4 Mm ml Mm Mm AIAA 97-0095 Global Wall Interference Correction and Control for the NWTC Transonic Test Section W. L Sickles and F. W. Steinle Jr. Sverdrup Technology, Inc., AEDC Group Arnold Engineering Development Center Arnold Air Force Base, Tennessee 37389 irxnuunviu \ »^ 35th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit January 6-10, 1997 / Reno, NV For permission to copy or republlsh, contact the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500, Reston, VA 22091 DBimwmON STATE«f-^ QUALrf? msFRmm ft Approved for public release; Distribution Unlimited Global Wall Interference Correction and Control for the NWTC Transonic Test Section* W. L Sickles** and F. W. Steinte Jr.* Sverdrup Technology, Inc., AEDC Group Arnold Engineering Development Center Arnold Air Force Base, TN 37389-6001 Abstract c Pitching-moment coefficient m c Normal-force coefficient As part of the currently postponed National N Wind Tunnel Complex (NWTC) program, a compu- C Pressure coefficient P tational fluid dynamic (CFD) study of a large trans- M Mach number port configuration was performed using the AEDC chimera-overset grid XAIR Euler code. Wall poros- R Wall resistance [Eq. (2)] ity, porosity control for the reduction of wall interfer- ence, correction approach, and the impact of refer- a Angle of attack ence point selection on wall interference at tran- AC C - C A Aoo AT sonic conditions (Mach Number 0.85) were studied. These effects were computationally investigated ACD CD~ - CDT using a clean-wing model representative of the MD- 11 aircraft which spanned 80 percent of the test ACL CL~ - CLT section width. Global wall corrections were deter- AC Cunoo - C x m m mined by a streamtube calculation of the interfer- ence flow field. Results of these computations ACN CN°° _ CNT showed that global corrections for Mach number at AC C -C [Eq.(1)] P Poo PT the 1/4 chord, 50-percent semi-span location with e flow angle angle-of-attack correction based on matching wing lift gave very low interference. Investigation of con- T wall open area ratio, percent trol of porosity showed that very few zones were required to achieve superior results for global cor- Subscripts rections and for model pressure distribution. Resid- T tunnel condition ual blockage gradient and flow-curvature effects are shown to be treatable by very small changes in oo free-air condition side-wall divergence angle and model geometric changes that are equivalent to shearing the coordi- 1.0 Introduction nate system aft of the wing-fuselage juncture. The facilities for the National Wind Tunnel Com- Nomenclature plex (NWTC) were being designed with the expec- tation that the maximum design Reynolds number C Axial-force coefficient would be achieved by testing models with spans A up to 80 percent of the applicable test-section CQ Drag coefficient dimension. A consequence of the relatively large C Lift coefficient model-to-tunnel size ratio is that interference pro- L * The research reported herein was performed by the Arnold Engineering Development Center (AEDC), Air Force Materiel Command. Work and analysis for this research were performed by personnel of Sverdrup Technology, Inc., AEDC Group, technical services contractor for AEDC. Further reproduction is authorized to satisfy needs of the U. S. Government. ** Senior Member, AIAA. Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. •Associate Fellow, AIAA. This paper is declared a work of the U. S. government and DUG QUALITF IM0?3ICj^D ö not subject to copyright protection in the United States. ., American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics duced by the wind tunnel walls may be unaccept- All computations were solved for flows about a ably large. The 80 percent span ratio is believed to generic representation of an MD-11 clean-wing be the largest value that can be tested with any configuration. All in-tunnel calculations were per- reasonable chance of obtaining high-quality data. formed for a model that is scaled to span 80 per- Data quality was of paramount importance for the cent of the tunnel width. The test-section geometry NWTC; therefore, wall correction and wall control of this tunnel was 16 ft wide by 13 ft high with no strategies were being investigated as an integral corner fillets. The scaled model was 13.4 ft in part of the development process. The preliminary length, and the model nose was positioned on cen- criteria for wall interference at Mach number 0.85 terline 16.3 ft downstream of the test-section were established for the uncorrected levels of entrance. The test section was 42 ft long. The blockage (AM < 0.003), angle of attack (Act < 0.15 scaled full-span configuration resulted in a solid deg at C = 1.0), force coefficients (AC < 0.005 blockage ratio of approximately 0.60 percent. N N and AC < 0.0003), and pitching-moment coeffi- A For all flow conditions under consideration, lat- cient corrections (AC < 0.01). The intent of these m eral symmetry was assumed about the center plane criteria was to have the level of wall interference of the model. Therefore, only half of the flow field sufficiently low that reliable corrections could be was modeled. Figure 1 shows a portion of the near- made to the data to support meeting the overall field grid system for the MD-11. The entire system uncertainty in the measurement of one drag count, contains nine grids with 1.1 x 106 grid points. (C = 0.0001). The purpose of the CFD evalua- D tions of wall interference was to support validation 3.0 Wall Interference Procedure of both the reasonableness of the interference and the development of the design features of the test In the current investigation, wall interference section. The current paper summarizes the results effects were predicted by two different methods, obtained and documented in Ref. 1. constant conditions and global corrections. 2.0 Computational Procedures 3.1 Method 1: Constant Conditions Wall interference estimates were based on In the constant conditions method, the wall Euler CFD flow-field solutions which were per- interference effects are predicted at a constant formed using the AEDC chimera-overset grid XAIR geometric angle of attack and upstream Mach code.2"4 number by taking the difference between two CFD wmsHHHifflnBMlBrnRaF Fig. 1. Chimera inviscid grid system. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics flow-field solutions. The first solution is a free-air ture effects of the tunnel walls by determining flow-field calculation where the outer boundary of adjusted remote flow conditions. The objective of the computational domain extends well beyond the this procedure is to find equivalent free-air flow con- location of the tunnel walls. At the outer boundary ditions that best match the tunnel data or, in this of this domain, free-stream conditions are pre- case, the in-tunnel calculations. The adjusted, scribed. The upstream and downstream outer equivalent conditions are typically determined by boundaries are approximately four body lengths selecting a blockage correction (AM) and flow- upstream and two body lengths downstream of the angle correction (Aa) to the free-air remote condi- model, respectively. The vertical and horizontal tions which force the free-air and in-tunnel calcula- planes of the outer boundary are approximately tions to match at a given reference point (or points) five tunnel heights from the centerline axis of the on the model. In the present context, this procedure model. The second solution is an in-tunnei involves a minimum of two additional calculations. flow-field calculation at the same flow conditions where a wall boundary condition (Sec. 4.0) is pre- The first additional flow-field calculation deter- scribed at the tunnel walls. Here, the flow at the mines the adjustments to angle of attack and Mach test section entrance is prescribed as uniform free- number (AM and Aa). This is done by performing stream flow, while the flow at the test section exit is an inverse computation of the interference flow specified by an extrapolated boundary condition. A field. The inverse computation involves a tunnel- pair of flow-field solutions must be computed and empty flow-field or streamtube solution with the compared to determine the wall interference at interference pressure distribution specified as the each selected flow condition. To minimize any pos- boundary condition at the tunnel boundaries. This sible difference due to grid resolution, meshes interference pressure distribution is determined by internal to the tunnel are identical. The local effects subtracting the free-air pressure distribution from of wall interference on the model are examined by the tunnel pressure distribution, both of which are subtracting the calculated local pressure coefficient calculated at the tunnel walls from the aforemen- for the in-tunnel solution(C x) from the corre- tioned free-air and in-tunnel calculations. The p sponding free-air solution(C ) as resulting solution of the inverse flow field is interpo- poo lated onto the phantom model surface to provide ACP - CPoo-CPT (1) disturbances (AM and Aa) at selected reference points. A complete parametric analysis of the and the global effects on forces and moments selection of the reference point location is beyond directly follow by pressure integration of the individ- the scope of this investigation. Typically, the flow ual solutions and subtracting the result. corrections are determined at a given spanwise location. At the given spanwise location, a different It is important to note that the wall interference reference point is selected for determining AM and procedure outlined above determines corrections Aa. The reference points are selected as the 1/4- to the model forces and moments at the fixed tun- chord location for AM and the 3/4-chord location for nel free-stream flow conditions and at a fixed geo- Aa. The selection of these chordwise locations is metric angle of attack. The result from this compu- based on classical theory.5 The 3/4 chord for Aa is tation can be compared to the NWTC requirement the classical point of choice to minimize pitching- for acceptable level of wall interference. Difference moment residuals. Transonic flow features may in viscous flow development obviously will affect require some other choice. Two spanwise loca- the results. However, the method could include an tions, 25-percent and 50-percent semispan, were integral boundary-layer technique to make a vis- selected to investigate different correction strate- cous correction gies. Initial computations were performed using the corrections that were determined from both span- 3.2 Method 2: Global Corrections wise locations. As will be shown in the results, the 50-percent location yielded superior blockage cor- A more widely used wall interference procedure rections and was selected as the location of choice is to globally correct for blockage and flow-curva- for the remaining computations. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics The second additional flow-field calculation is was a reasonable assumption for this study. A performed to determine the free-air flow field at the boundary condition was selected that has been adjusted remote conditions (M + AM and a + Aa). shown to be representative of the wall behavior in Using Eq. (1), the residual interference is deter- the NASA/ARC 11-ft Tunnel and was used for in- mined by comparing the free-air flow-field calcula- tunnel calculations. For this boundary condition, tion at adjusted conditions and the in-tunnel calcu- the cross-flow behavior at the wall is prescribed as lation at the original conditions (appropriately scal- dC„ _2_ ing load and pressure coefficients for the difference (2) de TR in dynamic pressure and adjusting stability-axis where R is the wall resistance or porosity parame- forces for differences in angle of attack). ter, x is wall porosity or wall open area ratio, and 0 is the local flow angle at the wall. For all in-tunnel The process to determine the optimum remote flow-field calculations, R = 19. To simulate test sec- conditions is an iterative procedure where the inverse and free-air calculations are repeated until tion walls with global uniform porosity, the value of x was constant over all walls. To simulate variable the residual interference is minimized. In the cur- porosity, % was varied locally on all walls. This rent investigations, only one inverse computation was required to obtain an accurate blockage or boundary condition was incorporated into the AEDC XAIR/chimera code and implemented by two Mach number correction. Additional adjustments methods. The first method calculates 8 at each iter- were made to the remote angle of attack to best ation in the flow-field solution, determines the wall match the wing lift between the in-tunnel and free- pressure from Eq. (2), and then updates and air calculations. This is similar to the technique used by Rizk.6 The lift matching process typically imposes the internal energy as the boundary condi- took one additional free-air computation. However, tion (along with extrapolated values of density and because the interference on the model is spatially momentum). The second method calculates Cp, determines 0 from the flow-field solution, and variant, residual wall interference still exists in the updates and specifies the appropriate component lift contribution from the other model components and in the other force and moment coefficients at of momentum as the boundary condition. The sec- these adjusted flow conditions. The residual is pre- ond method was utilized when variable porosity sumed to be significantly less than the total correc- was investigated, while the first method was used tion determined for the original, unadjusted flow for all uniform porosity computations. conditions. 5.0 Results One advantage of this procedure is that differ- ences in pressure gradient typically are much less The in-tunnel and free-air flow-field calculations than for Method 1. Hence, incremental corrections about the model were performed on the AEDC to account for viscous flow development differ- Convex 3800. These inviscid computations typi- ences are expected to be substantially smaller. cally required 12 CPU hours to converge. Steady- state convergence was considered met when all 4.0 Wall Boundary Conditions calculated model forces and moments coefficients remained unchanged to five significant digits. The porous slotted wall behavior was simulated by assuming and imposing a linear-homogeneous 5.1 Wall-Interference Computations at boundary condition representation at the test sec- Constant Conditions (Method 1) tion walls. Provided that a slotted wall has suffi- cient slots, the local effect of the discrete slots rap- Baseline wall interference computations for idly diminishes, and the behavior of the wall is several wall configurations and flow conditions essentially uniform and continuous at a short dis- were performed. This task involved making a num- tance from walls.7 The NWTC slotted wall configu- ber of in-tunnel flow-field calculations at different ration was designed to have sufficient slots and to globally uniform, fixed values of wall porosity for behave in this manner. Therefore, homogeneity transonic speed conditions and the corresponding American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics free-air flow-field calculations. The purpose of pressure distributions for a = 4 deg are shown in these calculations was to quantify the level of wall Figs. 2-4. The local pressure distributions show a interference that can be expected for walls with significant longitudinal and spanwise variation in globally uniform porosity. All calculations were per- the increment between the free-air and in-tunnel formed, as well as the determination of wall inter- calculations. The wing-pressure differences ference increments, at the fixed transonic-speed between the in-tunnel and free-air calculations conditions of M„, = 0.85, a = 0 and 4 deg. In addi- appear to be minimized at 4 percent (Fig. 2). As the tion, in-tunnel computations were made at discrete walls are opened for the transonic conditions, the porosities of x = 4 , 6 , and 9 percent. effect on the model wing pressure distribution can be seen. The pressure level increases, the shock Table 1 shows the baseline computations, the strength decreases, and the shock moves forward. flow conditions, and the resulting forces and moments wall interference increments using Figure 5 summarizes the calculated wall inter- Method 1. The comparisons between the in-tunnel ference force and moment increments for all the calculations and the corresponding free-air model inviscid baseline calculations and shows the varia- Table 1. Wall Interference Increments for tion of those increments with porosity. The base- Baseline Calculations (Constant line calculations show that there is a significant Conditions Method) variation in force and pitching-moment increments with uniform porosity and that wail interference var- M„ MT deg d«eTg. percent ACD ACL ACm ies significantly with model attitude. Because of the 0.85 0.85 0 0 4 -0.0015 0.0017 0.0090 gradient of wall interference over the model, mini- 0.85 0.85 0 0 6 -0.0011 0.0107 -0.0010 mizing all forces and moments simultaneously can- 0.85 0.85 0 0 9 -0.0007 0.0178 -0.0094 not be accomplished with a uniform porosity. With 0.85 0.85 4 4 4 -0.0012 0.0021 0.0181 uniform porosity and no corrections for blockage or 0.85 0.85 4 4 6 0.0012 0.0164 0.0041 0.85 0.85 4 4 9 0.0031 0.0286 -0.0091 o o ü Ü< -0.04 YT. 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 < -0.04 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 fuselage centerline fuselage centerline -0.08 -0.08 X/CorX/L XA//iC* ourr XA//lL_ Fig. 2. Model pressures at fixed remote condi- Fig. 3. Model pressures at fixed remote condi- tions, M = 0.85, a = 4 deg, x = 4 percent, tions, M = 0.85, a = 4 deg, x = 6 percent, globally uniform. globally uniform. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics flow curvature, the interference increments do not meet the NWTC wall interference criteria for tran- sonic flow conditions. Controllable walls were considered as a method to meet the stringent NWTC data quality specifications. As seen in the baseline computa- tions, uniform porosity does not provide the desired data quality for transonic flows. Variable porosity was investigated to show the possible benefits of controllable walls in meeting these data quality specifications. Two variable-porosity methods were computationally investigated using the linear- .2 ■ /'"»■—■- . ■ ■ ■ ■ homogeneous boundary conditions. In the first .8 I Free-Air Tunnel — method, it was assumed that there is an infinite number of control segments over the walls. With this method, the porosity varies locally over the test section walls to best match the local wall behavior determined from the free-air computation. This . ,.—^-. ,a i— i r 'i method will be referred to as distributed porosity < -0.04 • 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 oSnpB 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 control and represents the absolute best that can fuselagei centerline l j -0.08 be done with variable porosity alone. In the second X/CorX/L method, limited control was imposed. The wall was Fig. 4. Model pressures at fixed remote condi- segmented, and the porosity was fixed laterally or tions, M = 0.85, a = 4 deg, x = 9 percent, vertically over the patch and allowed to vary lin- globally uniform. early in the longitudinal direction. The longitudinal variation was constrained to be piecewise continu- 0.032 0.032 -•— uniform x, 0°, M = 0.85 —•— uniform %, 0°, M = 0.85 0.028 e» dseisgtmribeuntteedd Tx,, 00°°,, MM == 00..8855 0.028 o• dseisgtmribeuntteedd Tx,, 00°°,,M M == 00..8855 T = 9% ■ T = 9% -*- uniform x, 4°, M = 0.85 —■- uniform x, 4°, M = 0.85 0.024 □D dseisgtmribeuntteedd Tx,, 44°°,, MM == 00..8855 0.024 Qa dseisgtmribeuntteedd tx,, 44°°,, MM == 00..8855 / 0.020 0.020 ■ 7I / x = $ %f 0.016 0.016 ■ "o5 0.012 o 0.012 ■ I 8 _i 0.008 51 0.008 ■ o tj y ^ 0.004 0.004 T = 4% /i "BO / 0 0 .T = 4% • e -0.004 -0.004 ■ ■ -0.008 -0.008 ■ ■ -0.012 -0.012 ■ -0.016 -0.016 -0.012 -0.008 -0.004 0 0.004 0.008 0.012 0.016 0.020 -0.0016 -0.0008 0 0.0008 0.0016 0.0024 0.0032 ACm(cm~-('mT) ACD(CD--CDT) Fig. 5. Wall interference increments at fixed remote conditions. 6 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics ous between patches. This method will be referred to as segmented porosity control and represents a more realistic implementation of variable wall con- trol. Both of these were utilized to investigate vari- able porosity for the two transonic flow cases. From the free-air baseline calculations, ideal values of the local porosity for the transonic cases were determined. This was accomplished by inter- polating the free-air flow field onto a surface equiv- alent to the tunnel boundary and then calculating the local pressure and flow angle distributions to determine the ideal local cross-flow properties. Using Eq. (2), the local values of porosity were determined. Practical considerations (e.g., the porosity cannot be negative) made it necessary to constrain the porosity such that 10% > x > 0% (solid wall). This distribution of porosity was imposed as the boundary conditions and the in-tunnel flow-field solutions were calculated. The results of these cal- culations were compared to the corresponding free- < -0.04 -P 0-1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 air solutions. The force increments are shown in -0.08 fuselage centerline Table 2. The wall interference is significantly X/CorX/L reduced over the uniform porosity baseline cases, Fig. 6. Model pressures at fixed remote condi- as can be seen in Fig. 5. The model pressure com- tions, M = 0.85, a = 4 deg, distributed parisons for a = 4 deg are shown in Fig. 6. The porosity. results from these calculations show a significant reduction in wall interference by incorporating vari- SP 0.50 able porosity control. Figure 7 shows the corre- •a Free-Air • 0.25 T=6% • sponding wall cross-flow distribution (flow angle vs. Distributed T. ' L 0 ■ pressure). The wall cross-flow distribution for the -0.25 ■ lower wall distributed porosity cases and the free air shows 2 -0.50 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0.02 0.04 good agreement except for a slight overshoot in pressure coefficient at the model center. This over- shoot is caused by an acceleration of the flow from the upstream solid wall patch. The results of the dis- tributed porosity computations show a significant benefit to utilizing variable porosity. A segmented controllable wall was investigated by developing a patchwork of controllable seg- -1.25 upper wall Table 2. Wall Interference Increments for Variable -1.50 Porosity Calculations (Constant Correc- -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 Cp tions Method) g> 0.50 Free-Air tf °-25 M„„ *h dae«g, d«eTg. perXc, ent ACD ACL ACm <ra o ■ Distributed T " • >*M■ &~~2 f 0.85 0.85 0 0 dist -0.0008 -0.0010 0.0038 -0.25 side wall g -0.50 0.85 0.85 0 0 seg -0.0008 0.0018 0.0023 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0.02 0.04 0.85 0.85 4 4 dist -0.0010 0.0019 0.0067 0.85 0.85 4 4 seg -0.0008 0.0040 0.0064 Fig. 7. Wall signature comparison at M = 0.85, a = dist = distributed porosity variation 4 deg, distributed porosity. seg = segmented porosity variation American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics merits. The goal was to simulate a wall where the 5.2 Wall Interference Computations with Global flow through the slots is throttled by using movable, Corrections (Method 2) plenum-side cut-off plates. The cut-off plates would For selected uniform and segmented porosity allow the porosity to be linearly varied in the flow calculations, adjustments to free-airflow-field angle direction. In addition, the goal was to develop a seg- of attack and Mach number were determined to find mented wall that could be feasibly implemented. equivalent free-air conditions that best match the The patchwork was developed by examining the wall distributions and decid- ing where the most and z(in.) from least wall control is needed. tunnel centerline The most control is needed in regions of highest gradi- ents, e.g., model wing, while the least control is in the regions of minimum gra- dients, e.g., upstream and downstream. Figure 8 shows the patchwork used for the computations. This configuration shows six .100 80 .60 streamwise-controllable ^*0 i 2° wseaclltsio annsd o onn teh eo nto tph ea nbdo tstoidme -300 -250 ■20« -150 .100' ^ 40 tunyn(einl .c) efrnotemr line wall. Implementation of this modexl (riont.)a tfiroonm c enter 50 100 150 200 250 --1 0-08 0 configuration would Fig. 8. Porosity segmentation for segmented porosity runs. require six controllable segments along all or selected slots on the top and side walls and one control segment for all or selected bottom wall slots. The longitudinal porosity variation was deter- mined by anchoring the porosity at the upstream and downstream ends to be equal to the interpo- lated free-air porosity and linearly interpolating over the length of the segment. This constrains the dis- tribution to be piecewise continuous between seg- ments. The wall interference results of these calcu- lations are also shown in Table 2 as well as in Fig 5. The wall interference increments are comparable to the ideal distributed porosity results. The model pressure comparison in Fig. 9 and corresponding wall signature in Fig. 10 are almost identical to the distributed porosity results. These results show that "Upper distributed x limited segmented control can reduce wall interfer- lower distributed x upper segmented x 75% wing semispan ence as well as infinite control, provided the seg- 0.04 lower segmented x o 4- ^\ mentation is strategically placed. Additional work -0.04 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 would be required to determine the optimum place- fuselage centerline -0.08 ment and minimum number of control segments, »CorX/L the solution to the pressure overshoot in the wall Fig. 9. Model pressures at fixed remote conditions, signature, and an active wall control strategy. M = 0.85, a = 4 deg, segmented porosity. 8 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics in-tunnel calculations. The purpose of these com- the procedure described in Sec. 3.0. Five cases putations was to determine the residual interfer- were selected and are shown in Table 3. These ence after the computations have been corrected cases include two porosity distributions at a = 0 deg for first-order blockage and flow-curvature effects. (a uniform porosity, t = 6 percent, and the seg- The flow-field adjustments were determined using mented porosity distribution) and three porosity dis- tributions at a = 4 deg (two uniform porosities, x = 4 2> 0.50 ■D« 0.25 FrTe e= -6A%ir ■• and 6 percent, and the segmented distribution °> 0 Segmented x ■ porosity). * -0.25 lower wall \ -0.50'— Figure 11 shows representative streamtube -0.06 ■0.04 -0.02 0.02 0.04 results for the M = 0.85, a = 4 deg, and % = 6 per- 0.50 cent case interpolated onto a phantom surface of Free-Air — 0.25 Segmented T — the MD-11 wind/body/horizontal tail configuration. 0 Shown are the Mach number and flow curvature -0.25 effects of the walls. The contour plots show a sig- g> -0.50 nificant spanwise and longitudinal gradient in the < S -0.75 Table 3. Wall Interference Increments at Adjusted Free- -1.00 Stream Conditions (Global Corrections Method) -1.25 upper wall Ref. -1.5-00.'0—6 -0.04 -0.02 —I 0.■0 2,„ ,1M 0.04 Moo MT a«,, deg d<e*Tg. percent ACD ACL ACm peLrocce.,n t 0.84800 0.85 -0.1000 0 6 -0.0011 0.0108 -0.0011 25 0.50 0.84900 0.85 -0.1000 0 6 -0.0010 -0.0023 0.0084 50 Free-Air — 0.25 T = 6% 0.85048 0.85 -0.0294 0 seg -0.0007 -0.0006 0.0036 50 Segmented-c — 0 0.84700 0.85 3.8300 4 6 -O.0027 -0.0103 0.0235 25 < -0.25 side wall 0.84850 0.85 3.8400 4 6 -O.0014 -0.0041 0.0177 50 .2 -0.50 0.84940 0.85 3.9182 4 4 -0.0023 -0.0075 0.0243 50 "- -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0.02 0.04 0.85096 0.85 3.9320 4 seg -0.0006 0.0004 0.0074 50 Tunnel forces and moments adjusted to the dynamic pressure and angle Fig. 10. Wall signature comparison at M = of attack of the free-air conditions, 0.85, a = 4 deg, segmented porosity. seg = segmented porosity variation a. Blockage b. Flow angle (radians) Fig. 11. Interference flow-field solution. 9 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics