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Preview DTIC ADA425078: The Development and Use of Distribution System Models for Improving the Security of Drinking Water System

REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Foam Aye: 26.n.08 Insts [THE DEVELOPWENY AND USI: OF DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM MODELS FOR JMPROVING TALE SLCURLIY OF DRINKING WATER SYSTEMS CAPT PRAZEY JOAK § 7 _FENST GH GARTERTION HERS ANE ROCRRESTET [Cor oRsne STATE ONTYERSITY ey 306 SRS ORTTETOTORING AATRET WEET NE ADO TCSSTET [THE DEPARTMENT OF THE Akt FORCE JAFTTICIA, BLDG 225 Los P STREET rare on 45453 a: SROARORNENERTTORTIS —} ‘ABeneY REPORT NUM BUFFETT HOES [as STO IN AWAIT OTTER Caine esha pastries Wi a9 35:05AM BAGER ELUTION STAT WEMEUTA ‘Apsroved fos Pubic Ret ‘Distribution Unlienitod FE BTRBITION TOE RETRO TE OTT BEST AVAILABLE COPY 20040802 091 HORSE SEE a6 7 RRR ECRTSPRATON [19 SEOTY ETTCRTON WH SESDRTY GUAT RTT ECR RET EERSTE rah Raae SRR eben cost ‘TLE VIEWS EXPRESSED IN THIS ARTICLE ARE THOSE OF THE AUTHOR AND DO NOT REFLECT CIAL POLICY OR POSITION OF THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, OR TIL U.S. GOVERNMENT. THESIS ‘THE DEVELOPMENT AND USE OF DISTRIKUTION SYSTEM MODELS FOR IMPROVING THE SECURITY OF DRINKING WATER SYSTEMS DISTRIBUTION STATEMENTA ‘Approved for Public Release ‘Distribution Unlirritedt Sheila hy John 5. Frey Departinent of Civil Enginecring 1 partial fuflimeat ofthe sequeeraenss or the Degree of Mitr of Sexence Colorado State Univemsity Fort Collins. Colorado Sommer 20068 ABSTRACT OF THESIS, ‘PAE: DEVELOPMENT AND USK 0 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM MODELS FOX IMPROVING THE SECURITY OF DRINKING WATER SYSTOMS Guidance was developed for water system disteibaion software application to security elated usos, This guidance was broken inc fon uses: mode! development, pre- scenario amalysin, pst-scenatio analysis, and detector placement analysis. This guidance allows a wae utility to take a water modeling pregrars, develop it. aud then analyze how ‘water aystems will respond to differen water secuticy scenarios, ‘ns will help the wiity dotenmine areas of vulnerabiity. This guidsnce wall also allow the fii Lo evaluate the siting of detects. Additionally it will alsa allow smalysi of post-scenatio responses 09 determine te travel of any contaminant That may bave been introduced into the system, “The detectability of Cryptosporidium purvumn was then analyzed using normally water analy parameter, incliing usbidity. total organic catbou, pH, chlorine residoal, and fonduclivty. The deteodon levels fr this contaminant was then calculated. which was ‘rased on a statistically significant change in these parameters. ‘This statistically significant change was the 3-signna value. Cryptosporidium parveme was smolyved im the ‘iodel using the madeling guidance with four different scenatins [hat were developed 12 dotermine the influence of feed methodology an location, The assumptions of the amount of Cryplasporidiam parvum that covld potentilly be avaiable were detexmined ‘rom the Urerstore review: The resus vf tbe inodeing showed thatthe Cryptosporidlm ‘parvum vise he vapuble of producing widespread syetom contuminatian. This type of ‘gontarnination would not fkely produce a large nomber of Tatalities, but ere would be >widespread illnesses caused through the stem. At was found that contammnation etticary is dopondenl more on Inestion of the backflew rather than the pumping method, ‘the deteetion methods evalnated would detect the contaminant, bul uf concentrations ‘much greater than the infective dese, This delecticm sould allow a uility 1 identify the ‘prdotem sud begin t respond. John 8. Pruey Department of Civil Engineering Colorado State University on, Cains, C0 £0524 Smnmer 2004 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: sant thank wy fit) A A, IE for ll he support over he last two yen, Jt and iin, you do not yet understand the impact you have had, at hopefully someday you wil, 1 could nat have made itthew pate yeces without yon A Also thank you to MARANON T cud not be at this point tbour you at. 1 at mth ny advisor, Dr, Carlson, for al he betp ith his esearch, and De. Gelgg aud Ms, Deines for glvng thee cme and knowledge to sreve my varies Aung thunk you goes 10 David Byer, who Helped al many times Caoughout the last teo years. 1 also want to rocognize Gloria Garza and Mary Cascy fr their tuomendows umeunt of help. Also, dank you to Kevin Geriig for the real world advice. ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS, ABSERACY OF THESIS. ACKNOWT FNGTMTNTS, ‘TARLT OF CONTENTS, LIST OF TABLES, LIST OF FIGURES. a CHAPIER 1, LYIRODUCTION CHAPTER 2, JJTERATURT REVIEW 2 General Terrorism, 22 Water System Susceptibility 23 Water System Background 24 Waterborne Discasos Caused hy BuckTlows 25 Ryaloation of Possible Waterhome Contaminant 26 Past Syatera Sampling, 27 Sccuity Responses 28 Examples of Madet Applications CIIAPTER 3. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES 31 Primary Goals 3.2 Major Onjectives. CHAPTER. MATERIALS AND METHODS; MODELING GUIDANCE. 4.1 Descciption of Modes 42 Water Quality Analysis Algocthins 43 Analysis Algoritins . 44 Database of Distibution System Hydruotic Mtels 44.1. Wator Quilty Simulations. 442° Mode of Contaminant Eney 443° Tank Mixing. 45 Chemistry Modsling. 43.1 Bulk Flow Reactions 43.2. Wall Reactions 453 Escimating Reaction Coesiciants 46 Uses of Models CILAPTER 5, MATERIALS AND METHODS: CRYPTOSPORIDIOM PARVUM INSTRUMENT RI'SPONSE ANALYSIS AND MODEL APPLICATION 8 5.4 Crypioxperidiom parvum Ooeyets 68 5.2 Beuiker Tess 69 53. Distritution System Tests 0 34 Turbidity Measuremen 55 Modeling. CTIAPTER 6, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: GUIDANCE FOR MODEL USF....77 ‘General Model Development Security Applications—Pre-sceaario Analysis, Security Applications—Post-sveascio Anal Detector Placement... Case StUdleS Case Study Case Study Ih Case Stuy CHAPTER 7. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: MODELING OF ‘MICROBIOLOGICAL CONTAMINARTS. 7.1 Beaker Tests. 4.2. System Distribution Tests 73 Modeling Results 43 Scensio 1: Low flow Pump within Neighhoshood F32_ Seonnrio 2: High Tow Pamp within Neighborhood. 33. Scenario % Low Flow Pump on Wster Main 734 Scenario: High Flow Pump on Water Main, 74 Comtamnination Detection ' CHAPTER 8. CONCLUSIONS se (CHAPTER 9. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH... unos 164 RETURENCES 187 APPENDICES. : a os senses WIT “Appendix 1; Model Datahase. im ‘Appendix 2: Tquipment Used... 201 “Appendix 3: Ciyptospocidinm parva Dave 27 LIST OF TABLES ‘Table 4-1 Summary of avaifsble ditribution system hydraulic models. ‘Eablet 2 Summary of madel parameters and examples. ‘Table $1 Simulation options used in tre model ‘Table 5-2 Simulation cimies used inthe model Table 6-1 Pacameteis for meteued coxtarniantion seannri. ‘Table G2 Time of detection by origin of contarninaliom and detector location. ml Table 6.3 Reuction evellicints used in the model ‘Tuhle 6-4 Trace enalysia of contaminated nods, able 7 1 Date analysos completed. ‘able 7-2. Chlorine analyses. Table 7-3 Turbidity anelyses, Table 7-4 TOC analyses, Table 7-5 pH analyses Table 7-6 Condactiviey analyses Table 7-7 Change in turbudity analyses Table 7-8 Date eystom analyace complete Table 7-9 Staustical analysis of 100,000 noc ys/0.5T. able 7-10. Slaistical analysis of 200,000 aocyst0 SL. ‘Table 7-11 Statistical analysis of 400,000 oncysv0.5L. ‘Table 7-12 Statistical analysis of 600,000 ooeys¥0.3L. _ ‘Table 7-13 Sumcuaty of detection cupubililies for given comcentation m3 ‘Table 7-14 Conversion from ooeyst to mass concenteation, ‘Table 7-15 Modal concour lines showing concentrations. ‘Table 7-16 Scenario 1 dosage and pumping infermlion. ‘Table 7-17 Model contour Hes shossing concentrations Table 7-18 Scenario | dosage and puroping infocovation. ‘Table 7-19 Model contour liacs shawing concentstions. ‘Table 7-20 Sccasio I dosage and purrping irforrsaton. ‘Table 7-21 Most! conumur ines shaving conoentretions Tuhle 7-22 Scenario | dosage and purrping information. ‘Table 7-23 Model contour lines showing concentstions. LIST OF FIGURES Figure £1 Pipe and wall rsctions 7 Figure 6-1. Elow chart for gonoral model development. 2 Figure 62 Blow chur for pre-scenario guidance. 86 Figure 6-3 Guidance fr post-cenario analysis, 95 Biguro 61 Guidunce for detector placement, ours . 38 Figure 6-§ Points of injetion for modeled contaminatien.. 106 Figure 6-6 Spread of 1080 coatumination from localiem 1 ufter 3 hours 107 Figure 6-7 ipclineNer aystam showing high score uneas with critical infrastructure... 117 igure 6-8 Contaminant ravel af | hour, full view... 19 Figure 6-9 Contaminant travel after 1 hour, close view. mo 139 Figure 6-10 Contarninant travel after 3 hours, full view. - 120 Hipure 6 11. Conarninunt travel after 3 how, cle VIEW ww rnenee tt Rigore 6-12. Coniarainant travel after 6 hours, full view. . 1 igure 6-3 Contaminant wavel after 6 hours, close view. 12 igure 6-14. Contaminant travel after [2 hours, ull views 122 Figure 6-15 Coniaminunt travel atte hour. close vic. 13 Figure 7-1 Chlorine residusl, pH, snd LOU elinnges tap water from saraple with os, 129 igure 7-2 Turbidity changes for cp water with oocysts. ' ne Figure 7-3 Conductivity changes for tap water with oocysts 130 igure 7-4 Tusbidity changes for tap waver with oneysts second anslyses). aL igure 7-5 100,000 oocyets0.5T. change in chlorine esilut 135 igure 7-6 100,000 oo: yet#0 ST. change in TOC. . wo 135 Figure 7-7 100,000 cocysts0-5L charge in tutbicity.. vn 136 Figure 7-8 100,00) oocystsA.SL hago in Inse> rity wo 136 igure 7 9 200,000 oocystsi0 ST charge in choine residual. ema 437 igure 7-10 200.000 oncysts0.5L change in TOC. : aR Figure 7-11 200,000 oocysts0.5L change in turbidity BR igure 7-12. 200.000 oocsil0ST. change in laser tury 139 igure 7-13 400,000 eacyin0.5T. change in TOC. 40 igure 7-14 400,000 oocyst. SL change in turbidity ar Figure 7-15 400,000 Oocysts/0.5L chanige in las tabi. Mai TFigute 7-16 6000.00) Oocysts05L change an TOC rn 2 Figure 7-17 600.000 aocysl0,ST. chon ge in tui 1 igure 7-18. 600.000 Oocysw0.SL change in laser turbicity 3 Figure 7-19 Scenario I ageyats spresd at O100 hours. i: aR Figure 7-29 Scenatio J aocysts spaced st 0300 hours... a 148 Figure 7-21 Scenario 1 cooysts sprout 0600 hows. 19 igure 7-22. Scenario f qaeyntn sprecd ut [200 hours ' ug M9 Figure 7-23 Scenario 1 oocysts sprecd at 1800 hours. Figure 7-24 re 7-25 Figure 7-26 igure 7-27 re 7-28, Figure 7-29 Tiguee 7-30 Figuee 7-31 Figuee 7:32 Figur 7-33, Figure 7-34 Tigure 7-35, Tigure 7-35 Figure 7-37 Figure 7-38 Figure 7-39 Figure 740 Figure 7-41 Figure 742 Scenatia | oocysts spread at 24000 hows. 340 Scenario 2 oncysts spread at 0100 HOURS wssnsamsiernn GL ‘cenasio 2 oocysts spread at 0300 hours. innene 5 Scenario 2 oacys's spread at 0600 hawt on 152 Scenario 2 oacys's spread at 1200 hours. 152 Scenario 2 oacyats spread at 1800 hours 152 Scenario 2 oecyats spread at 2400 hours. 152 Sconario 3 gacystsxpreud at D100 haus. 134 Scenario 3 aocyste spread al ROO aus. oe SS Scenario 3 aocyat spread at 1600 hos. Scenaria 3 aacyats spread at 1200 hours. Scenario 3 oacyars spread at 1800 hors Scenario 3 oceysts spread at 2400 hows. 55 Seenatio 4 eoeyat sped at 0100 hours 137 Secoarie 4 ccs spend at 0300 howe. “ast Scenario 4 ancyats spread at 0600 hours. Scenario 4 oocysts spread at 1200 hours, Scenario 4 oocysts spread at 180 haus Sconatio 4 oacyats spread at 2400 hours, 188

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