AFRL-VA-WP-TP-2004-300 UAY AERIAL REFUELING — WIND. TUNNEL RESULTS AND COMPARISON WITII ANALYTICAL PREDICTIONS William B, Blake Sdward G, Dickes JANUARY 2004 ‘Approved for public release: distribution is unlimited, ‘This material is declared a wark of the US. Govert protaction In the Untted States. yt and is not subject 10 copyright AIR VEHICLES DIRECTORATE AIR FORCE RESEARCH LABORATORY 20040218 149 WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, OH 45433-7542 REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE caret be oe Ty, REPORT ATE (oone-7% 2. REPORT TYPE ‘3. ATES COVERED (am Toh Jamar 7008 Conference Paper Preprint UAY AMRIAL REFUELING — WIND TUNNEL RESULTS AND. Instouse ‘COMPARISON WITH ANALYTICAL. PREDICTIONS [se erawrnuneeR NA 6 AUTHOR “Ed, PROJECT HUMBER ‘WillesaB. Blake (AFRLIVACA) NA. Bdviad G, Dicks (Bible) Se TANNER Na {a WORK tii ER WA [7 PRRFORG ORGANIZATION WAKES) AND RUDRESSTES) fe PeRronies GRSANERTON REPORT NUMBER Control Theory Optimization Bratch (AFRLVACAD iri Appiod Reveech | AFRL-VA-WT-TP-2008.100 CConntotSciences isisien Hampron, VA 23666, Ax Vehicles Directorate H Ais Force Research Laboratory, Ait Fores Matciel Command : WeighePanerson AFB, OW 9433-7512 7 SPONEORINGMGNTTORING AGENT WANETS| AND ADDRESSES) Fi SPORSORNESHCOICTORINE AGERE Semone Alt Vetiles Decorate APRLIVACS, Ait Forec Research Lahoratry “Tr BPORSOAINGHONTORNG ADENGY ‘Ait Force Mariel Command ‘REPORT NUMBERS) Wrigh-Panersam Air Forop Hare, OH 45433-7542 AFRL-VA.WP-TP-2004-300, “E SIETRBUTONAVAILABILTY STATEMENT ‘Approved for plc relense: 6 soution is uninite. 7H SUPPLEMENTARY HOTRE [I ‘Conlavence paper oe peorented arthe AIA Atmaspherio Hight Mechanics Conference, Providence, KI, August 2008, ‘his material x declced a wouk of te U.S, Government aud isnot subject to coaynightpeotetion inthe United Ses Th aastmacr Regis ams wind net st ofa dcfty wirg UAV behind 9 KC-135R ure present urd compared vilbprdietions fom a planur vortex Itice unde, Both lhe predictions and data show wake interterenoe effects on the UAV that vary prlfcently with lave vers! and vertical postion, and weakly with relaive mgituinal oii. Prefered rend ar> ‘cella forall ree and onents except fr drug, und magnitules ure reusonably sell preted. The diribution oF ER hetween the Linker wing acd ale hwo havea suorg effet cn he eveiveraetodybaaics ‘Aetialsebeling, wind mame! testing 7 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 7 LTATION 7B. NUNEER | "is, NAME OF REGPOHSIELE PERSON Hors) a. feporr |b ABSTRACT |<. THSPAGE] OF AOSTRACT: foraces| "” Wilin 2, Blake Trheifet| Doclasifed |Thetasitod SAK 14 | in. TELEPHONE NoBER pce Bran cass (027) 258-6761 AMAA 200: UAV ABRIAL REKULLING - WIND TUNNEL RESULTS AND COMPARISON WITH ANALYTICAL PREDICTIONS. William H. fluke” Air Fove Research Laboratory ‘Weight Patterson AFB OH 45433-7534 Ellard G, Dickes ihre Applied Research Hampton VA 23666 ausreact [Rezo hom a wind mane! tart ofa deta wing UAY bebiod 2 KC-135% are presented an compared with, peeditions fer a planar wares latice code, Bott the predictions and data sow wake interieerce feos on dhe WAV dh vary signiicanly with relaive lated und versal position, and weal with slave lnginuinal position. Predicted eende are cevcolla forall free and monuata except for dea, ‘aud naguiades ae eascuebly yell pedicle. The sdsibmtin of ER botveea the taker wing and tli show to bate & mong ellet on the seveive: seradynomics. NOMENCLATURE A Aspect ro Wingspan Gr, Uttooeticient Gp Dag encffcine Gy Ralling nome oveffcient Go Pvbiog moment coefisiet Cu Yavtug someatcoeivient Cy Side farce eotfcient x Longituliad distonce fom UAV AY eg. postive forward y Laer distance fom UAV eg. 12 tanker 6. posilve right 7 = Verial dince fom UAY eg. 12 teokee eg, pnstive down Angle of anack © Astgyse Lnginer, Assit ello ADA s+ __Astsnace Bninsee Sind Mester IAA, ‘Tisgpir ls dent workel ie US. gotumcl ane stron nerrih proton athe Used Sas INTRO ICTION Fer over 501 year, the USAR bas employed acral refueling wo inves the ange of sai, Aeris) refueling alia reduces forward baring requirement, creates response ties foe eflieal targets, and Inereowes lotr tne for sunvillimce sire. The ‘ic Foros Reseach Laboratory, in patnersbip wi DAREA, NASA and Rocing, is curetly musing a rrvgrim ty derunscale aoa celal of a TICAY “class UAV. UCAVE under cument development by ke Ai Force and Nuyy wo surtvabla designs capable of delivering homh Toate in excess of 1600 Ib. Prototype aircraft have been fing by brads Bocing (X-d5) and Mornay (17. Alough compumble in size to Sightor aiscrak, TIGAYS ave geoeially Lighter vith craler moments of icons. This aggravate the effects of nztnfonec bebiad the ler thal ke CAV will encounter Dafoe, during and afterscfaling “The flow survey Hy within tho Langley 30360 Ful, Seale Wind Turwel wat movie several yes 380 fg allow ‘eating of multiple aicraR in formation’! Sevstal wind tunel tats of ceiver aircraft ebind a CILISK tanker hive sinve been completed fo it faci, Tho pinay objectives ofthe ean a's ‘as 10 asseas the stably and vento] charters ‘af the UAV in the tater wake and ta develop 3 ‘databors for sinwlalon end oocrol lw development. "This paper with disease ronan from one of these lets, and compare the tet results wilh prions senztated bya vortex latice code. Previous studies ave chown good ygeement benvecn worter legion pveditions and we intecteenve effects on dowmizenm siti. Rosson ASC - 03-3283 measred veke- Seduced effets un sets sels of igoaled wings tht ere soparted Ienpainay by many wing spans. He showed tht the varie tice toathod de extcemely secorte for proditing wa Snduced KD and elling moraeat when the span of te downstream wing ix sbetutTly less dhan tat of de wake generaling Wisg. lay ct al investiznted fncations ‘ypical of aerial refueling with the reoivcr fer th up wing span dosmstream of the tanker. Tose fet wore conducted in a sell wind loan wth a wingopan (© tunnel wid rain of 0.7 Significant wall iulrivence effects were uncovered Ty taking measurements in both open au closed test seclions, ‘They found good agicement with vortex Tate predictions when compared to tetr open test section resis DISCUSS {WEND TUNNEL SET-UP “The wind tunnel tests were conducted inthe Langley Full Scale Wind Tunnel (O%60), aported by Ol Tino University. "ihe tanker was a 113 scale KC-I35R (Figne 1. Pour sects fs were sed (© stale th engive these The eanker was attached ‘atthe tp of ts fuzclage to he Do sorvey cariags ‘sed in he Langley roel (Figae 1). ‘The fop moat sorngement mdninars sg itlerTsence feos hen the receiver is in the nominal refueling positon below the tanker Relative posiian betwern the wanker and receiver was achioeed ty moving the fsorvey caniage. The mmceiver was’ a 1/13 seate Locked (ales sivratt eonsiztne of 2 65 desree delta wing witb a aevlools tilling edge wth swoep angles oF 25 dgrocs (Figure 1}. eis single engve sdsign with ate narrow ales on th ler surface “The ites were blacked for fhe presect (2S. Teas conte from tke boom wa post that was sed to ‘ho tunne!focr (Figure) Both sncrat were equipped with internal “6 component stuly gauge balaness. By moving the tanker and keeping the received Lxod, all changes to the receiver serafyaazvcs were due to the taker ‘wake and aot to small vaiaGons fb flow angulasty Joo Figue 1. KC-ASSR/UAV Gomory (ull scale) Figwe 2, Wiod Tome! Moels ow Apparat a were teen with The Lauer in four vertical planes upstream of the reasiver (Figure 3). Bast plane conscled of apguosinitely 200 pois in Oe fates apd vertical diveton. Daa ware oly ten wilh ie hacker tis right of the receiver, wha tooking upttim, (hs, symewsay of the esl wat sscumed. The faker wus set at an ange of tack of 2 dopsees shu boron) subir soning of -B Segrce. This ocak in a tua Lift coefficient oF (036, eamesponding na reference refueling cmon (250,000 Ib at 28,000 A. The recive as rete a fro angles of tick (4 and T deg) nt enc position, This paper will uly show results forthe 4 eg, ingle of atack rans. All rong sere conducted at = ‘unc dynatic presse of SpsE, which eanesponds lo speed uf approximately 65 fee. COMPUTATIONAL METHON ‘5 mliiedyotson ofthe pagar vuctex fcr cade Hascos! wer ured to peediet the wake induced effets on. the eat aie The mumter of permissible vortex cleats was incess04 from 2000 fo alow fer hore: definition of multiple axa. A, rogram wus als witon that anonnecally generates Input les fox a user deGied set af tankerocever Osiims, runs the cade for each pesto, ad sass The rests. Tota computation tne fr a ran of 130 ‘elaive poutions was about 4 hour: onan SCI igo Tvwarktation. ‘The tanker ns aedeled with 2100 eloments, de recciver with 450 slemente. Cosine speing of the ‘lowers was ved inthe choriree dicoton. Fvea spicing of the elements was wed ia the spans ‘retin. This is necessity in ends fo corre erect ligament of vorix filamcnss and cons) pola ‘whe the aera overlap fn the iter! diection, An clement width of 15 iaches (ll sale) wae chosen {ht Lott vehicles. ‘Thix zoe. in come. slight approximations to 2 “tetual geomeby. A expan uf the acta! end tundeled span is hewn fn Table 1. The TASCIS repreeniaion of dhe ‘eke is chown a Figure Wakdel | Aca spantiy_[ gun (a KEG yiee [1560 [1570 Kesey —pst0 | 510 AY 450 [aso TTANTET ASC Goomety Appewiaaton Figure 4 HASCSS lnc model Wake indoced effeots area foneion oft Hf of the wake generating oie Bence it in very important atch the meeamoed HD uf Ue toker sith the TIASCOS model, HASCOS unos single ale of tack fx bod sucflaehich rues ajusments 9 wing incidence angler in order co sch be tet conditions. Two mluxts were sudied for madstng hicles, us own in Table 2 Wind | HANS [mae tunel | a ROLE ose |i | KeassaoA 2 KCA95 wig amber | “yes KES wing osdegse [2 | a6 C135 mltecdesce [|b [av Aca. 473 UAV wogmeings [0 [2 Ja "TAIN 2 = MARUIS Modeling Opto Matods A and were found to give identical raul, s0 Motied A was weed for all subsequent ‘kul RESUL1S-LONGITUDINAT, Figure $ shows dhe variston ja wake iaaed Kil om the cescver as a Guotion of feral spacing for 60 Tongiludioal spacings. Longinuioal spacing rmoasured fam the eg of he take lothe eg. af the receiver, The closest epacing shown Gub=D.85) reprseat the "pre-antes! pest, wits ae of he tcciverayprexinaely DU fi (ul ole) fom ie aflend ofthe tinker. Atthe fethost ing (2-4), the receiver is 300 (fll eae) behind of Te ok. Vera spacing i also measured tome 1 0, vertical epasig of 21m indicate that tp seein ie bout 2 (UM seal) above the wing root and § (Gill sale) clow the veng tip and horizontal tl Lateral spacing (Sis) rvescs he rela lateral postion between the veel, non-dinerscnilized by the span of ke take A exlus of O means that the esttaines af ts vebicles are wigne, A vale of 10.5 means thal the mse of ae aeeiver ie ligasd with the Hef! wingtip oF the tanker. The wing tps are ayied at value of 0.64, beyond dl, there is m0 ‘overlap between the configurations ie the ltrs) rovion, ‘Both the prediction and daa show almost re effect of lungitdinal spacing, while lateral spacing bas a very large effect, Wi the velcles ‘Migned, u avell Lid inctease i provioted and tuoasared, a te otra spcing incrosos, nereasiog downs ig evident chat peas ula sparing of 03 sane, The downsvach decreazes und upwash enecenteed cuthour of te i. The ictease in HB ‘wih the vehicles aligoed ects fom she lege owed on the borizonal tal ofthe exer required ar rim, This enuses upwrah dieehy beneath che tat aad iis tho wing dawmnwash outboard of the tai ‘Ths is depivied fn Figure & The KC-T3S design dete tothe carly 2950s and hus bigh degree of tle sbi (ra ne eneen Ay igure 5. Compacicn of pedir and smacaed ‘wake induced Hof. The effect of tim ta doflostion was assessed computationally and theres is show in Fig. "To mutch the overall (tal tanker fit wih diforcat tail deflections, the torker wing incidence “wat oid. Figure T how that with no tall defletion, lage LR loss is preseal until dw tecaiver approsehos de tenksr wig ip. eau shone Het the [eal tne ie Larger forthe downloaded til when tho eeccver is jos ontioard of the til and tho tal ddoxwash ic aldo ote lng doses oO [ FF G te tis iy ee quer emt TT TT Ie nur te tty, ta devoueah eget, ‘igue 6. Efcot oF tai it on tanker wake 26 view, Lauran conn AFC yb Figure. ttt af take al deflection on Wake induoed fil, 20.85, 20-0, igure & shows: the induced Lil fer to vertical syacings as finoon of lateral pacing he ditional vertical spicing shown (2b=0225) ‘oneespends the refsling poston {fer bao ype refuting). The magnitude of tke lif change i ‘reduced at all spanwise Iocafons and the smal i Inoreare fore in-plane (2-0) cate is now a sel deere, lreemenl , Uiwaloitnns Sotvan Aa ys Figure. Compas of predicted ind meusured ‘wake ined It 08085. Figure 9 shows the effect of vertical apacing at a lal spacing of ye) (vehicle ceafertines afgue The eect of teal dowmload canbe lout cee in thie Sigue. The recevee if érooty blind the Dati il at a vertical spacing of afb=0.08, ssc sth location of de pose inersse in HA. AS the rocciver moves wy Gun ths pus on eee lrocion, ti it inuod Vit doscensea. Asis eves rignticazly downwurd the IN bss decreases and anmpllicly approaches mare. At ie boom Tifbeliag poston, the Ft lus is underpreisied by. aboot & factor of eva. The reason for a6 Sscrepuncy is not known at this Gace, Somve of i nay he dn nthe eft of tho cocling ton, whish ‘war ont inched in the TLASC9S mol cei i, 3 oak Figure 9. Comparten of prodictd and measured ‘wale induced if y-0,sib-1 5. Fiynwe 10 congas he measured and predicid drag surterenis we fonction of liza spacing for v0 vena spucags, Tiguie LU shows the etfon of wetieat spacing om dog. Both Bzurva abow poor greemeol betwee le maeasired and. prodieted hss, snd Jn many cases the sign is dneorocty predicted, Nuch uf this is undoubtedly due 10 ‘ison effor,shich HARCSS ignres, eration San to ewe tC reeds eae eel gen . _ ° oft lo Heee Fipwe 31. Comparison of predicted and measured wake indeed dog, yO, 001.5, Predicted and measured piling moe ineresas a compared in Figice 12 as a function of fuel sting and Figue 12. ac 9 fonction of vance! racing, Both the prediction und dala show five CGstines peaks as Ukr spasing i iacreused fa he inplme case. Toe mugritules of the peaks, ower, ae underprodiend ia every case, The peaks appeue te cunespul o the the wing tps oF ‘he roster area ropfons of ether usin uprash ‘or dowowash, Arte rficling pion beneuth the siren (/b-025). the moments are Wey soll ba ‘yell rcdicted, A weiie! pacing fs vce gare 13), to peaks dus to tho tanker ail are evident, wish ae bath easpaably vel preicled insullicienl dota ke detrine whether this iafletion print ereaL g A fe 4 he 2 tare Baan o eit [eheraloitnes Season Atom ye Figure 12. Compavisn of prdicted and meoured ‘Wale induced pitching mament, /o-0.85, i corms | = aware Figure 12, Comparison of predicied ond asutet ‘wake induced pitching moment, yb RESUETS - LA'TERAL-DIRECTIONAT. ‘The effet of Leal spacing 07 indoced rolling orient a he to extreme lopgitudina spaclegs 1 shoo in Figure 14, As wil he iecd Hf, dere viualy ng aftect of dovmstream spasing bu large celiest of netol spacing, Fra tho woud and magnitude of the induced rolling momcat ae very ‘well predicted. “The piaks corespond @ Oe criedine of the DAV boing postioned dicey bebiod the tip vonces of de taker tail and wing. respectively. The slight inflection poi wits he AY. at shout stb=D'3 comsspenti to the UAY rossi, am ahve ty Below the plans of the tke wing, esuling for the wing ditedal. "There Liebenson lez Figooe 4, Compas of predicted and measured ‘wal: indoced rolling men, 242. ‘The predicted effect of the taker tll sting is given in Npure 15, Wi no el dcetin,thee is only ‘anc rolling momeal peek, which avisct trom the lanker wing tip vortex. The peak wl is lower dae tw the reduced Hi fom the tanker wing, ince tere 1a large al dowaload to overoome. Eon i 4 Hig 15, Bilt of tarr til deflection wake {duced rolling moment, wh~0.85, 7-0, Figure 16 shows the offoct of lateral spacing for ero ‘erie! piciies, The voting meraents ut te lowes ‘pacing (rfucling postion) are mur lower than the place case and are well predkced. Figure 17 shaw the effect of verlical spacing wid the UAV positioned just iaboan! of the wingtip. The peak. movin! # aloe the eg. of the tanker due 1 The Abed ofthe wing. Te pecdcton i excelent. ‘ Fen & tea Detanefatasen Ae ys ‘igure 16. Comparison of predicted and wacasured vee indueod alin momen) arb. ons : i F sa 4 Bpoe Ba aes histo ca 7 Ripe 17. Compirison of predicted ant aes rake iuduoed reling monent, tb=0.45, ‘Tho effet, of taeral spacing on indeed yaring moment is showy ia Figure 18. To pwenide 0 Die inp, tbe vertical sis om this plot i Monica, fo dhe milling onus result shoum on Figs 14-16. Very soull yung moments are found for dhe ie plane caro anf no yowiag mveroent is found forthe refveling position. This is presumably duct the ack, fa vera eon the recetvor. Althovg smal, the inplaae veiuhs sh a difecot igo than De prsdicton when the receiver iz bxhind de taker ving (¥[email protected]) This indicate thar oe source of the yaving manent may Le illest ag from dhe feo halves of de wing, uae the diag pregilone were alu poor fir dhe implenae cose, Upton Beteen ‘Figur 18 Comparison of padictel und measured ‘wake iviced yavang momen, xA-0.65 The offer of att spacing on induc side force is shown in Figure 19. ‘The wen! i well preted for both sigh, aldiough the overall magniaatog ae sl une han Se ince feats by tne 9 20). This is pobably due to the lack ofa velial ‘ail on the cenfiguation. Sa i bad Used Ditech aah ‘igure 19. Comparison of preivied aad mene ‘wake indwed side ore, xD 85 CONCLUSION Roms Gon 2 wind tunnel test of UAV aetil tefiwiog ins eye-soals wind toamel buve beso resented and comyarsd with predioloon fiom = liar vowex lave cede, inthe longi axis ‘wake indoced effocts wor well prediced for ff and Ditching monient and poeslypredetd for cag. Lit and momen: ads worn extremely sell predicted while peak magnitudes “were pica) wale iotisted, an the Ieteslirenooe) anes, wale induced effects on polling moment were very wel, predicted, Wake effets on yasug moment and side force were fond w be small, doe to the lack of a atic it on the rocebver configpetion. The ‘somputational asalyls indiates thatthe dsibation fof Gaker ft bersoen the canker wing aad tal i four en bave w sigan effec REDERENCES 1. Sisk, Michael, “USA. 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