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DTIC ADA422345: Role of Androgen Receptor in Growth of Androgen Independent Prostate Cancer PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA422345: Role of Androgen Receptor in Growth of Androgen Independent Prostate Cancer

Paar Munbier: DAMDLI-¢2-1-0024 ‘VKULM; Role ef Androgen Receptor in Growth of Androgen Independent: Frosvate Canc: PRINCIPAL INVESCIGATOR: cChavlie D. Chen, Px.D. CONTRACTING ORGANIZATION; "he University of California, Los Angeles los Angeles, California 90024-1406 SPORT DATS: January 2004 TYPE OF REPORT: Annual Summary PREPARED FOR: U.S. Army Medical Research and Mater‘el commend Fort Detxick, waryland 21702-5012 A-SUPIBUTION STATEMENT: Approved for Public Release; Dintzibction Unlimited the views, opicions and/or fin@inga contaired in this repor: ere those of the acthor(s) and should not be construed as an official Eepartnent of the army positian, policy or decision unless ae desigaated by ocher dacumertation. * 20040628 057 REPORT DOGUMENTATION PAGE olereiea AGHIET USE OMY "E REPORT DATE ROR AE AND DATES COVERT dames Bank? Samuazy 2008 dace” Summary {25 Dec 2061 ~ 74 vec 2603) WHE AD SOT 5 FOND NERS Role of Ardzogen Receptor in Grovth of andvoron Bae 7-02-1~-9034 Endaperdent Frotoare Cancer Casella 0. cher, -b. 7 EPRI ORGANZA TO RARER ANE REGRESEERT FERORTNG ORBAMEATION The University o¢ fasferasa, Las Angeles feronrannesen Teg Angeles, Gclifornis 9002¢-2406 Estez _chenoBure eta FSS onnTa NORTON TE PORECRNET TORS ‘AGENCY NaS) AND ADDRESSES! ‘eatey RePOAT matece U.S. Asry WadioeL Renenrc’ ard Maver‘e! Command Port Botelek, merylard 21702-5012 Origins sewalng color plates; 211 OTIC roprogwilang will be 4m black ané shite. Be RETO TAVCARLITY STATEMENT as TAT SE Aeproved for Pubiia Release; Digtribztion Untini Led TE ARSTARCT Tis 200 Ware Hormone sterapy ip an offactive tresteent for advanced tummy gestive DHS) prostare Concer. fowevar, the treatnent ia short-lived and asrume refractory (BX) cancer Guentuclly developa, “hrovsn gene Rrofilizy uaing seven palre of RG ecd ER wavografte, ‘we {Sentisied overespracaton cf androgen zezeptor IAR) 1a the ony consistert chewgn in thy progzessior of prosnte cancer. in the first grond perio€ 101/02-10/03), ve conriried chat BR peotein ia elevaved =n FH cimors. Using lenciviras scé retroviruy sysloms, he Wave al te overomuvese Ax dn ES prostave cencer cells. In vitzo and im vivo experimants Henonetsated toat ovorenncesedon of AR fa aufGirient for EE-vo-IM teaneition. Ne ale> Seveweped 2 system (shsiia) to Frockcnan AR 1s OR iaCae colle ané slican thal Ab-fewckdown Sbotlshed AR paenatype de vitro, in che Lact grand period (C1/03-01/011, vo eomoastrated Fear everexpceseion Of At iv required for hozmore refvectury proatace conser im vivo USiCg both buece and INcaP cella, Althours, we were arable 2 obtain conciustve ses} n Lo Aetermine thr cocheaiza fox AP overexpression, wo dnnangtreted that gene arplifieatien is fot the ale cause of the qyerexumuaion TR SURELY TER TE ER OF PAE Ebostabe cancer, androgen recepzor, andzayer. andepandont 6 7 ICE CBE STREEURTTY ASSOATION | Te SRCUIOTY CLASSIIGRTION —¥8, ECORI ELAESRICA TON —| Zl TATION OF ABSTRACT rolassiised Unt ted unlimited TENT HT - Eowwaan Table of Contents COVE a SF 798, ‘Table of Contonts.. Introduction. Bow Key Research Accomplishments Roportable Outcomes. Conclusions. Raferences, Appendices. INTRODUCTION Tproposed in the grant :0 enamine if averexpression oF androgen receptor is necessary and suffcient for prostate cones progression from androyon dependen! i independence: Hors the terms are changed to hormone sensitive to kermtoue reftecton), In the frst grant pet‘od, I <demonshated chat overoxpression of and-ogcr. receptor is suffcieut forthe progression in vite and in vivo, In his gran petiod, { desuonstrated that overexpression of androgen receptor is necessary Tor the progression. BODY Nevesnigy et ‘To knockdown AR in TTR APC: cells by RNA inlerference Tr the frat grr pried, we demonstrate that AR is required lor grown of HR NCEP calls ning SHRI. Ta determine thot the phensrmenun tnt specific ly HR LNCAP cela, we ala Iknockad down AR in LAPCGS, another TR cell lie, using the some tevinology. When cells were inmpanied into the Mans oF-castrated male mice, hoth knockdova cells (LNCEP and LAPC3) grew slawiee Gian vector-infected controls (Fignre (). Moreover, those tumors that did grav did ‘ot express GTP when eompared to wectoe-infected controls (jets) and still expressed AR. protein (data not shown), inciting selection fr eells that eseaped AR knaclalnwe. These dasa indiease that increased AR Jovots ate necessary for bormone reftactory proslate cancer, o o “i ae Tumor volume frm? ‘Tumor vatume fom) * Timea” Time ea) “* gare |. Anaiogan rorqpr express is aonssary fa hoamone scasitveanhor eens refractory ragronsion (a) Scho-aatic of kN letviras ered ating: androgon reoptor (b) Taror calves it SLM) otheraone refustory LAPC ells infected with ether se stN A-ccmeaing (bus, 2 =) a2 ante vu (rey n= 99 sivas = 0.05, es). Kight inset west luk ul shRNA expressing uml consol (omy v2cion calls, Lat isc, faw oviomets Zor GF>-aekive cells oF mpvesematise turats euntul vins op: ang reeepior SHRNA vu, bolls. (€)Tusnoe volo (4% SFM) faa sir ‘expense esing hormone atacrory LNCaP calls ‘Mechanisms of AB ovsrexprossion, Inthe ovig"nal proposal, ee proposed to study the ‘mechanisms responsible forthe ovevexprcesion of AR in AT Lumors. Up to:novs we a unable 70 generate data forthe atisinal proposed work, becauso we coal not gat enough muniber of sing.c celle for euch pair of nenogmats, We have alfcady tried this esperimenis Cee tives. We are optimizing the digestion pretoca! 10 improve the yield, Iwas demonstrated tat hormesae rectory prostate cancer samples have AR gene amplification (Visakorpi etal, 1995) To examine ifthe gone amaplifioasion can explain our xenograft Ainding, \we initiated eallaboration withthe Visakorpi groap ‘n Finland. We performed the comparative genome hybridization (CGH) on hormouo sensitive rod borane reffaclory puirs oI LAPCA, 8, sand ENCUP. Tsing this method, we did not abserve any AR gene amplifcatiem in hanmane reffuctory xenografis compared us “heie respective hormone scustive coumterparts, auggesting that gon amplification earno be the sole cause i ata, Poe tac overexpression, Table 1. Compatstive gonomie lybriization (CGT) m hormone sensitiv relacity (AR) LAPCS and 9, sad bormous sensitive LNCP. IS) aed hormous Sampa Gains Losses D13e924, 3924 per, ean-c22, ois Tpte-per, ap2icper, ater P1321, iT ple, Buen-e22 pak Tp14 pe, pt per, 17924-hor 1p82per, 2424, 94, 160, fo ‘Trager, 19,22, XyZt-aes paper, 2924, 924, 109, “p22 31, 2e22 qed. plete, Sotd-ater, sR Taps, 19, 22, eRO-qe8— Gear-gPd, ge2t-g2’. 1aq2"-cier LvcapHs 13 RptS-92, 4426-6392, Boone, 18q21-<25 LNaP HR not dane ra dae KBY RESKARCH ACCOMPLISHME) 7 Demonsiratet that AR overexpression is necessary for hormone rettatory arostars eamce ByRNA Inaelslowr lechnolagy 2, Demensirated that AR gene orplication is not the sole canse ofthe overexpression REPORIABLE OULCOMES Nene CONCLUSION Th the Wt grin prin, T was able tn demonstrate sha. AR everexpression is necessary for hormone reffactory prontule cunear pragresion in vito, We alsa demonstated thst gene amplification ig nthe sale cause athe AR overexpression REFRENCES ‘Visskoopi,, Hywinen,B., Koiesto,. Taupe, M, Keiunen,R, Pale, ©, Pulte & Lamina Il by 0d Kallioisn, OP. (1998). vive assent te arurcgen recep gern peegsnion na reste omer at Genet 0-26.

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