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DTIC ADA426622: Supporting Air and Space Expeditionary Forces: A Methodology for Determining Air Force Deployment Requirements PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA426622: Supporting Air and Space Expeditionary Forces: A Methodology for Determining Air Force Deployment Requirements

Supporting Air and Space Expeditionary Forces A Methodology for Determining Air Force Deployment Requirements DON SNYDER, PATRICK MILLS 20041008 33 forthe Used So ores ‘ DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A J ROUT AITORSE Approved for Public Release Distribution Unlimited was sponsored bythe United Scares Air Forse (1-C-0009. Farchee information may be bean fun cle Suateye Panning, Divs, Dieecoean of Fans, Tq USAR, re hd Seeing ole Sted ee Ens tr “The BAND Cerorrinn fea rampnoft uscach oxganiarne previding, bjsctive analysand etoetios. eolurions the addicts she challenges facing she public and privace eectore arsmud the woeld. RAND pallens do nox neces eller che oon af uous diene dnd sponans. gh C64 RANT! Cnc AI cigs reserva Na pare of ss bak say be rpeduced ia any form by aay cleticunie ur mevhania? mans (acladiag phoeocopying, rosneding, or informacion sxorge and lieve) thane permission ix sevsng fiom RAND. Pre 200 the RAND Ging 1700 Ba Suet 20. Bo 2138. Sane Moe, 1200 South ages See. At, WA 22202-5050 22a Noth Cx Suet, Suge 205, Pgh Pa S203 !S6 TRANLI UK, fputiwscnrcorgf “eid RAND dase 2 0 ane deletion east ‘Divan Saves Slehse (1 8 FH an OV 4SL9LS Su deren rg, Preface ‘Transforming from threat-based plar ning wo expabiliie-bases pl tg 2s highihted the nat For she Ae Rosce ev grancily queckly de manpawer and materiel necessary t aupport a desitcd ‘eapabilcy. Crorm a glad point al views the rrnsiion accentuates, te ucily of having > rapid, analytical aaschad far eocemining the ruts. support “recived ww deploy specified forces ro bases asruse the fall range af suppout infiasuuciures. including austece bass ‘This manogtapl presence euch a merhndology for decermining ianpinete nd eyulprnent deploymenr requisite ane surnmrinet a proungpe search eonl—ealled the Strategic oul forthe Analysis oF Roguived ‘Tasportacion (START) which illustrates sdology. (Ihe appendiz scrves as a user's geide for thie prvaiype wot) The SLART program, an Bscal- bused spreadshese modet, 6: rermioes the list of Unit Type Codes (UIC) seqired to sppoes « wer specified aperation. slang srdh the maventent charactcvstes of tk aneteriel for a wide range of euppott areas. fr thecfiare ie a de inci dnuand generator of she manjpewwer wd materiel nesded ct x base «e achieve initial operaring capability, and a Fully implemeuted tool ved ow this pronorype should be usefet for borh dcliherae aud exe section planing This wark sas concucted by che Rescues Mausaeanet Pre gram of RAND Project ALR FORCE. and seas jointly sponsored by the USAF Deputy Chief of Stalf of Installations and Lagivsicn (CSAFIT) and the USAF Dizecrorace of Opecatigual Plane and [ont Mamers (USARIXOX). (cis ane clemanr of 3 leper study entiled fe Anatnadlogy for Deterling Air tres Deployment Requremets Torward Suppure Lacations (RSLs! and Ocher Warsime Suppo hich in unis pare ofa series of uies ented "Supporting Espe- didouay Actospace Fowces” Other teport in ths sors #6 + MR-IOS6-AN, Supporting Expustvionery Aerospace Forces An bn segue Soecogie Agate Combat Support Planing Pramowort by Rober $, Tiipp, Gionel A. Cabsay, Paul S. Rilligowaeth, Fr Bele, 'Yimorky L, Rauacs, and Joha C. Drew + MR-AUTS-AB, Sapnureing Expeditionary Aompace Fores: New Agile Combae Supoorr Portas by Vianel A. Galway Rober: 8 Tripp, Timothy L. Remey, aud Johar G, Dacse | MRANZEAT, Supporting bxpedisionsary Aevnspace Forres: An Analy of PAS Avionics Opsions by Baie Pele, TLL. Shulman, Roioen S. Trippy Uimothy L. Ramey, Ratuly King, and Jobo Dew + MR 1179.4F, Supporning Mspediionary Arsoapece Fonas A Con Cap far Fooling the Agile Crnabat Sapporl Mobility Speen of the Fain, Rofere 8. Tripp. Linnel A. Galbcay, Emothy L, Ramey, Mbiyas &, fenourspat.and Uric Pele. + MR-1225-A8, Supporting Fspeditionary Aerospace Forces Pe- panded Anabsts of TASTTIRN Option: hy Accatala Feinberg, H. L Shulman, 1, W, Milles, and Roberr S.'l3ipp + MRAI263-AE, Supporting Lapeditonary Aerypace tones: Lesets Fron the alr War over Serbia by Amarria Teinherg, Eric Peltz James Lafovich, Robert S. Tripy, Mabyoe A. Amouzepar, Russell Geunes, John G. Drew, ‘orn LaToutena, and Cherles Robert Rall Jr. Hor oficial use amy; noe celeasable 10 fog + MRGAB!-AF, Supporting Lipedivionary Acroppace Fors ratsves for fr Bapine frsermediace Maintenance by Magar A. Amouzegis, Lionel A. Galway, and Amant (elle MIL-!SQG-AE, Supponing Fapediionary Aeraspece Fores dot Of ‘national Avchivcitne for Combe Support ravution Manning at aero! by James Leftinieh, Robers §. Tippy Amanda Geller Derick 12. Milly Yom LaTuursette, Chasler Robere Kell Canley Von Hoffman, und David Jobanser his mpart should be of interest e logistc‘ans and plaausas thro ghouc the ie Fatce. ‘Ihe suftware deserihed in ehis epont cat be abpiined fous die auchurs upon reques: eancact Dun Sader et soyde Graulurg and Patrice Mille ar penis ane RAND Project AIR FORCE RAND Project ATR TORCE (PAP), civsiun of che RANT) Carp ration, isthe LS. Ait Fences flerilly fanded research and devclop sent eceer “ou stadia aul analyses. PAT provides the Ais Force with independent analyses uF policy alteenativessfticring ike development, employ-uent, combae readinest. and support ul current and fusare aviospau: forces, Research is pecformed ie fous progeaam: Aerospace Force Development: Manpawer, Porsanal, an 'Iining Resource Manyzements and Staeegy and Dect Addlicinnal irformation about BAL is available on oar we eat beeputiwenesand.ong pat, ‘The RAND Corporation Quality Assurance Process Meer review is an invegral pact of all RAND research project. Priot to pablicarion, this docamect, ay sith all documents in the RAND monograph scics, ae ouject ev a qualgg amurance prneo¥s 0 sure thac the tesearel, avers several standards, including die folowing ‘The proble- Is well foruulzeels the research approach i well de- signed and wel executed: dhe data and assumptions ace sounds Findings ate useful and advance knowledges the iplikatious a ec otrmcndations fullow .ogicaly fam she Findings aad are explained, Uweoughlys the documenearion is acousste, undenstindable, npc, aud temperace in tone; rhe rescatel: demuusirales understanding of telated previons snide: and rhe reseach is relevane. objec:ive, inde pendent, and balanced. Pea revise is conduceed hy research profs: Siunals who were ror members uf use pruiet ear, RAND rontinely wovlnes au telines its qualicy asmranoe peo ‘ess and aso condicis periodic external and inecrnal “eviews othe qualieg of its hady of worl Fur additional details roparding the RAND qualicy asmrance process, visis Attpeftmww.rand-org! sedards Contents nea Acknemadgints nudes Qusulyngg Deployment Requires the Seope and Ourguc of he START Mucel he laputs for dhe START Mel Base Trpe Alscrte These Level gy and Sours of Pata Souk Cenernion Tunegaal Avese Pecior aul Maneenance Keane Syn Pcl. 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