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Preview DTIC ADA360730: The Role of Shift Work And Fatigue in Air Traffic Control Operational Errors and Incidents

DOT/FAA/AM-99/2 The Role of Shiftwork And Fatigue in Air Traffic Office of Aviation Medicine Control Operational Washington, D.C. 20591 Errors and Incidents Pamela S. Delia Rocco, Editor Civil Aeromedical Institute Federal Aviation Administration Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73125 January 1999 Final Report This document is available to the public through the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161. © U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration BUS QÜALBY H^IGTED 1 NOTICE This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The United States Government assumes no liability for the contents thereof. Technical Report Documentation Page 1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No. DOT/FAA/AM-99/2 4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date The Role of Shift Work and Fatigue in Air Traffic Control Operational January 1999 Errors and Incidents 6. Performing Organization Code 7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No. Delia Rocco, P.S., Editor 9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS) FAA Civil Aeromedical Institute P.O. Box 25082 Oklahoma City, OK 73125 11. Contract or Grant No. 12. Sponsoring Agency name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period Covered FAA Office of Aviation Medicine Federal Aviation Administration 800 Independence Avenue, SW. Washington, DC 20591 14. Sponsoring Agency Code 15. Supplemental Notes 16. Abstract This report was developed from a collaborative effort between the FAA Civil Aeromedical Institute's (CAMI's) Shift Work and Fatigue Research Program and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Ames Research Center's Fatigue Countermeasures Program. The purpose of this report was to examine existing databases to assess the extent to which shift work and fatigue might be factors associated with incidents and errors in air traffic control (ATC) operations. The first study in this report examined the Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS) database, a voluntary reporting system administered and maintained by NASA The ASRS database was searched for reports concerning ATC incidents. Of the 5773 ATC reports in the database, a search of 19 fatigue-related keywords identified 153 (2.7%) reports referencing controller-related fatigue in the narrative section of the ASRS incident report. These reports spanned the years from 1988 to 1996. These reports were categorized by year of occurrence, aircraft type, fatigue category, incident type, time of day, day of the week, and lighting condition. Controller fatigue was the most commonly identified category in the 153 fatigue-related reports, followed by workload and duty or scheduling factors. Fatigue was reported as a performance-impairing factor affecting personnel at all times of the day, in all types of operations, and manifested itself in a variety of anomalies in ATC operations. The second study in this report examined the Operational Error/Deviation System (OEDS) database, a mandatory reporting system managed and operated by the FAA A total of 3222 records was examined. These reports spanned the years from 1988 to 1994. The analyses in this study included: 1) descriptive statistics for shiftwork-related variables, 2) correlations between shift work variables and severity of OEDs, and 3) Chi-square analyses of causal factors and shift type. Frequency counts revealed that 80% of OEDs occurred between 0800 and 1900 and nearly 50% of errors occurred within the first 30 minutes on position, usually upon returning from a break. None of the shift work variables was a strong predictor of the severity of operational errors. Data-posting types of errors were more likely on the midnight shift, possibly reflecting declines in alertness and vigilance on that shift. Unfortunately, many of the variables related to shift schedules and fatigue were unable to support much analysis because of data quality problems and confounding with air traffic volume. To adequately assess the changes in OED rates as they relate to time of day, an estimate of exposure is needed. 17. Keywords 18. Distribution Statement Air Traffic Control Specialists, Shift Work, Fatigue, Document is available to the public through Operational Errors/Deviations, Alertness the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161 19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) 21.No. of Pages 22. Price Unclassified Unclassified 28 Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed page authorized PREFACE THE ROLE OF SHIFTWORK AND FATIGUE IN AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL OPERATIONAL ERRORS AND INCIDENTS Pamela S„ Delia Rocco, Ph.D. The shift schedules worked by Air Traffic Control System (ASRS), and the 2) Operational Error/Deviation Specialists (ATCS) in the Federal Aviation Administra- System (OEDS). The ASRS is a voluntary incident tion (FAA) have been the focus of research off and on reporting system established in 1975 under a Memoran- since the early 1970s (Melton, McKenzie, Smith, Polis, dum of Agreement between the FAA and NASA. Ad- Higgins, Hoffmann, Funkhouser, Saldivar, 1973). In ministered by NASA, the system is used by pilots, ATCS, recent years, concerns have been raised from the research mechanics, flight attendants, and others involved in or community about the association between the docu- observing a situation in which aviation safety was com- mented effects of shift work, such as sleep loss, circadian promised. Confidentiality for the reporter is assured to disruption, and subsequent sleepiness on the job, and facilitate reporting. Information has been successfully increased risks of errors, incidents, and accidents in job used to remedy problems and improve the National performance (Mider, Dinges, and Dement, 1994). While Airspace System, as well as provide a resource for research research on ATCSs has documented patterns of short- into aviation-related human factors. The OEDS is a ened sleep associated with shift schedules (Saldivar, mandatory reporting system for FAA Air Traffic Control 1977; Cruz and Delia Rocco, 1995), the extent to which facilities. It is used as a management resource tool for these patterns may result in increased incidents has not improving air traffic operations. The purpose of this been systematically examined. report was to examine these existing data sets for evi- The current technical report was developed from a dence of shift work-related fatigue to estimate the degree collaborative effort between the National Aeronautics to which fatigue may have been a problem. and Space Administration (NASA) Ames Research Because the data sources were very different in terms Center's Fatigue Countermeasures Program and the of purpose and data collection (i.e., voluntary vs. man- FAA's Civil Aeromedical Research Institute's (CAMI's) datory reporting), the analyses supported by each data- shift work and fatigue research program. The idea origi- base were different. The format of this technical report, nated from a planning meeting designed to identify therefore, maintained the independent analyses of the potential areas for collaborative ATCS shift work re- two different databases and combined two separate search. The goal of each program has been to develop reports under a single cover. As with all research involv- effective fatigue countermeasures in aviation-related ing databases designed for purposes other than the operational settings. The meeting resulted in the identi- research at hand, caution must be used in the interpreta- fication of seven important areas of research: 1) assess- tion of the findings. Each database is very useful for its ment of the extent of fatigue in ATCS operations; 2) intended purpose. However, the data have important survey of ATCS personnel for schedule and issues related limitations when used for empirical research. Specifi- to coping with shift work; 3) education and training for cally, errors and accidents generally have a number of alertness management and shift work coping strategies; contributing causes and are frequendy the result of low 4) fatigue countermeasures as they relate to the ATCS probability events occurring together. The effects of work environment; 5) aging workforce issues; 6) acute fatigue and sleep loss also are subject to individual and cumulative sleep loss effects; and 7) individual differences and involve both work-related and nonwork- differences. This report addressed the first area of re- related factors. With the appropriate cautions in mind, search by examining existing databases to assess the these reports examined the existing databases to deter- extent to which fatigue might be manifest in terms of mine if there was evidence of possible systematic influ- incidents and errors. ences and assessed the degree to which these data support There were two existing sources for information on such analyses with the goal of improving the utility of the errors and incidents: 1) The Aviation Safety Reporting data in the future. REFERENCES Cruz, C.E. & Delia Rocco, P.S. (1995). Sleep Patterns in Air Traffic Controllers Working Rapidly Rotating Shifis: A Field Study. (Report No. DOT/FAA/AM-95/12). Washington, DC: Federal Aviation Administration. Avail- able from: National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161. Order #ADA294l59- N95- 26204. Melton, C.E., Jr., McKenzie, J.M., Smith, R.C., Polis, B.D., Higgins, E.A, Hoffmann, S.M., Funkhouser, G. E., & Saldivar, J. T. (1973). Physiological, Biochemical, and Psychological Responses in Air Traffic Control Personnel: Comparison of 5-day and2-2-l Shift Rotation Patterns. (Report No. DOT/FAA/AM-73/22). Washington, DC: Federal Aviation Administration. Mittler, M.M., Dinges, D.F., and Dement, W.C. (1994) Sleep medicine, public policy and public health. In Kryger, M.H., Roth, T., and Dement, W.C. Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine. 2nd edition, (pp. 453-462). Philadelphia, PA: W.B. Saunders and Company. Saldivar, J. T., Hoffmann, S. M., and Melton, C. E. (1977). Sleep Patterns in Air Traffic Controllers. (Report No DOT/FAA/AM-77/5). Washington, DC: Federal Aviation Administration. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Managing Alertness and Performance in Air Traffic Control Operations Kevin Gregory, Ray Oyung, and Mark Rosekind, Ph.D 1 Operational Errors/Deviations and Shift Work in Air Traffic Control Pamela S. Delia Rocco, Ph.D., Crystal E. Cruz, M.S., and Jay A. Clemens, D.O., M.P.H 11 Appendix A: Computation of New Shift Variable A-l MANAGING ALERTNESS AND PERFORMANCE IN AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL OPERATIONS Kevin Gregory Sterling Software, Redwood City, CA Ray Oyung San Jose State University Foundation, San Jose, CA Mark Rosekind NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA INTRODUCTION Survey studies have demonstrated that, while day Modern society requires 24-hour operations to workers report no or only marginal sleepiness, a meet many demands. These demands occur in many significant majority of night shift workers do report different environments: transportation, healthcare, sleepiness on the job (Paley and Tepas, 1994). These manufacturing, military, communications, and many studies have determined that about 10-20% of work- others. It is estimated that about 18% of full-time ers report regularly falling asleep during night shifts U.S. workers are involved in shift work (U.S. Depart- (Akerstedt, Torsvall, and Froberg, 1983; Akerstedt ment of Labor Statistics, 1993). This work group is and Torsvall, 1985). These reports of sleepiness have involved in regular night work (about 56% of shift also been documented physiologically in work envi- workers), irregular night work (about 22%), and ronments. For example, physiological sleepiness has rotating shifts (about 22%). An extensive collection been measured in train drivers (Torsvall and Akerstedt, of scientific literature demonstrates that shift work, 1987) and pilots flying long-haul, transpacific sched- especially night work, is associated with an increased ules (Rosekind, Graeber, Dinges, Connell, Roundtree, occurrence of errors, incidents, and accidents Spinweber, and Gillen, 1994). (Akerstedt, 1995; Dinges, 1995; Rosa, 1995). Shiftwork scheduling can encompass a variety of Shiftwork can result in both sleep loss and circadian approaches that includes altering the direction of disruption, and these physiological factors have been shift rotations (clockwise vs. counterclockwise), rapid linked to sleepiness on the job and subsequent perfor- vs. slow rotations, differing start times and duration mance decrements (Akerstedt, 1994; Dinges, 1989; of time between rotations. Each of these approaches Folkard and Monk, 1985; Mitler, Dinges, and De- has different effects on the physiological factors. For ment, 1994). example, a clockwise shift rotation involves a phase Night work involves disruption of two major physi- delay that is in synchrony with the normal circadian ological factors: sleep and the circadian clock. Work- pattern. However, a counterclockwise rotation in- ing at night requires wakefulness during the period volves a phase advance that is contrary to the usual when physiological programming dictates sleep. Con- pattern of the circadian clock. A rapid rotation sched- versely, sleep is undertaken during the day when ule does not attempt to shift or adapt the circadian physiological programming dictates wakefulness. The pattern, while a slow rotation intends to facilitate day sleep of shift workers has been documented to be some adaptation to an altered circadian schedule. significantly shorter, up to 2-4 hours less, compared Start time effects can include early report times for a with usual nighttime sleep (Akerstedt, Kecklund, and day shift that still interrupt sleep and create an acute Knutsson, 1991). With an acute sleep loss and cumu- or potentially cumulative sleep debt, or earlier (ad- lative sleep debt, the night worker is predisposed to vancing) start times that differ from a previous day. sleepiness that is compounded by the 3-5 AM circa- The time between shifts affects the amount of time dian trough. available for recovery sleep prior to initiating a new round of shifts. The time is usually too short for base, while the NASA group examined the Aviation circadian readaptation but can allow some recovery Safety Reporting System (ASRS) database. The fol- sleep prior to the next shift. lowing reports the findings from the ASRS analysis. There also can be important non-physiological reasons why shift workers choose some types of rota- METHODS tions over others. For example, in some work envi- ronments, there is a differential in pay for night work, The NASA Aviation Safety Reporting System da- or workers can alter their schedules with shift oppor- tabase contains voluntary reports of incidents that tunities to obtain increased shift length or com- occur in the National Airspace System provided by pressed work weeks that permit maximal time off. any involved individual. These incident reports are These shift work issues apply directly to the re- anonymous, confidential, and associated with a lim- quirements of maintaining essential 24-hour air traf- ited immunity. The database provides an unique fic control (ATC) operations. In a programmatic line opportunity to examine errors and incidents reported of previous research, the FAA Civil Aeromedical from the operators in the aviation system. ASRS Institute (CAMI) has examined the commonly used points out that there are limitations to the interpre- "2-2-1" ATC schedule, the "2-1-2" schedule, and 10- tation and generalizability of the database. There- vs. 8-hour shift lengths (Delia Rocco, Cruz, and fore, ASRS can establish that an incident occurred, Schroeder, 1995). The "2-2-1" schedule involves a provide information surrounding the occurrence, counterclockwise rotation of two afternoon shifts, and allow for some types of analyses. However, it then two morning shifts, and a night shift (Delia cannot be used to establish the base rate of incidents Rocco and Cruz, 1995). The "turn around" time or as representation of the only occurrences, out- between shifts can be as short as 8 hours. The "2-1- comes, or responses to errors in aviation operations. 2" schedule involves two afternoon shifts, then a The database is comprised of specifics of the occur- mid-day shift, and then two morning shifts (Cruz rence that include a narrative of the incident. A search and Delia Rocco, 1995). The 10- vs. 8-hour shift of the database can examine particular types of infor- length study examined the effects on performance mation or use key words to pull out reports relevant and alertness (Schroeder, Rosa, and Witt, 1995). to the question under study. The extensive scientific literature on the physi- A previous study by Lyman and Orlady (1981) ological effects of shift work and the specific CAMI examined pilot-reported incidents related to fatigue research on the ATC environment, demonstrate the (19). In that study, specific keywords were used to need for greater understanding of the physiological, search for fatigue-related incident reports and the behavioral, and environmental effects of shift work reports were then analyzed for type of incident and on ATC alertness and performance. This informa- other factors. tion will provide the scientific foundation for coun- As a first step to examine fatigue issues relative to termeasures that promote optimal ATC performance the ATC environment, keyword searches of the ASRS and alertness during shift work. database were undertaken based initially on the Lyman Therefore, to further examine these issues relative and Orlady study (19). The ASRS database was to the ATC environment, the CAMI researchers, in searched for reports concerning air traffic control collaboration with the NASA Ames Fatigue Counter- incidents. measures Program, developed a joint plan for a pro- There were two searches that used a total of 19 gram of activities to address fatigue issues in ATC fatigue-related keywords to examine their occurrence operations. Seven activity areas were identified and in the ASRS incident reports. The first search was are listed in the Preface of this document, with an based on the seven specific keywords employed in the important first step of determining the extent of Lyman and Orlady (19) study and included the fatigue in Air Traffic Control Specialists (ATCS). following: Two initial projects were undertaken that capitalized on existing databases regarding errors and incidents FATIGUE WORKLOAD related to ATCS operations. The CAMI group exam- SLEEP DUTY/SCHEDULING ined the Operational Error/Deviation System data- TIME OF DAY COMPLACENCY TIRED It should be noted that these keyword searches refer to non-related topics. Of the 171 reports re- account for variations of terms such that similar word ceived from ASRS, 153 were determined to be related references, like sleepy or asleep, would also be found to human fatigue and were analyzed further. The by the search program. A second search was under- report narratives were examined and classified into taken with the following 12 keywords: the different fatigue categories reported here. LETHARGIC INATTENTION RESULTS PERFORMANCE LOW ENERGY FIXATED POOR COMMUNICATION There were 153 individual ATC fatigue-related FORGETFUL APATHETIC incident reports that represent 2.7% of the total HARDLY AWAKE NOD OFF 5,773 controller reports in the ASRS sample used. EXHAUSTED INADEQUATE REST These 153 reports represent individual incidents, though some involved reporting by multiple sources. The searches were conducted from a sample of However, these are considered as one incident with 56,589 full-form incident reports submitted to ASRS multiple inputs. The reports included 110 (72%) since January 1988. Overall, ATC-related reports to submitted by controllers, 57 (37%) from flight crew ASRS represented 5,773 incidents (approximately members, and 1 from an observer. 10.2%) of the total searched. From these 5,773 ATC Based on the specific ASRS sample used for this reports, 171 (3%) were identified with the keywords search, Figure 1 displays the distribution of these and referenced controller fatigue in the narrative fatigue-related ATC incident reports received by ASRS section of the ASRS incident report. These reports annually from 1988 through 1996. represented a timeframe of February 1988 through The incident reports represented a wide range of March 1996. aircraft types. Though the sample was predominantly The 171 reports were reviewed by Fatigue Coun- in the transport category, small aircraft and military termeasures Program researchers to determine that aircraft reports were also present. Figure 2 displays the reports referenced human fatigue and did not the types of aircraft represented in the analyzed sample. 35 30 25 CO o D. <D DC CD E 0 ... 3 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Figure 1. Distribution of annual ASRS fatigue-related incident reports since 1988 Med/Large Large Small Small Light Military Wide Special Transport Transport Transport A/C Transport Body Figure 2. Aircraft types reported in ASRS incident reports Controller Workload Duty/ Fit Crew Forgetful Comm Inattntn Corrplcny Time/Day Perform Apathy Fatigue Schedule Fatigue Figure 3. Fatigue categories found in ASRS incident reports

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