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DTIC ADA426669: Recent Large Service Aquisitions in the Department of Defense: Lessons for the Office of the Secretary of Defense PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA426669: Recent Large Service Aquisitions in the Department of Defense: Lessons for the Office of the Secretary of Defense

Recent Large Service Acquisitions in the Department of Defense Lessons for the Office of the Secretary of Defense DISTRIBUTIONSTATEMENTA, Approved for Public Release Disteibutian Unlimited FRANK CAMM. IRV BLICKSTEIN JOSE VENZO® 20041008 314 NATIONAL DEFENSE RESEARCH INSTITUT he racers deseined fs eepace war sponsored by dhe Offi of the Sauruay of Defoe (OSD). The ceseireh «as eoaduceed ia the RAND Naviowal Datinse Rewaeeh tnsvre. a federally undead restarch an evel ante sao hy hs OS, she Jon Sia, she united sommands, gnu che defence ageoien uke Coartact DASWo;-U1-C-a00s, END es EAE at as the RAND Corpuratinn ir tonproft seach oxgenizaon prides bjscdve analysis and eine solstinne nn adies rhe challenges facing che public und private sestur aruuul the world. RAND pulcaione dn nt necesocly eect che upinicay ef ty eer es ‘nd sponsors RANDE ba tesa aden (9 Capgrghe 994 RANT Computes All cigs evens, No pur of this hook may be repredaced in an fem by any eleteranic or meehuries1 means (eloding, photocopying, sscotding, or infircntion unig and retisea wshout poiasion in ‘ing tom RAND Pobldel 204 by he RAND Garson 19 ein Stes 20. Fis 213 inte Mh, CA HOTZ 13 Sh Mager nee, onto, VA 22202-5050 201 South Chg Seve, Sie M2, Psbun, PA 3205-16 RAND Uk shale rand “evo RAND deez oc cine xldviera]omatinn. onier ‘stout Services elenone (3 15" FE ae (10) 451-6915; Lina onde Preface In Augast 2001, Ue Direcarate of Aeqisirinn Resouces and Analy sisi the Office ofthe Secrerary of Defense (OSU} afl the RAND (Corporation to idencife policy issues soleva ws Luge service aexaise lions chac deserved closer arenrian in OSL?, RAN‘? agreed to exam ine a variety of mew large acqu’siinns of dillereat Kinds oF services in different parts of the Depariman, af Defuse (DoD). Bared on an inital se of pilot” cacestocies, RAND ideutiled « ceneative set of policy sues that dserved OSD's saeutivn, RAND briefed OSD on these isnes in Deccauber 2001. OSD asked RANT to fill one Fase cose amies wiv additional iufaconcion end to expand che namie of acquisitions covered in the study to sx to ces the rabtsiaess of the icsucsidewticd in the December briefing. Tri Mareh 2002, OSD also asked RAND 1 drew on interim findings to he'p OSD fate neve polity on “Sequisiion of Seeviss,” a¢ required by the Fiseal Year 2002 Saional Defse Arboriaion At, Sein BOL the Findings that resute foun the tans, fuses sis case seudies ea idenuily high-level poligy iesues For hia OSD is key co heros involved in lige, iauwvative service svyuisitions as choir use expands in DoD. Lt shold interese analyse and practiiocers invalead in the aeuusition of deferse rervices and, more genenily, in emgoing acquishion xlotm elforsin DoT The stork wae conducted in the Acquisition and ‘Lechnology Policy Program of RAND Nativaal Defense Reeeaech Insrinise ANDIU), a anit of che RAND Couporaion, NDRI is 9 federally fused research and development ccnter (EARLS spomenred by rhe 1s ert angen agutons inthe Depateant offense ‘OMe af the Socteeary af Defense, the Joint Self, dhe Uuied Cura misnds, and she cefonce agencies. NDDRI conducts esearch an cuan- plex ational defense policy and straregy probleme for hich shu dissiplinary eapahilirs, abjecrviry, and an explicit nacional- interest charter ate esa Please dneet any iuyuiries os ceunascats on the substantive con rent ofthis dacument to the prujec: leaders, [re Mi¢ks:sn and Frank Cam, 2 709-413-1100, ividrand or. or [email protected] The RAND Corporation Quality Assurance Process Peer ceview i an integral pant Call RAND research projects, Prior publicarion, rhie document, a» vith all documents in the RAND monageaph sores, yam subi. a quay asurance process so ens thar the mseotch meciy several standards, including che following: ‘The peobiem b well Lonclateds che research approach is well de~ spe aud well executed: che data and asmmprions are sounds che finéings are useful an advance keorledges ths ienplicarions and sey teouutendations fllowe logically from the Findings and sic explained tluozpuyhly; the dcumentarion is acenrar, undecseundabls, cogent, scl emnerate in cane: the reieere3 monsiaies understanding of relaced previous studies: and rho eacarch is relevant, ebjective, inde pendent, and balanced. Peer revcw ts conducted by reseasc pris Sonal tho nar "acrabers ef the paujest te RAND routinely eeviews anu refines its quali assurance poe cess and also condncis peliodie exteral and internal reviews of he quality of ie hady of woth, Kor addisivnal derats RAND quality assurance proces, vse Dupstiewe cong scanlands! Contents Preface ‘The RAND Corporation Quality Assurance Process Tables Simniaey ‘Acksonladgments Actouytasaund bl Jntcwdoction Services Aqusiron ia DoD. ‘OSD Rake Roulmp... (Choosing che Service equine Seimce Acquis Ena Dees af Felings A.Ganoa Refers cei ‘he Sty Acquisitons Seated Ay Hala Spat Contec Pro x“ 2 Marine Ces Fa Senne Page [Neriona!Securny Agency Greundbroter Progra P/A-L&-E/T Inneprted Readiness Support Tesra Program ‘asp Rapid Wasps ca Crises Syma Requizerenes Progeem Air Fora: Flxine Aegon and Sussaisanet Too, Peimary Policy Tesuce inthe Acquisiions Studied ‘wide Vara nf Policy Goat Servis Pune ‘esis Prawns OSs Rote ‘Tusstrent of Sel and Disuleantagel Haines fers of Mapoveer ard Personnel Celis ‘Oucsoueing sues Various Term of Peviocmance-Based Services Acquisron ‘ube VrivaceInerachons Ea on Acyuis, Publicvage Paetship Thuougzove an Acoso alain, Pon Devfoemsnce in Bes-Valee Conspernons Shean ger stig Masai Cimtingney-Ralaed vamp. Smphcnseme fr th eL9Aeyathon Woes, Coonbnating Dot? Mauna and Personne Pic ‘Conclusions and Policy Implications Getetal hssigh Taser for OSD. ‘sng Settiess Accubsrion Gosis we DoD Stange Goal Managing Cengresonel Canceens About Sersioes Acquisition Dvsloping and Diseminacng Letzons Lenard Spe, Sultan Poly gus fr OSD? 9 Couaie ror Ox Tha se Suppar oF Gontinganin Treat of Sule ane Duley Basins Publicceiete Premerng ‘Trestent of Diglacad Gs unwn Chitians acres to “nrovation it Savites Acpsition ‘Comparson ih Resa Serco: Aus, Polis Tiarves A. Basle Questionnsine Gad ro Seaseare Ln’ RL. Guide co Case Study Marais ©. Bales Suppor Generar. 1. Mirine Comps Yood Seize Pagan , Groundbveaker Poss T.PHa-TA-IZF cracgetal Rese Suppare Tene Progam 1G. Kay Rajon to Cia Sycere Regnisemste Pggar IE Pleisle Aeisiiom and Suclamen: Ton: Proginn Referens ” m 31 93 ¥8 ” ai 132 ar 163 1 1s: Tables 5a 5.2 1. 2a 22. 23 cu oa Service Acgniscns Kaan ajc FoieyYsuce Arising i Cases Sie earn of the Severs nui ou Reon At TLR. 1837, eleven rai Sis ‘Objoetsw ATT Goo and Subgoals eleva Svias Austin serv Actions Examined jor Bliy een Suing in Cares Sic Foual Courace Cons fr Hellas Support Contest ‘Weights from FIRST award-Foe Pla lie Peis 2-6 Summary In Sugese 2001, the D'recrarte af Acqpisitian Resources and Ani sis in the Office af the Socrewary of Delemse (OSD) asl die RAND Corporation eo idenuils policy issues culovunt ws linge service acquis tions char deserved eleses aucntinn én OS2, RAND? agreed ew examn- acgplbitions wf various kinds of vervices in differant pans of die De,swtmncut vf Defeuse (DoD) and en exeeaer policy ine licaions levies w OSD. ‘his epurt docamencs aur findings rary this ell, ‘able 8.1 pruvides high-level informerion aoc the sh ca80s we cexatined. We chose these cases, with CS20's cancurence, BecieNe they represent as hread a args of new approaches to serviecs equi too 2s posi within a fired nurabor af cass, They include + Hach of the armed serviars and a dafeuse agency. + Single providers, ams of puovidass, and even cauliple teurns of providers, each sith its on eonutact. One provider hay te Separate prime coreracis in ns cas + Large and small pr actors on one of the reams sn the sunyple, but some act a prime concizetors (nat integrals all oversee she sevice of large and small subcomt-acirs + Solewonros plowicets st providers welected by competition for 2 continuing prograen aul within 4 continuing program, + Purcly commercial activities, uel as faed service in the cont 1s. Most small providers serve as subeton= nontal Unired States, and services with co immediace commat=

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