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DTIC ADA278736: TRADOC Community and Family Activities Fiscal Year 1993 Annual Report. Meeting the Challenges of a Changing Army PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA278736: TRADOC Community and Family Activities Fiscal Year 1993 Annual Report. Meeting the Challenges of a Changing Army

AD-A278 736( Community- and iVF amllyIApivi ties Fiscal Year 1993"'ArnnaI Report ~bTIC ELECTE APR 2 91994 WS F Meeting the Challenges of a __________ Thfil doec'ument ha2 been (approved ha g n for public rdeleiasset ranidb sualet iiAt rsinyiitd :~3> 94-13028 Best Available Copy HQ TRADOC TECHNICAL LIBRARY Building 133 Fort Monroe, Virginia 23651-5124 TO: Defense Technical Information Center 22 April 1994 ATTN: FDAC, Selection Department Cameron Station, Building 5 Alexandria, VA 22304-6145 CONTENTS: The documents listed below are forwarded for accessioning into the DTIC DROLS Technical Reports database. Completed DTIC Accession Notices are enclosed. Point of contact is the undersigned, DSN 680-2956, commercial (804) 727 2956. TITLE: NO. COPIES: 1. TRADOC COMMUNITY AND FAMILY ACTIVITIES FISCAL YEAR 1993 ANNUAL RPT 1 2. OPERATION STRONG WIND 3. FORCE PROJECTION ARMY COMMAND AND CONTROL...ACTION PLAN 4. A DISCOURSE ON WINNING AND LOSING CýESM.DOL Supervisory Librarian --- _cc?eosrion NTIS CRA&I'd DTIC lASB Justifcation ............ I BY .-.o....... .... ................... Distribution I Availability Codes 1 iDpist $ecil REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Form Own&M iguft Sdw1*4. Iftmgtoe .430*. sWdto tW Ofi4o M "WmatsdiAaVwptu o-tce 074 'tJwWoaupm wm 1. AGENCY USE ONLY (Leve bwenk) 12. REPORT DATE 3. REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVERED JANUARY 1994 FINAL FY 1993 TIE AND SUBTTUE 5. FUNDING NUMBERS TRADOC COMMUNITY AND FAMILY ACTIVITIES FISCAL YEAR 1993 ANNUAL REPORT: MEETING THE CHALLENGES OF A CHANGING ARMY S AUTHO(S) N- GERALD G. COMPTON, WILLIAM.,SPORT, DAVID WILLIAMS, JANET HUNTER, SHANNON BOOCKS 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 1. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION HEADQUARTERS, U.S. ARMY TRAINING & DOCTRINE COMMAND REPORT NUMBER DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF FOR BASE OPERATIONS SUPPORT COMMUNITY AND FAMILY ACTIVITIES DIRECTORATE FORT MONROE, VIRGINIA 23651-5000 I.S PONSORING/ MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADORESS(ES) 10. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY REPORT NUMBER 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 12a. OISTRIBUTION / AVAILABIUTY STATEMENT 12b. DISTRIBUTION CODE PROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE: DISTRIBUTION IS UNLIMITED 13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words) 14. SUBJECT TERMS 1L NUMBER OF PAGES 11L PRICE CODE 17. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION IS. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 19. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 20. UMITATION OF ABSTRACT OF REPORT OF THIS PAGE OF ABSTRACT UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED N/A N/A NSN 754001-280-S500 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 249) P0"va1 bWA "MW. Z3iS9. MlWse GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING SF 296 The Report Documentation Page (RDP) is used in announcing and cataloging reports. 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Sponsoring/Monitoring Agency bottom of the page. Report Number. (If known) Block 11. Supplementary Notes. Enter Block 20. Limitation of Abstract. This block must information not included elsewhere such as: be completed to assign a limitation to the Prepared in cooperation with...; Trans. of...; To be abstract. Enter either UL (unlimited) or SAR (same published in.... When a report is revised, include as report). An entry in this block is necessary if a statement whether the new report supersedes the abstract is to be limited. If blank, the abstract or supplements the older report. is assumed ito be unlimited. Standard Form 298 Back (Rev. 2-89) Community aiid Famvyic tviie s Fiscal Year193Ani)Rpr Iw- Meeting the ch-11allenges of a CTh a ngi n g Army CA f ~ -5-~ -............ -,- This new era presents some decidedly different and demanding challenges than the ones we faced only a few years ago andf or the U.S. Army, has demanded we assume a distinctly different posture. GENERAL Frederick M. Franks, Jr. Commander, Training and Doctrine Command (Dhaka, Bangladesh - 15 JAN 94) Contents Articles Executive Sunninary Opening Comments ............... I Perspective on Change ............ 2 Organizationa t a Glance Community & Family Activities... 4 Installation CFA Leaders ........ 5 Prograin Reviews Category A ....................... 6 C ategory B ....................... 8 Category C ...................... - 1.1 Family Programs .................. 13 O verhead ........................ 15 Special Interest Programs ......... 16 NAF Personnel Summary .......... 25 TRAFX)C NAF Personnel FinancialS ummary NAF Income Statement ........... 20 APF Expense Statement ........... 21 Balance Sheet .................... 22 Change in Financial Position ....... 23 Constructlon/CPMC Summary .... 24 New Technology 27 APF/NAF Data System IIQ Consolidated Reports System R-IRIg- NAF Costing Model Army MWR MIS NAF VIAL Data Systeni .......... Executive Summary i .,'"'" iscal year 1993 was once again highlighted by exceptional sales performance for Single Fund operations. With sales of $41.5 million and total revenues exceeding $116 million, the "bottom line" of $9.9 million was reinvested into program and facility improvements across TRADOC. MWR programs provided quality of life programming for well over 1.25 million eligible customers. Single0 Funds provided employment for approximately 9,000 NAF and APF employees. Child Development Services established itself as a leader for the Army. With a NAF subsidy of $178 per child in FY 93, TRADOC was well below the Army goal of $400 per child and considerably less I than the Army average of over $700 per child. The HQ TRADOC CDS subsidy from the Single Fund dropped from FORT MONROE, VIRGINIA $1.9 million in FY 92 to less than $850.0 thousand in FY 93. Reduction of overhead costs has and will remain a high priority for the coming years. Even before CFSC standards became effective, TRADOC made great strides in lowering labor cos.ts (APF and NAF). Position consolidations initiated in FY 93 will continue to have a positive impact in FY 94. Club operations, while overall profitable, still need continued emphasis on Officers' Clubs. An NIBD of ($827.IK) is not satisfactory for a Category C business operation. The outlook for FY 94 will be further reductions in APF support. The challenge for FY 94 is to significantly reduce NAF subsid) to Categories A and B, and develop a bold new master plan to ensure Single Fund solvency and profitability for continued future investments. GERALD G. COMPTON Director, Community and Family Activities A Global Perspective on Change Rh i amAto%2 1994 will be another year of change for N1WR and the Army. The challenge Is to remain proactive in meeting the needs of soldiers and their families while maintaining flexibility to adapt to changing demands. Changes In leadership philosophy are already underway. In early FY 93, the MWR Board or Directors (BOD) was formed to unify the role and authority of senior Army leaders in managing MWR programs. The N1WR BOD is comprised of majorBor MACOM commanders. The o iotr ROD meets semi-annually and is divided Into working committees C0i for Finance, Audit, and Strategic Planning. The concept is Afii oaelcPana working well and has Cmia. CmiS. ~ mi. contributed greatly toward improving the management and SI.'.OtInu oversight of MWR programs and resources. MikijoeActions MWR Bilard of Dlirectors.. U Approvied long tekm.AMWVRI strategy to fund NAPF Major Construction, tti FloEliminated requirtment. for installation construction contributio'n. 'Retaia ng dollars for. Installation in terest earned on bank balaiwis in Reta lsfng 40%- of.Am peaet(ion msah ve proti ats11c C:S * rre -paymewkt '10~ti~lo ~antttruct on' in:USAREUR; ' ~ ~ A~m Mi plld1 dute4h ~led o Oo l Vi prolits, 80%, of ~ ~ rlta~d ~.%~ p t"De In a A IESsaa es. and conctss ons f.$06c s. oorr. -IdMertsallandiop *Accepted. th CIDS Fhlnsc ak Turnaroun, lan.. Enosdrisaeet0 h NAFPManagemnen Intern ProgrAm. a Appr-ovtd cent~ralized funding and administration of tht Patron Survey Mdule of the Trkennial. Needs Assessment..

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