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Preview DTIC ADA424768: Service Continuity in Networked Control Using Etherware

Jan 5 REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE ene Oba 0128 euaaasaeag ra eem TRIENCY USE ORLY tne Hoo 7 EFORT CATE EDA TOE MAJOR REPORT. [mea Sue SERVICE CONTINUITY IN NETWORKED CONTROL USING FTHERWARE HST CAPT GRAHAM SOOTT [PERFOR CHESATTERTIOT NAMES) AND ADOREDSTEST TUNIVERSHY OF ILUINOTS AT URBANA -E FERRO RA REAMERTION —| costa 3° EFRON NORTON VENT WATERY AND HOTRESSEST Tite DEPARTMENT OP IHL All FORCE, JAFIrcia, BLDG 125 oso p sracer vara OF ass5 0 SESORATGRTONTERWG——~] “SUFFLEENTAET HET SF RRETER ROBT SATEEN inten aisibaion ET RI HT, i acoebece Wir A 35208 AMT suf TRIBUTION STATENT ‘Approved for Public Release PFSistdbuiion Unlined seein 20040720 077 OOPS 0 hemcrese ——] Best Availabie Copyee ean iicm an ‘THE VIEWS EXPRESSED IN THIS ARTICLE ARE THOSE OF THE AUTHOR AND DO NOT REFLECT ‘THE OFFICIAL POLICY OR POSITION OF THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, OR TUE U.S. GOVERNMENT. Service Continuity in Networked Control using’ Etherwarc (Chiat. ali, Seat Graham, Lai Sha, ao PB. Kut [Galnoof Miso Urbans tT 61808, ifctatige ergrinn Iva prsmor}euice-ade Abtzact, Sern cntnity the eaplily > pone pest and ‘elatinsercior in qual dgtdstea the premer af anges, We “vent tt non no oreah sap iche oaaey er Ghosateenceferts lay The params reran rome rl pete ili th ral mora ee bo Sa a Seyasvawate, Sch yen Bae octane cher, nae a ‘lapis nade Llu, vl pone apgrade, wie salir {eg opin ue JRE dow prong mrvos cantiy Leathe cont atoms. ‘Tove Changes suc atenn am ce and Saad alg tries ood tne. Nethen dna ha Elaree, oe mee “fie itr cone, Anne hae dhnges Tags atoce dec [rane ecajuurlen i an oplemnlts f etanbod e fren, Ty bity of lleyace to ide aesoe etn, io cadated peornanos le amesteted Brough fir erp Kay words Seven only atmo cma, vba eb tine eomponon negra le sors, herve. 1 Introduction "Tho obit Lnlerte canes i fundrental quality of assionble dane ‘yntecn. Tho vat he o€ 4 ermera ie dtcemiyed to» large ca byte Shilty to resp to changes in its opera eutltions. Hever, seas ‘Geel Wu anlcipate ll wack shares befte epsom x deplore Tend, yee die offer desgnot to he able to avlve and dsnnmiclly adapt to cbaogee fo their upcrntng eonditions Solera estan rw partial rueule due 10 {he “prorrar st date” concept inion: Ty tbe Von Neumana svelte. Teka oper often sud a6 opersing stems ul idler eve bows Aovelopod tv mahage slioation iene, Ts ise boa a ml ee nateally ula software ese tus Tavge dlatrbived wpoicaione re typically developed a nator of coord naling enmrinents usa middleware. Cotepocert Hfeydls ore range} uting fervicintaceors pd the mitden. Conponew2 la provide meric one het, and thn fret bl fie itarneton. Toca, enc 20 [ponent ioerats nth Uw abo te gst hy provid g and cana arr. DISTFUBUTION STATEMENT A ‘Approved for Public Release Distribution Unlimited Llowrser, cone in nperading conc rny onus some of che sons to be efectos, Sine ccmponcole wally dopend onthe sally of scr fon npr operation, tren Neeser oe. ta evi soem mrvng ev Prt preaence of caigae. Hones sevice cout is “oy eeptement that needs tm arene forth wabilyo?suck appacons, ‘Key inpovalons i idler provote servo coafimily fabs way, Publ abner mlware (24), i} neem server to be chanel wthoct ens having Ue anitor thos changse. Adaptive nt lective midleonce (1, [lly atrwe rimponante to ov apete centurion, aid change hee ot Itehasen, waits ill rustatauing seven to tha ees. ue tolate dll fwoce (7h HE; remota seperation of oonoeras. Aapeca adres x unser The es eri, ean be ted Woe ented om sormpanenteeuctres, mh ‘ou nesting the erie that thay prove. Midewaao for rn coating {118) atzecor conto of eves een daring exponent mR ane sy thea teva, TDG, mie of rare eeoceh in unwary focus 0 ‘using nis comity dg change ‘ar Soeur fon netnenkid control aycema, which ars nmposed of eso, truer, nd eomparer Up uldinte over «orev o onto nda realtime syeires Buch gatems repro comeegere: of eontal rth cot ‘nieaton aod commited, and constitute x lyical at ston in Une eclatien Stawtmortealsysten scr the Torn. Sines tho eterna cy ier et wlth the reat worl. they are mbject co deco od fen unpredictble ‘Eusonen ‘The agra have to neerce operational negli te preaner: of Gow Guangr The couoypr af oywrtinal imap eatstes ly note featdvenecte och ve sale, ailing, and robcatton fo suc spree. "ts ‘Sars wo prawet Biberwate = mddeane for pervodot con, whieh ‘te have dovpart Le Hea TT Copvergunce Lab atthe Uibenay of Tinos "This paper le thee akin batons Ft. the nlion uf opertioal invent for netwonied col ie develope ur! Ge pain ebay lo nal tatu i re ont, Serve enlily som to bo obo hey mqulzatent in iddlrwece to eopyort operational ing’ far ach eftaq. Revd, oil idee some lavlved npr narity oro Wnt tbe io Ur the desga of Btherme b caceder?. nnd ite apport fo service eleaity AF ated Ay cotebutins be he ably to rain comsenicatin ca feedudng compro nate. Binal, 2 tall cootal stb dewloped sing eherenn ie decsibed, or exjarents an prvearce of servic con'mlly fur tke appietion ae preset ‘The precentatien in ctgaiond Gol, Section 9 dane: operations i tegyty tor neveried Sone. are prevents hey challenges tly. Secon 9 Teldteay fho noporunet of servos opalinalty, ddr sgn ste, nd ‘hoiow for Ellmrmaze ‘Ino prmerrnsng model of Flats, ts eohieeane, fond deals bon il auppent orion soul re prorie a Bcton 4. ‘ecrignn of our tee cll tetbad peel Section 8. fd by presertion of deen Four pplication ad estrone Rihavacs, Detail of rpm to fect the sgt fr seven rte a Bere pave in Section 6. Our contin: ave placed ithe conto of rca esearch in Sento 7, nn Seton § cones 2 Operational Integrity in Networked Control “Tis wetionintoducr dh natu of operational ily aetworiad cox cro: eaten. Tvs varkan changes fo each nn ate aad, ‘The abily tu folate exc changes ip Roowra! a 4 by sballsage in airatatg opeeconnl iuteite Zor such pete ig. 1. Sabet of ammo soa a ‘2c Operstionn! Integrity [Nermorial ganiulentane intense fitted reac aplenty tale & ple. Sersnm provge seduce dow the pln bebsroe, his eine Few Io eed coxpulrs soning ert! progcems te Reet ctstor ounce tha xouttpbah dened pon Aeluators iapluont threads tovemntel tho plant Av sw be Figte , exon and atustoe coxttute the efoce bere: tbe mics the eal World ps, the uluDey ie ‘Sil nlomertad a's er of mfr coetonebte operas eo Pearsputas "for nh stovided vo the cloner spurte abjesive vo bo aii ‘vg plat opera. A rata oct of eee gel a eb of elec tari Tat ene thas the panei = "sateen. Par cx & (tate cotrl spl, ait eierion mol bu atc 9 ten vernon slow ete an’ eyo care wld enzo that there ou olious etme mT ater, cnet ecseria depron opal epiwtngs nase aly pats of the ayes poceaton “War lf he butonenior recy The a of watebles od Ani as soot beak i ne eon 4 the acne nr oll "estate teats ‘Devon state abla of let al gen po Satine, Yep Met The wt uf vues thatthe stole rue vadeles of a plan! ext Lt, ie aed ite ese anon The wf te apo fo aul ak ge DaUs 2086, IF tbe sua fs uate eparefbok ecb tho sat of xy ited tS pectcaion. Novs sl Uenaleeaze ape coe oney 7h ae “Srmom nitmored cuttol sata, homo iw suicent ba joes. Lau egaaot nese ule pare For expe, n the oes alle coral feat, 9 one napa toa soar fi atte ct, Wook Bo Loo al fn, Tifa world sono eft, bi 02 tho deze eexpnase Tones Key ivement in raila Safer wihoo: alecirg Ci cera on ofthe stem. Thi cen 'n: maared with tbe feLowirg rotons. Opeionel copay the slg af earn varie he oats atone to. By ena intr, sro il rons the prope that th stale of ke pha apstom suey oa Tine ino safe lato romre wh aim ero Une meratina®eapabigy Edenton 2.9 Changes in networked eontrel eystem: ‘elo nt syst ate ie sie change dari thei perstiun. Poe chenges veraly nflet abe of the eocroseanis dey I got have rn le cuatgsaeoald fart Hert the opeation of ruber deyundest ponents Tet ay calloge i aca operon neg bn rebize he apt nf aah ebaages “Tha sarge rncating In need cone’ ars ca be eased 9 vol century oromelantery Paar shares ae cetional ioe) Wy aA fen operon. 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Ths ache th elivin ~ Pacoive iihmes: ‘sys chide cempeneat en dusto excepting, nods Tells ne ze conzaunionie ri — ‘Aotive tribaraxe Thabe ate teually octal hy wieeoutigoed ox erences, Frapunanta, Azcther oir of eis falne is operator wistales during agen sctiign stan — Byrantine fturess Phew ate cateed by mabrows compenens ané are ante ths Raid change wo cone ‘o'matotain opelinel nea the abser: hg rat be bended dy mri, sod sa Spt ote suc operations pubes aos be a ined ‘Notably active andy flats requiem ation aod sve to be bal by appieton spark vbatania. Boece: 62m drs ate In he rc of the paner, th ltr eangie oun be Bara in willnars 2. Service continatty “Thi etl coonider the pmbler af maintaining apres itegity w 26 sete ertec To aheae sie, supa for nevi cantiooe” 3 certo a {be aia osoiemal fn ddlenata, Varnes fie vated be proving moh fnppott ete aces snd ie lnBaence ou dn nic fu Wtbornare one ren, 5A Mamwalning Operational Tabagelty [Middlesea en ypialy drvlopal a 8 aso eordosting een [nantes that Street br proving and oraunsng servos. Fv returdeoi ‘Eel gninna ie partenlr, come of Ura nerdees ay be cxtel fr Tne torofa cozponstt Per csaaphe the couroler io Pug drpeade on gst [bench (os the cenzoce. Cotes: a tally neo and eealion i Dporlck enemy shana bie Eerde ori ea eaut i ears fs Fi the openeion of te ol er. Reace, coinisy of she fel neces lmperl a the opettion of the oom. Scan, the actuters deal tring corto tom the cote. Apert fom tpoimy wernguretn, mest of the aang Yr in Sean 2:2 aeons ot en elated components. There ide as exp Be dane ia taiddowato co prevent seh dango foe alfecing the Decree emyeane. 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