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REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE, f acisey INGONLY Thal | 3, eon pam A. ere 2 F renee onianizaTibS NAME(S: ND AEDRESEG [arvera Universi. ice fr Sponsored Kessirch Holyoke Canty, Foust Floor sso ntassnamens Ave lescidgs, 4.02138, [The Design and Control of Smart Structures DAG 55971 - pus eres) [Roger W. Brockett, P'S. Keishusprisad, John Raiilcul > seonscRoHGMONTTORING AORNCY RASHID ANT ADAMS lc. $, Army Research Oice 2.0, Box L 1 [Reteuroh Triangle Park, NC 27709-2211, fas [Harvard niversity shoal nt be comet aan [bales so te armed by herdsmen, [rie views api ali ting cnmain a it ecprtare tose of ih ates snd Pal Deparnent of te Sey pon, py oF deeson, DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A, ‘Approved for Pubic Ret: Distribution Unlimited 890 84207002 bret rgb es ens hs. ABSTRACT es Iris is the final zeport of the Boston University, Tlaevard University. and {niversty of Maryland MCRI en Design ynd Cruel of Smart. Suet ne reper contuins a summary af resufts obtained from the knception of tke program in Muy 1997 uatl ics conclusion in Acgust, loons. Qver this petiod the roscarchers involved produced aew ad useful kesults ia the areas of micromechanial doves (fibrivaled and aed at ARL), jfaicra Fluidics, werk on che contal of boundary ayer flows, work on Jrradeling micsomagnsties, and a range of patented devices incluchng a 1024 segment controllable MEMS maim ind a navel 1000 Hz optical switch, based on the contol of « laid intscface, Moro than 60 students al fendergracunte, grachinte and postdactoral lovels were supported under this praject and over 160 popers have appearee acknowledging support ror the grant ‘NBN 75/2024 st aoe wa 38 exo. Prescribed by ANSI Std, Table of Contents ‘Statement of Problem Stulied, Summary of he Most Important Resulls... jst of Manasceipts and Journal References Persone, Iaventions, Statement of Problem Studied For the purposes of chs MERI ““Smmsrt StucLanss” mnay be chought of wx salutions to technological priblems that use the contrallshilily of physical effcets such as magretosuction, slectrstricdon, piemlecuic elfects, and clesre-csmosis to achieve their fauetion, This represents sr emerging aren of enginveriny miale possible by now develupmenis in material sconce, ‘icra Sahriculion and the availablity of analog and digital cloctronic modules capable of geuerating the precise high frequency wiveftmns necessary to tke advanlage af such offcts. The problems sundied include (andameutal questions oc the madelieg of sagnetic taneriuls operatiag ir unusval modes, the evelopment of ness fabrication techn'qaes for MEBIS doviees that can luke advantage of smart imateriils und seman. controls, mecieling magnetic hystecesis in macsrals such es terfonal, ew techniques in the conte of fluids, devel opment of larger ane raoie capable arrays of MEMS rmittors, and now deselopmeess in NMR pulse design. ‘Summary of the Most Important Results “The poal of the research dome under the support of this MURT isto advance the state 0 the ant jn the eccve contro of materials and stactures, Wo orgenize the sunuiany of OLE restlts around tnpies aceording tothe sub heedings appearing below. ‘Micro flbidies: Progeess on the development of theory and experiment in the area of small finiic systems has included couteal of boundsry Inyer Now, siork on the control of position of finid interfaces and evistaldely driven channel flows. Applications of tac former in the area of optical switching have heen developed whores applications af later have bec rade in ‘nici mixing. We have built and analyzed an opzical switch capeble af switching a light beam at up a 1000 Fiz by using the electrostatic deflection of s conductvetdie-ectic Find interface approximatcly 025 inches in diameter and .01 inctes deep. Optimal contcol pinciples played an important role in improving the switching spect, Because an imporlunt fart of many systems being developed for mic-> analysis and processing is mixing in law Reycolds nnmber Moss we developed new analysis methods for understanding such raixing processos, Thi hus heen repute ia The terre ad is being Firtier explored in caTlaboration wich erhcr groups ol Harvard. Nev? sealing laws have been developod for invetigaling laanar flow psttcring.in small uale strucanes, ‘We have given a proof of eancipt al hiquic-liqad interface spatial Hight nadu-ator. We have _given aa analysis of dispersion in nanurlorm flows ina paremeioy region aprropriaie to the iavestigation of nixing al small scale. Ths is irportant for chemical analysis techniques, cambustion and a number of other mieeo fluidic applications, Electro-osmotically driven flow due ta suctace inhomogeneities (w/ Ajdari, Long) high-frequency peristaltic flow in a closed cavity - applications ty mixing (w! Selverov) smicro-pomp/moter(W/ Day) disperse in radial Tow and spatially ‘varying configueacions (x? Brorsr and Selveroe}) syeioge driven flovr (a! Katopodes, Devis) 1m addition there have been experiments on the development af vortex mnadels in suppart ‘of wask on active flow controlar well as wide ranging expcrimoemis om wxntrling hhoundary fluid lows using serays of micejet actuators including the first detailed ‘pararaeie srudy of optimal jot palerning for optical contol af stall duc sa high anglos of wack in airfoils. The vorrex usedals capture the muny results zum flow.control experiteems. ‘Tho cxperimental vampement is detailed che Boston University thesis af SH. 121 and ibe vortex mode‘ing appears in several papers by A.C. Stith aud J. Balticul, CCorsidcrable cffort way made during te period of performance of the grant o intact with and trenytion reelts to cesearchers in other groups interested {in these prablems. In addition ta technical prenealalinns al anferenccs, Wright-Patlersin AFR, and the United Technalagies Research Center, and. Boston University in partner withthe cited ‘Technalogics rovowrch Certer apnesored an Jntemarional workshop on ‘hs Coir of Plow Separation, ac the center fo Oeioher of 1999: ‘Modcting micronnigneties: We have developed neve low-ordkt mulhermical smodels af hystenes's nonlinearity. Thewe cart he used i tke selection of mates for the comaeod surfaces of wnerat,eotorerat and aubmacrsiblcs, The refined dissipation models applicable to magnetostrictive elements ure of importance for nnmctical sinulstion. These ure expected to lead new software tools forthe design of acmtators. The modals we have developed for ‘magnetoelastic system, basod un the Landan-Lifshitz-Gibert equations cam he used 10 ‘obutr predictions of hysteresis curves, These are key to predicting the efficiency of deviers Cayley unsnorm methods have beca devstaped to prmdkce accurate algorithms for micromagnotics, ‘vith projected applications in magnetostrictive eotuator modeling, These me‘hixls have been tested in sera size ards, This work ws presented af varkshops in magnaties (Goorge Washinglan University, ‘May 2001 aud Princeton University, Tune 2000), ‘Work aa modeling and control of hysteresis uving Povisuch mode's has led fo che sucessful demensirations af iavetsion of hysteresis m mayretostrictive actuator control, New methods ‘based an Finite ancomaton models of hystoreas has heen develogedl tygedter wih a robust control thoary Tar synterns with hysteresis. (Soo thesis of Xiacbo Tan, jinfly supervised by IS, Baras and P, S, Krishosprasad), Tn the joint work of X. Yau. J. 8, Baras and P, 8. Krishaaprasad, ‘new infinite dimensional models af dynamic hysteresis have been investigated and control algorithans have heen developed for trecking smant scwators with hystenetic behavior, These algorthins have ‘een successfully tested and validazed in the laboratory Adaptive Option: High-resolution laser-wavefront modulation gldresses a extical military need jn a systom thal also Tera near-term promise in the corameretal secor. Prololype microrndir aurays with 25 or 100 pixels thal have been fabricated at BU"s Photonics Certer have been ‘ncomporated inte test beds for lisor eormmunication and/oc adaptive wavetront control st ‘Army Research labararories (2), Lavuronce Livermore National Laborararies (3), ‘Lockheed Martin Missile Systems, NASA's Jct Bropu'sion Faharaory, The Tniversily of Vietotia, limporial College, the Rochester Visual Scicnces Conte the Schepens Eye Research Anactute, and Adaptive Optics Associates Camporation. The MURLARL collzboravon benefits ‘rom strong and long-standing eynergy between the ARL’s Intelligent Ootics Laboratory 4nd Bostan University's Precision Optics Taharaiory. This work Ioget has produced, sight calubenative pagers in archival jontnals aud conference proceedings, pnd has rested i: four specially-urgenized technical conference sessions at anmal meetings of the Sociegy of Photo-opticl Instrumecuation Eagineers (SPIE} an dhe topic of high resolution wavefront como]. This collstarstin, supported hy the ART. Cooperative Reyeutch Progtam, has resulted in the following milestones: 4. The Fastest adaptive optias control loop ever demonstrated (1 KHZ) 2, The fir real-time adaptive optical imaying system to improve ‘solutiga using MEMS 3. The frst domonstcation of #laser-camnmunication link using re-time ‘adapsive compensation and n MIMS rio: 4, 8 eemprehensive analysis of the agioelestromechanical performance al MEMS DMs in adaptive contcol systems, which appesred in Applied Optes enon. \We have developed now techniques for igh resolnton optical phase distortion suppression, commcting for ihe effects of atmospheric turbulence an laser beams. his work i in vallsburafion sith D=. Mikhaif ‘Voruniyov of ARL and testing lis bsen dame haih at ARL and at Boston University Proof-of- concept experimental demonstracion of te ligaid erywal ght valve (LCLY) basod high ‘resolution wave-front contrul sus (nonlitear Zemike filter zesliralion) Siovlation resus show effectiveness against amospheric eurbalence Global nonlincar stilily analysis fershe teantinaous system: model of the wave-troml conical system Patzat disclosure (PS-2001-078) Jjoinfly to University of Maryland and Army Research Laboratory: Wave front phase sensors based on oplically or electrically controlled phase spatial gt modulators for wave-front seaxing and control (M.A. Vorontsov, E, W. Just, L, Boresney, P-S. Krishnaprascd, J. Ricklin). n joint ‘work wth Bric Justh alin cuflaburalian with Ds, Mikhail Vorontsay and colleagues ai the ‘Anny Research Laboratory, significant progress has been made in othe areas of adaplive aplics as well [MEMS Fabricatioc: Rapid progress has boon rade im he dasiga of MEMS misters, andl MEMS, arrays of slicon-tusea micravalves a8 well as in the design and fubricalion of anays of silicontased ‘MEMS piston actuators for applicalions ic. alaptive optics using deformable mirmacs. The project eapializes on a prover: and highly successful collaboration betwen rescarchers atthe ‘Boston University Photonics Canter and rescarchrs a! the. Army Research Laborstory. One. project involves an optical yyslem consisting of a BL 324 sfoment silicon spatial ight Todulator erabedded into un optical Iree-space laser comunnnicatioa link to allow high sped conte of the wavefeant pase. This system is being used in research concemming compensation ‘of path abercations and enbancement of security in Doint-to-point éaca links. ‘Much of the miceominvor technology developed through this project bas been licensed by Boston niversity for amduction by Boston Mior»muchines Corporation (BMC). Commercial sales ofthis pil. ‘product ithe past eva years have cxaseded F400K. Tn a recent vollaboratiot supported by DARPA, the Riven Ursversity/BMC team has fabuicated next-generation device with 1024 mirror pixels and improved optical quality. The mittay impact of mucromizrors pradeued throagh the MURI research is measurable in terms of superior targeting capabil.ty for laser-guided ordinance, snd improved stealth in liotonie poin/-n-poinu corunucivations. The commercial inapact will Felt in Taser evmmanicacions and biemodical instrumentation Tor retinal imaging, ‘Contiol Architectures; Rasa on earlier wark by Harvard collsagucs, the Boston University group established the first statoment af what hat become known as the Data-rat theater, placing, Tn on Use miniewum data ca required to stabilize w syatem...The design of methods for optimizing communication patterns appropriate for contrlling wruys, und uhe data-r:e theorem mentioned were aerounaed im a paper and presentation given at am ARO warkshop am sraast structures ar ths Pennsylvania State University, in August 1999, This srk hus led ter omgoing developments in commonicarions and contral which is being pursued with support of tbe ‘Comimanicating Nelwarked Control, Thc BUIART. callahoration, supposted by the ART. Conperative Research Program, has resalted in the following milestones: The fastest acaptive optics control loop sver emonstiated (11EF), The lira real-cmse adaptive optical imaging aystem fo improve resolut:en using a MEMS link with rul-ime adopdve compensation and a MEMS ein and a ‘comprehensive analysis of the opiaeleviramecheniccl perfo-maance of MEMS. igi! miror in adaptive conteot systems. ( Appfied Optics (2001) List of Manuscripts and Journal References Harvard University: Pugers Published in Poor Reviewed Journals 1B Brockett and N, Khaneja, “Qu the Stochastic Control of Quantum Ensembles,” in System Theory Modeling, Anlysis, and Control, (7. Djaferis und T. Sehicl pp. 75.96, 1999. eds.) Kluwer Academic Press, Norwell, MA, , Brockett und D. Liheraum, “Nonlineae Feedback Systems Permuhed by Noise: Steady-State Prohublity Distributions (aad Optimal Control” ‘eensactions on Auimatic Control, vol 45. 6, pp. 1116-1130(2000) R. Brockett andD, Liberzan, “Quantioed feedback stabitiontion of Hear vystems,” HEEB Transactions ‘Automatic Control, vol. 45 n. 7 pp. 1279-1289 (2000) 1 Khaneja, R. Beoskett and 8, Glasser, “Time Opitinat Conirot of Spin Syston" Physical Review 4, ‘yo. 163, March, 2001, IN, Khaneje, R, Brackett and $. Glasser, "Sicb-Riemannian Geomeury and Time Optional Central of Tiuee Spin Syren: ‘Quuraumn Gates and Coherence Transfer,” Physical Review A. 02302, vol. 65, (2002) D, Fristu and R, Brockett . “Experimenting with Hybrid Control." TERE Contro: Systems Magetrinc, vl, No. 1, pp. 82-95, 2002 N. Twumn-Danso, and R. Brocket, "Lrajcetory ‘Nevworky, vol. 14 (2001), pp. 835-944, ubmation froms Place Cell Data,” Neursd 1M, Bgerstcdt and R. Brockett, "Feedback can Reduce the Speciicotion Complexity of Moror Programs,” IEEE Trunsautione on Autorcatie Control, vo. 43, Fob 2003 D.Tong, TLA. Stone. and A. Ajdati1999, * Elcceraosmoric vee created by surfave defects ie capilary electrophoresis,” J. Coll and int. Sci, 212, 338-349. RI Dey and HLA, Stone, “Fxcbricuiion analysis ant houndary imtegrat simulations of a viscous micropump,* J, Fluid Mech. 416, 197-216, F-¥. Katopods, A.MI. Davis, and LA, Stone, “Piston Jlow in a nro-dtimensiona channel,” Phys. luids 12, 1240-1243, RE Istangiiny otal, “Experimental and theoretical scaling laws jor ronvverse difasive Ipruadeniig in vo-phase laminar flows te microchonnels,”“Appl. Phys, Lew. 76, 2376-2578, M,Z. Ravant and HA, Stone, “Anmplotic aualysis of reaction diffusion fronts swith ene static ant one diffusing reurtant,” Physica D S.A. Koehler and TR. Powers, "2000 Twirling dastica: Kinks. viscous drag, ond torsemalsiress,” Phys, Rew. Lett Lit, Rocker, SA, Keebler and HA. Sune, “On self propidsion of micvo-martines at Lae Reynolds Number: Pupoelt's three-tinkswinomer”” Journal of Fluid Mectanics 490, 15 (2003) FLA. Stone, “Philip Sofinon and viscous flow theory,” J. Fluid Mechanics vot. 109, | 65--183, 2000. RE, Tormigilow, A.D, Stroock, PLA, Kenia, 1A. Stone, aud G.M, Whitesides, “Experimental ond theoretical sealing fas for transserse difusive broaden flow in microckrawets,” Appl. Phys. Let, vol 36, 2376-2378, 2000, ‘T, Katopodes, A.MLIDavia, aad HLA, Stone, “Piston flow in a iwo.dimenstonat channel,” Physics Fluids wo. 12, 1240--1243, 2000 M7Rwant end HA.Stone, “Asympratics of reuction-diffaston fronts with one stotio and ome diffusing reacrama,”” Physica D, vol. 147, 95-121, 1000 RF Day and HA. Stone, “Tubricution analysis and boundary integrat smadutins of @ viscous nfcropuenp.”’ 3. Fluid Mechanies, val. 416, 197- 16,, 2000 B.A. Grayhowshi, H.A. Stone, and G.M. Whitesides. “Dynamic self-assembly of magnetized, millimeser-sized objects roving at the Hequid-air ireerface.” Nature, vol, 405, 1033-1036., 2000 XK. Selverov and , Stone, 2001 “Peristaibeatly driven channel flows wlth applications rowan micro-mixiny, Phys. Fluids, Phys, Fluice 13, H. McKinley &HA, Scone), ‘Papers Published in non-Pocr Reviewed Inurmals a Coafercace Prosvedings R Brockett,“ Minimme Auention Conirol™ Proceclings of ibe 1997 CDC, 1997 R.Brovh “Singular Values and Teast Syuares Marching" Proceedings ofthe 1997 CDC, 1997 R. Brockett, “A Rosimal Flow for the Yada Tawice Fauctions,” in Operators, Systems and Linesr Algebra, (U. Bolmke ex al. ed), B.G, Tevbme, Stutigart. 3997, pp. 33-44. R. Brockett and K, Morgen, “Nonkolonomnic Contra! Raned on Approximate Inversion, * Brox. of the 1999 American Control Conference, San Diogo CA. 1999, pp. 3515 3519. R. Brockot, ‘Stationary Cermariance Realization with a Specified Distribution of Amplitudes.’ Proceedings of the 1996 Cimference on Decision und Contec!, Tampa. KL, 1998, pp 3742-3 R. Brockett, “Contral of Stochamte Fnsembles.” Astro Sympasivm on Control, (B. Wienmark, . Rantzss, eds) Susdenclinerarur, Lurd Sweden, 1998 pps. 199-246, R, Rrockett, “Eiptiity Solruhoniret Probioms with Nonkolonnmic Constraints,” Proe. ofthe 1999 CDC Conference, Phocsix &7, 1599.pp. 13-16. Brockett, W. Gong and ¥, Guo, “Storhasiic Analysis for Wail Queing Systems,” Bro. of he 1999 CDC Canerence, Phoenix AZ, 1999,pp 3077-082. R. Brockete and N.Khuneja, “Dynuoio Feedback Stabilization of Nonholonemic ‘Statens. Proc, of the 1999 CDC Conference, Phoenin AZ. 199, pe 1640-1645. M, Bgerstedl, P. Ogcen, 0. Shaccmis, and J. Lygeros, “Toward Oprias! Consral af Siwithed Linear Syitens.”” LSEK Conference on Decision and Contmol, Sydney, ‘Anstali oe. 2000, , Brocken, “New Ieyuos in the Mathematics of Caniol," in Mathematics Tnlimitec-2001 and Beyond, (W. Schmit etal. Eds.) pp. 189-219, Springer-Verlag, 2001, 1 Rhangja, R, Brock, acl Set Tan Glasser, “Optimal Pulse Design far NMR Systems Kdentifcation,* Proneedings of the IEEE Conference on Deeision and Contre, (2001) K.P Sclverms, and TLA. Stone “Beristalteally driven flows for micro-mivers," Proc. of IMECE ‘Mccting (ASML), Anaheim, November 1698, pp. 85-86, RLF. Dey. and HLA, Stone, “Lubricatinn analysis and boundary inteyral shnulations ofa viscous anioropurap.” MSMBY, pp, 511-517, 1998. LA, Stone, JR. Lister, M. B. Beennor, ““Conically shaped drops i elecric felis,” Pros, Ray. Soe, Lond. 455, 329-347, 1999 LA. Stone, and H, Brenner, 1999, “Dispersion in lows with ste velociny, "Vand EC Rescurch, 38, 851--A54 ve wearers of means A. Aida, and FLA. Stone * note on sunning using internal generated mraveling waves,” 1999 Phys, Hloids. 11, 1275.-1277, HLA. Stone, “Php Saffinene and viscons flow sheers," J. uid Mich, 409, 165-183. Sue, TT. & Kin, $.,200) “Micnyfuidics: Basie Issues, Applications, and Chadfenges.” AICHE I. 47, 1250-1254. REF. Ismagilow, D, Rotmarin, P. Keais, D.Chiv, W. Zhang. 1. Scone & G. Whitesides, 2001 Pressure-triven laminar flow in tangential microchannels: Av elastomeric microfhsiic switch, Anal, Chom. 73, 4682-4687. University of Maryland Papers Published in Pear Reviewed Jo.ruu PS, Krishnaprasid sn D. Toukivis, “Oscilarions, SEY2}Snakes auc Motion Cumtrol: A Stuy ofthe Rolter Racer” (2001), Dynamics and Siabil:ty of Systems, 16(4): 347-397 Y., Manizonda and P.S. Kishnapraead (2071, of acluts of anderactvated mechanical systems with -Anuometica, 38(L1):1837-1850. M. A. Vorontsov, HW, Justh and. A. Bereeney (2001), ““Aduamive opts with advanced phase-contrast technigues: prt High-resolusion wavefvont sensing," I. Opt, Soc, Ava. A, 18(6}: 1289-1208, F. Justh and P. 8. Keishnaprasad, Patterm-formiag systems jor control of large arvans of actuators,” Tosenal of Nonligear Seience 11 (2001) 259-377, B.S, Rrishnaprasad and X, Tian, “Cayley ransfonns de micromagnetis,"* Physion B 306 (2001) 195-199. B, Acimi-Sadjedi and P, S. Krishnaprasad, “Approxinare nonlinetr {itoring and its application in navigation”, provisionally accepted for ublicarion in Automatica revisce version subrailed in Augnst 2008, A. Handzel and PS, Krishnupratad, "Biomimetic sound sonroe localization”, EBE Sensors Journsl, 2(6)607-616. S.C. Yipand 8. Anlman, “ Piysically Unacceptable Viscrney Stesees." Zeitscheift far Angewimdie Matherasile und Physik, 49 (1998), 930-988, H, Koch, und §. Antman, * Stabitcy and apf Bifurcation for Fut Nontineur Pansholic Hyperbotic.

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