 275909 sorsag6s 4 Abstract Adhesion is way of life fm echinoderms. Tndeed, all the species belonging 10 is phylum use adhesive scretims extewively lor various vial Iiwetions. Acourding lo the specist or to the developmentul stuge counidered, Circa! albesive systesrs muy be recoynized. (1) Tha lube fbet or podla are onyaus involved ia alttchunent Io the subsialun, locomotion, Reding oF bunting. Theis emperary ‘fhesion celis on a duo-glant adhesive system rooting to both adhesive and deadlesive secvetinas, (2) The lauval adhesive organs sll temporary atrachrest of larvae duting somlement and strong feation doing, mecamorphosis. (3) The Cuvicrian tubules ate. sticky defence organs oveutting in sonxe holothuroid species. ‘Their offcaey is based on the instantunenus release of w quick-selting adhesive. All these systzrm rely on dient types of adhesion and therfore differ Inthe way they operate. in hele stmcruce and inthe composition of thee adhesive, {In addition to fundamenta] iuterests in echinoderen binathesives, «substantial fmperns tehind pederstanding these adbesivet are the potential technological applications that can be derive fiom their knewlodye. These pp iowions onver toon Troad fics of applicd rorearch: design of wilersesiuan! adhesives and development of new antifoating straegion. Te this conleat, echinaderm adbesives uu offer novel features or performance characteristics for biotechaolgieal spnfications, Por example, the rupily alucking adhesive of Cusieran tubules, the rebasable albesive of ube leet or the powerfo adbesive of asteroid larvae could ‘each be use to address particular bioaihesion problems, oistarsurion sravenenra B 189 Apworediorbunic Paes, 200 bbistr bution Unimited BEST AVAILABLE COPY 1 Introduction ‘Among mechanisms allowing murine organisms to a\lach tn or mnpulae a substratum, one cau dislnguih mechanical attachments (books ur suckers} fom chemical aluchmeats (with adhesive snbstances}(Nuhiigll 1974), The ‘uy the farmer operates is wenerally obvious wheres the Fnetionig of the ltter remains enigmatic. Yet adcsou (attachment wich adbesive subwtunces) nay of fein the sea. Inder, representatives of bacteria, pmiocits (chung ‘macroalgne, aud al arial pha Living in the sea attach to nalund er afc sorfices. Auhesinn is partiulely developed and divested im inwertebrtes, wha {seit during chr oval ius well as rig Use adult ie (Walker 1987). Tis ‘nvr jn various fumetions suc a auaclmend 1o the sabstmtum, handling of food or building robes or burrows (Walker 1987, Tyler 1988, Hamman 1996, ‘Whittinglon and Cribb 2001). Seawater being adensc media, denies gravity the power to hold organisus to the boty; ths. i Uney wet to withstand the yd redynismn, -matine orgaminms mist buve adhesive mechaniems. Arachis fo the sbstratum fs Guero dhe most imporeme use of adhe hy marine meertebrats, AGhesion (o the sobsratan may be permet, Irunstory or tenporury Cyl 1988, lama 1996, Whitington and Cribh 2001). Permanent adicsion inves the scorction ofa cement and is chuznteratie of sessile organisms staying atthe suns luce throughout their aut Tif (suv organisms have represertadives abnimy sponges, hydrozoan cniderans, ciple rusaceans bivalve mollusks, lubisolous polychartes, tryczoans ur tnniestcs) (Walker 1987), ransitory adhesion allows simataneows uthesinn nd locomotion: the aninwls attach by viscous fi thay lay down hoheen ther body and ee subsietum, and creep on ‘is film which they lee bebind us they movo, This tyne afadhesioa is charcteristic of invetebrales- mostly sul af-bndiedSnpertebrales such as ‘uberis, namertines, gronichs or polychactes moving leg the suhetratin by ear gliding (Tyler 1988, Whivington and Cribb 2001), Larger ‘ims such asset anemones and gastiopud mollusks also nse transit _dbasion; they move by mean af waves of musenlae coateaction Taming sls Ur fot (Walker 19R7). Ycrporury adhesion allows engarms 0 attach Srmly fb momeotary ta a sobsrstom, This pe of uthesom ke very frequently tum in areal invertebrates inhuiling the intrstielenvizoument, ey. fm tsbetlarians, astrouichn, nematodes, andl polychaetes (Tyler 1988), A. few macto-iaver such as som chidarons and most echinver- ea abo uluch and deract repeatedly (Flammang 199), sent. Whittington and Crib (2001) introduce The term “issue adhesion” to deveribe the attachment of symbiotic organises tothe living tines ‘their hosts. Although they suguested thar tissue adlesion a four typeof adhesion, we tater propose that this isa sub-categury ofetherpeemaneit, transitory or temporacy adhesion, Dut should be opposed to ahesion to abit substrata, Indced, examples uf diss adhcsion chide permanent anachuvedt of parasitic baracles on whale skin (Ridgway et al. 1997), transory alluchment of parsitic gasimpends on echinodera epidermis (Vakitingon etal 2004), oF lemporaty attachment of purarie monogeasans on the gills or skin of shes (Whitington und Crib 2001), There re, hovever, invexteteule ulhssive stems ‘ul da ont fit taf the tie igpes of athesio desurthed shove, "Lhese adesive systems rly on iagl-ase organs or ells an are unod fn finctioas other hem attocunent to the subst requsing a very fast formation of adhesive bows, Prey capture by collocye-beuring toutcle of cienophonans (Hrauc 1978, ‘Boskbaut eta. 1997) isa rypieal example ofthis tye of adhesion foe which ws propose the lerm “instantaneous wlhesion” ‘he plum Echinodermata i quite exceptional in the sense thal most species belonging to this group wie adhevion exeusively. Moreover, according to ‘he species orto the developmental tage considered, diferent adhesive system ‘may be recognized. These inchs: {1} tube feel or poi, nga invulved in sttachment to the sehsirahnim, ocomotion, Roding ox burrowing; (2) real advesive organs allowing altushoent of Fara during setlement aud nictamomphosis; and (3) Onvcaan tubule, sticky defince ofpans necmring in sone holothur’ spocies, AU these nyse rly on dillevemt types af adhesion ‘uid therfie diffe intbe way they opcrte ia thei structure and in the ‘enmpostion of ther adhesive, 2 Tube feet Boing exclusively benthic aninull, echinodsrms huve vetivilies and adapta. which are eqrrclated with a tenth exstince, Mast ofthese ative, such as stiachmeat tothe subtralum, locamotion, handling of food and burrss-buling ‘ely om adhexive secretions allowing the arial fa stick to orto manipulate sbstttors In post-metanmosphiecchinodenns, these ahesive wecetions ate vaya prodtved by specialized organs the podia ur tube fet, These ane the cexforel aprendayes of the ambulacrat stem aud are aly prbubly the most salvanced bydrautic ngersia te animal kinglom. Tube thot atachment i ‘typically lemporany adhesin. Inde, altsough bo fost can adhere ory stong_y tothe substetum, ey ur also able to detach easly and vohntariy from the substratum before renititing unother attadment-dctachment cycle (Ubomas and Hermans 1985, Flanmuang 1996) ‘Tube foot have diverslied into a wide wey of morphntypes, which were ansifed by Fammang (1996) ito lse-onding,porvillae, knob-evding, brvellite, ume, aud digitan. In ferms of adhesion. however, for praetical considerations only dix-eading rie fet involved in attachment tothe suleotaa smd locomoron bave hoon aude in details. These tube leet consist of basal cextensfble cylinder, tho fem, wad an enlarge! and fattened apical extemity, the die (Hig. 1A). Tube foot adhesive streneth was evaluated hy mensuring their tevaciry, which isthe adhesion force por unit arew unis expressed in Pascal (Pe). Tenatity of sagle bo fot hus been quantifid in several specie of asteroids and cchinoids, The wean normal temucies measured op a ews sunstratum were of 170 ka in starias vulgaris (Paine 1926), of 198 kPa In 4, rubony (Placa, and Walks 1997}, ano 9, 120:and 290 kPa in arhaciaTinnde, Spheres _granularis uo Parasontrones lcs, respectively Santos 2008). Tenackies of ‘aol individuals were sso meamured i he same echinoid species und -espeetively average 190, 260d 330 kPa (Santos 2003), Allahese values are in he same range as those obverved in olheecotine inverchrales known to adore very stronely tothe substratum (e230 kPa i Hrapos, $20 kPain barns 750 kPa in mussels; 288 Welle 2987 for review), Te foot ahesive vectetions (derefore appear to be well-sored to provide an efBicieu attachunet tothe substratum, allo wig elinaderm rei. ydrodynavially penerated lorces, 4 Figure 1 Thr Lixolosfel stustare ofthe To fat rerarlaBly constant fall shinoderm spenicn. Their ton stratification consits of four ers: un immer youaetoteliun suoundiug the waler-casculae en, a councetvo ssae AIST, sa nerve plex and an ouler epidermis cuvered extemal by a cutie (rang 1996), At the Tevel nf the tube foot tp, thee tissue layers are seule in adhesion and sensory perception: he Comective tissue yer and the nerve plexus ane thickenod, andthe pidemuis fs itrentsted into a well-developed sensery- secretory eptetin, The later comprises rwo pcs of secrtory cells: aoe cellated secretory cells (NCS cells) enclosing large heterogeneous pranbles anit cilatod scorstory cell (C8 cells) enslosing small homogenous cleettonefcuse trunules (see Fhurmng 1996 for review). In sume specs, tno Lypus of NCS call co-neou inthe semsnny-wareliny epidermis. The sud he allrstractare cof those diforont rpos oF soectory cells during a eomoplte eye oFattachenent- detachment of the the foot in 4. rahene (Fig, 2) demonetated that they fmetion ra duo-gland adhssive sys as orginally pooped by Hermans (1983), and in suhich NUS cols release an adhesive sccteron aud CS cells a de-ashesive secretion (Hamnang etal 1994, Mamanang 1996), The adhesive is presen 25 4 thin en holwoon the tubs fot eutile and the substratum snd, shen devachameat ‘occurs tikes place of the Keel of the outermost layer ale cut, Une Fxcy out, leaving the ulhesive meleria stronelyaltaced to the substratum as 3 Srotprint (Fig, 1,0) (Plarmasng 1996). In A. ruhens, polylonalsathodlis hve been raised agnust footprint mereria ane were used ro locate the origin of footprint constituents in te ube feet (Parmar eal. 19980). Pxtenrive smmmmorcsctivigy was detected inthe sccrctory grannies of both NCSI ant NCS2 cls suggestiug that tie secerions make up Cogelber the bulk of the adhesive ‘eri. No immunoreartivily sus deleeted inthe seretory granules oF CS cells ad the only oer stuctur srungly labeled wos de fuzey cot. This pulern of Immunoreactivity suggests thal eetions of OS cefl ure nol incorporated ts the ‘ootprints, bu instead might function enzymatically to json the fizzy coat thereby allowing the tube oot to detach (Farman 1996, Fama ea 1998. jure 2 FFootpvinls in echo Jerzm consisl aa sponge-like mstesial deposited 38 thin eye on the substratum (IIhouus and Hermans 1985, Flanmmg, 1996, lorumang ctl, 19983), Atuough their diameter is ensly mossieed afte staining of Oe adhesive material (lamang 1996), footpritt thickest is dificult cestinate, Using an inerfnente-uptieul proflmer, which penernic thes {imersional images ofthe footprint surfoe, the mean maximum footprint Ihickness was found fo be of 100 amin the cchinnidP, Hid and of 230 mn in the asteroid A. rubene (Pigs 1B, Cs Saumos, Gorb and lamang, unpublihed uta). The chemical composition ofthe Zaotprint material was anal in 4 vubone, Leaving inorganic residue apt, this material is made up analy of proteins and eurbohydoats (Haramang etal, 1998s), The protein maity contains significant emnets of bth charged (especialy uci) and uncharged polar residaesas well of eystee, The carbobydruto mosely i also acid, comprising, ‘oth unui: weids and sulphate grows, Adhesive iterations with the substratum oul be through nie hones presumably involving the ucie residues of th ‘arbuhytrute and protsin iets (Wile 1987), whereas cohesive stnangth could be uchioved by intermotecular disulphide bonds. So fe, ruben is the aay speci in which the fobo foot adhesive bas been studied hivehemialy and sothing is known on other echinoenn species. Nogmting the asteaoids, Howe, ‘comparative immnnabistochemical uly ofthe tube fet ftom fourteen species represeting five urders and ton femites revealed thatthe adtusives ofa these spevies ae elclyretsted, and this independmly of tho taxon cousidored oF the specie habitat, an ofthe lube foot morphtype or faction (Saatow eta. 2004), Conpuriaun ofthe composition ofthe teroporary adhesive af 4. aber ‘wid the one of other marine inveeobrats shows thu iin loser to the ermsony tuthosive of igprs, ako composed of an acvaistion of uotens al ie felveans thin t the pormanentadesves uC muse and harmeles, made alnost ‘exclusively of protins (Hiway el wl. 1998, Ftermang 2003) A salar relationship between non-permanent adhesives is ako observe when ome compares Ge emina eid compositions of te temporary adhesive fiom asteroids fo the temporary adhesive ftom mnongencau dwar, aad (othe rarstory adhesi Hows linpets (see lamang 2003) This elon indicuen fast (ue, rem-pormanent convergence in composition becase of cor tachment ln the substrata) aad selective mensuren. 3 Larval adhesive organs For most echinoderms, metararghosis transforma blateally spmunetrica ad peat Java int a silly spastic al beuie pustmetamonphieiividual Setiement aways lakes place during dhe seth perimeturmoephie riod (Gosselin and Jangoux 1398, Hagearis cal. 2008), nt cits bare oe ator the metamorphic stage aocording to the class considered (Strathmann 1978). Tn both esses abesive organs ulach either the enrapetot Far or the pestlarva to the shstratum during stlement. In the ofthe five extant echinodesm classes, ese ‘orgs ate the tbo et, viz the tke primary tube fet of competent exhinophate os, om poset nhs inechinoids, the five peimary lentaces (nd, for sme {Ret} of pentustulu: in holo‘, the fve primary tbe feet an he tive fst pairs of tne fect of ophinoi postevae (Striunnn (978). These tube (eel re Siilae i svete aad fusion to tube fet of edule (Comeran and Fankbonct 1984, Flunmurg 2}. 1998h). Larva adhesive organs ofcrinoids and asteroids are, an the othct hand, auc and have no equivalent inthe nostmelummorphic stage (Ststhmana 1978), ‘The pevimetameephic period ef crite somprises three sages: the Aofiolra (fee ssirming larval tage), the cytidean (aac mteluaonpbie stage) and the pontacrinod stages (atached pustlerval alge) (Madenov and Chin 1985, Lahaye and Jangoun 1987, Nukunw ef wl, 2003). Compote dofotaiae are sav ore shaped larvae. They passes an atacbmcnt somplcx at thet ater ‘el vihich consists ofa clin cap surrounding an apical (ull oCelongated iia and a ventrally Ineate und sight depressed adbesive pit (Hig. 34,8). The leastructure of ths altachment complex has buen sudied ia comtulds (Chie al. 1986, Iangenx and Labeye 1990), It is still endermal and made up of longted elated ells associated with a thick hasiepidermal nerve poms. The fru ce types forming the complex are sensory ols, covering cls kl tons ype ofcretory calle Semnory cols ad secretory cells uf Ue Le type ace exclusiva inthe tary cap, The foraner ber along vibe iia whereas the lomor ave ed with sseretory gramule, which contain a eceulent mucopolysscchariic msleral Seurelory cols ofthe second tsp ar restricts ta ‘the adhesive pit where they ate the most abundant cel pe. base ces ae Bilal with soectony gramies with an electron donso fila proteases entont, At the hepinuing ofthe seflcunent pase, the delist beecmes domes ad brushes the substrata whe apical Cut (aces stmomce) (Madan and Chia 1983, Lahaye und Jungs 1988) ‘Ils implies the accurrenee ofa macchanism allowing the tra to combine loa adhesion tothe substratum wilh mover, ‘This Gunsiory adhesion is achieved by the commhined action of the sevrtony ces ‘oF ce ely cap that praduce a thin mncons fa cetnng the rvs a the water substratum interfica and of he vuvexing vols whose lia beat in this eaoews (Gangou and Fahaye 1990, Fhaarung 1996), Whew reaching a stable site, the teres stops moving and Lures itself round to have is body decd obliquely (ie sthesive pit lacing the subsratom). it then becomes permancitly fied aa ‘aunsforms int a eystidean va (Mladonav ang Chin 1983, Lahaye and Jangoue 1988). Permanent adhesion starts withthe rcfase oft proteins cement by the seetctory cells. ofthe adhesive pit and continues during, both eystidcaa at pontacrnoid stages (Chis ct al, 1986, Jangoun an Thay 1990), Ae development oft ctl during Chis las stage, the juvenile detaches fram its cemented tak (Lahaye and Janysnus 1987). [Figure 3 ‘Competent Tarwar in asteroids are called brachiolariac because Urey posses a specialized attachment complex on their autetine pant comprising thee ‘rachiolur arms and aw adhesive dise (Fig, 3C) (Barker 1978, Haosacts a al 2003), Brachiolrarms are hallow blir strurures occupied by aa extension of ‘he faval anterior onelom. Their histological orgeniseton comprises four tnsue layers: un inner mycmesotheliam, « comrectvetssne layer, u subepidermal nerve ‘lexus and an outer epidermis. Fach hrachiols ata sipped hy several sensory soeretory areus name pple, where both the epidermis and the nerve leans are teaty thickened. Te papillary epidermis eneoumpasoes three types of aotctory ‘ets (cll ype A.B aul C), sensory cols, and suppurl els (Harker 1978, Hacsaorts 2000). Type A ant B sceretoty cel are mmerons aad wocupy most of (Ge volume of the papilla while (pe C secretary eels are serve und ceow only at (he base ofthe papi. Type A szcrctory cells bear an upiea ein aut comin large ovoid gramules thal enelosc an electron-Uenve heterogeneous meri! staining histocheiealy ss uuteal anoupolysnschardes, Type B scouctory cet ‘bear osub-eutgulr ello: ads fed with mal yranfen cain gn fomngmnsous electron-dense materia. The adheshc dst a youd, comune structure ling betwen the brachlola avis. I ivan epidermal snasture composed ‘of rwo main cel types! clad seuroly ells ad support cells (Becker 1978, ‘lucsuerls 2001), She former are fll oerge secretory grams cuctosiag 2 fibrous proteincsous cuntont of woven aspect, Wheu exploring the substratum, the competent ler erent its ventral side down und suocessvely attach abd detaches is brchiola arms (Strathmann 1978, Raver 1978, Haesuets eu 2003). Penile, won making coataet wil che substratum, ane responsible for sennony testing and temporary ulhesion, Tike ad tube fot they function asa doo-glandule system with ype A and B svererocyoels acing un adhesive and de- ‘adhesive els respectively (Hermans 1983, Tummang 1996, Haestets 2000), Ia paiition, the contents of ype A scercory cells ceoss- vet with unibode raid <gninst tbe foot afhesive af 4. rabons, indict thal wlbesives fom both ‘achiolar arms and podia are slated to euch other ans probably shar ideatcad voteculey or, at fas, Menicalepilupes on ther continents (TTaessers 3000) ‘Ones the far ls fun a suilahe site tor metamnoephosis, bachiolar arms are _galually splayed out, enabling the din to reas its cement (Barker 1978, Hicsaerts ot ul 2009). hic attaches the larvo permanently o the substratum and ‘marks the omer of the metamorphic tags. Duzing this stage, tube bet Become fimetioas and ulitely help oe newty formed polar tw detach fom the cemented disc UIuesuerts etal. 2008), ‘Aavong marine invertebrates, crinoids and ateroids ao unique ix ws swu-pemmuneat adhesion during setlement(ranskory adhesion le ta dolislriae tnd temporary adhesion fur the rachiolrie), pesmauet wohesion fr vation uring metamorphosis, an thou reversing ly non-permanereadhssion toe ther ‘whole poetmctamorphie lie (mechanical tachment forthe camaluide and femporny adesiou for the astoroks), Indeed, ia genera, iverthates whieh, renutin avbilews aus use a siggle typ of adhesion thromghout thet perimctamorphic period Tor example, during stement, pediveligers of _gasropods molluscs ade 0 che substruum through a vsoons ln of anus sroduced by their oot on which they erp (transtary adbesions Kel und ‘Tladfeld 2004), This eype uf adhesion i then couserved up to the aut farm (Woes 1987), Sessile Invertebsates, on the other hd, cannot refy ona single ‘ype of adhesion during thir perimcwammeephie period. ‘These organises, which as alts use permanent aduesoa ani live cemented Lo the subsea eed a 60m permanent type af adhesion during sreement to enable thom 9 move around ‘while exploring the substratum (Crisp 1984), For prenetamoephic attachment, they can therefore use chur transitory adhesion lke bryozoan larvae of Temporary adhesion like barmacle eypids, om meturorphic atcha onwards, all hese “orgunians then rly on permancmt adhesion to remain eomonted to the substrata (Crisp 1984) Adhasion stength af marine invertchrate larvae i difieuk mo reeasare ds to the small siz nf these organise. Tecan be estimated, however, fram the water extent requited to was Jaa ofa has substrate, Using this tcbwiqu, he urinal yall shear sresenceded 1 dislodge temporarily attached individuals of the asteroid Asterina yibbosa wos shoul 1 Pa forbruchiolria tached by the ems and 6 Pa for posteetamorphie individuals attuched by whe feet (Huesaces, Clow and Tlrumang, unpubl. dats). There val required to distudye meily settled burnste cyprids (0.28.7 Ps) and mutitrarch larvae (4.26 Pa) (Koohl and Hadtild 2004). Ou the other hand. a pomiat wal show stv of about 40 Pa was needed te detach metarnnepic vat af A ptbbosa permanenly attached by dhe die Hacmerta, Callow und Flaming, ‘unpubl. data), showing the very high adiesive strength ofthis perma adhesive se compmable to those. 4 Cuvierian tubules Caviovinntbedes ate peculiar orgues oud in sever species of boat ona ucurher), all belonging exclusively wo the frmily Holothueide, Tubbs (Fp, 48) occuring. in holothoroids of the geneta Bohudechi. Holothurto ant Poursanotieria ue expeled an sticky whine threads thar fntion as a dafcace mechanism agent predators (Marnc! and Mercier 2000, Tasomang ew. 2002), (Cuvieriny tubule adhesion i typical example of instaneanenus adhesion, athesion being achieved ina matter of socond (les than Mj Za eta. 1973) w

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