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DTIC ADA282357: Advanced Distributed Simulation Technology Zen Regard Experiment; Tactical Scenarios. Version 1.0 PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA282357: Advanced Distributed Simulation Technology Zen Regard Experiment; Tactical Scenarios. Version 1.0

AD-A282 357 ______J AI)ST/LA D S 94 -WO003253 ZEN REGARD DELIVERY ORDER Tactical Scenario CDRL A001 Loral Systems Company 7 Jan. 1994 ADST Program Office D I Orlando, Florida GA 1-100 ~4-22a59 TfhN6W dbMMCWu DeaI m Ifvý M" .... F Simulairoanin, in and nstruelnTaton Coman 12350F RePseaarrcw a Orlano, Forida3282-327 Advenced tADST/LADS-93-W003253 ,REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE OFMorIm3N aop. proved 0704-0188 di Iamileacud . Umd -~n ihmlsfbmown.uf alutag uawum fcwu ndatf b n fmt WuhMo -I--qzu SO Vwda Jlewm.n Dwrb Highway. Sism 1304. Adis&%. VA Zt.A43 mlI u* tee Offim of Mm 1 md BadPt PmJ- M1704.01. W-bi. DC WS03. 1. AGENCY USE ONLY (Leave blank) 2. REPORT DATE 3. REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVERED 01/07/94 Version 1.0 08/93 -12/93 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE S. FUNDING NUMBERS Advanced Distributed Simulation Technology Zen Regard C N61339-91-D-001 Experiment -Tactical Scenaros 5. AUITHOR(S) Compiled by: Steve Farrow and Charley Kaniewski 1. PERF-ORMING OR1ANIZAIION NAML(5) AND ADDRI3S(I5t) 8. PERFORMING Lo~SytsCoany War Break(cid:127)(cid:127)PMO ORGANZATION & REPORT AlV9S-r.07.-y.NMBER* 12151-A Reseadr Parkway Orlando, FL 32826 AWD0S0T32-L53ADS 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSORING Simulation, Training and Instrumentation Command (STRICOM) ORGANIZATION REPORT Naval Training Systems Center 12350 Research Parkway CDRL: A001 Orlando, FL 32826-3275 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 1 2a. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABIUTY STATEMENT 12 b. DISTRIBUTION CODE None I S. ABSTKAUT (Maximum 200 wordls) The following package is incorporated of the unclassified information and tactical scenarios involved in the Zen Regard Experiment. 14. SUBJECT TERMS 15. NUMBER OF PAGES STRICOM, Simulation, Networking, BDS-D, ADST, Systems Engineering 8 16. PRICE CODE 17. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 17?. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION I17. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION L~U. IMIIAC IUN U1 ,A~hiK Arl OF REPORT OF THIS PAGE OF ABSTRACT UN IED UNCLASSFIED UNCLASS0110 UNCLASSUIM NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 298-102 Advwwed ODstdfied Simijan ZEN REGARD DELIVERY ORDER Tactical Scenario Contract No. N61339-91-D-0001 CDRL A001 Loral Systems Company ADST Program Office 12151-A Research Parkway Orlando, Florida 32826 Accesion For NTIS CRA&W DTIC TAB 7 January 1994 Unannounced 0 Justification By (cid:20) _ _ _ _ Distribution I Availability Codes ' Avail and'lor Dist Special Prepared for STRICOM Simulation, Training and Instrumentation Command Naval Training Systems Center 12350 Research Parkway Orlando, Florida 32826-3275 AMvumd WCiulbied Simulilan CONTENTS 1.1 BAcKGROuND ............................................................................................... 1 A.PPEsmix A SCENA.RIO DcATION . i-i I INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND The purpose of the Zen Regard Tactical Scenario is to provide guidance to the test participants. The test participants were briefed prior to the exercises on the scenario. This consisted of the locations of there vehicles at the start of the exercise and the operation orders to be executed. The scenario is classified SECRET, although there are some copies of a similar scenario that are not classified. The unclassified scenario is attached in appendix A. The classified scenario, also known as the "Zen Regard Play Book" has been obtained through Charley Kaniewski at the War Breaker Facility. Charley Kaniewski lead the Zen Regard Experiment from the War Breaker Facility and can be reached at (703)908-4412. The Zen Regard Play Book is currently locked up in a safe at the STRICOM Facility under control by Jack Friel. There II AdV&Wogd Obbjg td Shnu APPENDIX A SCENARIO DOCUMENTATION >-u 0 LL 0 w U.. 0) U) j 0 ww < - z>Uc,o IL 0 00ý C.> CD 000 .0 0 o 0 EEEC a) E CoC oa a) D -u 1- 1,L a), -a

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