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inside: Volume XI: Number 4 (2000) GHuman Systems IAC ATEWAY Special Issue: Visual Display Technologies Published by the Human Systems Information Analysis Center, formerlyknown as CSERIAC 6 Advances in Avionics Head-Down Display Technology 10 Calendar 12 Head-Up and Helmet- Mounted Displays 16 Decision Support Displays for Military Command Centers Figure 1. Gigapixel crewstation for information-centric warfare Display Technology Overview Darrel G. Hopper ESTNEECFHLELNEECCENXEIDICNAINFLORIMNAFTIOONRRMEESCEIVRTATNIEOCN c a W si arfighters require displays in all crew- holes in an information universe. The Human Systems IAC is a United h stations and platforms—air, land, sea, Warfighter productivity growth hinges States Department of Defense / il and space. This cross-cutting need is on the invention and transition of more Information Analysis Center adminis- m documented in a comprehensive study of military capable displays, especially those with tered by the Defense Technical . c displays in some 350 defense systems (Desjardins far higher resolution. For example, the InformationCenter, Ft. Belvoir, VA, i dt & Hopper, 1999). Remarkable progress over paper B–2 program requires the addition of a technically managed by the Air Force c. and mechanical visual display media has been 14-inch display between the pilots, as Research Laboratory Human a made since the invention of the first electro- the current 8-inch displays are not large Effectiveness Directorate, Wright- i / / mechanical and electronic displays just a few enough to present all the threat sym- Patterson Air Force Base, OH, and : p decades ago—but far, far more remains to be done bology on a single display surface. operated by Booz·Allen & Hamilton, t t h (Hopper, 2000a). Fielded displays are just peep- continued on next page Mclean, VA. Approved for Public Release • Distribution Unlimited REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE FormApprovedOMBNo. 0704-0188 Publicreportingburderforthiscollectionofinformationisestibatedtoaverage1hourperresponse,includingthetimeforreviewinginstructions,searchingexistingdatasources,gatheringandmaintainingthedataneeded,andcompleting andreviewingthiscollectionofinformation.Sendcommentsregardingthisburdenestimateoranyotheraspectofthiscollectionofinformation,includingsuggestionsforreducingthisburdertoDepartmentofDefense,Washington HeadquartersServices,DirectorateforInformationOperationsandReports(0704-0188),1215JeffersonDavisHighway,Suite1204,Arlington,VA22202-4302.Respondentsshouldbeawarethatnotwithstandinganyotherprovisionof law,nopersonshallbesubjecttoanypenaltyforfailingtocomplywithacollectionofinformationifitdoesnotdisplayacurrentlyvalidOMBcontrolnumber.PLEASEDONOTRETURNYOURFORMTOTHEABOVEADDRESS. 1.REPORTDATE(DD-MM-YYYY) 2.REPORTTYPE 3.DATESCOVERED(FROM-TO) 01-10-2000 Newletter xx-xx-2000toxx-xx-2000 4.TITLEANDSUBTITLE 5a.CONTRACTNUMBER GatewayVolumeXI:Number4(2000) 5b.GRANTNUMBER Unclassified 5c.PROGRAMELEMENTNUMBER 6.AUTHOR(S) 5d.PROJECTNUMBER Hopper,DarrelG; 5e.TASKNUMBER Kalmanash,MichaelH; 5f.WORKUNITNUMBER Bartlett,CT; Cameron,AA; et.al,; 7.PERFORMINGORGANIZATIONNAMEANDADDRESS 8.PERFORMINGORGANIZATIONREPORT HumanSystemsIAC NUMBER AFRL/HEC/HSIAC 2245MonahanWayBld29 WPAFB,OH45433-7008 9.SPONSORING/MONITORINGAGENCYNAMEANDADDRESS 10.SPONSOR/MONITOR'SACRONYM(S) , 11.SPONSOR/MONITOR'SREPORT NUMBER(S) 12.DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITYSTATEMENT APUBLICRELEASE , 13.SUPPLEMENTARYNOTES 14.ABSTRACT ThisnewslettercontainsinformationonadavancesinavionicsHead-downdisplays,head-upandhelmetmounteddisplays,decisionsupport displaysformilitarycommands,anddisplaytechnologyoverview.Thenewsletteralsocontainsacalendarofupcoming,humansystems events. 15.SUBJECTTERMS Displaytechnology;decisionsupportdisplays,head-updisplays;helmet-mounteddisplays;head-downdisplays;HSIACcollection 16.SECURITYCLASSIFICATIONOF: 17.LIMITATION 18. 19.NAMEOFRESPONSIBLEPERSON OFABSTRACT NUMBER Darrah,Sara SameasReport [email protected] (SAR) 20 a.REPORT b.ABSTRACT c.THISPAGE 19b.TELEPHONENUMBER Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified InternationalAreaCode AreaCodeTelephoneNumber DSN StandardForm298(Rev.8-98) PrescribedbyANSIStdZ39.18 continued from previous page Advanced cockpits and crewstations Acquisition Platform Category require panoramic display systems of Display technology confronts the five Services over 300 inch2 per warfighter with pixel with common challenges and opportunities. densities increased from the current Annual defense display research appropriations minimal 80 pixels per inch to over 200 total about $100 million and Congress wants a pixels per inch to show advanced 25- defense-wide strategy for display acquisition to megapixel sensor imagery and integrat- guide this investment. ed situation awareness formats like Display acquisition occurs by platform categories: pathway in the sky (Snow et al., 1999). Simulators require synthetic vision sys- • aviation and space electronics (avionics), tems of 160 megapixels; the state-of- • land vehicle electronics (vetronics), the-art is 16 megapixels based on 2- • shipboard non-propulsive electronics megapixel devices. Soldiers require both (naval sea), large (1 m, 30 megapixel) electronic • mobile personnel, and maps and small (24 mm, 5 megapixel), • command and control centers (C4ISR). low power displays yet with color and high information content. Naval surface Avionics cockpit displays comprise some 19% of combat information centers require 10- displays in fielded Department of Defense megapixel team knowledge walls and a weapons systems. All certified aerospace cockpit true three-dimensional display system displays—military, civil, general, and space—are to reduce crew sizes and ensure rapid custom designed; most are currently manufactured understanding of the altitude as well as at opportunity cost in high-volume facilities in the radial position of ingressing aircraft Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. The remaining 81% of (Hopper, 2000b). The defense informa- fielded displays are ruggedized versions of displays tion-centric display challenge is illus- designed for a non-defense market. Across all trated in Figure 1 (see cover). acquisition programs the cost of a fielded display Display technology is driven by elec- comprises just 10% for the device per se and some tronics, sensors, computers, and users. 90% for packaging and testing to meet military Electronics deals with the challenges of performance specifications. Thus, from a cost per- fabricating display devices and systems spective all combat displays are custom. per se. Sensors provide video, still Aviation acquisition has been a key driver of imagery, and data. Computers generate display research for 100 years. Display research for graphics and imagery from databases, aircraft crewstations began with mechanical and sensors, and communications. Users are electromechanical (EM) instrumentation about decision-makers consuming and acting 1900. Avionics display research was undertaken on images of information. beginning with the cathode ray tube (CRT) in the This special issue provides an 1930s through the 1980s. Flat-panel display (FPD) overview on display technology along research began at the Avionics Laboratory (now with articles in three areas where part of the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory, improved visual displays are poised to AFRL) about 1969 and matured about 1992 when revolutionize warfighter productivity: the active matrix liquid crystal display (AMLCD) technology became preferred over CRTs for all mil- • panoramic head-down instrument itary and civil aerospace cockpits. New FPDs cost panels; 25% as much but are over 30 times more reliable • head-up and head-mounted than the old CRT and EM technologies they systems; and replace. Now AMLCDs are better than CRTs in vir- c • command decision suites equipped tually every performance parameter, including a i with knowledge walls and smart angle of view. The 1903 Wright Flyer had three s h desks. instruments (mechanical displays): wind gauge, / il propeller RPM counter, and stop watch. The year m Displays in three other such areas— 2001 F–22A Raptor has six multifunction AMLCDs . c uninhabited combat air vehicle crewsta- totaling 1.2 megapixels in 201 inch2 (49% of the i dt tions, simulators and virtual reality, and instrument panel). c. air-to-air cueing—are illustrated in Mission C4ISR crew workstations in air, sea, and a recent issues of Gateway(Barbato, 2000; land systems typically provide each operator a 19- i / / Knott, 2000; Rastikis, 1998). inch color display with 1.3 megapixel resolution. : p The U.S. Air Force recently switched the design of t t h these 19-inch displays from direct-view CRTs to 2 Human Systems IACGATEWAY Volume XI: Number 4 projectors using digital micromirror devices go up to the maximum of 4π, or 12.566 (DMD). The DMD technology was developed in a sr. Thus, a 40 x 40˚ (0.24 sr) display DARPA-funded, AFRL-managed exploratory image is just 2% of the 4π sr natural research project from 1991–1995 and transitioned world. Usable AMLCDs for image pres- via the Common Large Area Display Set (CLADS) entation appeared in production about logistics project at Warner-Robins ALC from 1988 when pixel size decreased below 1996–1999. Army and Navy programs have recent- 317 mm with screen size about 3 inches ly adopted DMD workstations as well. and resolution of 0.0324 megapixels; Command and control centers are moving to 10- the image size was 2.25 x 2.25 inches, megapixel anchor desks and workbenches and 100- or about 5 x 5˚ (0.01 sr) at 24 inches. megapixel knowledge walls and information igloos From 1988 to 2000, direct-view AMLCD (pixelated rooms) to enable ten persons to make device size has increased from 3 to 30 better decisions in combat than by 30 persons at inches and resolution has increased present. Display tiling technology from commercial from 0.03 to 9 megapixels. Device pixel trading floors, broadcaster studios, and advertising, densities in 1988 were 80 per inch; now enabled by prior defense research, is now fueling a the pixel density is up to 120 per inch in revolution in military decision-making suites. products and 211 per inch in prototypes. Design Class Technology Pace and Variants Display designs are classified as direct-view, pro- Displays operate by reflection, trans- jection-view, tiled, and true three-dimensional. mission, or emission of light from the The viewer is usually presented with an image via imaging device and screen. There was a physical screen. Direct-view displays create the only one electronic display technology image in the plane of the screen via large electro- in 1940: the CRT. Circa 2000 there are optic devices. Projection-view displays use minia- two dominant display technologies: ture electro-optic devices together with an optics CRT and flat-panel AMLCD. system that magnifies the image some 10 to 1000 Technology creation, transfer, and tran- times while transmitting it to the screen. Tiled dis- sition have become significantly more plays create an image having higher luminance, productive with each new economical- resolution and size from multiple, individually less ly viable generation of electronic dis- capable, modules. True three-dimensional designs plays. The CRT technology took some provide multiperspective images, not just three- 52 years from invention in 1896 to dimensional models depicted on two-dimensional mass market television beginning in hardware (Hopper, 2000b). about 1947. The AMLCD technology Mass production displays are typically just 0.8 took some 23 years from the first megapixel for both direct- and projection-view research funding about 1969 until it designs. Niche and exotic market production for was fielded on aircraft and supported tiled systems are typically just 5–16 megapixels. the launch of the notebook computer The highest resolution direct-view display is the industry by about 1992. The DMD tech- 22-inch, 9.2-megapixel color AMLCD announced nology took just six years from first by IBM in September 2000; twelve of these devices research to commercial presentation are being used to create a 114 megapixel datawall projector launch and nine years to the for computational research in the Department of first military production contract. Energy. Projection displays up to 5 megapixels are Two new technologies, reflective becoming available based on miniature AMLCDs. AMLCD on silicon substrate (LCOS) The biggest jumbo tiled display is the unique $37 and the active matrix organic light-emit- million NASDAQ Times Square cylindrical building ting diode (AMOLED), appear to be h t facade display: 2.1 megapixels, with nine subpix- moving towards successful commercial- tp els per color pixel, comprising over 18 million ization and operational military use as :/ / inorganic light emitting diodes (ILED) and cover- fast as did the DMD. Some older tech- ia ing 1000 m2 (10,800 feet2). nologies have established niche mar- c . d kets: alternating current gas plasma t Size, Pixel Density, Resolution (ACGP), vacuum fluorescent display ic . Size for displays relates to image, device, and (VFD), thin film and active matrix elec- m screen. Individual display screens produce an troluminescent (TFEL, AMEL), and liq- i l / image that subtends an instantaneous field-of- uid crystal shutter three-dimensional h s view of about 0.01 to 2 steradians (sr) (5 x 5˚ to continued on next page i a 100 x 100˚) at the design eye point; tiled systems c Human Systems IACGATEWAY Volume XI: Number 4 3 continued from previous page Table 1. Electronic display comparisons Design Device Size Market* Technologies Class (diagonal in mm) Emissive Light Valve Direct-view Large: Mass CRT AMLCD, EM 25 to 1,000 Niche ACGP, VFD, TFEL, OLED Future FED, FSD EMS Projection- Micro: Niche CRT, AMEL AMLCD, DMD view 3 to 24 Future (device): AMOLED LCOS, GLV Future (direct write): SSL, VRD Future (waveguide screens): PSM POD, TWS Tiled Jumbo: Niche-mass Incandescent, neon Macroscopic shutters 3,000 to 30,000 Exotic ILED, CRT GDL, AMLCD Future FED, OLED True 3–D Various Niche Multiplexed 2–D Multiplexed 2–D Future Volumetric Holographic * Market (CY2000 unit sales): Mass (0.1–10+ million); Niche (1–10 thousand); Exotic (1–100); Future (August, zero) For more information, with glasses (stereoscopic) and without Hopper, D. G. (2000a). 1000 X difference between please contact: (autostereoscopic). current displays and capability of human visual Future technologies—those yet to be system: Payoff potential for affordable defense Darrel G. Hopper, Ph.D. successfully commercialized—include systems. In Proceedings of the SPIE 4022, AFRL/HECV the flexible substrate display (FSD), 378–389. 2255 H Street solid state laser (SSL), polyplanar optic Hopper, D. G. (November, 2000b). Reality and WPAFB, OH 45433 display (POD), tapered wedge screen Surreality of 3–D Displays: Holodeck and (TWS), electrostatic microshutter Beyond. In Proceedings of the Society for Tel: 937–255–8822 (EMS), grading light valve (GLV), virtu- Information Display Electronic Information Fax: 937–255–8366 al retinal display (VRD), field emission Display Conference, London, UK. E-mail: darrel.hopper@ display (FED), polymer switched matrix Knott, B. (Ed). (2000). Virtual Reality: A Special wpafb.af.mil (PSM), gas/dye laser (GDL), and Issue of Gateway. In HSIAC Gateway, XI (2), improved true three-dimensional 1–20. Darrel G. Hopper, Ph.D., is devices (True 3–D). Rastikis, L. (1998). Human-Centered Design Senior Engineer and Director Table 1 compares electronic displays by Project Revolutionizes Air Combat. In CSERIAC of the Aerospace Displays design, size, market, and technology. The Gateway, IX (1), 1–6. Program with the Visual following three articles will investigate Snow, M. P., Jackson, T. W., Meyer, F. M., Display Systems Branch, Crew many of the technologies compared in Reising, J. M., & Hopper, D.G. (1999). The Systems Interface Division, this table.(cid:2) AMLCD cockpit: promise and payoffs. In Human Effectiveness Cockpit Displays VI: Displays for Defense Directorate, U.S. Air Force References Applications, Proceedings of the SPIE 3690, Research Laboratory, Wright- Barbato, G. (2000). Uninhabited 103–114. Patterson Air Force Base, Combat Air Vehicle Controls and c Ohio. He is a Member of the Displays for Suppression of Enemy a i DDR&E Displays IPT, and Air Defenses. In CSERIAC Gateway, s h Author of the DoD Roadmap XI (1), 1–4. / il for Displays. Desjardins, D. D., & Hopper, D. G. m (August, 1999). Military Display . c Market: Second Comprehensive i dt Edition (AFRL–HE–WP–TR– c. 1999–0211). Wright-Patterson AFB, a OH: U.S. Air Force Research i / / Laboratory Human Effectiveness : p Directorate. Available to qualified t t h requesters. 4 Human Systems IACGATEWAY Volume XI: Number 4 The latest Human Systems IAC state-of-the-art report (SOAR) Analysis Techniques for Human-Machine System Design This SOAR is based on the work of NATO Defence Research Group, Panel 8, Research Study Group 14, to improve the application of human-engineering techniques in NATO countries. Research Study Group 14 surveyed the use of 24 human-engineering analysis tech- niques in 33 projects in 7 countries. This SOAR presents the results of this survey which includes a wide variety of military systems: an infantry air defense system, tanks, aircraft, ships, submarines, and command-and-control systems. Available for $4500 (US) plus shipping and handling. To order, telephone: 937–255–4842, fax: 937–255–4823, or E-mail: [email protected]. Like the human body. At Anthrotech, we’ve been measuring the human body for 50 years. Now, you can learn from our expertise by attending: Essentials of Anthropometry April 10–12, 2001 Yellow Springs, Ohio You’ll experience hands-on instruction in over 40 dimensions in human body measurement, and explore: • automated measuring techniques Some shapes • human shape variability • data and product applications • protocols for compiling accurate, reliable databases • human factors and ergonomics applications are difficult h • 3D scanner demo. t t p : Register online at http://www.anthrotech.net / to measure... / i or call 937.767.7226 for more details. a c . d t i ANTHROTECH c . m i PROVIDING HUMAN DIMENSIONS FOR DESIGN SOLUTIONS l/ h s Celebrating 50 years of outstanding service. i a c Human Systems IACGATEWAY Volume XI: Number 4 5 Advances in Avionics Head-Down Display Technology Michael H. Kalmanash Figure 1. Electronic displays streamline cockpit instrumentation H ead-down multifunction dis- and also because they could be tailored to fit the plays (MFDs) mounted in the needs of a variety of different aircraft. instrument panel are a primary Like dinosaurs, however, their adaptability had means by which the modern aircraft limits. As aircraft cockpits became more sophisti- communicates with the pilot. As shown cated, increases in the information volume led to in Figure 1, electronic MFDs, capable of the need for better display performance (full-color, providing video, graphics, and text larger viewing area, higher resolution, enhanced images can replace entire clusters of contrast and brightness, etc.). Improved CRTs dedicated instruments and can clearly could meet only some of these needs, and even present sensor video or ground maps, then often at the expense of unacceptable increas- as well as navigation, aircraft systems es in weight, bulk, and power dissipation. As a status, and tactical information. In aero- result, the industry began to look for alternative space electronics, where access to infor- (flat panel) display media for future MFDs. Flat mation must be quick and accurate, a panel display systems may be designed for either picture is worth more than a thousand direct-view (large flat panels) or projection-view words (or numbers). (flat panel microdisplays)—both design approach- c The first avionics MFDs appeared in es enable significant reductions in weight, bulk, a i the early 1960s, using ruggedized tele- and power dissipation relative to CRT devices s h vision-type cathode ray tubes (CRTs) as while simultaneously providing dramatically supe- / il the display medium. These early MFDs rior performance. m were characterized by durability (good), . c ambient viewability (good), viewing Flat Panels: The Next Generation i dt area (limited), bulk and weight (high), Despite their ability to fill niches in the commer- c. color (green) and reliability (good but cial marketplace, some flat panel technologies, a not great). Despite their shortcomings, such as electroluminescent or plasma display pan- i / / they were widely adapted, because of els, simply cannot provide adequate performance : p their clear superiority over fixed gauges for avionics applications, while newer technolo- t t h gies such as field-emission displays or organic 6 Human Systems IACGATEWAY Volume XI: Number 4 light-emitting displays remain years away from ruggedization can be accomplished. fruition. On the other hand, active matrix liquid This approach shows promise, although crystal displays (AMLCDs), the technology used in not all dimensional requirements can be notebook computers, are capable of high resolu- satisfied, and there are limitations to the tion, full color, and most of the performance need- performance that can be attained. ed for avionics use, particularly when combined Another promising approach is a new with special wide-range backlights designed for class of avionics MFDs based on rear- day and nighttime use. projection technology. The core of a Beginning in the early 1990s, as AMLCDs projection MFD is the “image engine,” began their ascendancy in the commercial mar- containing high-resolution microdis- ketplace, several suppliers announced their plays and color management optics. intention to develop custom AMLCDs for avion- The engine is illuminated by a high-effi- ics and other specialty markets. Coupled with ciency arc lamp, and its output is cou- the need for improved performance, this led to a pled to a high-contrast screen via pro- rush to incorporate AMLCD-based MFDs into jection optics. Unlike direct view dis- new cockpit designs. The days of the CRT were plays, a common image engine and illu- over. AMLCDs were touted by some as the ulti- mination system can be used in multi- mate avionics display medium. ple applications regardless of screen This may have been a bit of an overstatement. size or form factor, using the projection The commercial success of direct-view AMLCDs optics to scale the image to fit the has been based on enormous investments and screen. This enables the use of identical high-volume manufacturing of standard products. commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) com- These factors are not shared by U.S. manufactur- ponents and subassemblies for multiple ers of custom panels who, facing high costs and programs, resulting in reduced costs poor yields, have proven unable to sustain them- and shorter development cycles. selves in business. Reductions in the domestic U.S. direct-view AMLCD supplier base have led to Avionics Projection MFDs skyrocketing costs and even delayed completion Projection technology has been under of new aircraft. development at Kaiser Electronics since As a result, the avionics community has faced 1996, resulting in a number of proto- pressure to try to design cockpits around standard types ranging in size from 6 x 6 inches commercial AMLCDs or to purchase capacity for to 8 x 20 inches, all using similar com- custom runs at Asian commercial fabrication facil- ponents, as illustrated in Figure 2. ities. In many instances adapting to commerical Projection displays are currently standards is simply not possible. A key issue is under development for the Primary size. Most commercial displays are rectangular, continued on next page while aircraft installations typically require square dis- plays (with unforgiving dimensional constraints). Additional issues such as environmental compatibility and viewing angle often mandate the use of custom or semi-custom AMLCDs as well. h t Fixing the Supplier t p Problem : / / In an effort to address ia size/form factor issues, sever- c . d al groups have been investi- t i gating the “re-shaping” of c . commercial flat panels, m whereby standard AMLCDs i l / are cut down to fit into spe- h s cific cockpit installations, fol- i a lowing which needed Figure 2. One size fits all: Projection MFDs use common components c Human Systems IACGATEWAY Volume XI: Number 4 7 continued from previous page Figure 3. Projection MFDs in the F–22 and F/A–18E/F For more information, Multifunction Display (PMFD) for the please contact: F–22 aircraft as well as the Digital Expandable Color Display (DECD) for Michael Kalmanash the F/A–18E/F, as illustrated in Figure Kaiser Electronics 3. Despite their size differences (the 2701 Orchard Parkway PMFD has an 8 x 8 inch screen while San Jose, CA 95134 the DECD is 6 x 6 inches), both of these units incorporate common core sub- Tel: 408–432–3000, assemblies, which significantly reduces ext. 1657 costs for both programs. Additionally, Fax: 408–954–1042 Lockheed-Martin has selected Kaiser E-mail: kalmanashm@ projection technology for the Joint kaisere.COM Strike Fighter aircraft, and prototype units have been delivered to Lockheed Michael Kalmanash is a for evaluation and demonstration. Senior Scientist at Kaiser Electronics, in San Jose, Summary California, where he has Spiraling costs and supplier uncer- been employed for 18 years, tainty have raised concerns about the conducting research in future viability of direct view AMLCDs Figure 4. Projection technology enables the “ulti- advanced display technology. for avionics applications. Rear projec- mate” cockpit display tion display technology based on COTS components is emerging as an attractive alternative, offering cross-platform com- monality, lower costs, and multi-source availability of key components. Using this approach, the potential exists for c what may well be the ultimate avionics a i display, the reconfigurable panoramic s h cockpit system shown in Figure 4.(cid:2) / l i m . c i t d . c a i / / : p t t h 8 Human Systems IACGATEWAY Volume XI: Number 4 HFES Publications New from HFES! Readings in Training and Simulation: A 30-Year Perspective Edited by Robert W. Swezey and Dee H. Andrews The influence of modeling and simu- lation on training in a broad range of areas (aerospace,health care,and transportation,to name a few) has grown considerably in the last decade. Readings in Training and Simulation Macroergonomics: samples three decades of theory and Human Factors practice in individual and team training An Introduction to Pioneer drawn from the HFES journal,Human Work System Design Factors,and annual meeting proceed- Alphonse Chapanis ings. This book “provides a broad per- By Hal W. Hendrick spective on progress in individual and HFES announces a new video featuring and Brian M. Kleiner team training and training technology” an interview with human factors/ergo- (Harold P. Van Cott,from the Fore- This concise,comprehensive overview nomics pioneer Alphonse Chapanis. In word).Sections cover transfer of train- of macroergonomics—the subdisci- addition to a broad-ranging discussion ing,training methods,training devices pline of human factors/ergonomics that of Chapanis’s work and interests,the and simulators,and application areas deals with the analysis and design of video contains photos and illustrations such as flight training,maintenance work systems—is ideal for those from Chapanis’s own collection. Topics training,and training evaluation. It involved in organizational design and include his contribution to the Johns is ideal for professionals in industrial management,environmental design, Hopkins Systems Research Project, and military training communities, safety,industrial workplaces,and which led to publication of the text those who teach about training media related areas. New in the HFES series Applied Experimental Psychology,his and technology,K–12 educators,and “Issues in Human Factors and Ergo- work on the “touch-tone”configuration students in undergraduate or graduate nomics,”Macroergonomicscovers on Bell Labs telephones,and his teach- human factors and related courses. development of the subdiscipline of ing and consulting experiences. The macroergonomics,its theory and video was produced by interviewer methods,sociotechnical analysis and ISBN 0–945289–15–4,67⁄8×10″, John Shafer. VHS,30 min. $30 for design of work system structure,socio- paperbound,464 pages. $40 for HFES HFES members,$40 for nonmembers. technical analysis and design of work members,$50 for nonmembers. Add Add $7 for US shipping,$10 non-US. system process,macroergonomics $7 for US shipping,$10 non-US. results with laboratory and case studies, Shipping January 2001. h future directions,and a glossary. Special offer: tt p The book is also an excellent supple- : / ment for undergraduate and graduate Send order with payment (check in US$, Save $4 when you purchase both the /i a courses in human factors and related MasterCard,VISA,American Express; video and Chapanis’s recently released c . disciplines. California sales tax applies) to: autobiography,The Chapanis Chronicles: d t i Human Factors and 50 Years of Human Factors Research, c ISBN 0–945289–14–6, 51⁄2×81⁄2″, Ergonomics Society Education and Design (Aegean Publish- .m paperbound,200 pages. $35 for HFES i l ing,retail $34).Book + video:$60 for / members,$40 for nonmembers. Add P.O.Box 1369 h $7 for US shipping,$10 non-US. Santa Monica,CA 90406–1369 USA members,$70 for nonmembers.Add s i a Shipping January 2001. Fax 310/394–1811,[email protected] $10 for US shipping,$15 non-US. c Human Systems IACGATEWAY Volume XI: Number 4 9

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