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AD-A281 964 PL-TR-94-2047 11111il11 SPACE SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTION STUDIES M. Alvin Morgan Alan C. Huber John 0. McGarity David J. Sperry Scott J. Moran John A. Pantazis AMPTEK, INC. 6 De Angelo Drive OTIC Bedford, Massachusetts 01730 |9° DUgIC 12 January 1994 iELECT Scientific Report No. 2 ..... --- APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE; DISTRIBUTION UNLIMITED PHILLIPS LABORATORY *-4 Directorate of Geophysics AIR FORCE MATERIEL COMMAND HANSCOM AIR FORCE BASE, MA 01731-3010 94-18788 96lll 41 6 0 6 3JJJ~ 0A This technical report has been reviewed and is approved for publication. PAUL S. SEVERANCE D A. HARDY Contract Manager Branch Chief Deputy Livision Director This report has been reviewed by the ESC Public Affairs Office (PA) and is releasable to the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). Qualified requestors may obtain additional copies from the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC). All others should apply to the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). If you address has changed, or if you wish to be removed from the mailing list, or if the addressee is no longer employed by your organization, please notify PL/TSI, 29 Randolph Road, Hanscom AFB, MA 01731-3010. This will assist us in maintaining a current mailing list. Do not return copies of this report unless contractual obligations or notices on a specific document requires that it be returned. 1" REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE o. o-oIu Ofad hand "I renwrfntuWtw.bnau a hmeno m sfOe wdmdeabtSre waiimo r~w" ~n any ofp P.u00= " Seen ani. . wrse. Iw twokof bik. Wuient W iso"fWso AOSeWtWOI"rU a "4LIUUftwwwL " nai.~O~1SM~ l. A(ELNsCv ues eONNWL . UP DAE " REPORT TYPE ANO DATES COVERED 12 January I99 Scitific No. 2 4. TIM1 AND SUBTITLE L FUNDIN NUMBERS Space Systems Envromn Interaction Studies PE: 6341OF PR 2822 TA 01 WUAM 6. AUTHM S)i K Alvin Morgan David J. Sperry Contract F1962S-91-C-0112 Alan C. Huber Scott J. Moan John 0. Mcggfity John Pantzis_ 7. PERF G ORGANIZATION NAMES) AND ADDRESS(ES) L. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER AMPTEK, Inc. 6 Do Angelo Drive Bed rdMA 01730 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND AOORESS(ES) 10. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY REPORT NUMBER Philp Labortry 29 Randolph Road Hanscan, AFB, MA 01731-3010 PL-TR-94-2047 Contrac Manager, Capt Paul Severance IGPSG_________ 11. suPPiEMENTARY NOTES 13&. OISTUUTIOM I AVAILABILITY STATEMENT 12b. DISTRI(cid:127)UT1ON CODE Approved for public release; distribution wdunlited. 13. ABSTRACT (Max#muM 200wordS A significant level of effort was expended during the report period, on Task 1 (the Photovoltaic Array Space Power Plus Diagnostics [PASP Plus) experiment), and on Task 3 (the Space Wave Interactions with Plasmas Experiment [SWIPE]). A somewhat lower level of effort went into Task 2, the Charging Hazards and Wake Studies [CHAWS] program. Under Task 1, the APEX system, environmental and comprehensive performance tests were supported. In addition, the hardware and software design for the Ground Support Equipment (GSE) to support launch and on-orbit operations was finalized, assembled, tested and shipped to the satellite control center. On Task 3, hardware was designed and built for the upcoming SWIPE mission on the OEDIPUS-C rocket launch. A good deal of time went into writing instrument software as well. This work is still on-going. Task 2 efforts dealt largely with designing and procuring a state-of-the-art anode array for an enhanced capability instrument, to be used on a future flight opportunity. 14. SURIECT TaMS 15. NUMBER OF PAGES Photovoltaic Array Space Power Plus Diagostics, PASP Plus, 32 Charp Hazards and Wake Studies, CHAWS, Space Wave Interactions 1. PRICE CODE with Plasmas SWE • _ 17. SECURITY CSSIFICATION 1. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 1. SECUT CLASSIFICATION 2. UMIATONOFASTRCT OF REPORT OF THIS PAGE OF ABSTRACT Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified SAR NN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev 2-89) P tboyd bAdN SI SW Z39-18 (cid:127)l-s0O2 Tebb of Cuotents Section Page 1. Introduction ." I 2. TASK #1 - PASP Plus Efforts .................................................................................... I 2.1 Summary of Activities ........................................................................................ I 3. Controller Satellite Interfaces and Payload Commanding ........................................... 4 3.1 Power ............................................................................................................. 4 3.2 Over-Current Protection .................................................................................... 5 3.3 Serial Interface ................................................................................................. 5 3.3.1 Interface Timing .................................................................................... 5 3.4 Payload Commanding .................................................................................... 6 3.5 Instrument Power Commands ........................................................................ 6 3.6 TPM Specific Commands ................................................................................ 7 3.7 Array Biasing Commands ................................................................................ 7 3.7.1 Bias Mo de Commands ........................................................................... 7 3.7.2 Bias Select Commands ........................................................................... 8 3.7.3 Bias Upload Commands ......................................................................... 9 3.8 Array I-V Commands ..................................................................................... 9 4. Array I-V M easurement and Biasing ......................................................................... 10 4.1 Array I-V M easurement .................................................................................. 10 4.2 Default I-V Sampling ..................................................................................... 10 4.3 Extra I-V Sampling .......................................................................................... 11 4.4 Sampling Commands .......................................................................................... II 4.4.1 Updata I-V Commands ......................................................................... 11 4.4.2 Continous I-V Commands .................................................................... 12 4.5 Array Temperature Measurement ............................... 12 4.6 Array Biasing ................................................................................................. 12 4.7 Bias Sequence and Voltage ............................................................................. 13 4.8 Array Biasing Commands ................................................................................ 14 4.9 Biased Array I-V ............................................................................................... 214 14 0 4.10 Arcing During Biasing ..................................................................................... 4.10.1 Positive Bias Discharge ...................................................................... 14 4.10.2 Negative Bias Discharge ....................................................................... 14 Dluat ribu~t u i Aval iabt lil tya m04lO8 W------(cid:127)ta DIst Speealh Table of Contents (Cont'd) seedto Page S. TelemeAtry..................................................................................15 i 5.1 General Minor Frame Allocations .................................................................... 15 5.2 Specific Minor Frame Allocations ................................................................... 16 5.2.1 Instrument Allocations ......................................................................... 16 5.2.2 I-V Measurement Allocations .............................................................. 16 5.2.3 Array Bias Status Allocations ................................................................ 16 5.3 Housekeeping Allocations ............................................................................. 17 5.4 Update I-V Command - Execution and Telemetry ........................................... 19 6. TASK #2 - CHAWS Efforts ................................................................................... 20 6.1 Summary of Activities ..................................................................................... 20 .7. TASK #3 - SWIPE Efforts .................................................................................... 22 7.1 Summary of Activities ..................................................................................... 22 7.2 Instrument Particulars .................................................................................... 25 -iv - List of Tabls Number Page 1: Released PASP Plus Docum entation ......................................................................... 3 2: PASP Plus Instrum ent Power Requirements ............................................................. 4 3: Instrum ent Power Commands .................................................................................. 6 4: TPM Specific Commands ......................................................................................... 7 5: Bias M ode Commands .............................................................................................. 7 6: Bias Select Commands ................................................................................................ 8 7: Bias Upload Commands ............................................................................................ 9 8: Array I-V Commands .............................................................................................. 10 9: Telemetry Ma jor Frame and Sam pled Array ................................................................ I I 10: Array Mo dule and RTD M easured ........................................................................... 13 11: PASP Plus Bias Sequences and Voltages ................................................................. 13 12: Mi nor Frame Allocations in Comm on ...................................................................... 15 13: Subcommed Analogs and M inor Frame .................................................................... 17 14: Subcommed ESA Energy Levels and M inor Frame ................................................... Is 15: Update I-V Command Execution Sequences ............................................................. 19 List of Figures Number Page 1: Layout Schematic of Wedge and Strip Anode ............................................................. 21 2: OEDIPUS-C Flight Configuration .............................................................................. 22 3: OEDIPUS-C Electronics Module Outline Schematics .............................................. 25 vi - - 1. INTRODUCTION This is the second interim scientific report for Contract #F19628-91-C-0 112, whose objective is to investigate spacecraft-environment interaction and space-plasma dynamics issues, especially as they relate to differential charging, discharge mechanisms, coupling between plasmas and space power systems, wake formation mechanisms, EM wave-particle interactions, and long-term radiation effects on operating systems in space. The work is to be accomplished in three distinct in-situ investigatory programs (identified as Task Wes 1, 2 and 3) and the completion of a data analysis and presentation period. Significant efforts were expended on Task #1 and Task #3 this past year, with somewhat less being carried out on Task #2. This report details the efforts expended on these three tasks over the last twelve months. The material is presented in serial order, with issues relating to Task #1 discussed first in Section 2. Performance information on the critical heart of the payload-the experiment Controller-is presented in Sections 3, 4 and 5. The year's activities on Task #2 and Task #3 are covered in Section #6 and Section #7, respectively. 2. TASK #1 - PASP Plus EFFORTS The objectives of Task #1, which will be accomplished when the Photovoltaic Array for Space Power Plus Diagnostics (PASP Plus) experiment is launched, are: (1)t o measure the environmental interaction of advanced solar arrays in relation to environmental conditions, when the arrays are subjected to bias voltages up to ± 500 V, (2)t o determine the long-term radiation degradation effects on various array materials, and (3)t o flight-qualify various array designs. The launch vehicle will be the Advanced Photovoltaic and Electronics Experiment (APEX) satellite, which will be placed into an elliptical orbit with a nominal perigee of 350 km (%1 95 nm) and nominal apogee of 1850 km (f 1054 nm) by a Pegasus air-launched vehicle, provided by Orbital Sciences Corp. 2.1 Summary of Activities Amptek, Inc. acted largely in a support role to PL/GPSG on the PASP Plus Program this past year. The PASP Plus flight equipment was integrated onto to the APEX satellite at OSC's integration facility in Chantily, VA. Since Amptek, Inc. was tasked with fabricating most of the connecting harnesses between the various instruments which make up the PASP Plus payload, company personnel were on hand to assist in this effort. About a week prior to the event, a much delayed APEX bench-system Pre-Compatibility Test was carried out. This was a test of non-flight versions of the various spacecraft subsystems and payloads, in otherwise flight configuration, carried out primarily to check the functionality of the system software. In order to properly support this exercise, test harnesses, which allowed the simultaneous monitoring of both the PASP Plus Controller's GSE port and the spacecraft's downlinked telemetry, were made and provided by Amptek, Inc. The test clearly established that the Controller could be properly addressed by the spacecraft, despite problems in doing so for any length of time, due to software bugs and other interruptions which cropped up repeatedly during the course of the exercise. -1- A full Comprehensive Performance Test (CPT) was carried out after integrating the PASP Plus equipment to the spacecraft to ensure that it was all in proper working order. PASP Plus personnel supported this six-hour exercise, which was concluded successfully. Later, additional performance enhancement measures were undertaken on some of the integrated payload equipment. Amptek supported this activity, in both equipment procurement and subsequent instrument fuinctionality checkout, with the PASP Plus GSE. PASP Plus fell into a low-level' effort status at Amptek, Inc. by the middle of this review period, reflecting in large measure, the schedule delays that were occurring on the APEX program. The satellite provider and payload integrator experienced continual difficulty in meeting scheduled milestones, due to both hardware and software problems. The principal effort expended during this period was in PASP Plus support during weekly teleconferenced program status reviews. A technical support activity that did take place was the APEX-integrated power-ON checkout. Amptek personnel supported this test, which verified at the pin-to-pin level that the APEX power and signal harnesses to the PASP-Plus Controller were of the proper functionality and voltage levels. After establishing that this was the case, a follow-on Limited Performance Test, which PL/GPSG conducted on the PASP Plus payload, was also supported by Amptek. Some effort also went into preparing for the APEX Comprehensive Performance Test (CPT) during the quarter. GSE software resident on the APEX telemetry decommutating module -- referred to as the Spiderbox-was upgraded for this test. Previous differences between the basic PASP Plus housekeeping parameters displayed on the Spiderbox monitor and those displayed on the diagnostic GSE monitor were removed. The Spiderbox was also made to be fully capable in the APEX telemetry contingency mode; i.e., the unit was upgraded to support the 16Kbit/sec APEX downlink data rate as well as the normal 128 Kbit/sec rate. Both telemetry modes were tested during the exercise. An APEX CPT dry-run was supported by Amptek personnel. For this exercise, an optically isolated GSE harness was built and installed at the test facility. In a manner similar to what was done during the APEX bench system Pre-Compatibility Test, the telemetry downlink seen at the spiderbox and that displayed on the diagnostic GSE console from a direct link to the Controller's GSE port could be both viewed and recorded simultaneously. The difference here is that with an opto-isolated diagnostic GSE link, this connection could still be maintained even during those portions of the CPT when the spacecraft is not electrically grounded. Thus, an independent means of verifying the data contained within the telemetry downlink was made possible for the entire duration of the test. The added measure of a bit-by-bit comparison of the two data streams must still be carried out, but this is a relatively trivial undertaking. Amptek Inc. personnel installed and verified the proper functionality of the complete PASP Plus GSE arrangement prior to the start of the test. The APEX CPT dry-run was to be an immediate precursor to the CPT. However, due the various problems which emerged during the exercise, the formal CPT was postponed, and it did not commence as initially scheduled. Then, due to repeated setbacks, it eventually took some two months to complete. Amptek, Inc. personnel were not on-site during the course of the test, but support was rendered to the PL/GPSG test team by means of telephone and fax communication. There were several occasions on which this was done, but in none of these instances was the proper functionality of the equipment in question. "-2- Somewhat in tandem with CPT activities, work on completing the spiderbox software resumed. The current software task is to manage on-orbit GSE operations at the mission control center (CSTC in Sunnyvale, CA) and display data from not only the real-time portion of the downlinked telemetry (a feature the diagnostic GSE has been capable of doing for sometime now), but also to display instrument-specific data for each payload unit from the stored historical data dumps that are made during each ground-contact period. In order to accomplish this task, instrument specific display screens must be developed. Also, algorithms to extract and order the data as well as rudimentary data base organizational code, have be written. This effort is on- going. The GSE setup at CSTC will actually be in the form of a Local Area Network (LAN) of five PCs. The fastest machine (having a 486 66MHz microprocessor) will be the spiderbox, and it will also be a server to the other units. Real-time and historical data will be stripped out of the APEX downlink and sent to a PC dedicated to the Dosimeter displays. The other three PCs will have independent means of accessing and displaying data from the other instruments in the payload, which is similarly stripped out of the APEX downlink and stored on the spiderbox hard disk. Protective features will be incorporated into the spiderbox software to ensure that whatever activity is on-going when the downlink starts up is interrupted and that the in-coming telemetry is properly received and stored, whenever it becomes available. Amptek, Inc. is tasked with setting- up the LAN on PLJGPSG provided PCs and providing whatever software is necessary to do the job. In other activities, the preparation of what is to be the final item in PASP Plus documentation commenced. The document, entitled Handbook of ControllerF unctions & Operations,i s to be a compilation of information that relates to the operation and functionality of the PASP Plus Controller. The intent is make available all the necessary material that could serve as the final reference for on-orbit operations, especially during investigations into non-nominal events. Accordingly, design, test and performance related material will be incorporated that might not have made it into other documents on Controller operation. A list of the other two defining documents for PASP Plus, which were previously released by Amptek, Inc., are indicated below in Table 1. I Table 1: Released PASP Plus Documentation TITLE RELEASE DOCUMENT T DATE NUMBER PASP-Plus COMMAND FORMATS & Jan-26-94 TELEMETRY ALLOCATIONS REV. 4 PASP-FMT.DOC - Instruments, Housekeeping and Array Details for all 30 Minor Frames Interface Control Document for the Aug-1 7-93 PASP-ICD.DOC Photovoltaic Array Space Power Plus REV. 1 Diagnostics (PASP Plus) Program "3-

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