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Acquisition Review Quarterly — Winter 2003 46 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 2. REPORT TYPE 3. DATES COVERED 2003 N/A - 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER The CIA’s In-Q-Tel Model: It’s Applicability 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER Wendy /Molzahn 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Defense Acquisition University Alumni Association 2550 Huntington Ave, REPORT NUMBER Suite 202 Alexandria, VA 22303 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release, distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE UU 16 unclassified unclassified unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 The COIAP’sI INn-IQO-NTel Model THE CIA’S IN-Q-TEL MODEL ITS APPLICABILITY Wendy Molzahn In July 1999, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) chartered and funded a newly established corporation, In-Q-Tel, Inc., to search the private sector for promising commercial technologies and to invest in the development of new technologies to support the Agency’s critical intelligence missions. Overviews are provided of the structure, processes, and problems associated with the In- Q-Tel model; the Department of Defense’s (DoD) current ability, through innovative programs and flexible contracting authorities, to attract cutting-edge technologies; and the potential costs and benefits of establishing a “venture catalyst” firm similar to In-Q-Tel for DoD. Finally, it is recommended that DoD establish a “venture catalyst” firm as a tool to attract new technologies in addition to — rather than as a replacement for — existing programs and authorities. Success will depend on DoD’s ability to transform its culture to accommodate innovation, risk, and flexibility. The military’s new dependence on information systems was driven home Thursday by Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld in a speech aimed at refocusing the Pentagon’s efforts to change the military to better counter the threats of the 21st century. In robust defense of President Bush’s proposed $48 billion increase in military spending next year, Rumsfeld called for more funding for intelligence and more attention to unpiloted aircraft and other sophisticated reconnaissance systems. “We need to find new ways to deter new adversaries,” Rumsfeld said. “We need to make the leap into the information age, which is the critical foundation of our transformation efforts.” “War Success Propels Shift to Digits,” The Washington Post, February 2, 2002 DISCLAIMER The views represented in this article are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of the Navy, the Department of Defense, or the Federal Government. 47 Acquisition Review Quarterly — Winter 2003 I n 1998, senior officials in the Central hybrid model that incorporated aspects Intelligence Agency (CIA) began to of private sector venture capital firms realize that there was a significant in- and government technology procure- formation technology (IT) gap between ment models. The purely government the Agency, which continued to leverage models were rejected for several rea- off of past accomplishments, and the private sons — the most significant reason be- sector, which was transforming its enter- ing that the working group was not con- prises through the use of cutting-edge vinced that a government organization technologies. The CIA leadership deter- could react with lightning speed to mined that in order to regain the lead in changes in the dynamic commercial IT technology the Agency experienced in the environment (BENS, 2001). 1950s and 1960s during the development At the request of the CIA, Norman of the U-2, SR-71, and CORONA recon- Augustine, former CEO of Lockheed- naissance programs, it would need to esta- Martin, founded In-Q-Tel (originally blish a vehicle to tap into private sector named Peleus, Inc. and then In-Q-It) as a advances in information technology private sector corporation in February (Yannuzzi, 2000). In May 1998, George 1999. It remains a nonprofit, non-stock Tenet, the Director of Central Intelligence corporation, incorporated in the state of (DCI), announced in his “Strategic Direc- Delaware and exempt from federal income tion” initiative: taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. In-Q-Tel’s Certi- Beginning with the critical field ficate of Incorporation dated 16 February of IT, we will pursue this [new] 1999, states that its purpose is to: approach through the creation of an external nonprofit enterprise (cid:127) Perform and promote research and designed to be electronically con- related scientific endeavors in the field nected to leading research of IT; throughout the country. This new entity will speed insertion of ma- (cid:127) Foster collaborative arrangements that ture technologies, support rapid make private sector IT expertise more development of mission-critical readily accessible to agencies of the applications, and enhance our United States; and ability to attract the skills and expertise vital to our success. (cid:127) Foster the development of IT that will (Business Executives for National benefit the public, private, and aca- Security [BENS], 2001, p. 5)1 demic sectors of the United States (BENS, 2001). A working group of senior CIA offi- cials was chartered to develop and execute In-Q-Tel was designed to be flexible the DCI’s concept. With the assistance of enough to allow for interface with all ele- a consulting firm and a law firm, the work- ments of the IT community, the technol- ing group analyzed several federal gov- ogy industry, and academia. Its mission, ernment models before deciding on a as originally stated, was “to exploit and 48 The CIA’s In-Q-Tel Model develop new and emerging information work performed by In-Q-Tel, as well as technologies and pursue R&D that pro- its relationship with other firms and aca- duce innovative solutions to the most dif- demic institutions, is generally unclas- ficult problems facing the CIA and the sified. Intelligence Community” (BENS, 2001, p. 6).2 The organization’s vision, accord- THE IN-Q-TEL MODEL ing to its July 1999 Charter Agreement is to…[I]nvent the Agency of the future by raising its IT competence to that of the The concept of operations for In-Q-Tel best practices of the private sector and continues to evolve. The firm initially then to explore new areas of research that focused on the role of technology sys- equip it with capabilities that protect and tems integrator; in this role, In-Q-Tel advance our country’s national security searched the marketplace for commercial well into the 21st century. (BENS, 2001, off-the-shelf (COTS) technologies that p. 6)3 could satisfy the Agency’s needs (BENS, The In-Q-Tel CEO and Board of Trust- 2001). In-Q-Tel currently performs as a ees set strategic policies and oversee catalyst in developing technologies to operations. The CIA is the sole source of solve specific CIA enter- funds for In-Q-Tel at this time; however, prise IT problems while the firm remains an independent entity.4 simultaneously moving “The concept of Although In-Q-Tel does not require them into the commer- operations for In-Q-Tel continues Agency approval for its business deals, cial marketplace. In-Q- to evolve.” which can include equity investments, Tel leverages off of the contracts, and other partnering relation- commercial sector to ships, there is a significant amount of satisfy the Agency’s needs by providing coordination between the CIA and In-Q- input to promising technologies during Tel on all business-related issues. The CIA the early stages of development. In-Q-Tel does not have a typical “program man- has the ability to partner with public and agement” oversight relationship with In- private companies worldwide, as well as Q-Tel — the corporation makes decisions with academic institutions and laborato- and provides the CIA with results. (Yan- ries. nuzzi, 2000) In-Q-Tel engages with the companies In-Q-Tel was designed to be an agile, in a variety of ways, including work pro- flexible commercial firm that could work grams and equity investments. Invest- on its own terms with firms in Silicon Val- ments typically range from $500,000 to ley and throughout the world. The com- $2.5 million in each company, with a total pany has offices in Rosslyn, Virginia and commitment of up to $5 million for the Menlo Park, California. Currently, In-Q- duration of the relationship (In-Q-Tel, Tel employs approximately 45 individu- 2002). Generally, In-Q-Tel is one of sev- als (35 in Virginia and 10 in California) in eral venture capital firms investing in each three general areas: operations, technical, IT company. In-Q-Tel has an expert in- and venture. The relationship between the house team that evaluates each technology CIA and In-Q-Tel is acknowledged, and through a rigorous technical review process 49 Acquisition Review Quarterly — Winter 2003 and provides feedback to the portfo- unusual opportunity of allowing firms to lio (IT) firm. Portfolio firms with suc- test their technology using the CIA as a cessful technologies may enjoy a stra- test bed, and funding. In addition to per- tegic advantage (resulting from In-Q- forming a review of each company’s tech- Tel funding, technical input, or the pros- nology, In-Q-Tel also performs an in- pect of marketing their products to the depth review of each company’s finan- CIA) as their products enter the com- cial status before entering into a contrac- mercial marketplace. Some versions of tual arrangement to ensure that the com- the commercial products that emerge pany is financially sound. Depending on typically have been or will be evalu- the circumstances, In-Q-Tel’s contractual ated by the CIA. For its investment of arrangements with portfolio firms can up to $5 million through In-Q-Tel, the include one or more of several compo- CIA’s return may be a cutting-edge so- nents: a software licensing agreement, an lution to an IT problem that uses tech- agreement that funds technology devel- nologies unlikely to be developed opment or modification in accordance through federal fund- with a specific Statement of Work, and ing alone. an equity investment in the firm (Rich- “In-Q-Tel is a In-Q-Tel is a hybrid ard, R. B. & Cook, K., personal interview, hybrid organiza- organization, combin- March 1, 2002). Approximately half of tion, combining ing various government In-Q-Tel’s deals include an equity invest- various govern- and private sector mod- ment (BENS, 2001).5 ment and private els. Much like a gov- sector models.” ernment Research and THE IN-Q-TEL OPERATIONAL MODEL Development (R&D) The In-Q-Tel Operational Model is organization, In-Q-Tel is bound through comprised of four discrete entities: the a contract to only one customer, the fed- CIA, QIC (In-Q-Tel Interface Center), In- eral government. However, as a lean Q-Tel, and commercial firms/academia commercial corporation, it is not lim- (see Figure 1). The QIC, a 13-member ited by government bureaucratic con- organization, serves as the link — and straints, civil service policies, or regu- often the “translator” — between the CIA lations and procedures. and In-Q-Tel. As the interface organiza- In-Q-Tel characterizes itself as a “ven- tion, QIC ensures that the CIA’s require- ture catalyst” rather than a venture capi- ments are accurately identified before they tal firm, an expeditor of new technolo- are passed to In-Q-Tel; it is also respon- gies (In-Q-Tel, 2002). CEO Gilman Louie sible for the transition of commercial IT makes it clear that “[m]ost venture funds solutions from In-Q-Tel to the Agency. focus in on the business model…[w]e The QIC manages contract administra- have a deep technical expertise…The tion and oversight of In-Q-Tel. The QIC most important thing is the technology and In-Q-Tel use a collaborative process, return…[o]f secondary importance is the the “Q Process,” for the development and financial return” (Johnston, 2001, p. E5). execution of projects.6 The “Q Process” In-Q-Tel’s investment in portfolio firms is an eight-step process that begins with includes time and technical expertise, the Step Q ,Agency Needs Definition and 0 50 The CIA’s In-Q-Tel Model Board of Trustees Fuel Innovative R&D In-Q-Tel CIA Silicon Valley/ Academia Strategic Problems QIC Needs Technology/Solutions Technology Infusion This is a modified version of the diagram in the Army Science Board Venture Capital Panel Briefing, Version 5.0, dated 7/25/01. Figure 1. In-Q-Tel Model moves through step Q Deployment and and determines whether further funding d, Agency Acquisition, with several review for prototype development or a pilot pro- boards and required approvals along the gram with the Agency is appropriate. In- way. Q-Tel actively advises the firms regard- During the Agency Needs Definition ing commercialization of the products phase, the CIA develops strategic goals throughout the process. The final phases to pass to the QIC. Within the parameters of the process involve transitioning tech- set by the strategic goals, the QIC surveys nology solutions, via the QIC, to the CIA users across the CIA to define the IT Prob- for integration into mission-critical sys- lem Set for the fiscal year. The QIC then tems. By the end of the process, an In-Q- refines, prioritizes, and declassifies the Tel portfolio company will typically have Problem Set for submission to In-Q-Tel. a product with commercial potential. In-Q-Tel searches the commercial markets Problem Sets are generally broad to “landscape the technological ‘spaces’ areas of interest. FY2001 Problem Sets that it plans on engaging to meet the Prob- included secure mobile office capabili- lem Sets” (BENS, 2001, p. A-1) and then ties, Web discovery techniques, ana- invests in technologies from firms or lytic tools and techniques, Internet pri- academia that will satisfy an Agency vacy technologies, and collection tech- Problem Set and also be viable commercial nologies. Since September 11, 2001, products. there has been a shift to technologies Later in the process, In-Q-Tel tests the that enhance intelligence efforts sup- technologies against the Agency’s porting the war on terrorism, accom- needs, provides feedback to the firms, panied by a dramatic increase in the 51 Acquisition Review Quarterly — Winter 2003 number of proposals and business plans was created by the federal government, submitted to In-Q-Tel. whose sole mission in life is to get big- Historically, In-Q-Tel receives ap- ger and get more dollars from the fed- proximately 600 business plans annu- eral government…I want this to be very ally and provides funding to approxi- lean, very small, very quick-moving, mately 10 technology with…people who don’t want to make start-ups as a result. In it a career” (Loeb, 2000, p. A-15). In- “Historically, FY2001, In-Q-Tel Q-Tel employees have diverse back- In-Q-Tel receives funded approximately grounds, but their experience is over- approximately $30 million for pro- whelmingly from the commercial sec- 600 business plans annually grams, pilots, and pro- tor. Many come from start-up compa- and provides totypes. CEO Gilman nies, have worked for or consulted with funding to Louie estimates that ap- the federal government, and have tech- approximately proximately 80 percent nical or business/law backgrounds. 10 technology of the companies funded In-Q-Tel’s Web site (www.inqtel.com) start-ups as a by In-Q-Tel in 2001 had stresses that the company is designed for result.” never done business agility, that employees who fill positions with the federal govern- such as “Visionary Solutions Architect” ment (Cortese, 2001). These firms include are expected to stay with the company Mohomine, Intelliseek, Traction Soft- only three years before moving on, and ware, Tacit Knowledge Systems, that only the best and brightest are cho- MediaSnap, and Browse3D. Between sen to participate. The Web site de- September and November 2001, In-Q-Tel scribes the in-house technical teams as received over 600 business plans (ap- swat teams, the technologies In-Q-Tel proximately the number of plans received invests in as frame-breaking, and states during the previous year); a minimum of that if your technology rocks…we’d like 15 technology investments was antici- to talk to you. In-Q-Tel is clearly work- pated in FY2002 (Kady, 2001). ing from a frame of reference that will appeal to the firms it hopes to attract. CORPORATE CULTURE In-Q-Tel’s success can also be attrib- In-Q-Tel has achieved relative suc- uted to the fact that it has an office in Sili- cess over the past three years. In part, con Valley and proactively reaches out to this has been due to the company’s cul- firms with attractive technologies. In-Q- ture, which is energetic and creative. Tel does not merely issue a request for The current President and CEO, Gilman white papers and then wait for a response. Louie, was previously a Silicon Valley The company receives proposals as a entrepreneur, an executive at Hasbro result of its Venture Capital Outreach Toys, and developer of computer program, from referrals, in response to games. Louie believes that In-Q-Tel will newspaper and magazine articles, as well fail if it falls into the trap of becoming a as through its public Web site. Finally, government bureaucracy. Louie states, In-Q-Tel can offer firms technical advan- “I do not want this organization to be tages that they cannot find elsewhere: a just another research organization that rigorous technical review process, an 52 The CIA’s In-Q-Tel Model opportunity to use the CIA as a test bed, not fully aware of In-Q-Tel’s capabili- and the potential of partnering with and ties. The BENS report recommended transitioning technologies to this “power that a more proactive QIC could re- user” in the intelligence community. solve the majority of these interface In their Report of the Independent problems. The BENS report also rec- Panel on the CIA In-Q-Tel Venture, sub- ommended that In-Q-Tel not expand its mitted to Congress in June 2001, the mission beyond the CIA until it has Business Executives for National Secu- been judged a success in its current rity (BENS) stated, “the In-Q-Tel busi- mission, possibly upon the expiration ness model makes sense and its of its charter agreement in July 2004 progress to date is impressive for a two- (BENS, 2001). year old venture… In-Q-Tel’s potential In response to the BENS report, the advantage to the CIA outweighs the CIA has implemented several initia- risk. In-Q-Tel should continue as the tives to streamline and expedite tech- CIA’s entrepreneurial and innovative nology insertion into its IT architecture venture facilitating the delivery of new and aggressively market In-Q-Tel’s ca- technology to the CIA” (BENS, 2001, pabilities within the Agency (Director p. v). of QIC and QIC Contracting Officer, personal interview, February 21, 2002). The QIC now informs users and stake- PROBLEMS WITH THE IN-Q-TEL MODEL holders, early on, of promising tech- nologies and solicits their input on the The BENS report indicated, however, tailoring process. The newly consoli- that there was room for improvement in dated Chief Information Officer (CIO) the In-Q-Tel model, particularly regard- function at the Agency will also help ing the relationship and communication coordinate and streamline the entire between In-Q-Tel and the CIA and the process, from the generation of Prob- implementation of new technology lem Sets to the final within the CIA’s business processes. procurement of IT. Most of the problems cited were a result Most notably, the “The QIC now of inefficient government processes and DCI has established an informs users and security challenges associated with in- independent solution stakeholders, serting tested technologies into CIA sys- transfer fund specifically early on, of prom- ising technologies tems (software or hardware to be inserted earmarked for establish- and solicits their must be approved by up to six review ing pilot programs, nor- input on the boards). Few problems were noted re- mally 12 to 18 months tailoring process.” garding the actual functioning of In-Q- in duration, to imple- Tel as a corporation, its relationship with ment new technologies outside technology firms, or its ability within the Agency. A potential user is pro- to attract and invest in new technologies. vided solution transfer funding to test a The report did indicate, however, that promising technology in his system; the due to ineffective marketing within the user is not required to deplete his own CIA, key users and stakeholders were budget to support the pilot program. 53 Acquisition Review Quarterly — Winter 2003 If the pilot is successful, the Agency Technology Transfer (STTR) program will issue a separate contract to buy the were established to provide cutting-edge technology, either on a sole source basis technologies and innovative solutions to or through a limited, best-value competi- DoD by tapping small U.S. technology tion if more than one companies and research institutions. In source is identified. Cur- order to ease burdensome statutory and “In-Q-Tel rently, there are seven regulatory restrictions associated with continues to active pilot programs government contracting, 10 U.S.C. 2371 evolve as a within the Agency and and Section 845 authorities were granted useful, effective three more to be launched. to DARPA, and ultimately the military ser- tool for the CIA.” Finally, the QIC and In-Q- vices, to allow for the award of vehicles Tel are in the process of other than Federal Acquisition Regulation revising their performance metrics to focus (FAR) contracts to firms that do not nor- on areas such as the acceleration of tech- mally work with the government. Under nology insertion rather than on the num- 10 U.S.C. 2371, authority is granted to ber of proposals received or the number issue non-FAR agreements, termed “Other of contracts issued. Transactions,” for basic, applied, or ad- Despite the need for continuous im- vanced research. The National Defense Au- provement in the areas of coordination thorization Act for FY94, Public Law 103- and communication with its customer, sig- 160, Section 845 grants the authority to nificant progress is being made in these carry out prototype projects without ap- areas. In-Q-Tel continues to evolve as a plying several procurement-unique stat- useful, effective tool for the CIA. utes. The effectiveness of each of these tools in attracting cutting-edge, commercial tech- INTRODUCTION OF NEW nologies to the federal government, and how TECHNOLOGIES WITHIN DOD each compares to the In-Q-Tel model, is examined below. There are several organizations, pro- grams, and authorities within DoD that ORGANIZATIONS THAT BRING were created to encourage commercial NEW TECHNOLOGIES TO DOD firms to partner with the federal govern- DARPA handles projects, each lasting ment and to introduce new technologies an average of three to five years, de- to military systems. These arrangements signed to ensure that the United States have met with varying degrees of success. maintains a lead in developing state-of- The Defense Advanced Research Projects the-art technologies to meet military chal- Agency (DARPA), Federally Funded lenges of the future. In accordance with Research and Development Centers its charter, DARPA investigates ideas and (FFRDC), and Research Laboratories are performs fundamental research/develop- all chartered to develop state-of-the-art ment and prototyping efforts but does technologies. not carry these efforts through to pro- The Small Business Innovative Research duction. Appropriately chartered DoD (SBIR) program and the Small Business agencies must procure commercial or 54

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