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DTIC ADA423088: Enzymatic Activation of Peptide Prodrugs by Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen (PSMA) as Targeted Therapy for Prostate Cancer PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA423088: Enzymatic Activation of Peptide Prodrugs by Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen (PSMA) as Targeted Therapy for Prostate Cancer

Award Nunber+ DAMDL7-¢2-1-0076 YUVGM: Braymatic’ Retivgtion Gf Peptide Pledrugs by Prostate- Specific Menkrane Antigen (PSMA; aa Targeted Therapy for grostate Cancer PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR; samuel &. Donmeade, M.D. CONTRACTING ORGANIZATICN: okns Hopkins University Baltinore, WC 71205 REPORT DATE: January 2004 TYPE OF REPORT: Annual PREPARED FOR: U.8. Army Medical Research and Meveriel Coumend Fort wetrick, Maryland 22702-5012 DISTRIBUTION STATENEN Appzoved fot Public Belease; Distzibution Unlimited @ views, opinions and/or findings contained in this report are those of che suthor(s) and phould not be couetrued aa aa official Departmen: of che Army position, palicy or decision unlese so designated by etter docunantation, > i a REPORT OMEN or-3t08 DOCUMENTATION PAGE PT AuEneY Use On Prneor bee "REPORT TYPE ANG DATES CORED ines ert amuary 2004 Aanual j1 Jan 2003 ~ 1 Dee 20931 ATE AND BUTTE FINDING WIMEER - Enrvestic Aotivarion of Peptide rodruge by Prostate- Epecivic Kerbrane Antigen {eWsi ag Targeted Taerapy Las paubLT ¢2-1-0075 = RTT fomuel R. Denteade, HD. | gohne mopkine Uatveretty 7 PERFORATE OAGRIMERTON NADIE) AND ROORESSTEST 5 ERFORNG ORGANATON | Reronr nUMGER Badtinare, xP 21305 Mai denmiesagtiemt eda 3 SFONEGRNG TROWTORN "SPORES HORTORNE [AGENCY HARES} AND ADDRESSES) ‘AGEN? RESOHT HUBER U.S. any Medical Research and Materiel Command Port Detrick, Meryland 21702-8012, 77 SUPT ARY WOT 72a, BRTRUTON AVATARS STATE “RE DR ASENNE approved for Public Release, Distritution UnLinited RESTART ae BO WoT ‘Tho msjsty of our prosntclentherapeui gents only il ll elletvely wn they ae prlifralng this may exp why hese sigents hve been of such Limited core in pene, tacoma thse inet agin, shave hericly ried «past oD, ‘Thapsigngi (TC), 0 produze prea amina-comtining analogs at are pol, ell roliiraau indepeudent, ints of apoptosis fn prolly cancer ely, These TOantlogs, however, ene! posits omcer<pe2feevtotoiee. Tho hypotiadl yt potat anilog canbe convested roan native prodrug by coupling ca poptde cational isu subruss for Porate Specie Menbraoe ‘Anligea PSMA). Bince SMA is exprnsed in high ‘ves only by prose cancer cols apd ool by nonmat ellis abou lon specific urging of he TOzalog's ling aby oprotte cacer els thus minizag toxicity Ws roa! se, Two eamymatic srs or BSYCA have Been dearibea an Nase Trked aid dipoduae (WAALAADase acts anda peop poly-)wauy] curbeaypepidae (lle hyolie atvty. Ont basso rlininary dan tbe ideal TG prodrug shoul coset an spot o-glalaate coming TC ano vooplel viv pple conining x weres of andyinkd gatas ed ending tn. crlinkodasprtylglutumate cap”. This subse would be readily eased 3y PSMA bot wow be ble o hydrops by proaion Sock us gunme gta] iyezclaseprvoat in gram and extacliar Mi f sore aoemal sae C8, Prodiug Te PRE Ce TH SECURITY CLASERTGATION | 16 SECURITY EEASSTCRTION | WW, SESURITY COARSER TN —P, CaTaTION GF ABSTRACT oF REPOR ‘oF tis Pace ‘oF absTaaer Unelaceteied Unelaseiétea achsr| fied ulin ted TENTIAL Seema Fag ae 27 Epeoaaaase PAMDIT-02-1.-0076 PLT, Denmende, Samucl Table at Contents Page Number cover 1 SE 298, 2 Fable of Contents 3 nzoduetion. 4 Bouy 5 scey Resewch Accomplishments " Reportable Outer. u Conetusious 3 Referoaccs. DAMD17-92-1-0076 PAL Denmeals, Sarsual R. + Introduetion: “The majority of our present chemotherapeutic agents only kill sells effestvely when they are prolifenng his may explain why those agentyhuve heen of scch limited success 3 plies. Th contrast 0 thes inccbctve agents, we have chemically modified « plat tunin, Thaps:earela (1), to produce privcary arcine-containiag analogs tt are poem, ell proliferation indopenien, induvers of apoptosis in prostate canes cells, These T-analogs, however are not pros cancer spect cytotoxins, Therefore, the hypothesis cf hit proposal is tata potene TG analog can be converted to initive drugs by coupling to peptide carrier that s a substate for Prostate Spocifie Membrane Aatigan (PSMA). in this wuy the inactive prodrugs ean be efficiently converted beck to ative Eng drags oaly by the enzymatic activity vf PSMA. Since PSMA is apres in high levetsouly by prostate cancer et and oor by nomial ces, this shock allow spectic targoting ofthe Tang's killing ability‘ prostate wander ca “Two cazymuatio ativitce for PSMA have been described: aa N-wely-s linked ald dipegtidase (NAALADase) activity anda pteroyl poly-g-eotaryeaoxypeptidas (folate hydrolase) activity. Or the basis of proininnry dna, fhe ideal TC: prodrug should consist of either an espartate or glutamate containing TC analog coupled via tow popide containing a setias of - ancl g-inkel glulamares and ending in an alphe-inked txpartyt-plutamate “cap” Lbis substrate would be realy cleaved by PSMA ut seul be stable to hyeozsis by gamuna elmacad hydrolase (GH) present io serum and excracllular Au wf some nora sue types. “Therefore, the spocific airs of he nludy ae: (1) to syuthesize a sries of aspera or gatas centuining 7G asalog ad characterize their eyiloniity against buman prostate canecr cal Tnes (2) sythesve prodeuge hy chesaically sinking the spuriy| and glum yl coutaining TG analogs to poplide substrates dat equire hydrolysis by bows the NAALADase activity an folate hydrolase cif PSMA. These prodrugs wil be sssayed fr in vito cytotoxicity agtines PSMA-producing and non-producing cel Vine ta determine which of these prods is tho bes lead compen! for Tutu in viv anieal studies; (3) determine the in vivo efficacy anid toxicity ofthe best (o, ead) PSMA procinug(hasel upon comparison ofthe in vitro poteney and specificity) agaiastPSMA-prodcing horn prentte cancer xeaograis; (4) vo dovolop & molcenlar model ofthe PSMA catalytic site and compu binding of pepide subwrats ested to date in ond o predict optimal PSMA peplide substrate. DAMDI7-02-1-0076 2, Sarmucl opy: PSMA is a 100 kD prostute epithelial cel: gn Ll ransmemhrane glycoprotein thac was originally isolated from a eDNA library from the anirogen responsive LNCaP human prostate cancer cell tine. Using a series of ‘monoclonal antibodies, scveral groups hive sherarerized PSMA expression in various normal and tumor tissue. These studies demonstrated that PSMA is expressed in high levels by both normal ancl matignant prostate tiste. Tow-level expression Was only seeu in the lumen ofthe small intestine and the provsimal tubules of the kidney, In adit, while normal vascular endathelialoxlls ure PSMA negative, audothclial ess ofthe tunmoe vasculature stain positive for PSMA in a farge numabor of tumor lypes, while che tumor celts themselves dl ral expess PSMA, Ti sumnuy, the aforementiousd studies hightigh the characteristics of PSMA that make ita suitable target for prostate spovifc therapy. PSMA expressian is highly resticted to prowute tssue with strongest expression. in both primary and metastatio prostate cancers, The PSMA protein detectable in prostate cancers isan integral imombrane protein and therefore has an cxtacoltular domain that ie accessible to ggcats in the exiraeltalar pertumoral fluid making it possible oo “arget this protein with wotixties and prodrugs. A inal intersting axpeot of PSMA expression is tht the PSMA mRNA is uproguleted upon androgen withdrawal. An LNCaP ‘ells androgen has been found to downregulate PSMA expression and in patient specimens an increase in immunohistochemically detectable FSMA, cxpresion has been observed following androgen ablative therapy. In contrast, PSA expression is downregulated by adragen deprivation. Therefore, PSMA should be renily targetable in the majority of hormane refiactory patients bocaus> PSM levels are expected to remain high following androgen ablation, ‘Two discrete enzymatic functions for PSMA have been deseribed. Lnitally, Carteret al demnstrated chat PSMA possesses the hydrolytic properties of an N-acetslated o-linked acidic dipeptiduse (NAALADase) ‘NAALADase is a membrane hydrolase acivily tha i able to hydrolyze tae neuropeptide N-acety]--agparry/- glutamate (NAAG) 10 yield tho ncurotransmitter glulomate and N-acetyL-aspartate, In addition lw the NAALA Dace activity, [SMA also fimetions a a pteroy poly-7-glutamiyl earboxypoptilase (Tolute hydeoiose) PSMA exhibits exopoptidaso activity md is nble to progressively hydrolyze y-ghutamsl Sinkages ofboth poly: glatermated Folutes and methotrexate analogs with varying length gluaimate chains. In our proposal. we octline fan approach that would wke advantage of bath the prosinie specific expression of the PSMA protein in men and its unique NAALADaze ant folate hydrolase activities, “A successful PSMA serivated prodrug must pass dre crtical txts, ‘Tho prodrug must be cleaved by PSMA, it most not be toxic to PSM negative cells and its toxicity to PSMA positive cell roos! be secondary to activation specifically by PSMA, Tn oder co sapidly seroeua larger number of prevrugs for PSMA sctiviey and specificity, we previously synhexized a series af analags based ou u:cthomrexale using af the plerdine ring-para-aminobencoie acid (APA) partion wf methotresaie coupled 0 a vatcty of peptides. This strategy was uulized for several reasons, The coupling of APA ta the N-terminal acine of gatnova-linked polyglutamales docs nol inhihit sequential PSMA hydrolysis, Ths chemishy to produce these analogs has already been describod and the farge quaniilies oF the inexpensive APA procursor are available. The APA midlecule has an absorbance at 340 um and hydrelysis of prodrugs can be readily followed by HPLC analysis. Tinally, APA-Gha Ge. methairexare) is eytetoxio at namomelar concentraions and therefore activation of prodnugs in vitro can he tssily astnsed using growth inhibition aud clonogenic survival assays. This strategy, therefore, was used lo identify peptides thac were slectivcly hydrolyzed by PSMA while ac the same tne remining stab €9 fydtofysis in human plasona ‘These suidies with methotrexate-based poptides have delineuled the limited range of substrates that cam boc hydrolyzcd by PSMA, The only alpho-liuked methotrexate substate (ic. substrate for PSMA'S NAALADaze activity} that was bydrolyvedt by PSMA was APA-Asp Gi, ‘This substrate ws albu state ta Iydoysis hy gamma-glutamyl bycroleac {GGH) and other prowase aciviey present inthe sera, table 1. Tkuse provious ntudies also demonstrated the enhanced ability uf FSM ta hydrolyze a variety of y-linked substrates, ‘These y-linked substrates, howeves, were not specific for PSMA and pene readily hydrolyzed in hnmau plasma. (Gn this basis, we reasoned that the ideal substate would ake advantage of the dual ably of PSMA. to 5 DAMD17.02-14076 PL Denmends, Samuel R tydvutye certai apa and gama Lnkages betwen wip and adutemyl residues. Thus, the ideal subst should faconpone be spcielty of the linkage vit the eahonced efficiency of the--tinkage. The longer Jength,nogevely charged, subsaates would sere tw additonal poxpose fst, thoy help fo make the highly Iipeptle mre tones liko 1 analogs more water scl second, the highly charged prod wil bo lest Ube to eroas he plasma reembrane, further Uniting now-spesie cyttexilty. Figure | ‘Table 1. Tiyeolysis of PSMA subsrates by purified PSMA and stability in plasma yeranta? | TS bInouhatio [18h ncubation Pony }_—-Hitman Psa [Mouse Plas WAPA- YeRoriug | %APA- Sabsteate 4h 24h | Gluce Asp Rerssining!| Gluar Ass welinked APAASp Glu oe 1 99 ND ABAAGhi-Gin oo | nD ™D ND yinked APA-GH-Glu-GeOu-Asp] 18 a6 | 20 ca APAGlWGluGlcuGn] <8 92] 6 6 a APA-GlGl-GhcinGu] 3096 | 1 ML B rg Raaagoqula peak sre of aang aerial pesk eau prodigal telomere pels). 2% sunylee Bylo APAeAwy ur APA-Claby pried PSMA, KID wot Jas Using this rationales udditional substrates were syothesizod in whics a PBMUA-hydrolyzable a-linked ipeptide “cap” is introduced that is aot a substrate for CGTT in order to produce more apecific PSMA. substrates. One of chese substrates APA-Ghu*Ghu*Glu*Asp-Glu was a leas efficient PSMA suhstrate but showed enhanced stability in huanan weruna. A second substrate APA-GlutGhutGn*Asp-Gin was a poor substrate for PSMA, alhough it had oven more eshanced stabiicy in vera. Fioally, a substrate containing $470 trlnkkages andl two q-linkages, AL'A-Asp-Glu*Glu® Asp-Gin was a better PSMA substrate and was cempletely sable to hydrolysis iz human and mouse plasma, uble 1. These combination alpha~ and gamma-linked PSMA substrates posscss fhe bes! unmihinatian of fficiency wnd specificity and these substrares will therefere bo used te crete prodrugs described below: pare OL a ont a on aut on Sete TL ‘vf TasGTGR Tose hyaches ~~ WAALADae Ge Arion Aug orPSMS aati of SNA ‘atte (Gon Sen) Figure 1. Example of PSMA prodrug containing o-#nd Linked anniro acids and TG unalog 2ADT Gln, DAMD17-02-1-0076 PL, Denmeade, Samuel Ratinnale for use of Thapsigargin in the treatment of Prostate Cancer ‘Thapsigaegin (TG) is» sesquiterpene y-Lactone igolsed from. ibe rooc of the umnbelliferows plant, Thai _garguntica, figuce 2. TG has ben shown to increase intacellular Ca and induce programmed call death i prostate cancer vel Tines as wall as a how. of ler normal and malignant eel pes. TG induces programmed cell death of all rapidly proliferating prostare cancer co ines. Untike standard anviprolfeative agents such as S-FU or doxorubicin, TG can also induce apoptosis in non-proliforating, Go arrested prostate cancer cells, TG represents an excellenc choice for treatment af prostate cancer because ofits ability to Kill hese cells ina rolifersion-independent manner, This ability in induce apoptosis ina prolferation-independent manncr is particularly advantagenus fox the wearmout of prostate cancer since these mors have been demmstrated to Ihave a remarkably low rate uf protiteration (Le, < 5% eels pevliferatingiday). Unfortunately, while Tis highly fective in inducing the proliferation independent programmed cell death of androgen independent posiate ‘cancer cells, it is uot coll type specific and is sparingly watcr soluble due tits high lipophilicity. In oner to lurgel TGs cytotoxicity specifically to prrsuute cancer cells systemically, TG hax bean chemiea ly modéfied to produee aprimary antine containing anslog That can ne coupled to a water-soluble peptide sarer. This ‘modification involves the introduction ofa primary smine containing side chain into the TG malecute that can be coupled vin a peptile bond tothe carboxy grocp of amina acid. Such a TG auatog cam be couplet the alpha (Asp or Glo), beta {Aap} ar gamma(Ciu) carbonyl of Asp or Glu cesidues ro produce produgs thal can be targeted spocifically to metnitie deposits of androgsn independent praslate cancer producing enzymatiselly active PSMA. fignre 3. Thapsigargin (TG) 9g Figure 2, Chemical structure wf thapsigargin Progress aver the 2003-206 funding period, Intask 1 of the proposal we proposed the symthevis of w series of TC: analogs that could be chemnially linked to PSMA specie peptides. Becanse PSMA is an cxopeplidse, hylralyic processing of any prodmg ‘vill result in an snd prosiuet consisting ofa cytoroxin coupled tov ace srmino avid, raost Ukely phueamate oF aspartate, Therefore, while a TG analog can be potentially targeted using this prodrug approach, preferred snalags would be thasc that insorporue glutamic cr aspaeis acid into their strture and still maintain theit cytotoxicity, Previeusly we synchosized the anslogs |2ADT-Ciu and I2ADI-Asp snd demonstrated that they. were poventeytatunins with (C50 values ageinst cancer cell Hines oF 100 nM ‘The goal of Tunk 2 ofthe proposal was 0 synthesize prodrugs by chemically linking the 7G analogs to peptide substrates that sequire hydrolysis by either NAAT ADuse uclivity alone oe combinod NAALADase and folate hycroluse wotivity of PSMA, Over the 212-2003 funding yeur we synthesized two petative PSMA pradmgs, IZADT* Asp-Glu and IZADT*Agp-Ghi*GhitAsy-Glu, el characterized each ou tue basis of PSMA DAMD17-02-1-0076 PAI, Demareade, Sanna R. Iydlysis, plasina stability and selective cytotoxicity to PSMA producing cells, Over the 2003-2008 funding period we have synthesized additional prodrugs thec wee similarly charuetesizac figure 3. AA SL we Satria ADT-gintglntylutglucxp 4. otto oe an . heey L2aDr let Figure 3, Chamiesl suvtures of additional putative PSMA-sctiveled TG prodrugs ‘To assess PSMA hydrolysis, prodrugs were incubated with PSMA und hydrolysis produces were determined by LIFLC analysis, Poak idenlities were confimed by mass spectrostupy. Aznm3, Ammé and ‘Aram were nat signiticandy hydrolyzed after 90 hr incubation with PSMA. Kor anslogs Amm| and Ami? the prodnig is hydrolyed to inuermediates but minimal hydrolysis ip product oceumed. ‘uc expected “gukd standard sequence”, 12Ad-ghu®gh®ylu glut gia (Aum) vias repidly hydrolyved ww 12Ade-gtoeln but no further hydrolysis 10 12ADT-Glu was observed even after 70 incubation with PSMA. Ta further assess spccificity, all prodrups were incubated in human plasma for 48 bac which ime no significant proweclysis of any ofthe analous was observed. DAMDI7-02-1-0076 PL Dement, Sarmel R n clonal survival wssays 12A€t%arp-elu (Amam2) was cytoloxie to PSMA producing CazP cells and this evulonicity was inhibited by 2-(phosphonoenethyl)pentanedioic) acid (2-PMP.), a corapettive inkibitor of ESMA's enzymatic aetwity. ‘Those results demonstrated thar increased toxicity af Arian? was dependent on presouse of enzyrmatially active PSMA in this co line. Tee toxicity ofall prodrugs were further studied in ron-PSA producing TSU snd compared to the PSMAcproducing LNCaP cell line. All of the tested prongs. showed signilicant reduction in LNCaP eell greth in these assays over the dose ronge tested. None of the prodrugs, however, were as effective asthe active drugs alone (Figure 4, rable 2). All prodrugs were Tess potent against nac-PSMA expressing TSU cells (Figure 4, table 2). hese deta depict sha al prodrugs are rolacively “inactivate” inthe absence of PSMA, The C50 val (prodrug concentration reqeited lo inhihil volony survival by 50%) were ealvulated (table 2). 1C5U-valucs agains TSU were in tae micromolar nage while vulues fagoinge LNCaP were in the nonomslar ange. Overall the prodtugs were 15-35 fold more active in vitro against PSMA produaiug cells, able 2. Psat Aapreducing ri mE i" : a : dee “th 2 ial Denar Nonst$M04 producing TSU cells a ae i B srugrawe Figure 4. Cyrotexicity of PSMA-activatel pradrigs against P'SMA-producing LNCaP (top pane!) and non PSMA producing TSU (botto panel) coll lines. Cella were exposed to prodrug Zor 7 days and then MTT ansay pecfouned to determine iumuber of viuhle calls per teeatmont group. LNCaP cells expuwel lo 1 uM prodrug and ‘TSU exposed ta cither $ or 10 pM. DAMD17-02-1.0076 PL Denmeade, Samuel. ‘Table 2. TC values far selected prodnage agsinsl PSMA-proucing LNCaP eels and nor-PSMA producing ‘TSU cells in clonal suevival assays Peadeugdrug Ica Vain oh) ~ Tsu UNCP Fuld difference. bapa yest 605 2 yeeeria . wea | suis 2 reapricuy o-w [6 1 Auintsadeupatmenrapan —[vonsmai] anima |e ‘9. aad soma. v409 | ase | 28 AMMS:12Ad-ehtdetatorenrgn — | 84549 | ayaa cd After having extoblishe thot al pros sn dined ponecyapncat mot: PSMA qrodazing cll lines, it was critiee! Yo determine whether this decreage was dhe ts The aRence of PSMA and poor cell penetration ay the peptide-buced pradrug, Altematively, the presence af the peptide eartier is not sufficient te ‘peeventeell peuoration and the devreused potency in non-PSMA producing eels, therefare is duc to both lack, ‘bf PSMA hydrolysis of the prodrug an the purr inibiion of the SERCA purap by intracellular prodaig. ‘To address thexe possiblities, miscosomes wee isolated by differentia coutrfugation from rabbil muscle, which ao very ich in SPRCA. An enzyinc-coupled assy using ausitiagy and indicator seacions was emp to quantify Ca"! ATPase activity in microsomes, Ca ATPase activity in isolated SERCA decreased with inereune in inhibutar eug/pcodrug’TG) concentraion. The ICS0 valics oxprossed in nM'mg SR protein (:nbibitor ‘ementration requived to dosrease CaATPAse activity to 5U%) were detennined for various prodrug analogues and nocmalival 1) TC or its crug analog |2AaP*asp {lube 3). The longer prodmgs cxempliGd by [2Ad\- aglotylutghit ayp- glu (Amm7) and 12Adt*asp-ghu® glu asp- glu (Arial) had the lowest pouney aginst SERCA, 12Ad*asp-zlu (Amum2) showed higher potcuey thay tae pentarsers buc lower potency than the drug 12Adt*asp, The ulfinate deug 12Adt*asp was equipotant to the natural SERCA ibbitor TG. Although ICs values inoroased with chin length im the SERCA assays, the magnituds (~GnM vs. 2SnM) is sinal compared te the dference between 1Cq valucs in clonal assays in non-PSMA and PSM produving lines (nt vs. uM range) (ble 2). These results suggost thatthe fold differences in potency of these prodrugs ure due ro prodrug procossing by PSMA-proditcing ccs, In contrast. the peptide prevents nonssporific cell penetration and thcrefore loss eylolanicity agalust uou-PSMA producing ols ‘Table 3. Inhibition of SERCA pump by TG and PSMA-activnted TG prevings Hesueeatee + ACU Reatve Drug [C50 owing Si protan| WTS LRAGh* Aap 16 eee a a en ee 42 1 [Aamt 23 HAS) Ms 32 for tsa 417 2 2 ‘Ani 261 ANT 4 35}

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