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DTIC ADA419992: Analysis of the Potential Advantages of Discharging Water Mist in the Primary Damage Area Immediately Following a Weapon Hit PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA419992: Analysis of the Potential Advantages of Discharging Water Mist in the Primary Damage Area Immediately Following a Weapon Hit

Naval Research Laboratory ‘Weshinglon, 20375-5820 NRLIMRI6180--14.8734 An Analysis of the Potential Advantages of Discharging Water Mist in the Primary Damage Area Immediately Following « Weapon Hit Geant G.Bacx, HT “i, Semmes Hughes Associates, ne Batimere, MD amence W. Wane Toro Favre ‘Navy Zectonloyy Center for Safety and Survivabiticy Chemistry Divison — 20040219 212 ‘>pprved or publi lens; station a ulited ~ REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE piano aaa | aaa pen eon — 7 Saar 12, 2008 cera Fepo “GTLEAN SUBTLE 7 CONTRACT MUNBER ‘as Analyt te Peta Alvnag of Dschgag We Mii e Pinay Leauge ale uae Telowing 9 Weapon ERROR Sa. ECT REE eared ‘Gre 6 Tacky? ep Shai? Pods ast a Fay 7 PERFORBING ORGANEATON NAME) AND ADDRESSES, - {EFEREORRING ORGATTERTION PORT val Ream hosy Cine 180 {582 Onin ene eLaRsteo.neaT Sesegun DO DIBTSSI20| sonic iio AGENCY NAMES) AND RDGRESSIES| [30 6FGRisoR eontToR’s AGRON) Nora Sex Sydene Come 33 baat Hal atuae SE 11 SPONSOR MONTORS REPORT ‘Sateen Sy et DEAT NOMBERS) tyes sola Dae, Baars MD ‘water it ta ras ule desig the pla ce iin duce he mal condone ia he cy semage nen PDA) fleoving meme Lis cai leone eon ere ster cel etl aa ‘Eespraisajace comune. The ata pa fh poet deme ha eae i POA eh eae albeing [veaputltia cuentas of i opring sweater rezedhy Ie pte ul we ve Decoce hl esate tele De srteyeing tesa ede and higher the resin conga lenorlae The esto epost [gu vert pein nic he arent mar vpur nue athe De ets SED. he na, smn of ee ‘Shere thsi gauge shar uns oF i he ene ope Tie ale of irae demanerate ha he eons patios Ueto fol suoe ats weapalitcon Resid ty appotcaey chagingsnins ese inte DA i SDRIEET TERN ____lerassrmaet | br eaaes dik Ye Boba arerorr [oaasreact Jamiiseage —] 4, n 7h TELEPHONE MOMBER oom ee oan 47.2676 Siar Foam Foe Sh 10 20 50 6a 20 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION, ons m8 TRRMINOLOGY. TECHNICAL. DISCUSSION. 41° Analical Techuiques. 42 Appliostion Rests. : 421 Delming he Comparteiat Goma wr 42.2 Detinine the Compartment Venilation. 4823 Detinirg The Water Mis System Parameters 424 Analytical AaessmenUT1ea86 uu 424.1 Two-layer Analysis. 4242 Onelayer (welled) Analysin 42.43 Anatytion| Sunmary WATER MIST SYSTLM DESIGN CONSIDERATION, SUMMARY, DREDLRENCAS, TIST OF ACRONYMS Adjaceneto Primary Damage Area Consolidated Fine nd Sinoke Transfer Danage Concsol DDemage Control Assistant Danage Cones! — Asanaation for Redvecdé Meaning Intematiral Maritime Onganiraton Naval Reseach Laboratory [Naval Surface Warfare Center Primary Damage Area Supervisory Cantol Sysem Smnke Ejection Salem ‘Ship Vuloesabiity Met Vulnerability Assossaene Report Weapas Eilecls Tes AN ANALYSIS OF THE POVENTIAL ADVANTAGES. OF DISCHARGING WATER MISF IN THE PRIMARY DSMAGE AREA. IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING A WEAPON HIT 19 INTRODUCTION ‘The recently completed Damage Contel ~ Automation for Reduced Manning (DC-ARM) rogram helped in idenlfy und develop the systems, equipment and iechriques thal will be require to sgnifcontly reduce the monaingrequitenents for damage contol (DC) and improve DC performance. ‘The DC-ARM technologies identified lo contitate mast to impruved DC performance and reled -noning incite > Watermislfo ie sippression and fre continent, = Seniors for fite deveetion and fr churoclerizalion. + iremain distributive contols fr robsinese, survivability and ienlation offre main rapmaes, + Smoke ejection system (SES) for closing smake onthe DC deck, + Access closure monitoring to improve siteation awareness, + Video installed in most spaces for compartment monitoring and redues investigation workload, nc » Supervisory Contd System (SCS) enable offetive situation awarences and ovtzall contro af the DC response. ‘The DC-ARM program was bull upon sri rat-scale technology demonstrations that progressed fron mana (FY 98) [1] fo Femote maneal (FY OU} [2 to aulooated (reflexive) cunt in EV 08 [3] forthe DC response, The program demonstrated that the DC maapovter requirements on 2 nnviem destroycrtype ship could be significantly reduced fiom present manning bevel of 205 o 45 people, with the proper integration of IC system automation and improved DC docicine (ongantzaion 8, procedures). ‘One important finding dentitied during the DC-ARM prograc [23] was the sequstement ts resin the thems leat in ths primary damage are (FDA) to vomnpletc I socovety actions in she adjncent primary Jatge area (APDA)mpaces. During dre DC-ARM program, this wos accomplished thrugh mann fie Fighting using an indirect atch, The rotution inthe thermal conditions in the PDA {ond reduced Sikelinond for ire spread) observed dong thet tests created and generated he sere of sing a survivable ster mist aystom to achieve sina reslts “The curren 1-ARM water mist system installed onthe exUSS Shatvel! ws designed to mest the fre hazard annagement objectives established by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) re {est protocols for “aceormmendation, public spacés and service cae” on civilian ships [4]. The IMO terminology For" Accoramodation spaces, Corridors, Publie spaces and Sorvce areas” vomespouds i. [Navy terminology “Small spaces, Passageways, Large spaces and Storage areas," reqpectively. ‘The system consists of uniformly spaced oveshead open pendent nozals. ‘The muzzles have a K-factor of1.9 Lonvbar” (0.13 gpm) und are installed wth a maximmurenozete spacing of 2.5m (11.5 A). The system is design to opeente at 70 bar (1000 ps) and to discharge 04 Lp (0.003 gpa), thevatoe cameenly ed forthe LPD-17 machinery spaces (3) Since te sytem s designed to commercial stoudards, iis atitcly to survive in the primary damage area (PPA). Previous bllle danoge ropors have shoven thal sysemis rowing through the sacs, particularly inthe overhead near the conterne of the ship, ae moat ansceptibi to dame and are ‘unlikely to murive the bist, As a rsul, de eurent system i ikely tobe Hite nis ability to prevent ‘ashover inthe FDA, To aehicve automated fishover snppression inthe PDA, more survisanie water ist ayo desis need tobe develope und tested, Two such designs contsning sidewoll norris have abready been identifies (6,7) Prior fo investigating mare survivable design/approaches, tke aroount of wate reqnired to control {he fre inthe PDA und prevent fire spread fo jacent spaces neoded robe identified. This paper nalyzes the effects of dischurgiag mst inte the PDA. and its ability 0 thermally manage the coon in he space, The analysis vas then applied toa range of ate damage conus io demonstrate the ‘potential advantages ofthis approach 20 OBJECTIVE “The objective ofthis analysis wus lo identify the potential advantages (thermal management capobililies) of spraying water mist ily the PDA immediately following a weapou hit, Analytic techniqnes, indent data und previous experimental results were analyzed and comhinod to form the basis this investigation 30 TERMINOLOGY “The following toms should be wnderstoe privet filer discussion, Primary Damage Aves (PDA) These compartments ure diecly affected bythe seeapans blast The bulehends, decks or overt within Uno compartments ore ether fSrgmented or removed os reall of te overpresure. is assumed that thor soe: ‘comnmnicition betsy etn all reas ofthe PDA. Adjacent ta Pionry Damage area (APDA) —'These semparoments/spaces bende the PDA. They share a caromon boundary (i, bulkhead, overhead, cr deck) wilh compartment thal is part of the PDA, There is. no fiee communication between the PBA and APDA. Combustibiesin there compartments have the potential lv inte du to heat leansfecred through the beundary fiom the PDA, Control — ‘iit the fre growth raerbeatJcloage sae of he ied Loan he Tikclibood of Fre spree tan afjcent space. ‘Suppression —A significa reluction in Bie size (beat release rats) to a nial volo Extingvismeat ~ A reduction ofthe fire sie that elease rate) ta the point where ‘amsing comistion cases exist Flathover— ‘be wanstin frm a Toad fire toa filly developed fire wheres Fel ‘surfaces are burning andthe compartacat Fills with fame. This canton has been Tikedemptiaily to upper layer compartment temperaturcs onthe order of SUI-EO0 °C O27 Im, Tenable Conditions Base on the effects tha clevated terperamres have on hurnans ‘md electronic equipment, 2 maxim temperature of 80°C (175 °F) is cousdered ‘enable 2), In aatking this detemilion way asvumod that reaponse team members ‘syonld be outed in coven, ash yen ad breathing mess, such that no aka wuld ‘ae expared. Setting Bounties: Mainlaning tenable condivons and preventing a fire fom becoming csablishel in APDA voxqpartments 9. Pileted Ipxtion ~ Ftansing cembuaivn i initiated by an extent (ssi) aoures, much ana park of wal independ fans. Conaliionsreyuived for pilot ignition consist of a sninirmor heat Box uf 10 #Win? /Y} andor fos! surface temperature beeen 200. 0 26 (92-872 °F) [1 10, Spontancons ignition Flaming combustm is iitited by healing fom an ental sovree in the aheencs of pilot, Conditions required for spemtanecus igutiou consist of snimmar heat ox of 20 KWit? 0 amd fr fhe sorees temperstare belorete 250+ 430°C (482-842 °F) NY 11, Foe! Limited Fire A fire where the beat clea rate is controlled by the combustible material i. quantity, buming eharacerstis, and soface ares) in he compartment ft 12, Veotiltion Limite Fite ~ A fie where the beat tcfene rate is contalled by the air tow inte te ecmpartment (both natural and forced} [10h 1. Ventilation Factor AVF where A ie the are of Ge veut opening in sqnare meters and its the height ofthe vont pening in meters. "This paroueter defines the maximum air ‘os into compartment fering a vention Fimited fre and has the uals of m 7104 14, ‘Thermat Management ~ Tho ability of water musvspmny system to rnintain the emperstoes in 9 compartment to acceptable evel. (Acceptable tevels may be based on eter Mashower suppression, fre spread, o enabiity) “TECHNICAL DISCUSSION 41 Amatytical Teckatqnes During atypical weapou it, the short duration high inteeity derma pute erate bythe detonation of te ward is followed dhorly hereafter hy a filly developer compartment ze. The inital tomperotre spe cavecd by the detonation and consumption of be residual missile fuel/puepeliant cannot casily be mitigated by the mmviving pottion af the mist system. Separate R&D progrns have been prupused to sty the efticls of preemptive discharge of water mist on mitigating he effects of the bint. Its general boeved that de duration nf his pike is to shor to ease fe apreadtowdiceot spaces through intat boundaries, A aresul the objective of Ue mist system should be fo mitigate rhe ets ofthe ensting conpartment Gre, which isthe focus ofthis investigation [17] “Thermally manag the consitinas inthe PDA during he ensuing commpovtnent Ine hast significant effecison he conitions inthe space. irl the reduction in tenypeacuse will decrease the sir Slow rate info the canpartoent, which Invere the mainawin fie size that an be supported by any wetrat vent openings, Secon tthe sinter mia stan ean creale adeqnterarbence inthe region aromnd she fire, ue water vaporstcam and vitiled gases wl dllte the oxygee, Nonce reducing the fre sae even further. In iter casey he frst step the alysis isto predict he temperatures in the PDA, These ‘emperattes were proved by conning an energy balance raleulaliow on fie compartment (PDA) capressed by the follwing equation: rca = Prrtss + Drag * Ore o where Qe i the het relenoc iste oF he ft; Op. #8 the energy Fost throng) the wal, citing, and oot: Op iste energy St ont of he vert opting, 2n8 Dy Jo the cory sore hy he mi “The following assumptions wore made to simplify the calculi 1) Combustion as compete and kes place ently within the coatines of the comparmoene (te brat lease ate ofthe fies cme, @) The temperature war uniform within the compartment tall times (after bscharge), and the gas exhausted were assumed Yo be a he compartment temperature: (8) The exhavet gases and the gases cunlaine i the compartment were assumed t0 he strate with water vapor; (8) A single surface heat uansfor coefficient was used for the entre inner suface of the compocte 45) The est ransfor theough the corupartnent boandeves ws unidimensional, i. comms and efges ae ignore and the buwaes ate assumed tobe “afte slab” and (6) Mist droplets were assume fo be heated to the pomparimet gas tempera. “The individual componeess oF Rqvation (1) wore clculated ws follow: assuming # veutation mite fire, the best elece rate is catetated using the following equations: 5 Dre = Cites Sty, ) where € the combustion efficiency, ri i he sioxyson available lo suppert combnction, aa Ad, isthe heat oF reaction of wir. “The energy/enthlpy lot tough the hounancs ofthe compartment canbe esinatedvsing an overal heat Ins coeficent id the fellowing. cquation: Grovtmy = be As BT co) ‘sbere fy isan overall heal uonefercocficom (30'WinK as ue base ou plevions mrasmroments (02), 4, fete aren Die walls and exiting of he commana) aud APs the emperiore Jifference between the seady-state compartment temperatures und lke inital ambiett onda “The energyfenbalpy Tost cmt of havent opening is cummprzed uf to componeuts the energy requir to heat he to the compartment temperature, amd the eneryy associated withthe satmsted _water vapor leaving the enmparment, “Fhe ralfalive losses ut of (ac vent opening were assumed io be rlgive. The vent lonses ue given by dhe following equation: rm = ge Dre co “The loses ossovited with heating the arf the compartment temperature ure ven by the following equation Qyur = Meo Cy OT o “Were ig isthe muss ow rte of fie gmex out ofthe commparlnenC, is he specifi heat ofthe gn, and AT inthe temperate diferooc berwoen the slendy-state eaupartineatfemporatures an the arbicat sirentring the compartnent, IF We assume rt,» i (ie, ignore fhe increase in mass flowrate retuling fom the foc and water), thet the mass flowrate through he compari can be estimated ‘sing Patio (0), hich sapien to wert compurlments [10 GAH Cy pyle) anode, © , [is lovee)” }

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