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DTIC ADA423092: Collisional Electron Detachment From NO- by Rare Gases PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA423092: Collisional Electron Detachment From NO- by Rare Gases

REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE NB No bon 188 Haoeucaeuerr | peeve he SES COTERED PT peesiety Boe birrme an sue = Sa CONTRA TORE TREES, con aoeactnent team 20" ty ware cases picearre— “——] . era ——| ii ATRL EL PRTIeeT EE FE sone RAL Viggimo, ©. CLDew*, B. Howmet an i a | [perc ORTON HT ARE AOERESOTESS PREG ORT REPORT Hes ir force Roaenrcts Laborotory 35" prndolp tome fangcom NPB We 91721-3029 SFR HSRTERIRE FER RETR ROCESS} "15 5ST ENT] | ares/essar 1. SPORTS REPORT nine APRI-VE-HA-IN_ 2906-1096 [CS REONT AVRR ABILITY STATERERT Joprored foe Publig @sisase) Distrsimiion Unlimited sarona, povldee, CO; Hab de Chimie Theewigte, Uniy de Marae-la-Vallec, Chowme sur Maene, [-s suPPLeNEWTARY ROTET TERE Ree TNTINTIGMAL GOUZMAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY, Vol 233, pp 45-69, 200 lo ei reef ston dew am HO i cde Sacto Be wh a eemiad of «10 awh a SDK, Ta Fae ey acco iayanh NO (= 9) rato eed NO” (= ‘edi tice dead ean. A ne SAE no oui nao ronge epee aon ‘encore casa Pea Nt I reo ae et spr a arday Tes eyo esi (Gonos Sewer Alls ere [SS en coven 20040526 028 Wibrat iwoal energy toaster | ie secueTycusscanon oF: {LORTRTON WORSEN | Ga NNaE OF RESTORE FON Seamer forpases” [av a. viagiann REPORT ERSHUCT [eras PASE] sr. 5 7 TELEPRORE MINDER aes ‘byctas teens Srna ee Sauce AERTS YheHRE 200 LOBS entionta weaned in — scinnon Goineert nis at itavie sete fst pm NE — Collisional electron detachment from NO by rare gases EE, Forguson®, A.A. Viggiano, C, Gillery®, P. Rasmus” nacht ten ar Atl ope or eiermesanens letan dcerer few NO™ Ws WN al soca dee am are yess Te meats hae ede 9 Heder Ar 8 cn of TO rE a OOK Ta [pea pclae eins ty nando NO (oO) ibaa sees NO” CD, lone ty mntnchmene The ae pan bak Li Teli hry wr ne oe of ore br. ‘Sunni be NO. rains pl we Ne aed Are Ken ae Kee ens deed I Laer los [naat to sieiaic ry nibernge apace lini txncar gener. Te paul enetse wal cmie ceast ‘Renseecny van cones do liegt NO (ml bre cso he re Te a ‘negara che er ison of Lana a apa Bdontkener RE Age ered Lntewdctine Cosford detstment he weakly hound elocwon on INO” by He Ne, Ha, BO, CO, COs, NO, wnt Ny woe epored in W723 ROTEM A NOEM Ee +0006, wi Re consats ee dsved over the femgerte ie JoT-s08K eeqote, Kc eneey ad IMPS éspsodeot maies of NO™ decent by We, Dr, Ne Ou Cally nd CoP weve aden awaiable eperance sclordion dow driktube 2% The sles sree The eeepten of Ar dha al gach dtachod he loco sahty rail The rr ostnts were >10) ons a 405K, Ar sufcely eisen at easing the coo non ha ios wxod a sno ae ga, they aking he sues pos Teeny lamperane ietesed he deastment, £5 2x- sce for ctdotermeeestone, The ferent dee eres ond be renmly nro hy ere Has SG 46 Talnlehme sea repeats ns ssl energi avn luge ta the 2 ‘thermic of Some [3]. The atuation ena tare bosib fen 48-0 for CO a 107 me fo 820 "The rift ue rele ound NO sell ib N30 and (Coss aw temperate. compan of repeat we Kina onary depends shone tit being inks of ‘hee ccs ree he Stent RHE Ay aM 3D etd raed (2) ‘The low decane rile uf Ar computed w He and re onset. He we propose rene for tie dtvhinen, hae! exsiuon follawed Uy 21 deere. The mechaniom was iprelhy te NO ‘hceettment wk of Morya a. [4] ao seablisbe Fi pivnkiachrnalpracas co he bina env ation folewed by eutdtactment. Thy sv erie he [NO sien raqctey Ia Ye 12E4 = LOee:"! nd the audecshrent “etine for ND (@ = 1) eS x Ins In adition. 9 reper fr he is: te a grants sre conta” for Az dicen! at SOK a analy de Ie an Re ule wilh the Landap-Tefer ode. Thee roel oasis of the NO note pm peal a ‘roar uid shown 1 be ens tb fie peposed 2, Rxpariemal and corte) anes ‘Wie sat of te espera discos in thi pu per ne bora rp roel (Dee Bie bee 9 Furae weasbronsits fr NO detalmet Ip Ar sce fh ae cone i ery sl Tas Me tbe eur smoot at uum lenge and shove ea ely be nade it [arsine ths gas datach de lec rap. econ. fh aerate bod needed nature At draceot fats We se usenveige nebidina elect i Mr abe {GIPT) to teatue te Ar deca ye enue. De {he inosine of te resliog, a measaremcat eld only ele a0, ‘The apc i sete deal lcaee 15,6] ad only ens dels ae gsc Wor, NO" is mle a ‘Seaton pact spre fom Ns. he ian is se se lected nl fet in 3 Tat Rom of Ax, Boe a SID K, tngh of tbs NOT musves ee leat w the foo the, although toe signal mutkeably weaker at high eee lures focaig toe dachaoet is occuring. Noaral {SF ecknguce owl fiw woh Ine crest Tron, hus been we at rec wth NOM sms excel hy charge taneer [1}.Thereore, ang ‘Onn he fo be in age qumtes even he NO fate Gy inthe sing ae jet Ts Or geal meu A he ann of NO™ that vies tothe ect ‘Ung sever ijl he AEE. SUT Ba sree) ls Fee deamon of tezae costae ox detcie pn af such diay sown Pg wie the oe Upsbea, Syste ie aanme fo Be a€ t=O, Asal cameton 16 Ahr sgl for a fockpousd 0,” sgn due Wo fpuctis Sto Ar ater has Reen mie, The export spo o {Ge NO decry wih tne ued by At oncom aon oth 2 nts cost Meitvngthedera nthenase come ‘unt yes sir rte cowsant ad acer He fra At Kw tenperaczs, NO™ paraly survives the engin ofthe om te in bln aller sa ats 2 rate onsite eae. The camo es omaant Fe 1-02 oi’ oy min ts Ts Dy ene Me NIT fee He detachment are sgrosucnt with the previo dla fora NOAA win caprineoal ever (905). Abin, RECSDAT? 7 eleulatons af Gx He, Me (Ags NO HA095 pci ctr fection, (PER) Rate Seen nade in cede 10 lend sop Tr the proposed irechanie, Mort of de sleatone we fr coliear ousemies, The NO bone Leta as Gua at Ss Ite ve of 23620 abr [8 Me wed he ange ‘vslavowsoitet olen quale 20 basin a of ooaing and conor [9th a callin he PRO pragans package wee ed [10 Ie He NOW Be ‘omplr alse the iwo.tovenlana! DEF was calcue Jaobi coetites. Siar exten caleuions fe al asco nce and waa callow boand es ae being pei ad will he spared evwher [11 3. Reuland Acton “ase 1 shows the presen Arts cotta 500K as ‘wells peor natura for otras at S06. ak ‘ell a he ucthon eames and range perareaes 0 be (sae be Foe tho mable ass, ih step the peels table appear wo deen irate etna approximately tm one wage Thi easel xt 29 sty Inetord effec, The uation series ft He an No are {Band 9 eee [1] No ation seoale bs eocacted rer etvation erry ae in chose 1 100, The ovarene of anemoo energies hel in excos of the NO elton aPiniy [13] Ow af nck as 2 factor of $an thatthe proves nso eta simple oo lisieal detahrent. The vaibliy inthe action coe jet mol rib Gta pero sue it be ierespmnable, eg. He and Ne would Re wxjected we ase indi bes. AV love tarps. asciation cba aot a son for N20 al COs which rela aes turers for Binge rections. Ae shah elo the present alli sca ures Ps. 2 abd 3) bane au tar. ‘The pone forte reacts ae esinly dtorinod by & ‘hye plas imerocian at ong range a repulsive a a Pigrlarae rar ce ho Stata se 3 Ee i i me at shor range Wi) Vin Je Wl ini ct iene Aleraee. Fs adicoes mecha ler hasnt ‘collin dentro is reile far NO~ deachseat ee we prune weston shan of rina exc ‘aan fled by auteeteboen ‘One dstingcshng fir he nie at sas. Ho, Ne aa hee desea of hi ermal velo ioe: ing mass, The angzes the exphration nay inlods con ser of the Aalete Principe us eo Eee "2, ‘sorte probity of azon-ibotc pees heaton ‘icin nts ce Soca wi he goed of the ap plist peuraton. Inte presen cut, Pe peat 9 a Fl a" * a cy Pym 1g 9. Ab poi BO aig wT Mead Ae ie Scar apronen EO oe pee BM am a collision, The As Pict is expressed vs TL.15] svhete Pig the probity of he peat occa, AE's ‘ie ens exconye he lathe etc is Paces ‘coneut, a sth ange proce or Be reps i fermion sepcad an MP? esp 7/2), 8 sd appOR- Teno a bgh eqegy: Mae wet aces appa of the alot Princ it ha Sandan muon [16] Fev svg quenching of acces by sal nor poar ‘ooeules, Rerun spens,Pintgcie over Brean iinetion git a ecabliypoperdocal wy 73" ‘Mee eos th Landau-Teler eption as a et Re the propoud vt exciton adetasteat eh ris Toe apleadon of Landaa Teer tery ral ‘sain eqs tome iio. the wadltonl appi- ‘alia tar boot tv ietiend goeoching, ction rel ‘snc are raed bythe Priipleo Dera Balance. ForNOM (1 Me ton be reps at NEO 4 HOARE ENO U4 MeL) o vith KE} = KEa-+ fe (159m. See te forward ond ese ates sl bee an eae _ INO OL Ise] ~ NOTCH) Aer ene constinis nthe et The Principle of Detailed Wlanse har protioa uppetisty uly in soy Cite ces ei wih olyaae farts the exotic ee Toa nigh il exces protic Uusly denna detaon owl wot fe eno aad In any cave Wel et ‘eevee ths conditions in which he Tesene reton ‘would be mee fn oe preset ens, ou paste fy an ould far tho NO “0 Be ighly roam froted in the wtetiont excision prove. HOAs, "hi yt kl especialy i ight he zettely weak sory foun pocail, sown in Pig Soe ke tnd foe se eg He geld CRO ated AEN. fp stty De Landay “eer eelatoaip (sich wes fy te repro dependence mut astute ‘a dots Inthe shveoe Ff NOW (o= U) madecre ie ‘Rage srs thi oul te the case and eta calcd tute of quenching scuNt mt be leet hy he presence oF mutta “The cepilse poem energy range pierces we vet ve Landa Teller ag, a, o yscero0e o share = dua, is ho sedueed ashe ve ‘rational even is Boles cust a aid fangs pci iy He) e-? Fig, tae he olson] ‘Sze ate cones fr NO wih several roll sere, Le, tarda Teller ples. The los ae ee a 1 fev ne Fy of We Serra 23 208 9 Vir igh the eprint Range po ‘ame eed fo thas are ted Table Tey Pal Tene 0.2 la A enc arg aes ne foe Ho ‘ese el, thse we agproinntes what i expel, leaking suppor he hraonalexctationrchunsr. “The ege rane ke opcly 1-03 8 sige solos [127 A vale of 8.21.4 was obtained fem he ‘esate wusishing of (= D by He nbs etc reeyrangsO2-D:be¥ 31K Tie sagan y bi fe elation yng range paraneters of upeoxrately Th2sir2¥A tnt encgy cage, wi sigh acumpy of th pail U8 Cheng el a [20 Fond ange pararees OPOLISAter MO -fleand0.7: A for Ox?-e fon x tering ht, sed 15] linea be of ae prot er {wie ware cfneunals obi ny vil coctcens, fil in the ~O2A compe. andau-Tee pec for UCN {sh uring by He yielded a range paneer f 131 A [BAL The any aegtve on pen lei ange par bes hove heen deride toes fr CI” wh le, Se ae ‘Ae The ange punts se 048,138. a9. ese {vey [2p The toemee Bo sols ae eur ekve the see ales far NO “rhe alate Insraice OF dhe ceplsive range eae tor flona fm bron alate appiaiy of he ‘Seven nat tel vgs AES oe a snd Bob's [24 expres or = o shone 4 aud Zs tothe ata nubs of the cu tng ‘Moms 20d te Es Hot ri, 058A. For anal Z, Thirsty ingest ction lead ong rameter vale igh let bio ao, In boon une. ing of Net Ge 1) by Hl, eqcatin 4 yes a wor of (025A ae compa fo wile cf O21. frelon reaTeler pi [17 Th show He ua he Boke ‘rpetsion av ough vie “Te wowihn fn ana TSle ior tsar generally co-isteicEehvir) tot te calla Cr ne ge ‘aly peterson he inpulsve and nec ios Lag ved Eells oomlees. Un een, Ue ely i sees to show Lumdiler tebinnerecoedauenchig Be ES 7.1824). Ths ie a eonsoqunos ofthe low pai iy voling» sale sitive pote, wih preven {eaison sures Town fining. Anak eition fe toring complex formiion i wisn he tive Denil [265 Thi psu vest cbe pass of {ransatiool energy conversion to oneal xl en. feadng reed connor ict. Reveal, NO" a) ‘onorbing by Arb ls Been Kor Tau Tole tne ling range parser of 0198p of he relate ge porto 125 a tt f , Pear “The unica of Landao-Teller them rogues be resents ual in alata an xp ri rl ors In erga it id ‘faces ee elle for NOT cling with He, Ne tA The potential are abun ngs Sand dnl social i he paraccteeeeUtl nih 2g. 38 and babes potent for Hear pooch > the O and N ator r= frecively. The strate wel ue NOW wih Ar alaat 5h nes Irger thin tat wis Ho and No. Ove ema ute that he oleate of the nie wnt Glow he sane trad 1.20956 toe He, S986 Tr No, and LAID fr Sr fel walns 0 10° em?) [27 Toe elec ciple soma ff NO™ (eae tthe ecto ass has heen cleared fo be O1ST a The segue charge tail lovaed on thong aor. The dept fr eal oles min tue oe: appreciable ihren or Bosh peste anette Singh ey shallow he NO. =--L let portal exit oes nr wl i her weal fo sc a ‘rey Und tut, We deta bath PEF campos Di ie wets ISO CTD compen (2) have het equ fhm srt, the dsritin enray Dy ofthe lorest The canyons ony about fen | by comprise te sare than Gideon tbe messy charged Ar comple Fig 4 shows in wes eal he pely pure ft of toe tent fe atom approach, he Ite wet cpus putea aen o be ey expat dsm ebegies Erle a. 159 the every assay to wbraiily e (Ste NO"), The dheoeice singe preter ar coupe, {che derived fom the Lalo pes ix Table and [ne hte ange exited. Howser, te ager I aly Siwiequanet, We eve wonned dhe wollsio to te Ha ‘caren terive pres Oat Linear osskus nd or he nosey momen sie ands cad in tavved sce eaten cng concenaed War Peshasawesknesof L.-T agpeonimotion oie Adi sate Pcp sith et tal de Tits eda ent experiment rel arinally inte naoaisbae Teeime, f, having coon doatos shan wwe 0 the virion pei of NO, 26 « 10-H5, The mini sien ecegy cols 0 steal exsitafon, 01S9e, ave ellie dines of the one af eli. ss than Oi 10 fs The nn cecuve collvon tiger ene secu shor Honever, are curling argument fs the oppabiiy uf the Alahalc Pisepe (bic of couse Sore grad han de Lanu-Teler teary Hert 0 in indiatd ine atmacve potently svat Fig. 3 ‘Tae He ant Ne potetal wali ae ry sal cemparet the Kintera of dhe cllsooe sad ence Po ta fins wl be oe the eee pal. By oo feat he NOM Ae portal wel mae deeper thn 49 Ahr ebay, noo-nsleve eolis il ecu, pet sis Iping the errno ashton, Tasos fn the smaller etx obser for Ar detache nary a be we of Lande ny sow etic, singe i se on de quale sae ‘Nie Adithate Praiple intepated over # Malian ‘vy ating wc ogres approxbearins i De Fnscation [2D]. Novela it hae proven renartatly access er any yma sihlingenegy dependences, tv lad), For oe popoe, we donot pets ne thn quliatse aneement. Our rin pl is ho ha fe popsed mechani of vrai! eetton tle 1 medomshneat is gute plusibe ‘Sofas Fave dianed only cane gat deter, shoxgh daa exit tr other mtv. The spe plete iv rte ne yanecocany doesnot appt several oF fh melee std. As mentioned se C0, ae WO fae known lo aac wih NO a Fos empSFaO, hing arg hod complex nd terefee De wwe 3 ly rep eulien der nt apple [2 The dog iegy cI 0 with NO~ basberomepenetiobe0.2e¥ [9] Jr ene he elem daacnsnt won be nota ‘onedliion iia wal ebb tut nana ro ‘ves eof eco i compen [1 Simul staaioos Iay apy t fe other mole epi. the otto ase tren ROW -+NO = ONNO 40-5 42009) [22] exodonne tac doesnot occurf11Wih the organ tes sprout 38 G08 1899 ° cfucye of NO™ ne knova ta be on th O to, tis ler tare olsos capa ald ave the orm KONO™ of [NOON ruler aa ONNO™, sngees' 2s planaion pr ‘ald preciely U1 After argciont fic te vtraonl exsnation-a dtckment esha cans fon the wrk comping Kinetic orgy ocernperacze dpetleries 21 bar esd, tina found ht brains eesti of NO and COs fenced ae itive rate ander fag. This would he dae VV soegy minster gral 1 fhe mere efficient Bon TV enigy ane. 4. Condusoas Hes piso arguments Ua ice NO oolisinat setchmen a tretep reese of ibrar) exit fer followed by wundouchent, This appears te Bo fin such Sraiple Appcaon of Landau -Teler thay fdomondcie the apotisbiis of Os Adabate Pint flea the weaoaa exciation Jeo. the worl (ction-antoltviient aschasion 3 severly Tita {plato sgurg an elcran aii wo hoes han the evan energies, for esunple Os" - ould raul ‘lp qian to eich de econ, Mow weakly tool Specs moni te suena ter 2 ‘alelaions of te ND” snere'son oto sid He, Ie, aad a ame esey comsisert ih he oe pr sed hore a1 apcation ot Ihe abate Pango of Evens! bx puta he a ito pote fo colin ‘allen at aowm o be repulse ne rage of ee ‘ee reqred fr NO™ siratona cxlatiog, Le os ‘que forthe ren abtic nao epee. Foe Be fd Ne, Irie chaigtdoced digle well eps se Slallow eorigered tothe experizenil eyes ivoled the detent slo 0 tat he uscesary impo os Fone ate cipeted whe for AD , he lew Well depth ges acts te Kole evexges tooled 20 Dat Simp sen eins woul tc, ce ea lisinaldeachoeot by thi te Aekaonistyrmns A.V thnks te Ubi Sas Air Fores Ofioeo Scen tee Raseuch fupgor under Enoject No. 2303EF. Tis Stiles died o Tul Dre honor oft con om natin ard malcular pies, BIER pat Scnotedges com peucive va enya says i Bs buco eres 1H Moret DR Du HE: He, A, Sa # [BE eget em vf eS 29 00 [a asian RA. ME oe She 1 1A mes WC. Cnt a Gem At Wie be. R86: 1 OT, SO Na. WSs 90 cas s8 ta Mane Rests 49 > Bk Me al Ble TR one tn aes Gu Rd So og 98.0 U8 [El et-pue 6. rice tna emnand tl tarnom ° ny heat apse of a gr nny He emer tun ie Pu eu tne anes nse fhe ewes tock ke aba Sahin ne Piscar ad Ete er ay, vere $2 1 iC Ff NI cones a nM Chg MON ang, Gann, Be. Ce, 2S Sa tn 8 Be Pope to. rye ab BL teen re) em, Pe 3 (2 8 tnt, Mon a ba (aya Soh he Spe Fre oe 9195S (WM, oc ke oR sot Remy yin Eko ony Be ee pH (eat Sco nina 7 arm The mn te, Meo CO, a, AE IE, in Chen ee Ge 0 EE Pegs Cn yp oe 9 C88 Sc} bg Cui Te Res Soe 19589

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