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Preview DTIC ADA423196: Electron Attachment and Detachment: C6F6

REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE ep ea ea TERT COVERED Fram TOT Litigezoon Eaatiis TEA STE a CONTRA HME Electro” Aerarhmert and Jetwcbnent: C6? g 5 CR OTE : tig ee iier, J, #. vennorent, AA. Vigglans Be - STAR AO UT AOR CST ORERTCRTEN RE NE RSORESSES| “Fi Feo ORGANTZATONREPORT| arch Laboratory 25 wandoleh Road Hanscom APH WA 91731-9010 20040526 02 [SRR TOTS ROGET WATER NS ASOREDSS|—————"-- wear moron on 2c HTT | pet usenet SPORTS REPORT romero} AORL-VS-AR-TR-2004 2098 “EES RTA VATA STRTENERT Joneoved for public Releases Pisteiuecton malisiret seysetaaot of ChenteLey, College of Hedy craze, Horosster, Ma TOMETEO PEE) PHRNRIZSRZS GQURNAL, OF UASS SPECHROWTRY, Vol 232, up 67-73, 2008 ‘leon alco CF neal con of el cargpin yuna Deez the Beal 2 nn \Netareoudeinamuona cents letan Mache oC ate BET eo caine om pCO, E", techotempmate ange 207 SOD%n 125 Poet Wega A foming sero Lng ein (PLP) sqprstanaru rdw ML Sonic wcancr te comtzt ny R& 3m H+ behead dc ac con approval M5 A | teunpem wesc coats ald abou s0W "240 the aocbaedorhneat coleman Pip of 4 i.984 00564, Dendy untied esetcrrecroin a oi bl unis eta ote ‘mpi car Fe EAC CHRD) aka on mc lly oF DASteV. Te ase aly CP, 8 ‘talus be ase e298 asa das i. He expel che OED eee god wide 916%. Batre BA At igheneened 5 ORRET TERS Elgeron olieschnant Riecuecn detachrest Blecten affinity Hoxaf Iuorobensenc ‘SER CAESIATON ceascimer | orpsces [AT R. Viggiees REPORT BABS [= vifapnae | san 7 2 PE ER aS mass mes waa Faleav7-4028 = € usable ontne at scienceiectcor amenee Goinsore Electron attachment and detachment: CoP ‘Thomas M, Miller, Jane M. Van Doren", A.A. Viggiano™! sab time Rag iss es sae oe i fo a bo A 0 Aen Lester sneha nC ely ses bem of eg hana aay tao he nm Dy} od wou > ‘Wethemaie acts come ecm us lye esa eer dese a pan CaS Dirthtonpeomremnge 397 ALOK ia 123i pe A Awingentbgr c EALP ape a ai uA Bee thee ran coe le BBESD TD +a he Geb mst apne 31 A the ena inceases ty eres pi 200 ta 4, Te ceecncan ele ta ages ha i eon Mcp egh hos} L 9050 Det Seta eens ne coe tc wo ec Be eae nda aoe Lb oie uur hi es TGP, COPD aan ye meron nye M44. Te aii OCP lend fete La6e¥ 398% wg thc ue in, No cep Ps CPA rales be gen MIME. Ce (Bien Phen Adrien 1 Introdostion Hexaumbeneene (Cilz} tn an sletestng and cor walnut tnsegad tb fonnatio fe pre en Sn goes An ely tem ros peter reset bth elec ally eave EACCGFa) = 184 0508 1, nd ths rest mislead ater exeruoeues Ue Toor seein acer rt lead agen tat. To mals mares wore, extents conse gest ler pla RAC) > He Band <1 Be PL fn 1984 Adams tal. [3] m8 Spsvon nd Cristp ua >] seve hat age to ean Gipscedoned and dr tao devceee i the ate colin Kr eecnw cheno Uo Cat will enporaae which would imply a aezuite Caphysia actain ney feet sche "a 16 hen exphsined 1 comuncra By pit ot fle uainod a about the same tne a elecen ee fete: Calg ws they deching the wer elton at clevied pera, ar & te tar implied EA of 0.5 008eV TF Tis explain was wt innately lcm ago) 139-3 «we mnie 9 2 these Ae scceged SL, snl becuse of te scomingy igh EA of (akon cnsiaing tho ne vale of 08629. Stony wheroor, ia 19R6, Chewdhury et sl wed igh posure nae spetoriey to menses) ad feand 032-=0.202¥ 9-1 Jal wed Gar tal tele nent womb ike plate a det expertps. In 1392, Enighon etal. [12] contiml br eke descent cpio at povnge sxpetiment nd este ue nets fete dealer protes user Be tarsal ange 307-349 Much of he Kaighen etal war regrded ths cof woateabe oxygen igen Ph presets experiment hey etclaed tar pressor: exo tstrind eu woes spetmiacircaalec e n, sh ab the nf Syme an Cheogveu (5) and Chen fal [ewer anlely to be omer onze. Iv 3 face wok, restos belseen Oz” and Cy ere found te be eoliseual and led & fagmontnin of the Cin {Ds of he recone renting mee ste Ch po cet [F9| Renton helowen CyPy~ and Oy ee 50 dee Somer apd led © tral arangement of he react [3 Tae sry Bos ter ere 1998, Chen 6a 18] ro pul the CF cleo capt deters exeroest ot tained ES(Cyfeh = 03-4 1226 fon Maseasared Caton ion sign, Ta 1995, Chisophoran and Dashes TS wed dhe te seslve eee rn sia ih « 7H ins at hana aa en ENE BOO gh presse of Ne ber gas 10 meso at costs far bath etn lsh Cg an detachment rm "a ea cleeuon eneegies fre 02 :e €0CY ood tempenities Fo Tre STSK. An Abe pl fhe Aeuchwen ae const yieled aa aston ectey of ‘Oa772V, which wae ken ay a estate of EAICAT) ‘cand dar ame tne, Kikai e al reports! pA lecton energy yes Fo Che” hich they erp Ub gting FACS Fpy © O80:4910e¥ [16], Reco, Chon find Chon {171 ive inesrted ele ere deste ‘ete eing toeeecerie sae of CoP, Whee tron fing seen of 80, G70, aml OS5eN. Tose, [Sail yor [14,19] 0 NO and Op fo Chen's Lo Tey Sie in foe of velba spececeropc sks al 6 clary ong. ‘Thin point has been fre Tally mee ty Bevo e 19D), tin enlided dr a ‘cctto captive deelurtaswlenets of clstron ahi tps shell he coevened sujet tage and wok "We have cule i th “sts he eoromor: compet ce aur tance that he oars CaP atc Jive eon in an enced sate, an hjtion ainda ay capri supporting sls val of EAC) (bu ‘Seedy he eosin, seers el al of De fxgesiol Be buler gry sure 84s Mig eno: ht {heals and another they werent te sal eit he halo gas. The sing afew Tegan probe (FALE) expaciment cept Pere an cf Adare ofS ceme o low prsute He 3s ti wats cla along tis ne [2U1, Pte PALE ese fave ben oonscely ford iver wih seco, gue nas 27}. che ga pry ear aan heen rods face ie nner ad, he fei concentration gamely 30 fiona Teaiins enol a raie he wanespacear. oat tere {bee rporing hese sus fr elecron starches Ce ad dchmert or Cau the npn in re UEEACCGES). Asbo in Ret [3 ale vom ele tron denn co ill on Aarsnio bavi, Ti the pressnt work, we wil Zccant for entopy emg Toviding the imprinted ney ae, ae the fntegead apcii has of Cay ed GP, in Deter mining BA‘CsFy,Futeomere, we famed an ese Fanta and CMPD) calelaons of EAC) “The clecron-heam expires of IngSifsoo ul Le tegee24lireilreting murdering ston zh ra gy bosene dy swe as one meg eess trom, "he thermal eeperrien tha Ieee Rs aE [Shute aro eoogy sane, ging eet pte ino ovleyeenced Paluch xan sale te ao, inthe ection. To econ enemy hen een Wp by ermal ede: ofthe Ca ian olf rindachinent Iban encugh fortalitne oclisions Webitzation Atel too sonics well sve those worse i rel apr rent lesion Bea experimen coda ie opening st endotiemie dsoectve tachment mets, 2 xpevimenial method VALE aarims wan wel for is ode ar be Ac once Reveth Laboratory. Beth the meted (25 al His Duvet gorau [26] base been me dca a Bo Tewtae at wil nc be detailed tee, Tae easements pete cid out in 152s eps Tho CoP 20s 27 5 inreduod ioe te fom be a3 cones of ply 4a0ypby. Ao eel ul The data ohaied is shown ih Tig ts such a tse sere Atte deen dh cleeon atthent const an th dace rato conatt fe Ths reat each wenerate a given in Take T= 8t the se tng, me ease De -achient at censtct fir Sf a1 798K and ataned 226 10°F aes wich skvse whe ateutte ve 227. UU 3 10-F eae ‘M1294 D2. ‘Se ie Rt (29), and eatin phe ee ey deny ple is thus af ar clecven-deaching pimas stem fie cine teaches 2 éifsion tui ‘Henly sate oadtinn et lng Hes The erly prc af Ge ‘octom deat curve is conta hy by. Th kel of he Jake prt ofthe cuss edad By he Zn fh. ‘he enna epee dor deeming tha fer “phish he atncboen!foueny oy = Ayre compe fn rigatad to Ag (bth I ups of 27, bu ae han “he amigo eon dy toa wy he Taner being revs in yee of estat gs, eerste he pass ftvas kay hefee the sete eli yeaa ‘des fp ae sald Jab for cormaion hy {ses of ay vey Tn itecet experiments bees A {he amulet of Ar o> ee toe A) We noe at {heel a dependent or ce sense vates of he eae tram dency a ong at et elasion mab deat SeRoeE t : : E10 Later aia An meet Ab i rie yo 36 UE te a sin sf ee Spe 2 (EH ses eC an te TE ue wee Bam cmos te non ain mu te se {abe roan po such eal then te eactant con eaton That i, chapiog the ini lca dees ingly moves the curve ia Tig. twp orn a doe a hangs haps Ff, be a tbs ess Fe 4g ae iodepeoeat of m, since by is a wilt rat SOIR 18e CyFy eke these eonederains ao that St 2OEK the da Sve ke acaraly bit wot a By TDK, fe apps ths same magatade sp. sing Te lecwan decay curse an exponrotil wpesvnce ws eee fr detach ons wr sane de fe fife, AL Fighortrperutre, tie eve Jaks fa Tig 1. At il Pither temper here is much reir tan Be clecwon density cure is atl indisingustble from The anin cure heme ow CaP acess Me 50 rush ee ney dar the 2a elec eat eA ‘Maca iengh ukave any elit on de elston fecsity At 400K, we aust wee such ih eoncecatine If she 8x INcpr1 a he seat conde teveed $a ah a short eae that Boers iti fe Cierine lf soca ln test uy Be studiod mth he FALP appar only over OSE teepentue ng. "We have etic given te st of obtiing te EA of he etn om heel cunt if 29) The ‘equiv costar yields he res energy, SO*-T obtcn Te alge Ath, te ergy oF ret nes be kas “Them he EA my he obtained by wing igre beat et finest educe AP vp dhe metas tempera T OOK The neces ectopin ane sgt bet cag (eet le easwed,etonred of calenned. Th effet I-omaly noc ges ee of Vb sic fn detemunng At which ac cry ame bode of me¥. Tie D5). mde severest otain ex troies uo integral sects Hea. Size then, Re feo ribo routinely cals the neve emetins [22] sid hos prose a mue asta ae forthe EA of the rectn 5 Computation et and esl. “The G3QMP2) raed 130] sv aged 0 CES and (Cay in ander to cbt BALCH) For comparison with lie expert ule The tod is aca ox average Seth SGunV for alge txt set of moles of a= ately fac press (30) Ton expe, i xe fe he GBPS) A tobe wrong yee 10° TBE, Density nto thon (DFT) ws apie ese holes sonar cht: enuozy and beat capacity Ue. tides oreed 1 xeevty wera FAL? daa in ms [oF WACsfa) DFT export tn provide tase quates ote ancuately ti de re-take) thd Ral into the USB?) preanition haan cloeuon cocelion Ie approximartyatcounte fr in he DI Sines and ecu a igor baie wet ay be used than is spied Ih the BF petinn of the GMP2) reserpine the DET BAS ten tobe 02-056¥ to igh €eoting che bass set cel. The Cant O9W pong package we ‘ied forth the G2NMP2) and DFT werk decid bee 122), Toe sbi of he Seton use was ccd in eich gan, te. it an vere tthe motel cia ‘et ebver el ote lowe nergy watefunton, ‘Te GACP2| Frain 305 tho HF eho te obin zero-pinc energies ZED) on ee ery mljunens Crevbalhiet and hee entgce. wth harmon voraton] fequeeis sald by OB529, High tevel eneny ell tions eee on AOC Det geometry abana ing sscond onder Mises perurhason hear (MP2) sei ie BTC hala anal lecus. As cecsinally hsp wing eho GR cts. the HF geomet fer Ca tas ess gmt thn deste MP2 say 99 the ZPE faethe aon fe ot evel cones, bt en diferentes in the 20% ene the FA(C}4) reu. The DET calelaons leit tthe ZPE sue tects ECA ate Tice level thei hve! (MI ealulation wee cai ent fev Thg, CgFa and Co, CAFR afer he MPZVG-S1GIC Span pms a se cas “The DUT catenins were prt singh LY hyd acconal 3] and he 314330 beet CCaewted aroonic sibeaooalteyveciey oer se hy O49 [25] copies Gath rckeaarspmnccsgtza ” a ie ivan ama iSpy 2 HG 28 en a Mets yt cf CA Phy lt ae FA cos cose ber oe or ee com BBE ne aa het ite Bar ase " roa . eee to te im aoe eo as ue rein En Tea Sg an pe ha PRGA OS ERE Can be ny cnt ny 00. ae GeO Pon LS 46530 Yd a an ey 939, HE ea ‘ptt main ad BD Ioan als 2 er TET above anime ent eaecies wero calieted a eh Tenpercu for which cele fy rte cosa were ob fan. Vales cll at 350% ao included iTable 2 bong oh tal enevgice abt severl peomeby preter “Tg ot shea exp nae 2 ean ta Oe ‘ional erry chee etcen Cay and Calg shat ‘gsr tan he eotionenipy cheap esc ih ‘hs lage chung ny atin syne meer. The DI TEACCgE) i als gion in The 2, Ua eapvionss has boon tat vl be (L252 1b Bl Forte Bs St ws ere [36-A hough sad of DPT mths ir dt ing EAs bas been poster y Wins Kafe ea [7 vows (Fy is cbiouny completely plats i De, sym, Toe ms sible Fst th ealeuled mica Secure tat (nono ams a pst. 1 and 22 pod abv the merge carom ple hy ahowt 2 {Toe C worn tn whic ese tn F aoa ape bl he ‘eyo Blew dhe pane in wich the ean four (.2. 3,5) of 0. The es an ie plano to, lily Flow that fie fone pana as ions, 5,208 6) Sven tne leva omer] peacters me ser a Tetledand the Cslq_ secures shown in Rg. 2 Tho HE suc ot CaF ha the Fst at psion 1 rong fee ou ott verge chon plane han the Fae a poster “The Cy anon rte yen hee Sonten wi at elena 39 seu ago Soregalevy ot a [92 ah {Ea eaeley Feceks oa 9) 8 Trea at ‘luca Tv a8 ESR epeezun 40) as cece in Wa: cr The GMD} energy of CAE" wy calelansd (M6 56807hereee at UK ad 93655044 bacwoe at 208, fiom whieh abs the ede ity nl CO 24a OK} or 2heW G9EK. Those wales ae = weet: ec pm Tobe Fae pcs ope sonable agement wih she experimen resto Mizu ra 44 1264 ico uncertain phen 4, Dicwsdon “We nore tthe symmetry change horbecn CaF aad Cafe Sys porte ne chm pees: Neural CGE has Dry prey (iD a ection] pron mune af 12) whe Ge anion hs Co genres (uit a eatioal symmetry see of 2). Eis degree of songe hs higi'y nos and the conan es 1 ie fEntggy change fo elcror staccato he ‘sonversun fra a eared equi coat a BA Sas Aother yf hag Mio su that ese were change in Symmioey Betren Cay ad Cate {he detcten rte oon sual be 36 ties gee han sere at 1ST! 4st st tsi af Sms 2120S ” sfeson eaters creat Fig 3 A worn den Sache fcc bf Cs Set The weaured h sabe QO 20 » 30 Mans? a 298 ils sgl bm han toe ese Ada al fH sig the tame meted they oboe 1.22» orem 1 3ONE, Spo sal Cannon [5] oo ea omar ala cdr estmeanclectam nergy af ‘Base al gas temperance oF 00K, mt bigh res oF 1p Atcaning Whe ela ear nel of Kes FE) thi A pesca about one negate ian fred in evry ttre clu bln Cy at lin Tai. 3 ae prsent es or (oti n 13a ss} tanpaval tho Rego: tal [12] oknaed 2 GTR CH gn tone of Cheon ant Darke #15] (lmined in $0 SOD¥PGN; ge) The Iter e515] forespend to mean elccon egies ate 00% bl the tonne appear oe indeaden 0 eeu00 HEY therange 020-0380 Ds sr Re [79 ey fevered pendence sien by to) ol -(8)-(22)-Cat)) & ‘The leew paths ey ten AS” in dhs a-pomen: of hs exponen combs & fcr of Fhe Tending vormertre dependences #2 a (Nk is Belmar’ cao, Zi Lech aumbet, Bis the elon aint oF Cal a DK, hy defaion) AF 6 Theenttopy change dus telecon tachment, and By — fa he feral eney eres one tue Ihe PA resltes OK. The Tespendensecf fy ith completed by Ua cmt ply her nen sh 3 ho beat epsces ofthe noua and anism To ee pen: ve Ganges sey lle Ue nave ere ae seceisle es. EACala) say be obtained fom the mised by and saosin he iva ot Eg 1, th de ion it Re, [Bo] fa eras of AG at AV”. An ample wl be given far the 30K dita sige erage lus rum Tale OF UAE Oey apd Ay = MOS The RATYPGALEGGR) De exculaion yoked canepy nd Stealers copay sles for Da, Cas and Cas Gabor ven in Tah 2 Th entupy ching siason) ~ Strout ~ Sshetoe, © AS =4686— 4228-0281 KTANOK fora nec como cbrage of 207 me” K+ The ered eat enpcties ela contedhe"EAT at S501 a Uve Fagarok) are arate feseeammar f someanar [comioner ® By = ya TS 4 AS — STG na aE, % ‘heinoshemical quanti forthe ehetme a expec wing Bekoroamn sts fren Td out in ie JANA ‘ables [87] The nar change fm itgrted heat capacity ‘Sonat 380K. The Sal eeu ong tee oes By {0 & EAGHGi = SEne Ott Bemetbercal ance nth se umes are A" = Me at Bar = ~367 meV 9 ASC) Sir anal efda or ‘whish opimam sation: okay, separable Ay ad Tul ger Ban dp) si wan aveage vale BACCaN) (540 Os re. The uncertainty i cee byline Fowl fy ake sine vlc ad inlingadinal et fied unsenang fate keermize rel viral a pusible ers the esevared enrng and het expt ijustine BA ls ony a ogarthic depsolerce fn heat of ftp yy BA sae Soest es fr dhese uit, Accuracy i the penne cei Poet ie portant, buts ssi atin ors ath ‘alte enlegres on pate Hea capscin aos BA Eth fastncoFaac¥ lve Te et he seen oe ‘euapate gre, DF sr eaedaies fF, OFS, fad 8% re corgarcd to thor inthe JAKAT wes 3). Geral pening ve ound tht fe ng te lal, Thee the green ecwete DIFC ad IANAE. Pe SF, the cloud enon results ae good win 2% ia the temperate range te een ei a the seule = repre eat capacity agro din 9%, Oaly iferences ‘etvesa newt un adem enupies siege ht ce ucts cee Im the poset HA deerme, and these ‘rence moun a Heh cbr individ ats anon, Teen se esl alloxan oely aoe 1%. Fur ‘thermore, case alse nue ly SH he BA, salve Tn, atcotaiin In dhe alowed eral djs ‘ent are eelibefsohe us EAC) is cone. » YM ier ans am Spt 28 0S omc hope BA, Deny vals eneusod wing st EA are outemr’y serve hacuraey MEA, In Te. 35 the tise ns ae evahious of Ex (1) rch case oop ice ie thee lab gaa es Tine passing oO (he peseat /ALRIj ale ue BA = S2Dme¥ Hat for Be ‘ORNL 15] es BA = 48402 alt fre IST fh (2) ones BA = SO7rme¥. AI ce lings ere ale Tak sing eu 298K val oF, 8.6 6 10-Fems | ae tie nd est epee celal wing deni Fane {onal tory, Teese entries and Bea eapocis oof ‘nse, lenge depend, bute et ele thea tne ofthe exponen in (3) changes BY onl FeV ver he JOD-S7S rane oe drain Fa. 3M the ti {Ee ORNL nd A da ee pubic te ln civil uf of LO. LO"Fam =e asaes ths dat Te ‘esl he dated ees tn Hie i ger salve (Fhe te EA valent baie sigh by 0a Hoe {RN dy 3 me fer MAST a) a oder ke he Tse pte rough the ceil of he specs dat se Altlthoncaypurct BA values are whine 10m a ‘etait eetinse fv the SAD-ne a ded fom te ren rchrcilSuchien! expec “Tosi, respect sal peaking eases AG? at eah tomers, The terrain ut HACE) depends on earopy and eae, quanes which ast ‘enue eaetere. The envepy na eral het capa ig for he leon are svat ie allan sates HSL. Teeny and itd het expat CaF fe APG partly coool excep or ie kaon efoto Secon pi deyensney aol toatina sari manbet ‘The quate sabcaet wing DTT irtics 434 meV i provement wor a ne WOU eine witout Ie el fed quanies, uc vas dour i Het 28). Teal dn th eternal guns aoc the BA. deeiten olay tee lve, sot is appropsinte w easier oar TAK) Ht 1 15e¥ tse aap cxgesinat oe. 5, Condadeus ‘We lave made meabuoen of rite consis See tron atachment Cle ant ernal loaton dexasint Hom sh parent anon. Py. over Le enpecare te 294-40 Kan (31Pa n He pae In an PALP appa ‘Ac 208%, the eoedon atashnest rue msi Ay 630% 10 Pen? | and ihe daaslent ae comet Igisepnoxinataly 357) Thi dae alii over i recs [4S at face win Tite Ae te spore nesses iy teases pi a vale of aboot 30008 a 4006 "The lng chang ‘pintany eteN Cy and CAPe, fmt Da, fo Ca, fang ta surprest th detache proces frm wha one seo gu ae le the a lero af. The sacuncstetchnes equ pes ht he eer nity ut C3¥, S24 OMEN. eit funetoal ale Taine were cai nto ors abn eatopies wn hat apa acodi 0 conve! te egibum eos in EAC) hue nel GME enka glk im leon ainy of 0434 on 3 Mee tty fa aR ol L2GeN a EK. tn ut experience, the GACH) revue ae oe rn 1 ‘Note ated In root hie this publi wae in pes a through here ics sty ofthe gh ion peared FA si apis tele psc pochsone regard i a, 2) 3 ‘ths enon, We stoul sss tenn she pe adilss ey of elocman sachet CaF to 144 Xe by Th ‘Shimane ta: ‘Acknamtedgements We dotiite thie work to our tind Prot De. Tan Duk Our pis loosed often wid elem att puncte a8 eonfcenes er letrsip the pre fie lon Phys nla atthe Unnesy ofIresrack as some an inspiny pice 0 vs ‘We ae wate oe spo ef be Ait Force nen af “site Rea for hz wurk IMD. was a Natens] Acne uf Seinces Seni ising Floyd ete Fh TSCM. undercoat 98D 99 C0060) ‘ih Viiyae Tne, Dealing, MA, USA, (me at, Men, A. ae Cha 9192 RE ae-e sh A te, Chem: LA Bie ant ee ze Cam Pe aM) TIN anne We Yet Gis BEM, he, 2 ta) Le Cen 9 Chon ye £4 rR 486 [Showa 8 coma, te hatte) Am Cha, tin a i Harm a Ina Gi Blo bri 1 foe Cho RH 5, 9 ta ome cas re rw lb uy ee eight Papi. At a i BE Eee a ear 7x6 Sa meaner ry 38 AG ISLA. chsmtno, ae a ag Seo. Pe U6 A Sinn tga, ken T Suge: Dax an tan Rm Bas Rage Cher ge Lt Lim tent, he. Cg #982 EI. {ae ea ew rh, el 0 LUM EA. ten BER, Chen 8 Ty hw A Fe 169 con hi scng We abe Ek ent ae con Bi ae Sin 8.67 ee 29 Tee tn toon A Msgr MD. Mag, DAE TH Way arta AA gga 3 See 8 nD rd vee Fane st oan 18 0 3 Sih 7S Ae A Mo. 8 95397 ibe Tre wre Ss nao aon Ch fee 1 shel Sythe meta nse De TAE in RA Me AEN Ml A eB, Tht spec, ones 8 87) Wo {Sloth reg, vray ® Bs AD Sern een 80 a ae Ce Siig Hy OD Hn ran Se i aan ene She ee fo EAC eBASZe ae eb oe Savon (1S ston a xe 07 th iin wou Bao} eI Gh ewe owe ie M2 GRA inkcmin “ SE Me, ab 3m Pp Eile 3 ame Mil Se ee 28 I Sm tisomowe Ose Yawes Chim Fe ee)

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