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Preview DTIC ADA422729: Bandwidth Limits and Other Considerations for Monostatic RCS Reduction by Virtual Shaping

NSWCCD-64-TR-2004/04 Bandwidth Limits and Other Considerations for Monostatle RCE Reducatlon by Virtual Shaping Naval Surface Warfare Center Garderock Division ‘Weat Betheeds, MD 20817-5700 NSWCCD-64-TR-2004/04 January 2004 ‘Survivabilly, Structures, and Materials Department Technical Report Bandwidth Limits and Other Considerations for Monostatic RCS Reduction by Virtual Shaping by ALR. Swandic 20040503 056 Approved for puble rea; dlstibutlon fs untied REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE 1 REPORT DATE OEUMFYYY) [2 REPORT TYPE "BATES COVERED rani —TeP 05.07.2004 Firat 1 Oat 02 — 25 Ace 3 7 ARE AND SUBTCE Ta CONTRACT HUMBER H Borduidth ints and Other Considerations for Monostale ROS Reduction By Viral Sharing GT ONSET PROGR ELEMENT MEER = ROR PROCTER Dr, domes R. Swan THER EWORK TAT HONEER 09e1-8420.610-10 ERE GRR OESATERTION WANES ANG ADOSER, FERFORIING GROEN REPORT MIMEER eval Sutooe Warfara Genter Cerdereck Divan NsWooD-TR-2008104 2600 MacArthur Blu. West Bethesds MD 20817-5700. 4. SPORE CITRITMANTTORINE AGENCY NAME(S) ND ADERESSTES) SR REROTERRE Noval Surtaca Warfare Cemer Carderock Dvsion Code 0132 1 SPORSTRNORTORS 100 bananhur Ble REPORT NUMBERS) ‘West Bethecda MD 20047-5700 approves for pubic stance: cstbulgn Is unite. ‘8. SUPPLEMENTARY ROTES ‘lone ve eta ot aon enmontonal stag orator cece ccten Insets inporwe oy are! apn cor ipentgn eraerasns su at hveconam, ably, parte, an armgonen we euetirig or emerangtte sarees sil scnade, Maer pre nora ant eecatay cies ts heal si paca bass Tercera tatu sep ets Res, goal atari ac shaves feta na ep ‘Shvertottuace tate lariogee tar rem are eaeraon wh applied Serius ard ieoe cso secant. THE Fes tsa of ows logs et econ cnt when pel ntl hang le toed ena, eel, or rene ts arco gear ses Ta jar Crnne of: athe peta ane hoe eles seg. Te SUBIECT TERE fader crass selon (RCS) rethicton, virtual ahaping, bandwith ims, reflestatrays, and microstip path anton 7 SESIRT CASERERTON OE “TURRTATEN | 18, HUMBER | WA Wit OF RESPOWSIGLE PEREON REPORT [= ABSTRACT PE TEVAGE |" ornasteact | OF | Dr_sames R. Swandis Paae [Tob TELEMONe NUMBER stah oar wrossaneo | unctassmen [uneeassines | NAASSIIED 20 | onoar.ases Contents Abstract Tntrodnetion . Anpication of Refeterays Vrtal shaping Bandwidd Sidelobes LacunarityiReflection from Exposed Dielectric Surface Area Cost seni Conclusion References . Figures Figure 1. Refletaray concept. Frum RD. Javor, XD. Wu, and K, Chang From THIE Tracs. AP43(8) pp. 952-939, Sepiember 1995 Figure 2. Geometry ofthe niceestipreflertaray. From DM. Porar, .D. Targonski, and FLD. Sytigor, IKEE Trans, APAS2), pp. 287-296, February 1997. Figuce 3. Phase af reflection cocficient at noma incidence fora petiodic amay of square patches on grounded subate versus the patch side a at three Feequenies (a= 14a, b= I mm.e,~ 1.05). From JA, Tncinay, EEE ‘Trans. AP49(10) pp. 1403-1410, October 2001 Figure 4. Phase of rfleotion coeficienl af nonmal incidence fora multilayer periodic ruciure, dened in Figure 9(c) fortwo layers. vrwus the Palch side ofthe eray closer to the ground plane. (25 =bi, 2 14 mun, by =hy = 3 me, = 1.05). (a) Two amay layers (ny (6) Thro array layers (a = 0.73, O94, Fromm LAT “Trans. AP4B(IO) pp. 1403-1410, October 2001 Figure 5. Refleced fickd phase versus patch length for an ifinite array of anisrostrip patches wit plane wave incidence at various anges, FromS.D, Targonsh and D.M. Pozar, ISEE Int. Symp. AP, Seatle, WA, pp. TR20-1823, June 1998, ssn seo . Tigure 6. Dual-potoried amay. From R.D, favor, X-D. Wa, and K Chang, ABBE Trans. AP43(9) pp. 932-930, September 1995. Figure 7. Mirosuip rflenarray with ectanguac patches of variable size to control the phase. Fran 1.8. Eneinor, (EEE Trans, APAQ(LO) pp. 1403-1410, October 2001... igure &. Differential spatial phase delay ofrefleaarray. Peo S. Huang, Lie Ant Symp. AP. Newport Beach CA, pp. 582-545, June 1995 igure 9, 1wo-layerrefcclaray using patches of variable size. (a) Refletaray iTluminsled by a feed. (b) Multilayer structure, (¢) Periodic cel From JA, Eusinar, IEEE Trans. AP49(10), pp. 1403-1410, October 2001 B Contents Figure 10 Thrce-layer sflecturay using patches of variable size. (@) Reflectorray iluminated by a feed, (b) Multilayer strucwore, From J.A. Encingr sad J.A. Zomoza, [EER Tram. APSI(7). pp 1662-1654, Tuly 2003... Page 19 Abstract This work adtresses some major issues in the adaptation and application of microstrip palch antenna aud refleetarmy technology ta radar cross section reduction by virtusl shaping ‘We define viral shaping la be any technique used fo vause the shape and orientation of an object as it affects a scattered radar signal lo differ ftom the actual physical shape and orientation ‘of the object. This is accomplishod by introducing a linear phase gradient on the incident wave ‘sit i scotlered from various paris of the target surface, By thie method a vertical surface can be ‘made to appear to radar tobe skewed fom die vertical 16 is dome in conventional shaping for ‘adar cross section reduetion. Virwal shaping has the potential to reduce the megstive impacts imposed by conventioal shaping on other ship design considerations such ws hydrodynamics, stability, payloal, and arrangements while maintaining or cnbsacing the signature control aspects. Micmasiip patch antenna and reflectartay technologies offer a theoretical and practical basis for development of virtual shaping techniques; however, the goals of antenna design and the adiacion characteristics of relectarrays when applied to conventional uscs of these reclologies differ from those cousiderstions when applied o signature comiml and radar cross section reduction, The major issues ofthese technologies thal become more eriticsl when applied to virtual shaping incluile (2) Tumited bandwith, (2) high sidelobes, and (3) refleutions ftom exposed dictecirie surfaces. This papct suramarizes efforts that have the poten to extend these technologies to vietal shaping, Introduction “The two main methods to reduce the radar eross section (RCS) ofa target are shaping the target geometry ta deflect the scutlered radar beam avsay from the incident direction (for ‘monostatic radars) and absorbing the incident radar beam in the target by using radar absorbing ‘materials or structures (RAM/RAS). Limits to shaping are impaved by the physical constraints fof acro- and byelra-dyamics (for aircraft and for ships) and of intemal valume and stability requirements forthe target platform. One possible way to circumvent these problems is to ‘decouple che radar scattering pattern fom the physical shape of the target by imposing a linear phase gradient on the nge! ccatering elomicats; this gradieat serves to deflect the main lobe of the soattered radar signal away ftom the radar receiver. Since absorption is per wavelength of the incident radiation, sach a scheme my also he w aseful altemative for the absorption of low frequency radar waves, which can require rather chick and heavy layers of materials. The ‘technique of causing the radar-apperent shape and orientation of an object to differ from its mal physical shape and orientation by imposing a phase gradient om the reflestion from the target surfaee will be referred to as vital shaping. A proctical way'to produce a desired phase gradient on a surface (llat or eonformnal to & ‘curved surface) isto use a refleciarray composed of an array vf uicrostrip patches [1-3]. [Reflectarrays combine the properties and advantages ofcellectors and of phased array antennas, ‘Microstrip antennas are very thin conducting patches lying on a eonductor-backed dielectric subinale thal ae fed by a coaxial probe through the substrate, Such a patch can also be excited Iya epertare coupling a waveguide iio the substrate ar hy a microstrip transmission Tine on the substrate surface that enmects to the mniorastrip palch. A reflectanray isa flat or conformal array ‘of microstrip palshes, with no feed lines or aperture coupling, on a thin conductex-backed ielectvio substrate that is Ukuminated by a microwave horn antenna of other souree some distance above the array. Esch patch of the array stalls the feed radiation with a different ‘phase so thatthe resulting array ecatcringis at difTereot angle than that of specular reflection tnd the fh field appears to have been reflocted from a spherical or parabolic curved reflextor. “The concept of a relectaray is shown in Figure | (taken ftom Reference 3), Radistion frum the feed hom is incident om Uhe array, where each of the elements zeflets this radiation with a different phase Gul is determined by the phase shifters. The geometry of a micros reflectarray js shown in Fipire 2 (uiken fiom Reference 8). ‘Phe phases are chosen in this case so that the reflected signal isa plane wave traveling in direction ro, The phase of the reflection coefficient far radistion normally incident on a periodie array of square patchex vs. patch size for the three frequencies 11.5, 12.0, and 12.5 GH2 is shovm in Figure 3; (has 4 muximom range tess than ‘360°, The place shifis at che same frequencies fora two layer and fora theee layer periodic amsay are shown in Figure 4; Figures 3 and 4 arc taken from Reference 13. The additional layers increase the muximum range of the phase shift and emooth the dependence of the phase variation on palch size. This helps t increase the bandwidth ofthe reflectaray. As the soutee antenna ‘eed recedes fiom the array, ths system eventually comes to resemble that for monostatic RCS seduction for an incident plane wave by relected beam deflstion threugh virtual shaping of The reflectarray surface. Application of Roflectarrays to Virtual Shaping Roth microstrip antennas and reflectarrays have several desruble features, such as low ‘weight, small size, and ow prefile (60 they can be made conformal to an arbitrary surface), and are thus quite migged. They also have Tow ost of design and of manftcture. Roth also have Ihe major disadvantage ofa very narrow bandwidth, typically 2 few percent of the operating frequency, Their broadside radiation pattern can also pessess high sidelobes. For many applications, a wider bandwidth is required; im particular, this is true for RCS reduction by virtual shaping of a surface by a relectaray of microstrip patches such as inthe S-band of 2— 4 GHz. For radar applicstions there are several related difficulties that must be overcome. These inelude not only increasing the baadwidth for useful beam deflection, but slko (1) edacing the sidelotes belins sire specified fevel, (2) minimizing Use reflection from the exposes dielecteic area of the surCice, and (3) performing these functions tan affordable cost. These wilt be addtessed in tum, starting with the major problem of increased bandwidth. Bandwiath ‘There has been a great des af eff to wien the operational bandwidth of misrossip antennas. All the methods used have tried te vervome the fundamental bandwith limitation st doy the sual electial volume occupied by Ihe microstrip elements [4], Another way to express {his ito realize that a mierostrp patch unten is #vesonan stuctare.ustelly with high Q [5], thac is, do rntio of elecromaynetic energy stored in the vicinity of the etch to fhe clootroiagnetic energy radiated of scattered (or otherwise dissipated) by the patch per eycle is ‘ery large, The three main approaches to producing microstrip antennas with improved immpetence bandwidth ae [l- 1) Use of an increased antenna volume, ether by increasing the arca or by stacking, 2 such as by parasitic clements, overlay techniques, stepped substrates, ot an annular ring. 2) Use of matching techniques, such as employing multiple resonance effects or wing the feed probe as a matching device 3) Use of elements with high interna! losses, such ax patch spirals or curved sections ‘Ae there is a strong correspondence betsicen the velusce occupied by a microstrip element and its impedanes bandwith, utilization of the maximum volume available is «fist step {in conformal (or plaran) antermmn design (6) Sines a reflectarray is merely a reflecting devine, not raditing antenna, theres no need for amy eure injection, This elimnntes one ofthe major causes of naerovs bandwith, but also Drechudes widening the bandwidth by the use of paral elemens ot by using the food probe as 2 matching deviee. A eomron problem wih incfeasiug antenna volume by wing wicker Substrate is the increased sifice wave loss for high permavty substrates an greater Teed. probe loses for low permivity substrates [4]. As the subset thickness increaxes te resonant Fespency decrees, so tat te frequency bandwidth around the rexonunt frequency inetcases 7A ach microstrip patch slement ofthe rellectarray pasa different phave othe field it scatters, For monoslaie RCS redtetion, a planc wave incident within some range of angles 10 the sort ofthe smay surface ust be deflected through an angle different than that af specular fefleetion and large enough o avoid being bockscotered to the radar wensmitertaciver. A quantitative satement of is requirement is that an S-band plane wave incident a any angle ®:in the range -0y <0, ~the i, that ee Oy, he reflected outside this sang, s0 thatthe reflected angle (ao longer equi o he specular reflection angle 6,) 8 ¢ Sy. The refleved field phase ve. Zatch Jeng for an infinite array of micros pulches with plane waves incident at various ‘ules shown in Figure & (akon from Reference 38). To be specifi, leta wave incident at “#6 bereflectod tthe angle 8, = y+ AB, where 40 is Jang chong te deflect ze main reflected lobe otiside of Os. Since the specular reflection angle for this extreme ease is 8-0 — the hace yradient mux deflect the reflsction through an angle 20y ~ 88. This sets the condition on the linear phase gradient ofthe may that wl exist forall incident angles, € 4, vir, 2X (sind, + vin8.) +ap'=0 forthe main lobe, where A is the ttl relative phase shift fference ‘over the enti refletasay surfice of extent L for wavelenath 2 of the radiation, For 3GH2 radiation, 2.= 10ony for L= 10m, Gy = 15°, ond AO= 5°, 8,= 040 20° and ab=20%60.), ‘which is many tens of times a 2a phase change, Hence. cir a very thiek multilayer of patches ora set of suburays, each with a 2x or small multiple there) max itoum relive phase <lifexence, 8 required to produce the necessary phase Uilerence, Such a malilayer may be physically too thick tobe praciea, while aa assembly of such subarays produces @ much wider Inn lobe seatcring pattern. The wid ofthe subareys in terms of relative phase shift may not be, a least approximately, coustant forall froquoncies of invest ehh can drastically alter the scattering pattern for he etre arsy. The seme pane dierence will exist fo all other incident sxigles 1h particu, for a nonmally incident wove (@,= 0), the reflected wave wil be approximately at angle 8, 28y,+A@. 354 similarly, a wave incident sf =O will be reflected at approximately 8, = 38yy+ A@ = 50°. ‘One method to control this reflection phase i to altach a stub, of various lengths, to each ‘miczostip patch, as is shown in Figure 6 (taken from Refercuce 3). A better method ie to use ppatehes of varions sizes to construct ths array. as shown in Figure 7(iaken from Reference 13). ‘Hoth mthods introgiuec « small phase shift in the resonant frequency of the element, which produces a change in the phase af the scattered file [8]. The use of patches of variable size has several advantages over the use of stub-tuned patches, auch as a wider bandwideh, much smaller ‘eross polarization, and aa need for surface space devcred to the stabs [9,101 ‘The bandwidth ofa microstip reflectaray is limited primarily by two factors, the narrow ‘bandwidth of the microstrip clement itself andthe differential delay ofthe array {11}. This baler ‘concep is shown in Figure § (taken from Reference 11), For any puriculue incidence angle, the UA (~ 0) dependence means thatthe relative phase difference of the incident wave is frequency dependent [12]. For RCS reduction problems, this latter limit on the bandwidth is related to the aperture fll dmc, the time (L’c}sin@, required fora plane wave incident al angle 8; to luminets or to fill ho extize aperture of extent 1, wider bandwidh can be obtained by using a thick substrate forthe palch, by stacking multiple patches, ond by using sequentially rotated subarray clements [11]. The use of multiple layers of patches allows the phase of the reflected wave 10 ‘vary over a range greater (or even mach greater) than 2n snd provides @ smoather dependence on patch size [14,14]. Examples of two. and Umee-layer reflectarvays are shown in Figure 9 (taken Trura Reference 13) and Hew 10 {taken fiom Refereacel4). Corupntation for analyzing seaneting by maldlayered periodic structures bas also becn treated [15], as has analysis of stacked microstip patches [16]. ‘Another posable solution to the bandwidth problem isthe ure ofa Fact reflecurray, ‘hati, an array whose elements are distrbuted in 9 Bactal pattem. A fractal is an object with <ilatiowtvansltion invariance (self similarity) of some sort: it ean be considered fo bave structure at all (r fora wide range of) length scales [17,48]. Since the Factal patern is self simile, it prodjoes a sel? similar scattering rater: for evecy change in wraysHength that outs the soale of elf simitarity, dhe scattering pattern wilt be the same except for a widening af the scattering lobe strnerurc dc tothe finite sizc of the factal objoc, and forthe cffects of dispersion of the dielectric permitivity Since a narrow bandwidth is such a severe constraint, especially for RCS applications of icrostip relostarray devices, the fret order of business is lo detersine, or a lest to estienute, he muximum pinaible bundsvidth range for which such a device can reduce by a specified umount the RCS af a ship sinuctue, There are several related topics in various arcas of physics that are velevani to the determination of this Kitt, ‘hese indude causality conditions [19-23}, time delay [24-26}, dwell time (27), and partial wave phase sbifis [28-30]. By causally ‘coudition is micant that there cun be no wcallared wave hefore the incident wave reaches the soatforer [22]. A diffeenl form of Lhis condition is given by van Kampen {21], who requites that the tolal probability outside the scatterer never exceed its iniual value; he also $20] considers the scattering of photons by a spherically symmetric scatterer outside of whieh the interaction is cexacily zero. Gell-Mann et af, [23] are more striagenc in that they require not only that waves ‘camo be scatiered before the incident wave atzives, but alsa that even after the arrival one unust ‘wait the appropriate rine wo recive a signal, Their causality requiterent is the quantum ‘mechanical formulation ofthe condition that waves do not propagate faster than the velocity of Wight ‘The concept of time delay in sullering as inode by Eisenbud and Wigner [28] Nonsstativistic quanlurm.r-wave soattering produces a phase shift (Fal energy E:the time delay is given by At= 2(h2R) nya, where h is Phanch’s eomscant. Fora plane-wave packet incident on a spherically symmetric seater that produces seating amplitude £8) in the direction ©, the ime delay in Uns direction is piven by [1 | At ~ 2¢v2n) feng (FO) /0P. The differenl clefivitims or inerpreations ofthe delay time arc discussed by Nuskenzveig [24]. Tle goes on lo extend his previous work [25] to find the average time delay in electromagnetic Seatering by spherically symmetric, eflotion-inverint,nov-absorbing seater. For the th ‘rtial wave in each polarization the tine delay isthe sper average of dy fs over the Fncdeat wave packet, where ry isthe conceponding phase sifLund athe angular fequency. A review of trae delay and elated concep, inching their many ypplications in physics, is given by Carvatho and Nessenzveig [26] Formany af the prublems ieated in these refereuces, spherical symmetry ofthe neuterer or ofthe sentering potenti allows a straightforward partial wave expansion of the scattered field, Tor the reflectarray problems of intcrest here, it may be betler ro use a plane wave angular spectrum expansion forthe seatcred waves [32,33], There ix sill a seatterer of finite extent, but itis no louger spherical, The reflectarray van be confined roa finite region that is bounded by z {0 2=h in the z-direction (normal to the reflectatray surfiec) and by |x| <a.|y| <bior Ixt+yl 9° +b’) ") in the transverse directions + and y. .Au increase in the thieluess 2 of the refloctaray can inuretse the bundwidth (reeall Fignres 3 and 4 for normal incidence), ‘while an increase inthe transverse dimension can deerease the bandwidth forall but nonmatly incident radiation (due to the differential spatial phase delay (11,12). Sidelobes JLow sidelobes for antennas have been of imerest for elo rejection. They une alsu a goed counter a ECM (electenic countermcasore), such us jamming 134]. ‘The two parts to Aesigning a low sidelobe antomne pre (1) to choose the correct itmmination fuction to obtsin the desired dosign (ermar-fre} sidelobes, and (2) ra control the phase and amplitude ervos Unat produce the random sidelobes, which fundamcotally limits sidelobe performance [34]. The ithmination function is defited and limited only by the allowed range of the incidence angles, € {2,30 it eannot he completely known, Purely random errors produce random sidelobes, ‘while corelated tandom: errors produec sidelobe energy thut is concentrated at discrete locations in the fr field; this gives vise to higher sidelobes in a miled numberof locations [35]. The ‘actus influencing the realizable sidclobe perfomance of a microstip antenna array are discussed by Pozar and Kanfinan [36]. It-should also be noted that they conehe their paper with de comment [36]: “Finally, it might be noted thac this work represents a good example of hove theoretical antlyses, on which most of the results in this paper are based, eat be appHed 10a ‘Practical hut difficult problem in antenna engineering that would probably remain unsolved if sautacked with purely empirical techniques.” “The use ofa fractal uray cun uo aid in the suppression of sidelober. Kim und Jugyard [37] deseribe the ulvantages ofa factat array: “While random arrays are robust with respect to ‘loment location errors and failures they arc characterized by relatively high sidefobes. Uniform ‘or tapers periodic arrays posscss aclaively low sidclabos but ate sensitive to errors in location tend tothe Yalues of the cxcitation currents, Here the virtues of eandom and periodic arays are ‘eombined by interjecting slf similarity jnlo randorn array theory to control the sidclobe radiation pactern.” Kor example. an infinite Cantor array hos the some array factor at an infinite nvmnber of ‘bands (it is a multiband system, nol a frequency-independent syster); its behavior will he The same at several bands, but will not be frequency-independent within each band [38]. A band ted reatization of such a fractal structure will have similaviey propestcs through as many bands as ilertioms used in tue constzactn oF the array [38], As the frequency of the radiation is reuced (sw is wavelength is increased), the width ofthe main scattering lobe will increase. ‘The ‘secondary lobes af the seattoring pattem will uo be high; this Fearue is related to the array characteristic known as Inconarity, A fructal stretute possesces high lacunarity von it has large ‘gaps between the differnt Fractal substructures (38) Lacunartty/Reflection Fram Exposed Dielectric Surface Area “Ve spatial scale of u fractal ceffectaay is set by the froquonsy range over which i is ‘operate, The highest operating frequency datcrmines the size of the smullest elements through Their resonant frequency’ Tho size of the array and ity operational bandwidth detennine the ‘murabar of ireations of the gencrating pattem. For a fact array of sicrostrip patches on a ‘conduetar-backed dicleetrie sheet or substrate, high lacunarity can also produce atthe higher ‘operating frequencies significant specular veflecion from the large area obure divlectie surthce between the conducting patches. Radiation incident on this bare dielectric will be reflected from the bare surface or wil enter the substrate and wil then bc rcflected from the conducting ground plane, In both casos there will be specular reflection that mnst he reduced in intensity. Ifthe speculurlyceflecied field is included in the analysis [9] of un infinite artay of microstrip patches, then atthe design frequency of the reflectarmay the scallered field from the patches is of nearly ‘equal amplimde and bas on approcimate phase difference of 180 degrees compared tothe specularly reflected field; this effectively eliminates the spocular reflection [39] und may be ‘useful forthe problems considered here, The RCS of'¢yelch on an isotrapic substeate has been calculated and compared to messinemen|s [40]. One possible way to address the problem of scattering from a large surfice area of bure dielectric is to use a series of multilayers saranged in such a way that they form a thick slab of a “tree” rather than just a“two"-dimenvicnal fructal object. For example, u Cantor bar fetal vay could be placed at aright angle to anather such array sbove (or belaw) it to reduce the amount of baro dielectric, Similarly, a series of layers ‘paved om the Sierpinski carpet can be arrmnged to form aslah of a “three” dimensional fractal, somewhat lke the Menger sponge [17]. One way to achieve this isto displace each layer of smicrosuips with respect to ike neighboring layers. Cost ‘The lectmotogy for microstrip antounas and reflectarrays has existed for several decades; construction methods are well known, and one of the major advantages of this technology is

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