J AD-A2811 - 826l ooo.,,,, . JTATION PAGE FAi" ADrOved r . bi. . s Mpoo5,..r'sscr'ls f. ", r:nt~s.re fcs .nt ,°assc~, 1(0' sis, *O kCC.C','= lj l is ttl. s)US DAA3. REI P YP AND DAM: COVRED 4. TITLE ANDz FSU~BT ITLE 50ilebsrpoonn c S. FUNDING NUMBERS ~~~~~Nffi ~ Qo~ 4-on~eC, I 6. AUTHOR(S) gnhz T_______i _ 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESSES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER AFIT Student Attending: AFIT/CI/CIA- 6aiGefIJo Ciordo r qq -c (P g. SPONSORING /MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADD S) , 10. SPONSORING/ MONITORING DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE AGENCY REPORT NUMBER AFIT/CI . 2950 P STREET WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB OH 45433-776't ,11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 12a. DISTRIBUTION /AVAILABILITY STATEMENT 12b. DISTRIBUTION CODE Approved for Public Release lAW 190-1 Distribution Unlimited MICHAEL M. BRICKER, SMSgt, USAF Chief Administration 13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words) \0$ 94-22692 DTIe QuALTY Unw~ w 8 794 7 19 167 94719 167 14. SUBJECT TERMS ~OF PAGES 16. PRICE CODE 17. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 18. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 19. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 20. LIMITATION OF ABSTRACT OF REPORT OF THIS PAGE OF ABSTRACT NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev 2-89) •PSI'sd bv .rN'l S, 3 I9 Gerald B. Smith, II Captain, USAF INVISCID DISTURBANCE DYNAMICS IN BAROTROPIC SHEAR FLOWS 1994, pp. 91 Accesion For NTIS CRA&I DTIC TAB Unannounced 0 Master of Science Justification Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado By Distribution ! Availability Codes Avail and /r Dist Special REFERENCES Carr, L. E. III, and R. T. Williams, 1989: Barotropic vortex stability to perturbations from axisymmetry. J. Atmos. Sci.,46, 3177-3191. Case, K. M., 1960: Stability of inviscid plane Couette flow. Phys. Fluids, 3, 143-148. Edwards, J. P., 1994: Barotropic instability in the inner core of tropical cyclones. Atmospheric Science Paper No. 552, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. 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Here, the dependency of disturbance evolution on the azimuthal wavenumber is of special interest. Recent development of a low-frequency balance theory for rapidly rotating vortices has provided observational evidence that the low azimuthal wavenumber asymmetries, especially wavenumber one, are dominant in the near-vortex region. The results of this work provide further theoretical evidence of an inviscid wavenumber selection mechanism that preferentially damps the higher wavenumber asymmetries. The radial structure and location of the initial conditions are found to be critical factors in determining how rapidly a disturbance is compressed or elongated. This in turn controls the rate of disturbance growth or decay. For swirling flows, a definition of an effective shear that accounts for both the radial variations in the initial conditions as well as the radial variation in the angular velocity is proposed. Using the reciprocal of this effective shear, time scales for a disturbance to decay to half its initial energy, the half-life time, are calculated for initial conditions and symmetric wind profiles that are found in hurricanes. Simple shear flow and the bounded Rankine vortex do not admit discrete modal solutions since there is no mean state vorticity gradient to support them. The unbounded Rankine vortex is briefly considered in order to investigate how the presence of discrete neutral modes modifies the nonmodal solutions presented in this work. THESIS INVISCID DISTURBANCE DYNAMICS IN BAROTROPIC SHEAR FLOWS Submitted by Gerald B. Smith, II Department of Atmospheric Science In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado Summer 1994 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY May 12. 1994 WE HEREBY RECOMMEND THAT THE THESIS PREPARED UNDER OUR SUPER- VISION BY GERALD B. SMITH, IU,E NTITLED INVISCID DISTURBANCE DYNAMICS IN BAROTROPIC SHEAR FLOWS BE ACCEPTED AS FULFILLING IN PART REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE. Committee on Graduate Work Adviser" Deparmeo~e ABSTRACT INVISCID DISTURBANCE DYNAMICS IN BAROTROPIC SHEAR FLOWS The inviscid nature of disturbance evolution in shear flows is investigated as an initial-value problem within the framework of nondivergent vorticity dynamics. To ensure a basic understanding of physical processes, disturbance evolution is first considered in a rectilinear system of simple shear. Particular emphasis is placed on identifying how the disturbance evolution depends on the zonal wavenumber and on the meridional structure of the initial conditions. Insight acquired from the rectilinear problem is then applied to a bounded Rankine vortex. Here, the dependency of disturbance evolution on the azimuthal wavenumber is of special interest. Recent development of a low-frequency balance theory for rapidly rotating vortices has provided observational evidence that the low azimuthal wavenumber asymmetries, especially wavenumber one, are dominant in the near-vortex region. The results of this work provide further theoretical evidence of an inviscid wavenumber selection mechanism that preferentially damps the higher wavenumber asymmetries. The radial structure and location of the initial conditions are found to be critical factors in determining how rapidly a disturbance is compressed or elongated. This in turn controls the rate of disturbance growth or decay. For swirling flows, a definition of an effective shear that accounts for both the radial variations in the initial conditions as well as the radial variation in the angular velocity is proposed. Using the reciprocal of this effective shear, time scales for a disturbance to decay to half its initial energy, the half-life time, are calculated for initial conditions and symmetric wind profiles that are found in hurricanes. ii Simple shear flow and the bounded Rankine vortex do not admit discrete modal solutions since there is no mean state vorticity gradient to support them. The unbounded Rankine vortex is briefly considered in order to investigate how the presence of discrete neutral modes modifies the nonmodal solutions presented in this work. Gerald B. Smith, II Atmospheric Science Department Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523 Summer 1994 iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my adviser Dr. Michael Montgomery for his advice and encouragement throughout this work. I would also like to thank my committee members Drs. Wayne Schubert and Michael Kirby for their helpful advice. I have benefited from discussions with my colleagues James Edwards, Randall Kallenbach, and John Persing. My heartfelt gratitude is extended to my wife, Kealani, and my son, Simon, for the love and patience they gave me during the arduous process of writing this paper. I could never have done this without their support. This work was sponsored by the National Science Foundation under grant ATM-9312655, by the Office of Naval Research under grant N00014-93-1-0456, and by the Air Force through the AFIT program. Numerical computations were performed using Hewlett Packard (HP) Apollo series computers belonging to the Montgomery Research Project. Programs were written in HP Fortran 9000. v