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Preview DTIC ADA419639: Ion Dynamics Related to Hypersonics

REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE APRILSRAR-TROL ae Caner ee ee See See Seen eer eae peers eee mebaee, 2 covaieane’ Rees foaiae Rp 2 {Eclat a Wey Reno RY Saooary 2, 2008 Final Performance Report SAjmaipates on Gpaantox talated to uypersonice Fisetocoici-0030 CAIRO PRSIET Shuji Hato, Veronica M. Bierbaun, and Stephon R. Leone 1 EROS ORGHNTERTION WANES] AND ADDRESEIEET 1 PERECRING GRCANLEXTIN REPORT HOMER ‘the Ragents of the University of colorsdo 512 vee Boulder, co 80309-0572 '¥ RIEORING THOATORING KOEEY WAME] AND AODRESTEST 1 SPORSORMONTORE ARGH De. Michael R. Berman aroeR/NE 4015 Wilson Boulevard, em 713 "SPREE TORRE arlington, va 22203-1954 NUWEERS) TRIER TRY ERENT Approved for Public Release; distribution Ls unlinltes, 7 SUPALIERTARY WOTET 20040203 016 This verearoh fo0seed on the study of” reactivity and dynamica of Jon oystens vith relergnce bo atnospheric ohewistry ana ctrbustion procesues. The mobility of the fuel ton, t-C\ly', Wal messured drifting in polar and nonpolar stwospheric gases. these measurements wire compared to polarization ¢heory and locked dipole estimates ai well aa to related don naniiity meseurenents to better underatana girferences 4» intarsction potentials. Unimolecular and Binoleeuiar reactions of the tcl fon, anong other hydrocazbon ions, wore eleo studied to elucidate the atantiity and reactivity ie combustion. Zhe study was aise antendad to gat phase ohenietry of deprotarsted nitrooniene anions (iye-80."), key intarmediatas 1m ton exhenaed conbustian/éetonstion of nitcoaikanes, A technique ‘to datect and quantity the Reutzal vedios] products of fon reactions wos developed and improved. ha remlte ara espevietly relevant to fuel lencpolecule reactions snd tranaport properties important. in Feaveing ignition delay tiee and improving efficiency in hypersonice. Atzospherie reactions, Lon-polaovle Snterdetions, transport properties, Ton mobility, Feet commestten, Ignition delay time, Selected ion Flow tube Te SELOREY COASECRTION FTN TREN $a WANE OF RESPORSTOTE PEON Geasermacr | oeaces” | Veronica M, Diszbaun REPORT DARTRACT Ta. THSPAGE | onclaset tied i TELEPORE AIM aT ‘Unolaseisied | Unclaneified |tnclaneitied | gniinieec Limited § | 503-s52-7001 ‘Faded Fem “Ton Dynamics Related ta Hypersanies" AFOSR Grant F49620-01-1-1430 (Grant Periods 1 Jone 2001 - 30 November 2003) Final Performance Report -2 January 2004 Stephen R, Leone and Veronica M. Biorbaum - Principal Investigators SILA and the Deparment of Chemistry and Biochemistry University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado 80309-0440 Department of Chemistry, Department of Physics, and Lavrrence Berkeley National Laboratory University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720 Excontive Summary ‘The goal ofthis research i to study the transport properties and chemical reactions of abmespheric ions and hyrocerhon fuel ions that are relovant to issues of bypersonic flight. in particular tothe enhanced ignition and combustion of aviation fuels. Experiments focus on the measurements of mobilities and reactivities of fuel ions in a variety of gaseous media using low it and selected ion flow tube (SIFT) techniques. Specifically, the totiary butyl cation LCaHs* is extensively investigated dus to its high yield and nonactive characteristics in typical frydrocarhon campustlon and lon-enhanced combrstion processes. ‘The mobility of CH deifting ia He, No, Os, and HO is mesaured and compared 10 ‘heoreticat calculations and similar ion mobility measurements, The reduced zero-field ‘mobilities of CaHs" in He, Na, On, and HO ace determined to be Ky®) = 14,8 + 06,3708, 33 £08, and 0.04 + 0.02 em? V4 51, respectively, While the mobility values inthe nonpolar gases are in general agreement with theoretical calculations, the mobility Hy0 it extraordinarily low. Collision induced dissociation of CgHs* indicates thatthe ion is table with the dissociation threshold eneray (Bea) of approximately 2eV. Compared to other Aydracarbon cations, the -CyHS" ion is totally non-reactive with O2, NzO, NO, and NOp (reaction rate coutTicient&-< 10cm? sn adrift field of up to BIN = 60 TA (Ban # 0.7 eV). ‘The SIFT study has also been extended to gas phase chemistry of deprotonated itroatkae anions (RyC=NOp’) key inesmediates in ion-enhanced combustion/detonation of trout A VUV laser-ionization time-of-flight ase speetrometty to detect and quantify ‘the nautal radical products of eir plasma ion reactions, specifically methyl radical, has beon developed anda higher detection sensitivity achieved. These resulta are eseential for the ‘comprehensive understanding and modeling of plasma and combustion processes, Professional Personnel Associated with the Research Co-principal Inventigames Stephen R. Leone Veronica M. Bierbaum ‘Senior Resganch Associate Shuji Kato Paxk-dactors| Besearoh Associates John Hasband ‘Graduate Reseesch Assorlates Louis Haber Publications 'S.R. Leone, J, Husband and V. M. Bierbaum, Mability determinations af molecular lors for Aypersonics, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2003 » 70S, 1 (2003), J, Husband and S. R, Leone, "Mobllties: Small Systems", The Ennyelopedia of Mass ‘Speciromery, Volume £. Theory and lon Chemletrs, Edited by M, L, Gross and R, Caprili, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2003, p. 458 8. Kato, §.R, Leone, ¥. M. Bierbaum and L. H. Haber, Mobilifes and reactivities of molecular tons tn combustion and hypersonice, Amesican Insts of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2004 — 1015, 1 (2004), LB. Haber, J. Husband, 3. lenge and S. R, Leone, Mobily oft Cate" th polar and nonpolar cémespherle gases, Chetnical Physics Letters Gin pros), 8. Kato, K. B. Carigan, ©, H. DePuy and V, M. Bierbaum, Gas phase ion-molecule reactions of small nitvatianes and their deprotonatedantons, Bropeas Journal of Mas Spesromety (in press). Interactions/Transitions Discussions with Al Viggiano, Skip Williams, Rainer Dressler and Ed Mured of the Air Forco Research Laboratory, concerning combustion ignition, the relevant ions that may be involved in enhancing isnition, their mobilities and reactive chomistry. AIAA Syenposia on Sth Weakly lonized Gases Workshop, Reno, RV, January 6th Weakly Lonized Gases Workshop, Rena, NY, January 2004, [New discoveries, inventions, or patent disclosures None Honorw/Avwards R Leone Member - Nasional Academy of Sciences Fellow - Amserlean Physical Society Fellow - Optical Society of America Fellow — American Associstion for the Advancement of Fellow - American Academy of Arts and Sciences ‘Centennial Lecturer oF the American Physical Society Introduction Toa-eahanced combustion has attracted increasing research interest? Small additions of ccertsin compounds hve been known to enhance the elTicieney of combrstion and ignition <ramatienlly, presumably via assisting formation of free radicals that initiate chain reactioms.44 Analogously injzetion of certain ions in fuel is expected to gonetate radicals through ion- ‘molecule rections and enhance the rate of combustion? Once the initial radicals are formed, subsequent chin mactions ave considered to proceed with litle or no activation baniers. ‘Compurstiona! modeling studies have shown that invodusing greater ionization into the fuel plasma wil reduce the ignition delay time and improve hydrocarbon combustion 2 ‘Accurate models of ion-enhanced combustion or ignition will rely on a complete ndesstarding of parameters such aa reaction rate, dissoclation pathways, and ion transport properties. Although the mobility, diffusion, and velocity distlbutions af ions in & deft field have been important areas of reseurch for many years$ the mobility values for many simple hydrocarbon eations remain unknown. [is especially sofor fuel molecules that would occur in ion-injection ignition processes for hypersonic airraft, Reaction rates and product branching ratios of hydrocarbon cations GyHaesi* have rocently been studied at room temperature? however, reactivities at elevated temperatures or in a drift field are yet tobe fully understood, The moi sovera! other atky! cation, are the target ofthe present study. tn atmospheric fuel combustion and ion-injection ignition, the C1Hy* in is particularly stable anc is the major and terminal product of NO". 03", O*,N, and Nz" reacting with ionciane (io-CyHfia)." Wie thus focus on (he transport property of tCaHs” and surdy the mobility in various gases. The fest measurements of CxHy" mobilities have recently beon made with helium, Na, and O2 In audition to the nonpolar gests, we newly measure the mobility of Cs" in strongly polar 1120 37 Watet vapor is itself an important constituent in combustion environments, The cesults are siseussed in toms of polarization theory and locked dipole calculations as well es in comparison ‘with easter mobility messurements performed on aromatic ions8 and many atmospheric cluster Jons12 During the above measurements, Cats tons are found tobe extremely stable and unreactive, Although there are many reactions known fo Clas" ions Including hydride 2s stabilities, and reactivities af hydrocarbon ions, auch aa CaM" among teansfer with argo hydrocarbons. remarkably few reacions have heen reported with mall molecules pectinnt to atmogpheric combustion, For example, LCzHs" is wnreetve with HO, Nz, Oat and even with ozone? fa the absence of defect areoom temperature, Here, we atidy ‘the reactivities of (CaHy* ions with Op, N20, NO, and NO> in a drift fietd over a wide range of lect etd; the ions are tanslationally (and nso possibly internally) excited and potetilly react with these small molecules, We aso explore the stability oft Cat" by easton induced Association (CID), Early studies of unimolecular dissociation of Cay” employed high colision energies (upto keV), and dissociation pathways an product structures have been ‘ontroversial.1F 38 We conduet CLD at low colision energies pertinent to plasma and combustion environments. ‘These results are epecificlly relevant to ion-injection processes for efficient combustion in hypersonics ‘The results in previous grant periods provide a strong basis for the above studies. Arrival ‘ime measurements were ised to determine the mobifties of aromatic lons and several satmespherie clster ions, while Doppler resolved laser-induced fluorescence was previousty used (o examine the velocity distributions and molecular aligameat of ions in drift fields, ‘Comprehensive reaction studies of Nz'(s} yielded vibrational state-specific renctivw rates for reactions with HCl, 0 and NO as well as vibrational deactivation rates in collisions with No and Os, Vibrational product distributions from the reactions of Oz with Ar" and Xe" were also ‘measured. Initial experiments using VUV faser-ionization-time-of light (TOF) mass spectrometry succeeded in making the first detection ofthe methyl radical formed inthe gos hase jon-moleeute resctions of CO" with CH and NoO* with CH,.'® VUV generation was optimized ina four-wave mixing cell with xenon leading toa highly improved photoioaization of itl oxide, The present atudy futher explores the VUV-ionization-TOF technique for spcovernent in the detcetion sensitivity. Pertinent to hydrocarbon ion-enfanced fuet combustion, deprotonntednimotbane on (RaCANOy' have ben knownto be key in jon-enkanced combustion detonation of nitroalkane fuelslexplosh ‘thus investigate fundamental gas phase chemisty ofa series of nitroafkane a ss ANTE We i. These studies all work iowards a better understanding of plasma and combustion processes. ‘Methods and Rrocescures Selected Jon Fiow-Drift Tube (SIFDT) apparatus A selected ion flow dit tube (STEDT)® apparatus has been constructed and modified t9 make arial time measurements, CID experiments, and vesetion rate determinations with a focus Con fuel molecules (Figure 1). In this appaeates, target ions are generated by selection of a suitable preeunsor is underguing electron impact inthe Flowing aftergion source. The ions then pass through & quadtupole mass filter and are injected into the drift tube. The drift section ‘conslsts of stacked drift rings, each being 10 mm in width, Within the dit tube the selected ions ate accelerated Ina constant field throughs a neutral buffer gas, afore passing through a sampllag cfifiee atthe entrance ofa quadrupole mass spectrometer. Tons are detected with the electron swuipier (CDEM). The double quadrupole antangement ensures that only ions of the desired ‘tssaré injected into the drift tube, and thatthe measured mobility can be correlated to these injected ions without interference from products of rections oocurring inthe drift tube. In the source region electron impact on helium butter gas was used to eke He smetastables, which react with a suitable precursor ges added downstream of the ionizer. [Neopentane was primarily used to generate hydmearhem ionx such ws CaH?, CoHs* and CoHis* igh yields for mobility measurements (Figure 2). CH" ions were also generated from ole = oe Pet ST ana ST ohne eh roiaiafamnpesehehcecenslseises ws taroeeanees a eck annonce different sources ¢g,, electron impact on t-butyl chloride or dissociative proton transfer from 10+ to tury! chloride or -butanol, We found thatthe ion, CaHy", could be reproducibly ‘ereated in high yletd and with high selectivity by varying the electran impact settings such as ‘voltage, curcent and seed gay pressure (Figure 2a), enabling the alteratlon ofthe experimental system towards a simpler, more efficient drift tube configuration withthe ion yource inside the flow tube, dus bypassing the weed forthe SIFT. Using this slightly altered drft-tube system, the ‘robility of Cals" was investigated drifting in He, No, Op, and HO, resulting in successful and consistent messuremonts, ‘The SIFT-drift apparatus was ditassernbled prior tothe Leone group's move to the University of California at Herceley. All pazty were cleaned aud several minar alterations were ‘made to improve the overall performance ofthe instrument. Finally, the apparains was successfully zeassembted snd used for continuing ion mobility messurements Mobility measarements ‘The ions of interest were entrained in a helium butfee flow typically at 04 Torr and 300 ate, No, Op, or HO was added to the helium flow ptior to the diift section. A sample source for inalucing well-regulated flows of water vapor K. Formobilfy measurements ina gas ‘was designed and coustructed for dhe present study; a reservoir of deionized water in the liquid Hoes fart ‘Figure 2: Mass spectra of hydrocarbon ions formed from neapoutane after electron impact, (x) Source conditions optimized for CaM" production, (b) Soares eonditions ‘changed fo generate other fons in addion to Cs". phase was attached to a line connected by a metering valve and flow meter, permitting a small, variable, and measured flow rate uf water vapor into the flow tube, Lower pressures of HO. ‘were used to prevent formation of water clusters. ‘The ins cau freely dei in x uniform cloctic field, Measuremens were taken by ‘cording arival tims scans at different applied deiftfields. Arrival times were measced by a duat-palse depletion technique: two di palsed (460 V, 40 ps wide) so as 0 drive ions axially away from the polsed rings producing (0 rings ofa separadion of 20 om were simultaneously ‘minima inthe otherwise constant ion signal (Figure 3), The two minima wore detected wit cleciron multiptier coupled to-a multi-channel sealer and the arival time difference measured, ‘The drift velocity vg in ems") ata drift field Z Gn V em!) is given by the difference between the ion velocity atthe applied field and that at zero field. The mobility K (in em? V-! otis simply: Kewlé a ‘To compare mobilities measured at different preasures(p in Tore) and temperatures (Tin Kelvin), the reduced mobility, i i wsuslly quoted, a ‘The field is usually quoted as £28 in units of Townsend, Td (L Td= 1017 ¥ ent), where W is te number density of the gas (in emr3). In the present study, ion mobilities were determined iu varied fields of upto EIN = 30 TA. Figure 3: Amival ime measureoents of CjH" drifting in Ho at £IN of (a) 27.674, ©) 22.074, (© 16574, (14.074, (€)99TA, (55TH, and (6) 22 Td. Reactivity measurements or reactivity studies, the flow deft tbe section has attached multiple neutral inlets Joeated along the tube for reactivity studies. Hydrocarbon ione in a helium flow (= 0.5 Tom) ‘were alleweil ta rest with neutral reagents, Oz, NzO, NO (5% in helium} or NOp, added sequentially through the multiple ilets. This setup effectively changes the reaction time thereby allowing the kinetics ofthe parent ions tobe followed and the ion-malecule reaction rates determined. In order to attain high electic fields (up fo EIN = G0 Te) and explore seactivities ‘over a wide range of ion kinetic energics, higher dit voltages and reduced helinm balfer pressures (0.3 - 0.4 Tom} were used, For the ion-molecule reactions of deprotonated nitroallanes (R:C=NO;), the [M-HF ions were gonzrated by HO- deprotonation of the corresponding acuta nitroatkanos RoHC-NOp and similarly subjected to rections with ncutral reagents added downstream of the flow tabe. CAD experiments were performed by injccting tho t-CaHs" fons at varied injection energies (Eig) = 10- 80€V). Activation and dissociation of -Cgiy” takes place upon collision of the ion with the helium buffer gas neat ihe SIFT injection orifice (Figuce (), Both depletion of the parention and formation of products were monitored using vhe detection mass filter. ‘YUVonizatian-TOF mass speetromety ‘The detection quadenpole mass fltes (Figure) was replaced with a TOF mass pte] setup. Reactunt ing were peoiveed in a flowing aftergtow specttometer i this exper ‘instrument, entzined 2 steat of helium carer gas, and then allowed to reso with the meatal reactant invoguced downsueam. The radical products were selectively ionized by 10.5 eV (LIS am) lightimmedistely before the sapling oii (detection nose cone in Figuce 1) of a Aine fight mas spectrometer. Unceated sourcs ions and the productions were excluded ‘rom the imeretion region by applying a small voltage toast of thee grid tocated i the low tube in front ofthe laser beam entrance position. 118 mm light was generated by s four wave culaing process using the thitd harmonic (355 nm) of a Nd:Y AG laser focused into a cell ccomalning a mixture of xenon and argon, Detcetion of the methyl radical from CO” + Clty was used 2 4 test enee. Results and Digcusston ‘Mohilities of hydrocarbon ions The mobility of (CAH n pure helium (Kg) was measured frst. lan for mobility determination ofan added buffer ges component (oi = Na, Os, oF HO}: la is used 11 Rein = Xe! Kite + in! Ren (3) ‘here Koix is the mobility measured inthe mistute and y's ate he mile feactions. Fora given ‘%m the reduced mobility is extrapolated to a zero deft Fetd, andthe recuta are shown in Figure 4 8. fumetion of zy. The slope is significantly greater for HyO (Figure 4b), clearly demonstrating atthe mobility of t-CyHy¢ ie very small in water vapor compared to those in Nz and Os, Fora given applied field, the slope ofthe Blane’ fw plot similar to Figure 4 derive the mobility for each butTer gas.? Regulls are shown in Figure 5 as.a function of BIN, ‘These data points are extrapolated in EiN -» 0 jn under to obtain the reduced zero-field ion mobilities, Ke) used t0 ry

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