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DTIC ADA424123: Development of COMET-FISH Method for Rapid Identification of Persons at Risk for Breast Cancer Development. Addendum PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA424123: Development of COMET-FISH Method for Rapid Identification of Persons at Risk for Breast Cancer Development. Addendum

20. Auard Number: 2AND17-91-1-0526 opment of CONBT-FIEH Method for Rapid Tenzification ersons ac aisk for Sxeast Cancer Development POINCIPAL ISVESTIGMTOR: ROvert Bristow, M.D., Ph.o. CONTRASTING ORG: University Health Henso-k Torsato, Cntario WSC 20 Canada REPORT Da’ Type ORT: Final Addendun U.S. Anny Medical Rexcurch und Macerie! Cerne Fort Betrick, Werylané 21702-5012 DIS/S.MUTLON Siai'amsv1: Approved fox P.blie Reseane; Distriiutioa Unlind-ed che views, opiniona and/or finéings contained in thie Unswe of the asthor{e} end ahou.d nor 6 construed aa Bepartuenl uf Lhe Arny poritior, policy or decision unless so Sesigrated by other docurentation por are REST AVAILABLE COPY 20040713 042 Fo Approved. ‘OND Wo. 5740185 ‘dene obra camary 2008 [Pinar Addorun 11? Gog 2822 - 16 Bee 2003) Pe ROTHSRIsr . poherl BeLetow, H.3., PED. G.ivecedzy Health setwor's Torosts, OuTare MG 2Ce Condy Shot soo. ordet anor uhn.on.ca U.S. iemy Medics! Researck and storie] comand origiual conta:ns color places: ALL OTIC repssd:etioae will be i= black and whize approved for eublis Foleage, bistvib:tion Unlinitee A. proportion of broase cancers have: genetic alterations ot VR UU2-q12 (HER-2ineu), 2013.2 (ZNEZLT gene} ard L7PI3.1 (FH. We have documented global gocetic instability withm malignant breast cancer eell lines | (MCE: MDA-MB-468, amd CRL:-2336) by coupling the DNA-damage Curaeé wssny to fluorescence in situ hybridivation (Comet FISI1). Gene-sposfic: instability al pS and HERZ Loci was also observed, Following genotoxic insull OR and HO»), we found that p53 locus seas capable of rapid and preferential repaic wher ‘compared to the ITER-2 locos, Comtet-FISIT is a rapid and easy assay which iv amcuable tor the study of gene- spovifw instability or DNA repairin tissues relating to cancer risk or pitngession, Taclaceitind Unetnsai fina eetonn: fied 2admibed TN TR SO = ‘Sinaia rp IA ew 27 OF CONTENTS rom: Cover Standard Forres $1203 Table of Contents U. Intredvction UL. Body a) Methods and Mavesiels-Technalogy Development bb) Rosus-Aims 1 and 2 addvessing Stalemen! nf Wock TV. Rey Resourch Accomplishments \. Repomable Outcomes WI Conclusions YI Reforecces VAL Appetilices¥ are 12 xu 18 ‘Mon: chan one ia eight secnnen sill bs tivgnosedl with brosstcaneor inthe. Lime ‘when compared to the geaeral population, ch Fire: deyros female relives of brcast cancer piliomts have atwo to thuoefold inocease in breast canoer visk( 1). Tew biomarker assays ae allele to identity nds isk for brea! er niente e-seogzneky in sated oust andlor micro enviconenente! lactes(2-4). Genel: natahility oa coromon finding cag the prozens ef iumprigeaceis nnd the prcscnes af non-<adoe c'ncsncnosme shemale in breast cancer cells may eect an underlying prelisposition for chramosonta instabiity et pecific gene Joci(S). 8 aumbor of gsoes bave beea impticaol in fain! an sparc bron cancer carciaogecesisinluding he estrogen al pongcste cto ceceptns rene wid cep cpidsemal prose actor cept Tueily members Gvluding HER oct), BRCA, BRCA2, ATM and 581), Altered expression af te above genes can be nsosiated witn an mcressed ‘reas cancer ssk und aller rales of cast eancer progression, @, 7) Chromosome instabitity within brent cancer cells may arise asa consequence a ‘discordant cell eysle checkpoint contol and the repair of specific genetic loci following DNA dtaeange¢2, 8). The BRCAL ord BRCA2 genes are preter 18 forthe association hetween ‘chromosomal :nstabifity, decteased Lideity ef DNA repuir al sn increased tisk for breast cancer (7). Mutations in BRCAI and BRCA2 can prevent ayynoreiale homelogius recombination {rough altered binding co the FANCDD?2 und RADSI proteins and iit the $ er G2 eel] eye checkpoints fullowing DNA darnage(6), Otaer common genetic alleations wssociated with breast cancers include auipliticatioas of HER-2iveu or 7NF247 (loca on 17qH1.2-q12 and 2013.2, respective'y) and deletions er mutation ia p$3 (locared on 1713.1). The TIFR-2inev oncogons encodes 2 185 KD tamennbrane tyrosine kinase sccoptor with axtensive homaloay to the epidermal grows factor seerptor. Amplification of ITER-2inen is asiousaled with inorensed cell proliferation, lace geale and chrorcprul-ameuploidy in ssveciation with an aggressive Tinie eourvo(9), Broast tuners whi ot express mutations inthe p53 gene acquite siilar haracevistics, prasurnubly due Io allexco GL and G2 cell eyele checkpoint vente] and decroasss DNA repsis (10, 11). The oncogene ZNFIL7 encodes a member of the Knugpet Fumify of canscr’priem Factors, ‘Ts gone Is amplified early ir breast cimuer coremogenesis i one fifth oF reas! uemazs and is associated wit poor prngnasis (12). In this study we hypothesized thut penele instability af specie gent Tosi, such as pS aud HER-2/neu, night be a key chareteistic of brcasc cancer. Indeed, using & combsned Comet FISK protocol, we observed insreased instabiily at hath these Tac in boast cancer vells, Our aaa su thatthe case and rapidity ofthe Comet-TISTT assay could make ituscful ia che alin Setting for ansesxing (he relative stab.lity of specie gers laci associated vith either Dbrews cancer risk or progression. HI. BODY OF REPORT Original AIMS in Scatement of Work: 1) Vedovelop an validate the COWMT-FISH any to dovect genetic imetaiity ot howe fencer ef Wah 2) Twapply COMMT-TISTT to shaw hetevigeneity im genetic instaieg at these Toe ‘We have completed both AIMS a3 summarized below in the Methods and Results section, A) MATERIALS AND METHODS-1TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT oll Lines and Comel Assay The breasl concer cell Jina use this sty wens tained Fm ATOC (VA: USA) and included: MCF-7 {also denoted ITTB22: BRCAI** and p33*""7); MDA-MI468 (also denoted HYB122: BRCAL* and p53"), and CRL22AG (BRCAT™ and pS", The GHISIOB Gymmphoblastoid) and AGHILM {normal mammary epithelial} cll lines were obtained fem Coriell (NI: TSA), All cel Snes ware colued as per the supplier eeommendations. “The alkaline Comet assay was performed essensally as previously described (13, 14), relly, ells were atmisoa 75 ol of 0.5% iow melting agarose at 37°C and spxead 09 4.1% agarose ple-conted slide. Slides were chen placed in ioe-cald lysis butler @2.5 MINaCl, 1D0reia FIDTA, 10 mM ‘1uizma base, 10% DMSO, 16 Triton X) and lysed overnight, After lysis, the slides wate placed in horizontal electeaphinesis tanks filled seth: electrophoresis ler (300 mM N20H ! 1miM EDTA: pH 13.0) for 20 minuoss, and den subjected electrophoresis 1.250220 iA for x further 20 minutes. After cleeteophovesis, the slides were washed (044 Ml Tyis HCA, p}1 7.5; hue dimes 5 micumes each) and ueied. Pur the neutral comet ansay, initial eps of the rouacall were similar save dor additions] incubstion with Protelnas>-K for 60 minutes at 37°C, Addidoually, after ysis, slides wore placed in hucizouta electeypharesis tas Fife with elevoaphcresis buffer (Ix TRI, pET 8.0) and after 20 saluntes, ciectcophovesis was calried aut ut 25 ¥P80-45mA for 20 rainates. Ta both Cen wasup lies Were as-dvied ad stained with ethidium bromide (2yelre) prior ts scaring. The relative amavet of fagmceted DNA contained ‘ithe the Comets ell, compaced to the won-iragmentad TINA withic the Comer heed, 22 doterminca by fluorescent ing analysis (Northern Felipso vofiwace) (4, 15} 9 datermiae the parameters: relative DNA ie tall; comet tall ength end Olive ull rmonren. Tn experiments, GMISIOB and HTH22 cells exe expased to 2 of 10.Gy (using a Cs sume al dose rate of 1.22 Gy/in as doseribedi(12) ar 100. uM TLO: Zor S minutes to induce DNA ouble-svanw (DNA-db) und single-strand (DIVA. set, breaks. respectively. Came were thon charactorived m0, 18 and 60 minutes post-teatinent fuiTowing addition of free aod. Comet-FISH The Comet assay car be combined with fluorescence in situ hybrization (HSH) methodology to investigate the lnculalion of specific gone lock an individual cell. Whether the FISIT signa les within inthe comic head or tlt indicates whether the weence of meres lies ‘within, arin the vicinity of, » damaged region of DNA. TISH probes ware abtained trom Vysis {nc (Spectrum Orange: I incis; USA ard included HER-2 (190K; |7yl | 2-q12}, ZNP2I7 (320 ‘es 20q13, ‘an p53 (14518; I7p13.1). A 17-Alpha centromeric probe (Spectrum Green) wa ss aseferenes, Exposuie ta igh atkali dng the alkaline Comet assay donates DNA allowing for direct FIST ae 3er tho manufeeae’ recornmendiions aul previnaly descrbed(15). FISH probes were denatured at 80°C and applied onto the detydcated and died Side and allowed wy hybridise ovemight ia hunted atephere a 17°C. This was followed Iny gentle washes in 2x SSC at 37°C fare LO avinules befare drying al room tempececne. The lddes wore coumlorstainedl with iunmediately using » Mibum Touatesvent microscope fit wat sppropaiat tlers, Hor nenteal Camel-T7SH, ke DNA wes first ically desatuved (03M NuOIT for 2 minntos at om temperature) prior ta paube hybridization Initial KISH of ce'Tulae cystospins (400 eels por cell lin) determined tha: AGLI24, GOIISIOB, MCE 7 and MDA.MB4AR cells bad bi-llelic p53 gone signals, wheteas CRT-2336 ‘wus mmorulllie for p53 (data uot shown). AGI 134, CMI310B snd MCH-7 oeils bad bi-alletio TIER-2 signals. Only 20% cells withis die MDA-MB4BR und CRI-2336 call lies had biallelic HIER-2 signals, the romeioing cells inthe population with groeter than 2 HEIR-2 signals, AT. ive cell lines were consistency hi-"llic for ZNE217, Subsequene soaring of Comel-FISH signals ‘eas carried cal by viual:sing the position ofthe Mlusrescent hybridisation signal within the comet “bead and Lit" profile. The relative distribution of FISH sigesls im thr Comet head versus tke comer til, interpreted ax stale, aul anstabie, genetic loi respectively, TT aegale wore ‘both Tosutions,thogo were classified as labile genet foe, RESULTS (SUE APPENDIX IFOR TABLES 1,2 AND ALT FIGURES PERTAINING TO AIMS 1 AND 2 IN STATEMENT OF WORK) Tuite alkaline and neutre! Comel usseys asses od basctine BNA nvigrutios po sma for cndogenous DNA bres eating o ongoing getetcinstaitty within ormal (GAILS10B and AG134) ond malignent (MICR-7; MDA-VTBAGS snd CHULA336) cell nes( 14,16, 17) Following saline lysis, all the breast cancer al Sues howe evadence of fnoveased cndogeuous DNA breaks Gi. nereased Olive tall utoments and til enn) in comspacison to anormal uel (ce ‘able 1). This was oso true immsditely following 2Gy of ionizing reciation, Tae ata ave camsatent wth mevensed alkali ube sites (Le, DNA sicgle-stcand rai de ova in che fraginented chrornuti> that mcgcnted outside the Ireas:caneer ecll vel. A sitar tend was lwerveal in the endogenous level of DNA, deuble-stand brecks using Ihe neat Come a85 x. When combine togsther, both endayencoas DNAckby and induced DNA-dshe ‘were gree in the tee breest cancer sel ics, wen coeipund Wy normal cells (pst; Mann ‘Woimey tn). The increased numberof nie DNA 39 or DKA-ds renics amongst the breast ‘cancer cal fine pane was not reoted to difeenta! BRCAL a 953 stuunlgenetype, These results ace causinien! with opereased genetic insuiliy and ongoing DNA. dima w:thit -malignent breast oells (18, 19) ‘We subsequently used Comet SH to specifically interrogate the eadogen us sability of {ZNHII?. p53. and TIN loc. "Ihese data are presented in Table 2 with representative images shown in Figure 1, We optinized cbs hybridization conditions following, cial or neat lysis withthe ZNP217 probe. Hydization of highly detectable rahe (240Ka) occuszed within 6-705 of alkaline comets and BF-90 5 of Roser! comets. For the ZVE217 locus, we didnot detect aiterences in hybridization effcieney between normal an emer cel ines (sea not sown), Addiionally, les hun Seh of ZNE217-FISH signals were observe bein ths tail of the const in uny af tho five cell ns, eamusten with chromosomal tabLity at this ns (ata ol shown}, HER? ar p53 TSH sigrals were observed m the comet head in greater than 98% of cell in AGII3 of GM113100 cells, consistent wilh genetic nbiity wt both Let in nora cols To MCE-7 cells however, ory 6U to 73 per FR-2.a9d p53 loci, Thi abnormal patter increased in the MDA-MB468 and CRI.2336 cel nes, in which only 17 1023, pomcont of cells bud stable HER-2Teci and 43 to 50 pessent of wets had stable p53 loc respectively. These dave are consistent with ased genetic instability al WHK-2 und p53 vrtbir cast catcer cels and thet increased inwtzility van he associa in cells whicaexpresn matamt p53 protein and au sbcogated G1 checkpoim Is anather series of Comel-HISH oxporimionts se acsessed dhe location nf p58 and HER- 2 signals over time following IR or 1Op-treatments, as a moasnce of ropa. af dhe ate ‘ortaining Seeman damn (soe sepresenttive images ia Figu7e 2) FISH signa were entered within the cil of he comet in the majosity of AGL1M4 and MDA-VIB468 cells immediatly following adi or THO, exposune, Cells were chen ineuhate. fot 15 60 annutes (elowing fo potential eps of DNA-anbs andl DNA-debe within 1 hou following teeatment a tine when reusimal reper Kinstics cous). ACO and 19 minutes following either ‘aextment,antiple p53 and TIER. yw were observed in AGLI34 and MDA-MP.A68 cells, After 60 minutes, both gonetic lei were ful paired in mn 8! cot with na evidence of signal seattor in th eet ail, At the sane time gol ‘he scared 5 signal solved to solely 2 cieverabe signal nthe til he MIDA-M4GS cells, whereas he seatorng of the HER 2 signals pomistod (c% Fire 2A and 2B). Those dita suggest that despite both lc being located «9 chromasome 17; there is prsfesential psi of die 153 las (or t's sssocored etvoaatin domain) in both nermal and malignant vet be Further raw huckground data celating to e-Mye, Cyclin D, 2NF2H? snd RB loci 2 found a Tables 3 to 15 ia Appendix Hand essentially supports the results of HER-2 and p53 tetling above,

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