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DTIC ADA283897: Universal Wind Tunnel Data Acquisition and Reduction Software PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA283897: Universal Wind Tunnel Data Acquisition and Reduction Software

WL-T R-94-3063 ADtlll- A28tI3II il| 8l97 UNIVERSAL WIND TUNNEL DATA ACQUISITION AND REDUCTION SOFTWARE Glenn W. Williams January 1994 D--C Final Report for Period January 1990- April 1993 &.%ELEc-rE-m Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited " 94-27846 1I IIIIIII III1I I1i FLIGHT DYNAMICS DIRECTORATE WRIGHT LABORATORY AIR FORCE MATERIEL COMMAND WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASEOHIO 45433-7562 94 8 29 128 NOTICE When Government drawings, specifications, or other data are used for any purpose other than in connection with a definitely Government-related procurement, the United States Government incurs no responsibility or any obligation whatsoever. The fact that the government may have formulated or in any way supplied the said drawings, specifications, or other data, is not to be regarded by implication, or otherwise in any manner construed, as licensing the holder, or any other person or corporation; or as conveying any rights or permission to manufacture, use, or sell any patented invention they may in any way be related thereto. This report is releasable to the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). At NTIS, it will be available to the general public, including foreign nationals. This technical report has been reviewed and is approved for publication. GLENN W. WILLIAMS GEORGI L. SEIBERT, Chief Electronic Engineer Experimental Facilities Research Branch Experimental Facilities Research Branch Aeromechanics Division DENNIS SEDLOCK, Chief Aeromechanics Division Flight Dynamics Directorate If your address has changed, if you wish to be removed from our mailing, list, or if the addressee is not longer employed by your organization please notify WL/FIME, WPAFB, OH 45433-7562 to help us maintain a current mailing list. Copies of this report should not be returned unless is required by security considerations, contractual obligations, or notice on a specific document. i Form Approved i REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE IOM NAo . 7p4-081o Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average I hour per response. including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources. gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reewming the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this bursen. to Washington Headquarters Services. Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway. Suite 1204. Arlington, VA 22202-4302. and to the Office of Management and Budge?. Paperwork Reduction Project (0704-0188), Washington. DC 20503 1. AGENCY USE ONLY (Leave blank) 12. REPORT DATE 13. REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVERED I Jan 94 Final: Jan 90 to Apr 93 4. ,tTLJE AND JJTTLL 5. FUNDING NUMBERS vmversf MWTmu nnel Data Acquisition and Reduction Software PE-62201F PR-2404 r6. AUTHOR(S) TA-13 (cid:127)i WrU-21 Glenn W. Williams 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Flight Dynamics Directorate, REPORT NUMBER Wright Laboratory Air Force Materiel Command WPAFB OH 45433-7562 WL-TR-94-3063 9. SPONSORING/ MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSORING / MONITORING Flight Dynamics Directorate AGENCY REPORT NUMBER Wright Laboratory Air Force Material Command WPAFB, OH 45433-7562 WL-TR-94-3063 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 12a. DISTRIBUTION!/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT 12b. DISTRIBUTION CODE Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited. 13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words) A software system was designed to support the data acquisition and reduction requirements of six wind tunnels (three continuous flow and three blow down) and a force/pressure laboratory. In order to make it easier for users to identify and select the command options available, a drop down menu was developed for use as the primary interface between the operator and the software. This drop down menu was developed before window terminals were available, and thus it works on VT100 type terminals. Because some operations/procedures are reoccurring during a specific test and include a series of menu commands, a macro feature was include as a user maintainable function in order to reduce a set of commands/operations to a single keystroke. The facility hardware configuration and data output formats are coded into the system by editing text files, no compilation or linking is required. 14. SUBJECT TERMS 15. NUMBER OF PAGES How to use a specific wind tunnel data acquisition software system. 127 16. PRICE CODE 17. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 18. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 19. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 20. LIMITATION OF ABSTRACT OF REPORT OF THIS PAGE OF ABSTRACT Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unlimited NSN 7540-01-280-5500 j Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89) Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39-18 298-102 TABLE of CONTENTS LIST OF EXAMPLE OUTPUTS ......................................... iv 1.0 PURPO SE ................................................ 1 2.0 ENVIRONM ENT ............................................... 1 3.0 FILE NAME CONVENTIONS ....................................... 2 4.0 PROGRAM ORGANIZATION ...................................... 2 5.0 PROGRAM MODIFICATION . ...................................... 3 6.0 SETTING UP FOR A TEST .............. ........................ 4 7.0 DATA PRINTING ....................... ....................... 6 8.0 DATA PLOTTING . .............................................. 8 9.0 DATA OUTPUT TO DISK FILES . .................................. 11 10.0 REAL TIME DISPLAY ......................................... 12 11.0 DATA ACQUISITION HARDWARE SUPPORTED ..................... 12 12.0 DATA ACQUISITION MODES .................................... 17 13.0 OPERATING THE PROGRAM ..................................... 21 14.0 USING THE DROP DOWN MENU INTERFACE ...................... 22 15.0 DAILY OPERATIONS .......................................... 23 16.0 DATA FILES USED BY THE SYSTEM ............................. 25 17.0 APPENDICES INCLUDED ........................................ 26 APPENDIX A: NONPROGRAM FILES .................................. 27 APPENDIX B: EXAMPLES OF FILES ................................... 41 APPENDIX C: DATA STRUCTURES USED .............................. 67 APPENDIX D: SAMPLE DATA OUTPUTS ............................... 94 iii LIST of EXAMPLE OUTPUTS PAGE FORMAT, ONE PAGE PER TEST POINT .......................... 97 PAGE FORMAT, THREE PAGES PER TEST POINT ....................... 98-100 PAGE FORMAT, SIX PAGES PER TEST POINT .......................... 101-106 HORIZONTAL FORMAT, ONE PAGE BY THREE PAGES .................. 107-109 HORIZONTAL FORMAT, FOUR PAGES BY ONE PAGE ................... 110-113 VERTICAL FORMAT, TWO PAGES BY ONE PAGE ...................... 114-115 VERTICAL FORMAT, ONE PAGE BY THREE PAGES .................... 116-118 WHOLE PAGE PLOT FORMAT, SINGLE CURVE ........................ 119 WHOLE PAGE PLOT FORMAT, MULTI-CURVE ........................ 120 TRI-COORDINATE FORMAT, SINGLE CURVE ......................... 121 TRI-COORDINATE FORMAT, MULTI-CURVE .......................... 122 QUAD-COORDINATE FORMAT, MULTI-CURVE ........................ 123 iv 1.0 PURPOSE This software system was designed to support the data acquisition and reduction requirements of six wind tunnels (three continuous flow and three blow down) and a force/pressure laboratory. In order to make it easier for users to identify and select the command options available, a drop down menu was developed for use as the primary interface between the operator and the software. Because some operations/procedures are reoccurring and include a series of menu commands, a macro feature was included as a user maintainable function in order to reduce a set of commands/operations to a single keystroke. 2.0 ENVIRONMENT The programs described here-in run on a MICRO-VAX under VMS 4.6 and were written in VAX FORTRAN. Data are acquired from two sources, a Pressure Systems Inc. (PSI) pressure system and a Hewlett Packard HP3852 data acquisition and control system. Each are connected to the VAX via an IEEE-488 bus. A-esuion. For lTIS GRA&I DTIC TAB 03 Unanno'anaed 3 3:ustificatio- Dlstributi -. Ava[ilabislity pColeea etnl Dis 3.0 FILE NAME CONVENTIONS File names are divided into two parts. The part left of the period, such as the xxx in file name xxx.yy is considered the family name and the yy is the file type descriptor. As a example, for file datafor "data" is the family name and "for" is the file type. The entire family of files for the family "data" could be: datafor, data.com, data.obj, data.exe, datamenu, data.txt and data.dat. The most common file name descriptors are: for - a FORTRAN source file, obj - an object file created by a compiler, exe - a executable file created by the linker, menu - a text menu file defining the words to use in a drop down menu, txt - a text file, dat - a file containing data in text format, bin - a file containing data in a binary format, corn - a VMS DCL command file, and olb - a library of object files. Thus in the text that follows only the family name of the file may be used and the user is expected to know the file type descriptor(s) from the context of the sentence. 4.0 PROGRAM ORGANIZATION The main program is named "datajsys", and shall be invoked via the command file "data". This command file sets up the necessary environment before running the program. Program "data.sys" first initializes the necessary variables, files and main menus. Subroutine "data-sys spec .int" is then called to initialize variables, files and menus that are test and facility dependent. A control loop is then entered in "data_sys" that contains a long 'if then, else if construct that implements all of the main menu functions. This construct is extended by 2 subroutine "data.sys,_specfcn" for test and facility dependent menu functions and by subroutine "pltfcn" (in file "plot-utilsubs") for the plot definition menu functions and for plot functions. It is further extended by "pltfcn" for axis definition functions. There is one block of code in this construct for each item in the drop down raenu. Each block of code in this construct consists of variable assignments, subroutine calls, etc. The source code of all files is available via electronic/magnetic media upon request by an authorized organization. 5.0 PROGRAM MODIFICATION New general purpose or special purpose functions can be added by inserting 'else if (condition)' and the appropriate block of code in the control loop of program "data sys" or in subroutine "data.sys_.spec fcn" respectively. Plot functions would be added to subroutine "pltjcn" in file "plot.util subs". Modifications that are not facility or test dependent should be made in "data.-sys". Modifications that are facility or test dependent should be made in "data~sys specjfcn". The text of the new menu item is then added to the respective menu definition file "data sysamenu", "data sys.menu plot", or "data-sys.menuaxis". New initializations can be added to program "data sys" or subroutines in file "data acqusubs" if they are not facility or test dependent. Modifications of initializations that are facility or test dependent should be made in "datasys..specjinit". 3 6.0 SETTING UP FOR A TEST Certain information is required by the program for each test. The program reads this information from data files that define facility and test peculiarities. The function of these files is briefly defined below. More information can be found in appendices A and B. A) File "paradescript.txt" - correlates three important items for data acquisition and reduction: 1) channel number and device the parameter is logically connected to, 2) name and units of parameter being measured or calculated, and 3) when page style printout is being used, where on the printed page to display the item's name, units and value. This file also contains information about the format to use when printing the data and about which items are to be plotted and/or displayed. B) File "consthardware.dat" - defines facility hardware to be used for the test, scan lists, sample rates, types of data acquisition, number of samples, etc. Before running data sys make sure that the scan lists, number of scanivalves, number of steps, number of manual set data, balance channel, and number of digital channels is correct so that files 'rawdata.bin', 'zerolast.bin', and 'cir quejraw.bin' are created with the correct record size. If any of these are changed, then the files must be deleted so that datasys will recreate them with the correct record size. Failure to do so may result in some data not being stored. C) File "constgen.bin" - contains coefficients, gains, reference information, balance constants, channel limits, etc. D) File "manualpreset.bin" - stores the most recent values of manually entered data. E) File "opjdisplay.dat" - contains information defining which parameters will be displayed on each of up to 10 logical display screens. Any one of the 10 logical screens can be 4 selected in real time to be output to the physical screen. F) File "data.sys.menu" contains information defining the main drop down menu to be displayed. G) File "datasys.menu._plot" contains information defining a secondary drop down menu used during plotting functions. H) File "data sys.menuaxis" contains information defining a secondary drop down menu that is used to define plot layout attributes. I) File "data status.dat" contains information necessary to restart program "data sys" from its last used state (test point number (TPN) and constant set). J) File "tabledescript.txt" defines the labels and items to be printed in table style (horizontal or vertical style). Performing the following steps will result in a basic system that is ready to run. This process assumes that the user has a working knowledge of VAX VMS. The steps are: 1) Create a new directory to use for the new test. 2) Move a copy of file "copy-seed files.com" from the most current directory into the new directory and use it to copy files from an old test similar to those that will be required by the new test. Then modify the files in the new directory as needed. 3) Make a list of HP3352 channels to be used, and connect them. 4) Make a list of PSI ESP modules and ports to use. 5) Make a list of scanivalves and steps to use. 6) Modify as needed file "consthardware.dat" to reflect known information about the test. 7) Run utility edsconst, create/modify and preset constant file "constgen.bin". 5

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