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Preview DTIC ADA425951: Seamus Heaney and the Poetic(s) of Violence

REPORT DOGUMENTATION PAGE tem ass PUSSHRLATION. SEAMS NFANEY AND TIE PORAICS OF VIOLENER, SPA) MOGCIRE THOMAS 6 UNOERSITY OF MICHIGAN, . PERFOR BREET cans.s85 THE DEPARIMENT OF THE all FORCE JauTncia, aLDG 125 suv srRLEE rac On 45853 “Fo SPEER [ROPER TOT usted dittacion racers Yin AFL 352051081 SoDROTEUBUTION STA ‘Avniovad for Puli Lietibuvon Untinicel MERIT A tolwase 20040902 108 286 [TE REURTYCOREERRERYTR' BEST AVAILABLE COPY RELATE Ae cna se TLE VIEWS EXPRESSED IN TUS ARTICLE ARE THOSE OF THE AUTHOR AND DO NOT REFLECT THE OFFICIAL POLICY OR POSTION OF THE UNETED SEATES AIR FORCE, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, OR THE U.S. GOVERNMENT SEAMUS HEANEY AND THE POETIC(S) OF VIOLENCE by ‘Thomas George MeCiuire A disectaioe submitted io pasts! ilment of the zoquirements forthe degsce of Daler of Phitosphy (Gnglish Language and Lizeeatwe) in che Laiversity of Michigan 2008 Doctoral Commitice: Professor Linda K. Grageesim, Chair Professcr Sienem F, Giant Professor Vassilins Larabroponlas ‘Associate Professor Jehn A, Whittor-Fergoson STAYTIOM STATEVENT A rove for Public Fslease Distribution Unimited Tes viewe exes tds dicertati aredhoge ofthe aut and donot eet the fil postion ofthe Unit Sates Force, Deparnenl ot Defence Ihe 8 Govenuve iyo Soumus Heaney und the Paeti(s) of Violence by Thomas Gorge MeGuire (Chin: Linde K, Gregerson “Seams Heaney and the Postie(s) of Violence” reconsiders the key importance of violence as an asec, political, and cultual category in Hoaroy’s pooty and traaslacions, This 1, Veratune, and nerionalis dlissertaioa begs by asking how the relation between vo night te understood in he ith postolonit context, Taking Heaney"s wor the poimary focus of my research, T detail hans spuifie enplendons of postcolonial woteuoe as wel as twoader cultural manifestations and potecptons of violace have motivated and informed some ofthe dey aesthetic developments un air projets in this poet's career. By exantinng a wide muuge of rpmosetatons fom bis srs sail Heaney det negotiate oFthe related problems of ‘ioteave cad decokoneation though a complex andl compelling pat of violenes. Specifclly, examine eaney's conception and devlopmsat ofthe Ite as a field of farce, his employment of the pastoral as an sntcclonil mode of resistnev, ond his translations «ears tests ats of counter violence cated o: at he Level of the venactlae ead fx ‘hyough close readings of Heaney's vers. tanslaions, oes jouronisny [demonize hows rary of his mitings eam ho profitably read a prt of an ongoing arte to ioservene teeny it 4 Norther Iss vulture of violence. (also argue thar leaney's often colited, occasionally ‘oneven, and theqety brillant arms to outta vilonee through writing have newest a remarkable degros of experiznentation and adaptation af the level nf farm, lingunye, and ene, [By bringing inca tive and crtiecl focus a suuly of poetics ane postcolonial cxseisn, 1 attempt to dentoustate that a particular sct of violent conditions and pereeptions (which ane cadetic to postcolonial situtions} have, toa remarkable degree, inlimed eaney’s highly ‘nndvative teanstormacians oF inherited cultial materials, In shor, 1 argue for Heauzy’s poetic ‘al violence as a poetically significant and soclo-politically efficacious means of counteting, containing. and redressing various forms of violence within the Tish (post}eaTonial pnteet ‘Thomas George Metiuite All Rights Reserve, 2004 For my wife and children ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The completion of this dissertation would aot have been possible without the suppart ot sang people, At the University of Michigan, I would ke te thok Tita Grege-ton, who has overseen this prvject with a master poet's ight, a scholoes keen intellect, and guest personal compassion. Tor their abundant encovragement amd wiv, thanks ate also due Wo Vasiios Lambropoutos. Simon Gikandl. and Joba Wihisee- Fenpson, bach member of my umes vomsihuled valuable suggestions and Simulated ee to expend the spociti swell «s tae range oF my discussion iy (hei ova wide knowledge of posry, theory, and Herary history. 1 would like to chan the Usted States A Foree eadsiny Departuent of Faglish for providing me with « gmeriustree-yeur fellowship and leave of absence, Several officers aud scholars st the Academy were instraneatal in puting me on the pak fa, rowght me wo the stage. word af thanks is also doe fo the hindeeds of eats 1 have taugtr over several years at the Academy. In mony wa, (hie disertaio gffrum them 2¢ well uso them Tis ‘git tom them hecause che ne young viomen and mea 1 had the privilege of instcting 4 he Acadery canvineed ane tha feof research andl tnching was indced my’ <eling itis giftto tha beens carly on during my Aeostemy stint T elied it ws imperative thet Thelp my stents understand fully the implications of ele decision to persue a cates: in tne sumed forces, a profession inextcably bound up wiih the problem of silence, ‘Wishout an understanding of wivlence in all ius fanmas and consequences, these fiomre milivary leaders, Uke their commanders, could well un the righ of ubusing the power und eesponsibitity oftheir office -innlly, this ypace seers inadequate to aekuawledge the debt owed to my Lanily ‘This work would wot have completed without thet suppor, love and patience Tom rnost glateful to my wife for serupalous and sympathetic readings of team. papers aud drefts, which buranne purtions oP this essay. Mave importantly thanks are duc ta Ie or being u friend and ally in the midst of the most difficult phases eo this Tare yer ‘whowitd adventure, To may amazingly pation and hope-tl.cd kids thnk you for yur patience, understanding, and pruyers. Atte end ot the day must tanks my patents who biesved me with Jie, taught me to sospect all poop, am gave we a healthy Wwse af Jeaming nat ese fr Gos TABLE OF CONTENTS DEDICATION... ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..sssssssessnsense: LIST OF FIGURES.. CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION. CHAPTER 2: “How With This Rage Shall Beauty Hold A Plea’ Violence, Hybridity, And A Changing Poetics (1969-1975) 49 CHAPYER 3; E1 in Hibernia go: Violenee And ‘The Areadian Dream In Heaney's Postcolonial Versions Of The Pastoral. 110 CHAPTER 4: Violence, Vernacular, Aud ‘Ivansereative Translation In Beaucy’s “Ugolino,” Sweeney Asiray, And Beowifinossseee EPILOGUE: “The End Of Art Is Peace”ssssssssesses BIBLIOGRAPHY.

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