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DTIC ADA423741: Engineering Protease-Specific Human Antibodies and Discovering Novel Serine Proteases Expressed in Prostate Cancer Using Phage Display PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA423741: Engineering Protease-Specific Human Antibodies and Discovering Novel Serine Proteases Expressed in Prostate Cancer Using Phage Display

ber: DAMDI?-03-1-2030 ‘TYY.E: Sngineering Proteace-specific Human antibodies and piscovewing Novel Serine Proteases Expressed in Pontate Cancer Using Phage Display PALICL2AY Jeongaoor Sur, PLD. versity of California, San Francisco San Francisco, Calizozris 94243-0862 emary 2004 ‘YEE OF REEURT: anneal Suemary FREPARED FOR: 0.8, Army Medica! Researcy and Materiel Command Part Detsick, Maryland 22702-8012 DISTHIHUYLON SYATEMENT: Approved for Public AeLease; Distribution Unlimited The views, opinions and/o- findicgs contained in this report are lhose cf the author(s) and ehoulG nov be construcd ae ar official Depactnent of the Avmy porition. policy or decision ualese ao designated ay other documentation - 20060602 042 REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Reis AGENCY Use ONLY “E REPORT TPE AND BATES COVERED + Zamuary 2006 Feguel Susmery (3 dan 2902-32 dye 2003) rie ane wu “5 FINDS TEER Enginroring vreteass-speci ‘la Horan Actibadies anc Dexpt7-p2-1~1030 Discovering Novel Serine F=oteagsa Expt Canser ERong Phage tiepley Feonghoon Son, hb. ‘5 FRRPORREITS ORGATIZATION NANTERT AVS AEDRESSTET ‘FERED ORGANERTON Tusveruiuy of Cal-fsrnia, Gan Fran sco ‘eront nes San Frarcises, ca:tfarala 94.43 0962 Bite jsuctosl coef et: "ESRGATORTE TARTS "a SRO ROTTER ORCY HASHES) AND ADDRESS) ‘Ratner Aeron aUAtRER 4.5. Auwy WoGicol Keaearch and Nateriet Comma: Fors Dotrick, Maryland 22702-5012 Original contains color piatee Tie DISTRITO AORTA SATE Tai STRBTTIOH CORE approved fov Fyolis Aclease; Dietribulien Unlinited TE ABST Ten OO WET Quankitativo RI-FCR and immnshistochematry (INC) experiments cevealed that menbcaue-type serine proleene 1 (MI-SPL}, a murber of the ITSP Larivy, ia apacitieelly overeroressed te epitoel'si cance: coins and treave sarpion= it waa tepocted that in advamced senges oF proskste, beast, and overien cancers Mivdel ig aot Tegslatad by ine endoyerooe mhé¥iter HAI“L. WHE) playa duveise clue by accivatizg pro-nPA, prOvHGe, wad Fake2, Taken togatiner, Wish! my be 3 kay opstzean £9etor dnvsived in’ tho Sell fenadeling plaandiogen etivotion cascade and in signal transduction exeoades invelved in cel ceanaFoemstion, Dysregulsted MI-s61 expression eczid prowole the proteolytic ectivity of MIcael resulting An a hore invasive phecolype, le postulated char inhibition of ile seateolyeie activity Bight “ausLei: tho invasive plenotype. a MI-GE1 1¢ 3 eel: eusface peotein, vo chose 20 tery the proteuse sith antioWP-SFl wing-> chazn worotlocel omtibedies(aeFos that we Asolatad using phage display, Tasca aaFvs gotenrly ang selecLively inhibit tae provease detivdty of MY-Cel, Our izitiel in vive stidies ‘uvetind the alzes 22 xenagratsed hun Gvarinn tuiocs in aude mice were eigaifisantly requese. following treacuent with eee Sonibinory serve, indicasing the thevapeut2 yotentis! of these ecive for the tceatwent of epithelial cancers an ovary, prosLate and brosst TRUSTE ERT Pratiake canter, monoclons: snbibesies, nenbrane-tyes gerine 2 proteaee, phag? eiapiay {7 SECURY CERSSREATION | TE SEGURTV CLASERCATION | TH: SECURITY CINEEEREATON —| BO UMTATE OF RaSTARCT tnewaesifieg Tnetaga: fed Ocelased tied del:nitos NEW TD BU-FGP SAGIT ZH er 2) Table of Contents cover... SF 298, Table of Contents. Introduction Body. a Kay Research Accomplishments. 8 Roportable Outcomes. Conclusions... References. Appendices... Introduction Abtreviuidons: scF¥, single chain variable fragment; ECM, extaecellulur matrix. enzyinestinked jmmunosorbeat assay, DMT-SPL-P, protease damsin of buman MJ-SHI; MT-SP1, membrane-type serine prolease 1; INC, imanaohistochomisay, TS, Type U transmembrane serine prucease; RT-PCR, reverse Ianscrptase polymetose can restion. Membrane unchored serine proteases as new targers for treatm of cancer. In tbe eney phases of toner, the groath of mor cells russ ccutinel 2 their aiginal issue hourdaries. Tuw2ver, apo. becoming malignant, cqacer cells invade surrounding tissue hy migeting fom their issue compartment tnd disseminating turouguout the bedy, ‘To penetrate theoogh velluer bacriens and metastasize, tumors feamploy invasion machinery & hallmark of die machinery i Uysreyulaled wcateia-depiading proteases ‘Dut digest exteacelne austix (ECM) proteins by cleaving peptide bund of specific amino acid sequences (And-easen at al, 1997; Hapahgn ot al. 2U0U; Funimow ell. 1999; Wallespp eth, 2000), An lnceeasing amotit of roscae' as rosnely focused on a subgroup 0° dhe trgpsinsike serine proteases tha. a dsecty a chered ta plasma membrane on cel surTuce(Tape> el al, 2001: Stabo cc al, 2003; [Netel-Amet tl, 2103). These manbruneanchered proteases ure anchored via a C-terminal trepamenbrae domain (ype }, via a glyouyl-phospbatidyinosiel Unkege, or via an N-cmainal uansmembrane darn (Type Tor TSP). Disrupion or mutation ofthe genes encoding these proteases ace astosiatod with cance: While these proteases show Ughtly eogulased expression in norm cols, dey a dysregulated and ovorexprosod during lurar propessiou. Memb:ane anchored seins pcteates therefore represent promising new ond ux upped Sou-ce of poeatial targets for the development of now cause tisrapeutcs _MT-SPI, To idowttysoring proweascs expres i Ihe PC2 calls, RT-PCR was porformed with ‘egonerateofigonuslemide primers thu were desigued isiug eaaserved proccin sequences from the ‘typein fold af sorin pruksais. Five independent serine protease cDNAs doriveo from HC-3 mRNA ‘ere secuenoa, und a novel sere proteate that se naried remibranc-fype serine proteune | (MT-SPL) sravidenlfiel, The exzyuse wes iadepenc ently ideniied by anther group und named maiplase (Li et AL 1997), MT-SP] isa mosaic pootsn of 855 amine acids that contuine a bursmeaubine signal anchor, lwo CUB domalas, fon LDLR repests, mda serine protaute domuin. knmunobloting and iuunuaohistochemice! analyses veri the proses of M'T-SPI in epithelial issue uf prostate tumor (Takoushi tal, 1999; Sun cal, 2103) and breast teomor {Lin el al. 1999). As MT-ST is highly expcessed in ovarian, breast, and prosatecureer cells aml appears to be lnvolved inranr invasion, i ix ‘potential turget for cancer diggs und eatnea: (Takeuchi etl. 199% Ooers ct at, 2181). im addition to PC3 coll, MCP? and OVCARS cells express signilfeaat amounts (10 —50 fold compared to normal calapof MT-SP1 mRNA (Rubee! Bok, personal comicstion), MT-SPI has been shovwn to be ‘overenprested iu huanen ovarian cancer sperimiens (Talroueh tal, 1909; "tanimow eal 1999). The serine protetsedceaain has been clonsd ito tt, col expessien vector and lhe ecumbinant version of ‘the protein has boon exprassed, puritied, and vfolgod to produce active enzytue (Takench el. 1999). MT-SPI may sorve asa hey upstean activator in the ECM remoting plascainagan sctvation cascade. srhas boon shown to activate Laton urokinase plusninogen uclivator (uPA) al pro-human grovath faotor HGR) in vir (Ler otal. 2000). uHA parlisipules in the plasnil-madiated remodeling ofthe cetracellusr mete (ACM) surrourling uuu, the wetivation of lateal HGF. HGF contribute inthe stimulation of cancer cell growth and mails (Corps eal £997; Sowter ot al, 1999) WPA contributes to rivasian; the binding aC uPA, ieell a serine proteas, tots eeeepter incresscs ho proifeationaf cancer cells in vtro (Fischer a al. 1898). Inkbtionar uPA by an antisense ollyonrteotcesignificenly rednces the inuaperitomeal ypraud of ovarian cancer mouse xeuopraftiacols (Wilholm cal. 1995) ‘Anather in vitro substeue of MT-SP1 aya idasified as protease ativatod receptor 2 (PAR2). Recent sds :sveal thst PAR-? stination was asociated ilk the unsientpespaonylaion of MAP lenase (Uikunaea eal, 2008), Tho highly sisiur PAK- und 3 were uot acivated by MIT-SPI, suggesting thet ‘MTSE! could bs specific rogulalary proteuse that affects signal transduction of cll protectin (Takecchi et al. 2000) 1m normal pels, MT-SPI aoivty is tighly related by the endogenous inbibitarhepatovyte growes ‘ctor ueivetor inbibitor | (IAL-1) (Kitchhofer eta. 2008), HAI-1 is found precumiountly ia the ‘pihelium uf many issue (ypes and is up-Fegnlatedn injured or regenerative issues, TAT ney suppress he groweh and moilty of ence sells by inbibiting the yensratior. of active uPA and sative TIGE by MT-SPI, The expression of MT-SP1, HALA, urthe MT-SP-TIAL-1 mio correla withthe slincal stage, histologics} grads, vstolngieal type, ur olivia ouleuny uf ovassa cancer pasinta (Oberst ‘al. 002). Advaaoed-tiage (land 1V} ovarian furs were found lo be moe likely co express M~ SPI in the ubserve of IAL. This inditas tha an imbalgnec inthe MT-SPI-TLAT-L ratio could be important jn the development af vanced disease, Lnregulatod ur dysreguluted MT-SPI expression ‘unui prumole Ue proteolytic activity of MT-SPI, and, consequently, u more invasive phenotype. Taken together, “hese data suggest MT-SPL may play a hey regulary vale inthe prucess af ovarian cancer progression _Anabodies os protease inhibins. Various prowuse inhibitors have beca developed for ramennus it vitro and in vivo applications, Although (ily eflecive as toals to shy cancer pragression and. metastasis scl moleuule inkibilors ore plagued by problems with resieamoe and toxicity, while ‘conventignal rueromoleeular ish ors can suifer from promiscuity and low uutvity (Cousens eh 2003}. The Ecol serine protease iahibitorceotn lise proven to bea valuable tool in the discovery ot novel suteases, However is peetlnass iy vio is limited, as it eficis an mame response whea injected inlo rsice. Momver, sive proteases ae Widcy cisibutsd in cxture wad wany vf den shace neatly ‘denteul uctive site elements, we wer coucenus that ccotin would nol be selective enough to ttiatinguish anoag the closely relsted MI-SPs, ‘The antibedy soeffod is un acractive choice for the ‘development of highly porent and seloctive inkitbinors far Unis Racy sine itcan distinguish beswoen telsaedy sels proteus, Fortormore, ancbedies are regululy used diagnose and therapcutie reagents. -fsnecessi, this tsthod can be applied to ather erzyme Ennilies such as met metalloprotease fauulies snd protein kinase Fain. The focus of FYZ. To tasks ar assigned for FY2. The firs was to wanito inibition of MT-SPL to determine is cole viv using he optimized veFv. Te was origintly proposed that this would be perfoumed with SCID mie tanaplanted with PC-3 cella lo show that MT-SP1 inhibition can be critical fn intervention af epithelial cuncenin posta, best, and evatian canoes, Based on quantitative RT- PCR (Teqman"™) analyst wus evident that OVCARS cell ine produoed higher levela of MT-SPL ‘mina, In he inmuaosislochelnicel sniag sealvsis, MT-SP] overexpression i more specific ia ‘ovarian cauoer dsstes thar. prostate sancce sss (eerepars the Hy. Yio is report wilh the Fig. 3 inthe YI report, Thus, the pllec oxperimsnes were pecformed in collaboration with Dr. Robert Bok in ‘Deparemeut of Medisins at UCSF sth nude mice xenogrulled wilh ovarian munors instead of prostate unars 23.4 step 70 carfy tho vols of MY-SP1. ‘The secu ask wus to find previously undiscovered set protsass that might bs involved prostate carcer using cDNA expression libraiss devived fom prostate t™moresllfinos and K [-PCK. This project is uuderwey ond wil be coutinued, In adliion, the ‘mode oF inhibition of the most patent sePv, E2 has been kinetically characterized Body ‘My mela, Dz. Chatles Craik has provided outstanting raining end rich enviroxameat for legalng rile biochemistry. Di. Mate Shuman and Dt, Robett Bok in the éeparament of Misicine in UCSF raved the foclies for studying te biology’ of provewe cauver sd touting ovariun lumur xemogretted suite mize with soF vs, have attended ens monthly Proteases in Cancer Projest meetings where [have fed che opportunity ls peeseat daca aud intracc with a diverse g-oup of scientists including oncologists. omatologits, itunologists, surucaal bolngists, and wectauistic enzyncologists. Other elpful lurertctous included the weekly meetings hele be-ween Tr. Craik, Dr, Mare Sima, pextdoctoral researchers in Dr. Shuman groip, aud axel, For my irtllectual development, | hove altende ly seminar seres offered hy the depacuacars of pharraccuical cemsty, biochemistry and Diophysies, ad cellule and molecular pharmacology, and prayeucsin chemistry and ehemiva biology. td quaatitative biology and various azuatTeeturcships at UCSP. Thuve acended eae Kxpsrimental Biology 2003 Ama: Moving, ASME sector (April 1-15, San Diego, CA). This moeting allowed ae Co nterscr with other sential ase workng on similar areas ofreseersh, The US Army Medical ath aul Material Command Prosare Cancer Rerer'ch Program was acknowledge Inmuaohistoctendsry (HAC), To determine te efsasy of usmg the evs as innmnologteal ceagents, THC seiuing as performed in evurian wed puosate nr tissues from randomly selotod pation "These experialents 1ovesled that only une of te sx aati M{I-SP' sckvs, 8, stained tissues 1 an appreciable extent, Noteworthy isthe prenence of antibody specific red chromuen in te glands 1xmen in steasiticovatian cancer tissue, suggesting he MT-SP] js overexpressed aud likey shed From the surGie ofthe cauoerons cpithoix: ell Figure 1) Qeantiatve HT-POK (Fegonan) anys Ins GiG.ThewaNAS on he Dike Orrian Tse Bank were obtained and selativs mRNA lovcl were Bzated using “Taquan analyse Ml of the paints (22724) vwete go UC-1Y. Tours frm ive somal vate: Wore used aa cunils. The relative ai _ tnotsage lee! fee MT-SP i ota cancer was Hiketonmteaten cin tetomncncesaanarane 9287 £0307 (a= ag Canpoe an he oma tics PY sez age consent th cur preliney data Supression of senografied ovarian cancer by the aie MT-SPI sob'w: (Fig 2 and Fig 3). 80 in vin pilot srady ate sen performel ta uses the efficacy of she antiMT-SPI scFes in xauografted mary uf inde ree. Thin study oes considezed asa pilot study to clarify the sole of MT-SP1 before PC-3 cell (earsooted mone experieiauls wars pero: Human QVCARS cele were injevied into 10 mde moe subcutaneously Aficr 14 cys, when wusrs were well established, the raive were sopatated into a herapy gromp (5 mice) and excseal group (S ‘miee). An inhibitor cochai,« combination af tree seF (04 ug of E2, 1.2 uo of Sand OA go $4) was ijented into cach ‘iouse in che therapy group 3 Knnesa weeks subcutancousty. A conical seEW SAS (2 pig) that either sinds nor inkbite MT-SPIL ‘eas injected ino sach mnouse ‘a the contra group. Befure the snimal sal al of sos vere purified using FPLC and sanied thee of endororin eontaminalion, Tumors were measured weedy oe sing calipers and were dncumeuted photographically (Fig. 3) [No overt toxceity way ubserved in any of mice. fier eeching Figure 2 ingen pot in ted ey iy vi ng Feetssbaitsciaredticnate sumasia ercera (ara spunteaeons cxpiteion),aninals were socrifced end anors distectod aué weighed. Perineal suioss and organs ware examined for maeto+ aed misroscopie metastaes. The ve ‘seeed with ibibitory scFv survive fora meen of 38 days ‘tile the mice toated with De eouzol survived for a aean af 30 days (Fig. 2) The tice in Uae controf p-onp develope larger subcuurevas luo and more sects (Hig, 2). These resulls indicate a therapeutie efter fot these naPvuund stauely snggest te experiment be renewed with lager aueiber ‘of animals, Sines the wookly doves adkainisered wete mininnl, we conld inercase lhe dose and ijectioa Trequeacy ofthe soFes, Rone wach Fy revealed a dilleeal ibibicou mechanism, binding ufinity atl binding mode, the efficacy ofeach re should be iudividua!ly teste. rs ate ay hae GP nee sarin cael) te Urs Suhail doe crite team fart" ae srachian Suan Ti ang barre Creating CDNA Hbrary derived from PC:3 and OVCAR-3 oats, Two eDNA library ar in the prucess of beiag crested thconp’ reverse manseription of poly-A-curidied ee RNAS from burnae #C-¥ cell ard OVCARS sills, The eDNA preducts were -ugged wilh exndom primed clongation and PCR aungltiostion using x swndaedprotocal. The resting pool of inser: Wasselccteé bused un Ler size Sivall-size INA inserts were preferentially amplified during a PCR reactor. ané the efficacy of wech sop is heig eomitored by PCR. Once te biased ampi‘cstion problems 2¢ solved bibrary coaslereon ‘oan be continued. We huve bee fooused au charactovizing dos sot rather thun exploring new targets, ‘We would like te have an understanding a how este inbibitws felon beline we focus owe atencion vn uller TSP, Kinstio characterteation of the solv &2 (Hy 4). 02 unl a MT-SPI substrate spectroryme PA were inenbsted Th ae protense camacin of humen MT-SPL {UMIT-SP1-F) was added to alin the progressive ‘ues of WMIT-SP!-P cotviy, This experimeal was perlormed at 10 diferent £2 enoexntrations an 4 Gitferentspectroryms tPA oneentutics, Eaca curve was tit i tho integrated Frl onder cale equation that doseres hu ow establishment uf squisiwa betscou cazyne and iclihitor. The uation is B81 Ga Pollo *) ae whore P is product sia, Ve isthe iia strudy-stue velocity, Vis the final stenly-state velucity, tis time, wad ki 5 the appre Fst order rat winslan. Thus, 40 dilleenr keys of HMIT-SPU-P ihibition by E2 were obtained Cum 40 combinations of B2 and Speclrozeme IPA concentrations It wos pustulared that dhe mechunisut would be ane step competitive ihibion as represented i the scheme E+ Sa ESP | cy Sahm 1 k Ve equation Linking fo Wi ke, analy i (ig. 4 Botton et) hws kin k{TAD ESTER) vwhate kis association rat and kis dissociation rte, Af fixed], here exist Lisa aatonahip berwosn obs and (1. Frow: this reltiouship k,= 2.04 10'S" was abtaiaed, Py iting slope ofthis graph ta fi + SR Kay 34 fj, The uesocntion eae KL = 2.48 < 10" 07" Pig. fi righ. is inete characterization revcals that 2 ix exteeely lightbineing, competitive, rapidly associat and slowing dnsuciating MT-$P1 inhibitor. igor ket cmaranetanc be Ea) Prog mies SE iy a0 eof soersnme PD EAT Ete ai toa oct tj Propmacic cane TSP! wa a 254 espemcesae PAC SE ‘Ecceraton sje ar 0H Sar nese smd 230, aul 694M df seameye PA coeaec (MH ere earn crdpmaacpe Bl 76 bslne 125) oe 253 och S00 aa shear te2 ha“t = Key research accomplishments + Comper kinetis ehurucleriation of E2 suggesting that 2 iv en extemely tight-binding, competitive, tapi assoriting and slowieg dissaciving MT-SPVinkihi. 2 Tsoltion uf mcauman MT-SDP1 scFv eit inhibi he protease activity of MY-SPX potenty and specifcely fe The scTv SL was seusitive p dewct spose overexpression of MIT-SP1 in normal ovary and ovarian ‘cancer sve + Treskneut of ovarian sur xenojge nice with seF¥ combination reveuled a pot of priveiple tha: [ahibiing MT-SP! conid bean efficucious modality co teat epithelial cancer progression and aneuntasis. ‘A sizilae result i profit in prolate Lomurs where MT-SP1 is overoxpressed Reportable outcomes ‘Previously 1 repo-ted thet tw revlls of FY 1 were ja the process of publication fm Biochemistry. Ihwas published in FY2 (loonghoon Sun, Jaume Pons, uud Churles S. Craik, “Potent aud Selective Inhibition ‘ul Mambeaue-Type Serine Protease | by Tuman Single-Chain Snnibodiss”, Giochemisry, 2003, 892 900}. Lavtacled the zeprat, The US Amy Metical Reseurch and Material Command Prosta‘e Cancer Research Program was acknowledged. ‘An FY2, Lvs inv a x speaker in Faperiimetal Biology 2083 Aarual Meeting, ASBMD secto: {pi 1-15, Sau Diego, CA) and prevented the results af FY] and part of FY2. DOD PCRP was fekuowledged, At die ond of this repost the absteel was attached Conclusions Gur pelitninary deta und reported esis of aches indent that MJ-SPL may bea erideal element inthe progression of eptiexftumems af We prostate, breast, al ovary. Te gui insiyht inte Cue roles dat MT- SPI plays in epithelial cancers, a genera custhod for selectively and potently Blacking ts protolytie, activity was established. Since MT-SPI isa member of a very sloselyreluied tally of TSP itis immportaneto sleotivelyimbibt unly MT-SP1 aztvity, while not affecting olber TTSPs tat frequently feooupress und share cunszuoe. sbstuae binding siee The preferenve fur AryL ys inte $1 pocket ofthe substrate binding ste exhibited by tis family of ever 20 enzymes limits fe snctess of small molecule appenaches fo slective inhibition of MT-SP1 ina biological welling. Towever, the potential difiultiey ‘Were overcame by Geveloping hienan scFve as very specifie MT-SPI inhibitors. Using phage display Iuinan Fs wate olatod, The sohvs inhibit proteulyuc activity of MT-SP1 potently and extremely selectively. I was demonstrased tha nhiition of MT-SPI by these soFs resulted in suppressing ‘evar tunots in me where hummer avariun umes were xenogrfted, MT-SPT averexpression is Cominon 19 ovarian and. provate aumens, We chose his xeagotie ovatian cansor model uso pit study Donause of ts low baskground level u MT-SP{ inthe noemtal ovary a4 compared with he aoaal roseat. The pil lucy wx peeformed in elatively smal mumber of onizals wi nininal doses of tie tahihivory scFv. Thus, prevTinical ial ia abis model ané heman prostate wntor mode! in SCID mie should be performed with staiscelysigoiicsnt number af anieal, increased dosas, optttized ‘ugenls, Saproved igection metheds, anc vacous tumor medels inching prostate canaortandels, ‘Thsve seFv-basesegin-eus could convenicrlly be develuped a» diggnostis and/or prognostica auch us TIC aud ELISA ssageats to follow up individual cures of ovarizn cancer pation. Als those scPv reagents cao be davelopad a8 inmmoblating or immunopeeciitation reagens tha could be a valuable taal to exploe the colo 92 MT-SP1. Taken weber, duis approach will adgkess the program's youls ia the seeas of precliniced development of targeted lherapeatic and tumor biolegy by eetablishing a general method that penmitya thorough anulysis ofthe coneTiution that MT-SPL males lb u complex biologioa! prosess of epithelial canoer, Furlennare, the proof of principle that antibodies van be poveal and Ssclotive inibitar of protensewcivity can be applicd ta other memsbors of TSP, dke uber of which isl increasing und ure found in vatious tuners in prostate, bess, volun, and ovacy Referancas ‘Anureasen, P. A., L Kjole, L, Chratopsen and MJ. Dull (:997), Secondary The orakinaso-ype plasminogen activator syst in creer metasuss: wreview. Jedernationad Journal af Cancer 72, 122, Comps, ALN, chhemotaxis and mitogenesis fn ovarian ea Informational! fonraal af Cancer 73, 151-5 ‘Cousseus. 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