Farts Faprorer REPORT DOGUMENTATION PAGE OMG No, 074-0188. atv tne! Banaery 2004 Benual (17 Jee 2002 ~ 26 Tee 2008) Mow approaches Toveras tee Elacidation of epidersa-nermal | Eawpr?-02-1~0206 Sepcration in GuLfor Mentard-Exgoaed Kumen Gkia and Directions for Thecpy : Eie as 20040602 034 | 2280 aa Ridewizk, the Netherlands | etme nebo be0 0 [= Sansome rmomroRne FE SPORE | ORTORITE i ‘ASEICY HAMEISI AND ADDRESS(ES) [0.8. Army Meies) Resoarch gma watertel coniend Fort Detrick, Maryland 21702-50:2 7, SOPRA ROPES Origins) conzaina color plates ALL DIC reproductions will be in black and vite | aygeawad Zor Pubite Release; Dlatributior. Unlinited TS ARRAY Ta 2D WT [teraventeacion in hunen akin, due ta ex vive expamsre to MD, can be tacked ty 11 ‘ydroxamate-based ink:biters of Wire and relaved enzymes, Z| furin inhlsizer ad 3) | peavesgase inuibiLor. The observation Unstone of he bytevxnmite-based intibitors, 254, [Gan he applied unti- -th after exposure to AD suggests tha: non-ugent core of 39 cetvelties in pevslbte Daring pathoganea!s of ND-induced microvesicntion the expression ef lacinir-5, ore ef the key protelne in eptderma? dermal asrackvent, 16 reduced, However, a'thoug lantnis-§ ig tecget proteda for Wipe wad related eazjoes, these eneyast grr not rorposible for the Georense 1 lominin-5 gaprersion. Horeover, epiderasl derma] attochment in still posalale, in spite of rodceos anounts of laminin-S. Cleavage of otver attacknent prateine vhaa Iuntniaes by Iipe and relacee etaymee Pidbably causes the hcesk elweeo epidermis. end deme, -xpedinent of tke apoptotic cell death process appears to be alez very efters in uaiatalnieg epidermal-Carmal adseelon. The oheervation thet ceapere inhibitors prev Eeagrentatior of keratine 10, 1€, acd 17 in wD-exposed MEX may auggest That an intact | Jeytookototon of keratin filmiocts le gecentiel tor eptdarmal-dormel schorion, The Observation that caspase inkibiters provent fraencncation of Kerctins 14, 16, and 1? 2a aD-expased HEX may euggest that ar intact cytosxelezen of keratin /Llamants 1g exvortiel fer opidesye] dermal srtochmont futtur msterd, vesication, baraa akic ex vive. matrix- 23 netacloprebeinice inkiniter, eretcanias, apsptazie, human apidezcel Kerarinocytes. keratir, fragusntetic TF. BECURITY GLASSHIGATOW | To, SECURTY CLASSRETTON | 78 SECO” CUABSINGAVI —| 20, LITA TON OF ABSTRACT orneram ‘oF mie race ‘oraastascr Gnelacaifies Ucelzasitiog Telassitice i ised EH TEDDIES ara a av 257 AD awasd Nusber: DAMDL?-02-1-0206 ‘LTLE: Now Approaches Towards the Elucidation of Epidemnal- Dermal Separation in sulfa Mustazd-Rxposed Hunan Ski and Dizections for Therapy PRINCIPAL IWESYTGATOR: Marijke A. Mol, Ph.D. CONTRACTING ORGANIZATION TNC Fring Maurite iabozatory 2280 AR Rijewijk, The Netherlanés REPORT DASE: January 2004 WEE OF REPORT: Annu PREPARED FOR: U.S, axmy vedical Research and Materiel Conmaad. Fort Detrick, Maryland 21702-5012 DISTAIBJTION STATEMENT: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimicea he views, epiniose aad/er ¢indinge contained in this report are those of the author(s) and should not be conscrued as an official Department cf the Army position, policy oz decieior unlues so designated by other decumentation. ‘Table of Contents Cover si “Fable of contents List of ahbrevistions 1 Tenondustion 2, speci cto 3.Realts 4 Discussion 5. ry Renan Aes plishnents 6 Reportable Outcomes Cassone 8. References List of ahbroviations ADAM. AEC ont chats 20-PAGR DSi pri HD erp nse HER a re Da Kea KRM MALDITOF uM mit wor us so prs pt Rowe RNase SDS-EAGE race Tris A isinegrin und et Bamion-S-xjoaiban Visemtnt meabeaie -CholanidaprplialiahyLananoriol J mopane elfen ‘Tsnediensiona lyseremide cel slectrpsessie Trespibesmstene 1a Dihiaueis) Sutter mustare erste diheresidans Tea Sige poten ‘roan opidaral KerwSnonsts Teoelestie four ng Lnobilivg pT piadione ‘ilodilen Kerainooyts roth medium eraneyts esa edison ‘Maia assist aes descapionton ation = Micro atimolar Spree fight Mis ett Mass spacey ‘Molecule wsil Phogpkate hued a Ihoeletie put ‘Redvelom ceralibledetrgent saga Ritomzlewe Baling dx tf pyran gel electnghovess nove cecesis ftslgter couse ey “Triihy rong pameneme-nane 1 Introduction ‘Tho sudios desert inthis sent are past ofa esouc pvt (award umber DAMD17-02-.0246; aie lo obtain alagurte meal defease agus inuy eons) by >sparure tala estar (HD). i projer il clucidat> the mezhasism behind =pidermal ‘Ser sepia ia IB-esjoved tin kia ero lin a asa ergy again Mitr fecmason. Loss of ts ras"macntcompetsace othe basemen: mr: (ER) proteins postulated ta hea specific cans of HD-indacodvesisaton of the akin ad dietnboe. bance Trtoven odnaton and degredation of hots pesos has hocaaopgested contin Thee, anleru prove reruvtieaion, egiadatinn nM grote dhnold he dished saa ke pration vould Ee ease 113s known at BM proteins are specially degraded by mix metalloprtenases {MIT a Femi of enzymes at isle in narmalrortaer athe catrselol: rat ‘lene nd Steller Stevensen, 1999: Nugise aa Woessner, 1999)-Ta te ese studs, ‘ivione ints of MMPs tata on repel ty race AD-induced alcoves ast by preseratton C8 roe. Cn (a llr Ral, umsnece oF BM roins eu Iso bs obisved by sasuring hee symtess -inlucedepaerl cell at ‘ei eauis ahold up of protin sytbsce Basa en indiccions Cat apoptosis is nvolvd ia TMieduced ost iejns Resin ta, 2% en serra eed wehethoe Week ef agnosis hy enapase inbiiinn won Revs hentia ese vhs raitenance of Te 2IM. ‘Lainie ew kay protein in epdermal real atachacct. dit hs been éseize thar the protein fe ubte for MMP and slat eroyrien (ane ot a. 199% Pie et 2003; Veic et, 2008, Te vse canes inthe express velar § Flowing FD ‘exporeo end he porsbleetfecte ef nition af MMPs and carpus, ranurobstecberial rs al the prs patra af contol and TID-treuted ecliured (CHK) gle ayyoocet in revel ela cea ‘veuring ler MD exposure. Inthe rota profile of LD-expose LICK, esi Urgusesuf kevacne 14, 16 und 17 ware ahrere, Sine ragmention a cytoskeletal proens ert ‘apne, ae teste ehetheefmation ef tess Epmenes coal be peesend wth LW:0r of apoplosh. human spiral Rerinne 2 Experimental Metheds 21 HD synthesis HD har east 07%, 5 thesized at TNO>-Pring Maus Lahrarvy and hes a pry out 22 Exposure of sin pleces to HD vapar and human sox organ euttre uronn manemony shins oblaied fom easmetc surgecy wit informed wave of ‘he pie iunon mancmery skin has boon oxpasod to satureca HD vaper at 25 °Casing a vopac eup dovieo sx dsseribed cals: Ql ct, 1988. Ths duration of exposuo ee BD opoc wae fle minut, umes tare ndiatod. Oepsa cuore of naman skin ws sesnlaied 5 decid ly Wat etal. USS. Sk oes af 25 a were Acad with he onal sie denn in Kertinceyte hal wediam ¢ BiaWhinake: Baap, Verses ‘supplemented wi C¥Cl oa ial vonceatabi of 4am (EDMCas Il rail of (seo loser plas) and icubatee ot 37°C in an ctnagphere of Xin ay. Pos -exgoeeminenfation we fe 42h, ules tara dite ‘The MM oboe DS a fu! Dis bioock, Oxemd, UZ the ponsapase inhibin 2-VA- FAAK (Signa Aldrich Chom Zwijncrosh, The Netherlands), she MME LAMP 9 ato (Caio, Ss TDiggs, TA, Mion oF MIP 3, ‘esibteeT, Calhioehens, Sm Diegu USA) ad intbitor uC MME, 2 11, Cabiochem. Sen Diego, US} were dizoled in DMSO and date i gn clare ‘odium nthe deed final concentration? The final eanean an nf DMSO was aby 1% TlaeSwin hi ie RVER CHK (Baste ACY, Rural Silat 3 it est Besolved in ecgan elure mening he dese Bl concen 23 Hisologe awavisbin pecs wee se gvorigh at 4°C 4 24: parson hoophnte buffed swe PBS) They were sine iu 70% chaucl ull euleleg i unin. Sess wre sd wil earteaghtrinwtesaenned by Ligh eros Pruwugciphs were taken 3 4 dil crema (Olympu C5080 Zoom. 24 Fosmnnistachenetry roman sti psees woe feecen in Tissue Tek OCT exubeMiny compevea at Sp ceryetatsetions were coe prevent deren of Laminin iéas with eryceoctions ere ‘nencn named afar ening ar kp ficzsu-int tte acess ng. Mel Naeking wih nea-apife sets, cations so inubete oxen aC wil masons ee ae haat tie (claus GBS, followed by 1A baobnon wt ream tempercure ea biovuplced goat aat-merse 136, The irmauneperoxdate ezine was pevfomed using a sin horseradish poroxidass (HRP) conjugets fxd Sa nine--cthoarhana (ARC Slides ‘wero conxsmtined wth Raorecexylin and maonteé un see ernst sero performed by omitting ts primary acho doing the Fist ication, D924 seers taken by a gil sara (Olyzrpus C5050 Zoom) sever. 23° Rinanam epidermal kevatiocyie (MEK) enttare and exponie of HEB 1a HD Fis pssege HER oan en sf ued Fs heise ain (EGR Eee Farag, Vern, egw Lu sy ce celal reponse Yo TID, he els were exposed fr 30 sat, 1W oe 750 LE One dy ater reaching cufluencs, HEK sero expesed tH (2.5 reall ofa Gast Slater plat) min at 23°C Stk anda HE ve fea’ vain hy anes 2nd Giuled innusditely Uefe eve i KEM obi De dssred workig concen, Te find voncentrados of acetone in the ocabition ced wus 1, Folloving 2.4.8, 15, 2¢, 32 and 42 of eac-enporate incubation with fssh KO els ‘He enlnes we rene frie U mesons poljacylunide gee up oresis PAL" Tues dove well wb decaf estmeat were poole Te wey whether pocinfugrsots were do cleavage by oacpases. HEK cultuee ‘were incubsted th KGM conning 20 UX ofthe cenpaie- and inh Z-DRVT {POLK or 20M of the cuspaze- iehibitorZ-VEIDSMK, or 20 pM ofthe pataspase fate Z-VAD-IK (al cumpie inkisitees wee fon Sina AlAsh Chains etna, ‘ie Netherlands. Tie espone nbs see added 3h vio xe TT exp and dng the 24h parcespoare pnd. 26 2D-PSGE (Coll sveve solebilizad in U'mokd Tris bottx ‘pH 0] comtinin 1.5% SS, and the lysate wa boiled ineodl at foe [Gmina 98°C fie coning cw er he Ieee wore inerlatea for 2h at 4 with 100 aM DTT, presse ichibitr cosh (Complete © Mini, Rocky Diugnuis, Manchine Germany and DNase RNase (Roche Dispaestcs, ‘Murntio, Carat). Aer sonication hy fone muri of 5, pena Woe stated a 1 vchlaaaoetic aid Sn ioe el nto pert ith 25 8 DLL. ‘ezsbes rice wilt ie-cul auton und subsoyuenlydisclvedin95 BE orca, 4% CHAPS, 115 1PG puter ot 25 mv [YT Prem content re dae with fhe RAN psoeha any (Diva), Sanples of 150 yg poten ore les om 13 om trorabine IEG tps {Amershars Rinssenes Bjsteah, Roose ude, th Neila) oles feng 8 ie ut a 20° Cy 33,8KVb on ao IPGphceappartus afore SDS-PAGE, the feared BG strips wore equated, raced and alylaad'n 3 hater contin’ np Moe 50M “hicHCL pH88, 2% ST, 0% ahyoml il ier ID eg DIT or 25 mig Ioagcels nid The hens ee eae ese iene om Tanigrmons poly ndde gle 10%). "Uhe SOS-PAGE wus run ua eoustmt oo 2 .a4gel a 20°C, Gels were sti by amas spoctomry cmpaibie ster ezrin, ¥en tal, 200. Compursive analysis of sein pats has son serforer paral hy <3 900 arily by using ImcgeMaer 27 Fie env (AnerslansPcanca Ditech, Rosendaal The Meters), Tue each compris ut scat faur pow gel of ach samgl> ‘were ued, Foredaazes in pecs spots obs consiéaod a genuine difesnsze'n potsin eapresion we apache falling eriterine they shold show sindlae grate changes 2 capreaion inal exarinod acl rigieving fo: ue staple, 27 Protein identification Sines the pereantapo of suscostily emi ogg in go label wesume ose Toor excited gel epee sere ge biuCa: (edetber, Germans) irae sgecroneteeeuitcatn, However tir id of ited proteins ex nt ete hen buts. "Theroiess, we hewe opined eur pesinusl sed praedive fox pete idetication, specifically ith egard che wypsin some ad the rutin ype, Spot nf ives were exis and eut ue 1-2 m3 pieces. The paris wee veoshed and eehrdruted belo they wore digested widh ICD ng type ageing pole (revnegs, Leder, 'te Netherunés) i 25 mM NACA overnight a1 47°C kes (Gensen ot al. 199. The peptidar wows canal wie will fon wid sa wetacte {21} end ths extate we pooled al ded ina wacuuanvestellue, ene desuking the iotides weve dinsoeed in 39% fureae wend, Desting was permis with Zip anders uf CIS (Milian, Arete Zit, The Rather) Pie mss Fingeupink were date yal ated er suri uation (ALD tia of Might (TOF) MS on Bea er intent using -eyane-thydrexyeinnaric eid a he snairaThesezuling spocta geet of mates that st kad ino te Profound NCBD program. Ssarch eta were 0.1 Da ats aacuracy sr. wih of at eos far ype Busine’. The ProPoutd ene: “7-vai, nding tbe quay ofthe dative eet ecuks fad tobe Fighst San 0.8. The SWISS PRO du abate ‘utp eatenpasy ches ou) war se aol ineerasien en p, MW un emino ac cempasiin ofthe ier ed reine 3 Results 4d Effectiveness of potential therapeutic agents to prevent microvesicaton AEE aos In prsvioes exporiment, te efzctivs concentration of B94 n proverting vsomesa la Bea aa588¢ Feu a Lyf 0 igs. Ta akin, is aon bat RB94 canbe se 2 eae 8 hale: enpce sr tw ID ¢Mel, 2003), Ia be peel <i, ita vestigated whether 27 longer Lag times were alleed betwen LD expssure ad the agen af BB 94 tn the oracle muzium. wea lansing ths et fess he Iehiitou.Thor‘ore, BAS was alded tue organ cule noc in # Fn esncentali. of 2D gol dp Ma D,& 14, 1B aed 24 hater the ia af Ihe pos expoewre cuba [Mire its ehown tac 20 yettl BUDS canbe ds a ae os 18 alter expec ee UD, ‘eth eoring ie iibting ec: an epi LZ Bute ttledor Feria eomvort:pra-MAIP2 and poo“ MTL-MOP inte dcr activ forms, MMP-2 ar 1MT:-MaMP rxpoctivey.Aplisiton fa Fain inhibitor nigh Mersfosrednes pret epidernil derail vrurati of ski {somos ID exposure. The (urn inbitter Doe RVR. (CK ts been adel! Lo cle zusium credits be uno Se put eapuess uta, ia vooentznivas ol 25, 50, 10), 250 or SUM pi. ete -dopentent dation ot smrovesioutinr i obsersné “nthe prssonse of 50M -rin nbibior the epidsrag ane deri ofthe skin were ot tom pen (Figure 2, urn uit ise 1 SOOM 8 Wwe evan Sh tee, BLS Ini of MMP-t, 3, - and flavor 15 A yatznt oad rag ‘ohiar of MIME I, 9, F and 9 (N-AyCIONy | meszengbsnzenseatfanngT-5.£-dimethyl |S]. pigeavine-2-arbosanaieyae wht hy Destexpocuie eg cute madiun in eocertarin rng fea Oa » 200 wil Tis [MIP inhbitos igcoved epider dered actual i sig a“ er LID erpesare but fll roleuion agus: Hinducod microtsiowon sve at cahiovd ae Highse:comcetstion :ec2 (Figure 58.305. Th ohio as ws ba cove“ human Ski (it shaven. Fndet Sabian of MAME, 2-2, 2-13 Sobibor 1p A homophe-nydroxemic acid based besud range nuitor of MMP -1,-3,-3.-Fand 13 was add to th post-expeeuo organ clare median ineoacoutrations rangi fron 3. — 11k). A dose-dependent seduction of microvescatin was cheered ar tl potstinn sain EIbitdncod micensieann wt otcinndl with concevetione af Sof a pha (Figure 80, 3), Tas align ise ws wet tone To bu sin esa ALS MUP2NREPD inhibitor A gotenc inhibits ef MMP a 2 as MOMP-9 mag aed 1 Ga po espns vg calle atin iene atins ging sun 12-82 afd This alle apps? co be ond ete bora kia ul envenkraons of 25 yg! and igace (nt shown ‘Altbe pon-xde concentration ef 12.5 yeh the inhibitor as iefetve wid regard to recoction ef micrevessctin (Figie 30), S.A Panaypase inkihian ‘exec ee coll deuh of keinocy'es he gin eullre sca Pes seppeene ‘rian fel cages enayies, ZL ALLLIMK. be inhibit wis ued immiaately at he sia the prsr-ezpesosincuberinn, a cenceneions of LA 25, St 100.9208 eM belly blockee maeesuatluais user wtb 1M 2-2 aul ghee Ly aun, ‘bin adestan of mcortc sells fs obea:vod Usha encase ibe Wace 206 pA was ote roth harran sk oe stent 5 in HDeindduced microvesiction 22 Role of lamin “Toiasesgste wea changes i it Sears ae glace dig he Jevslopmancofierasesicss, naman skin pice hat were cxsosed for 3 rin te MD vapor ser excmind hinologica’y aed imannaisachericaly 14,8, 16,24 4 4B of pst ose inc shaton Hisogially ie: siges of epidermal cel death re seen at 16 baer naar, whan eresiarin is eve at- I postexpoone Figure 5, 3, $F, 3G ‘Tae imauaosheice’ ani, palen foe lana 5 sins tal anni i abel presat te athick fe alone Ue epee dere janetina in vutol skin (gare 32, ALS Follevirg eecaurs to HD tho ening incenity o aritin-5appcar te ho ed wed and. 1th Tet as vs hin ass abs sd Pape Hewaser, hon _ncroveseuea ts bled by BUDA, fr itor ux pone. fab, tbe expres lamciin- i oe inyaree esmpared sp aneated HD-expmod skin igure fi The ics th ar oni he fie session that ee nee Iara tre tei a bistulugia? sete of UD -exporel! skin det ee i Inbibilors ne mieroesioiunis cberved gw / 2.4. eas 13 Differential deptay of PEK protebus associated with exposure io HD. Ceamrarse quaitaiveansesisf gos nina at 8, 24, 32 and 42 Raf nenhation foowing wastes he I pM HT) onsale sais exqursi el were nab ihe ste MeL Asien saving aa sailing method, only proteins spo tu: consstnly show a secknsat-Sopeadsnt changin Imensiry ceampared ta cnn os nfzed a8 HD xpos eat. No diferonecs woes 1 palenu ubteined fra IEK expuse c 10D urtu 180 MTD, uber were clilfences cberved fo prema of elle that ere leet at 24,12 or 42 post-expone sesuts not show. Yoeratre the silver sane: ysosin expression purrs af HEK expeeed “2 106 uM HD ofszined at 24h post-expesus is aksn ax ypical- Tn tis proton safle several pos ate ehserved fat as related to MT expoas. Mos of Bem 473 Seca hs a ilb pLAS~ 5.5 an MW 20 30D, Proein paters of contol and UD-reaed TICE af 24 ‘a poe-exposne ‘hata found to be typzat for this arcu ao swt in Higa 7.The pxotin pots ha ae india’ wth arms are qualtrve renter alata. Th {ie pts es beets oubjtel eie t ngenperaneuli i he ‘eaten uf twelve uf bem, Table 1. xcept Loe vo, he tound pets were dogeadeion produce of th eytcaksht!kerarne 1,1 and 17 thet ae press én sndiffroncatedculusa HER. Spats by 9, h ad tar fesgnr is of Ie Thesis 1 14, Peptide mas “ingeay'nng of apes ad yell ypieageutas oa ated wk si auld caqueeces i the Cee! porto the rosa, heres the typi Hagens ha were beereliz spol gd and i ooassed ofemine acid wees tic oceur exclusiva fie 8 terse part of KI4 Pep ile ms izgeprinting of spots ay € and treveuled ta ey re Cas! Nermanol ngaxns of ype {eran IT (173, Spots unk wee identied (Cad 3-teemina tages cl ype Leal 18K). ily, spe a em ba oe, iesntlied us beat shook protta /HSP) 27 ‘The prtoee inthe ers msdiaa of the spose nts Z-FADEMI, 2: DEVO-FMG, ur Z-VEID-FMK dugg pstenpensee ucubaiua prevent he aypecaase ul the keratin ugcnts. The HSP2 spss fandmrorzincxszzed in Ca possnce cuss inhibits. indica tha: hee appeaancs is independsne of cespaie activity Geum 4),