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DTIC ADA420003: Performance of Fire Protective Coatings Subjected to DC-ARM Wartime Scenario Fires Aboard Ex-USS Shadwell PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA420003: Performance of Fire Protective Coatings Subjected to DC-ARM Wartime Scenario Fires Aboard Ex-USS Shadwell

Naval Research Laboratory ‘Washing, DC 20275-5820, NRLAMIRLGI80-04-8742 Performance of Fire Protective Coatings Subjected to DC-ARM Wartime Scenario Fires Aboard Ex-USS Shadwell AxritnF Dunnis Suncare Adana Fie Reseurel Laboratory ex ISS Saudsvell (ESD.25], Mobile, AL Fecocnex W. Wauias Ning Technology Center for Safety and Surivaitee Chenery Division ne Beata Ins 7, Wo Hughes Associates. bu so 20040219 246 Jamuaey 16, 2004 Approves ox puke release ition ete REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE ube roe Nae SiREPoRToATe mame) Sa 200 Mera Rept H Scans lie unde SS Shade! TATRA 50 PRGLECT ROTOR ai9514035 ‘Ain F Dakin. uss Nason Bodrk WWe, Fe TASK HUMBER. flac Mead Fier Weng WORT WBE [FPCRTOTNE oncaMeaioN MaNESTANDADDRESSER SY 7 SPORSORNE / ouToR AEC WANE) AND ADDRESSES) TT EPONSOR MOTERS cinerucsy nal Seu Syne Gana 18 base Mu ae, SE [7 Sronson noMTToRS nEpoRT | ekogan any Yard DC 20576, NUMBERS! H erove rb eked in ate, “Adan ee cantly OSS Shas (LSD 5, Mele, AL ite tee Ba ‘Tae erating ere sia aan of Bika ces af Rasy at pAleaton Rant em he wal he woe noice cgay furs spac. B,Euiraisa pnd PA md FED. Dest ame tng ie [pane pl urd wt ovis eae eats wae eye ee mre espe eH evinoulpod oF SNSCCB,Bovsonmeatl otings 1 PN 2, nd S20 may pr snc cal anes io unde let we ata apes ‘stream a, Fas Cogs *atsraer | Senne lah Wan SREroR —mR —eTaRce | ay 6 Tig TELEPHONE NER ae Lntasticn | eaeesoiea | Latent’ ” ne 6 ‘Had Fon a en) CONTENIS INJRODUCTION. TATORY. EXPERIMENTAL RESUITS DISCUSSION. Panel J: Fiee Dasier vs, Temp Costu Pa Fine Barece 520 v9, Bate Sted. ancl S: Fire Barcier 2 ws. Temp Cost Panel 6: Fire Baier 2 vo, Bare Steel Panel 7: Fire Barrer 520 ¥, Temp Coat CONCLUSIONS. RECOMMENDATION. REFERTNCRS Nomenclature: = Adjacent to Primary Damage Arca + specific heat, forsolids ¢, = ¢, = ¢ -ennvective heal uansler evelfvizal - matsxial thermal condeelvily heat fax (Btw ham) ~ Calorimeter, total heat flax 1 Primary Daraae cea + radiometer, radian! Heat Mux canaitucer + thermgeauple + temperature of the exposed surface “= teraperature of he Maid ut some distance fara a surfice wdncet ~ material diermal didtusivity. @— & ye partial derivative th raspeut lo ime é a ~ Laplacian operator, 5+ e+ PCN OPSIEON BS * aye ae ~ Stef Bottamana constant materiel density PERFORMANCE OF FIRE PROTECTIVE COATINGS SUIKJECTED TO DC-ARM WARTIME SCENARIO FIRFS ABOARD EX-USS SHADWE: 1. Background, A fuutarnental youl al shighonnd freSghting ist find the Gre quickly, attack it efficicesly and coaline tw tie-ares oF eriges (Ru. (1) ln order to satisly this principal, fire spread must be conttotied Bagel ws our curva! knowledge of fire éynamics we kuow that vertical spread of fice could ovcae within 10 ‘nates of the Fre enrmpaetnientreachicg the Nashaver stage. Hlosizontal sproad af fice ean cevur within 20 rio of the fte compartreent reazhivg the Gaishover stage (Ref 2) (51). Conta heal transfer frona the five exmparinm! i the surrouuding compartincats kas been prover to be critical in the conti of ire spre ‘The snbcet costings were provided to NRT, sai, ané appliod aban ex ‘Shartwell bythe manofscrurers. ‘The coatings wal requized application tabar provided 10 a lovel sufficient for anc test only. Tae test was perfenned in eonjumetion with the FYOO DC-ARM demonstration on aot to interfere huss using comptes ane insinamertation resourecs not akteady desiyautell forthe KC-ARM progeun. The Aiscassion that flows will describe what tke thors hefiowe hppated based on theory, experience andthe availuble dala. Further testing and data wauld he roquived ts reach any eonelusian that would either include ar preclude uso ofthe subject coatings choad Navy ships 2. Theoret ‘The three modes of heat ansfer ars smuluetion, convection un radiation, Conduction is tre mechanisn thet allows thermal energy ta teausiee fiom one diserect, ‘molocule to auother being in direut centict, Conduction i Ine meaus by which yur band is bumed when grasping a hoc cast ieou frying, pau without beweFt ofa potholider. ive oF the pothotter will not defeat the heat conduction process, it merely slows it down, The potholder acts. as» layer of insulation. Its presence serves two purpaes, It increases ‘henna resistance fo transir of heat between the hol metal and your hend! and it reduces Iherate at which your kand can be exposrd to that heat, The rate at which feat is ‘candictel‘hrough a material i 2 luncticm of matevial thersnophysical properties, snugmituce af the heat source, magnitude of any tempelature pralcnt within G\e material snd the Cime rate of ehange ef mca material ternporature ‘The convective mode of hect cranefer isthe result of uid movernent wver the surface ef healed material, his s the methad by which your akin cools when expased to ait occing finan un ar comitioning damper ura Pan, The rate at which heat is cocvexted froma surface isa dteetfimetion of sudlave yeomeiry,fiuid notion, fluid Tncrmodynamic properties and emperatirc difeseatial belwecn the heated sarface and its surcuralings: ‘The final mode of het transfer is radiation. This isthe mechanisoy by which our saumosphsr is beated by the sen, Radistion eas wceorm a vacuun and requires no imersening meditan. The rate al whieh leat is radiated from a surface isu fimction of sarface thermephysical properties an the cxisting tenyperalure differential helwocn thet sutfuce ani it's surrewndinas. ‘swap pred Angus 208 Considering non-steady state conditions for a homogerseoas isotropic solid the wiles o'heat wansfor ean bo dssoribed a, o Tuan 2 VET LAE rca) Faunioe cs) Goin 7 (ES Ea) ‘The tote} heal Mux emitled by a surface can be dofined as, Baus = Banas + Bovmcee a 3. Experimenial Set-up: ‘The test coatings were apylied by coating mamuficturors representatives to a nawly installed bulkhead at framel8, second deck, aboard Inu Advanced Fire Research Laboratory, ox LSS STTADWTIT. (Ref (6). The hulklead was consuneted of seven individual, 4'x B's 44" sheets of earbon steel welded toa sto! femme, A joiner daor wes installed ito panel #4 19 allow pevscmma! pansage throwgh the bulkheed. Location of the (est evatinys, manfacturer's product code identity and the thickness of costing, application are shown in Figure. 1. Type K thermocouples were placed against the surfice of welevted patels, on both fire and nac-fic side of ths boletead st knew Jecstions and coating thickness (Table 1). These thermocouples recorded ewaling suelece temperatures over time. Tiae coatings wore applicd aft bulkhoad constuction was ‘completed. Appliation depth war determined by manufacturer representatives. ‘Type K thermocouples were also placed thronghont bomndary compartments lo messune air taxperstures, Adchtional thermocouples were plavel in pile of ALPTTA realerials and in both test fires tr manlarSyniton ane! progrens af the Sire. Radiometers and calorimeters were ainod at regious of known costing thickness, from the non-firo sid, to tasasure radign| aod fold} heal flux. An eptival eamera was lived in a viewing port un the sturhoard side, aft of the test bulkhead to ave visual teference to both the ALPHA aud BRAVO fies. An additions! optical earncra wee plied om the starhnaml sik, onwail of the tes! bulked, view any synthetic ‘gpition of dhe ALDTIA snaterils placed against panc] #6, Foruned sid of Test Bulkhead Untesated 0 60 | Spel 4 a oar pas 60 45 [- 50 is Unmeemed | 40 a Ur Steel Ste 50 sa 65 70 65 0 45 3D Seon ‘TEMP-Coat TEME-COAT After side of Test Bulkdead ao | 100 95 a a pur 0 s Oo one so ao |] ™ lia 40 % 0 4a Oo |e nn 60 | so 0 |1in 70 60 60 | a 0 l Fe-52] FBS FB-L FB2 FE igure 1. Sehematic of Vest Bulkuend Showing Coating Application Panels Neambered 1-7 From Bll to Right ‘Tabet. Tustrumentation/Coating ‘Type Measurement Location and Coating Thickness dactest | Gnches) (mils) 1 AL A OBS Te FRA 60 ~ 2 Forward | 214558 30 1s FoR None oy apa fe Pw pe sm | : e SE ma fein 7 fe Pon |e |e > Paap aoa 22 wt a Two ftes were used for execution of tic test. The fargest was a combination of ALPHA and ERAVO instorials located approximately 1.8 m (6) aft of the test bulkhead and slightly por of conlertine. The BRAVO fuel for thie particular fre was. gpllon pool of Repti. This hepans pol wax used to ignite the wand crib, The neuond fire was epproximatcly § gallons of heplane ‘yuntained in a 10" x 24 6" steel pen, This pool fine wan placel directly agains he all nde oF he (cat bulkhead and coutered an the vertical scam connecting, panels ¥5 and A In addition to the primeay fixes. pile of ALPHA muaterials, newspaper, was placed on he deck and against the forward, nou-fire sid, of pancl #6, ‘his locatioa placed tae ALPHA materials éroclly opposite the 3-gallon heptane poo! fie. Schematics of the gencral test area can be sean in Figures. 2 and 3 4. Experimental #yocedaye: ‘The teat wus conducted during work-ups for the KY UDC ARM Demonstration (Ret: (7)) utilizing a wartione necnariv feu. Milcrial condition Zcbra was set threnghout dis test zone, main deck tothe 4! deck (rom frames 15-29. Te simula Inc tes: arsa being daniaged by close proximity detonation of a enediuin sized warheucl the following itlings were opened prior to ignition, “Iwo hinged “blast panels” inthe 2" deck immediately aft of the test bulkhead, Ventilation dampers in che forward bulehead of compartment 3-15 > Door 2-2-0 All ventilation in the immediate lest zone was secured prior to inition ts eutisty Damage Contiol Doettie segarding venlilasion in th: eres ofa shipboard tne ‘Dats collection, actual commencement of ube esl, was alarledipproaimately 2 minmtes priar to ignition of te test fives. This is slandend rst procsdure required ta collect umbient backyroud dat. Yuition of the test fines was accomplished mually by membars of the Safety Tea. ‘Tie BRAVO pul fire, located against the test bulkhead, conturned ily fuel and bumcd out approximately 15 miles uteri was ignited, ‘he Alpha fire wes manually extinguished pproximtely 30 mniaoles aller it was ignited, Data collzction was secured upprosimately 45 ‘minus after commencement of the i 5. Results: % A snall portion of de coatings em the aft eaface of pancls 25 and 86, low und direey in Front (oF the tet fire, exhibited Lunted intaruesvent response duc to inunediate and direet Marne impingement kom the hoptane pal fre. SS Ss FeaZanwran Fignze 2, Plan View Schematle of Second Deck Instrumentation Layout

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