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DTIC ADA278189: Department of Defense In-House RDT and E Activities: Management Analysis Report for Fiscal Year 1992 PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA278189: Department of Defense In-House RDT and E Activities: Management Analysis Report for Fiscal Year 1992

DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE IN-HOUSE RDT&E ACTIVTIES A3 " IC.I 1, S . ... * . Management Analysis Report for Fiscal Year 1992 Department of thte Army * Department of the Narm Department of the Air Forcý Defense Nuclear Agency l4 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE IN-HOUSE RDT&E ACTIVITIES REPORT Accesion For for NTIS CRAMi DTIC TAB E) Unrannourced E9 Fiscal Year 1992 'c'"'" Avadabiltly Codes Avail and I or Dist Soeciai 9I- 11179 -\ Prepared for: -he Office of the Secretary of Defense Director, Defense Research and Engineering The Pentagon Washington, DC 20301 94 4 12 101 FOREWORD JAN 2S, 1994 The Department of Defense (DoD) In-House Research. Development. Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) Activities Report for FY92 was prepared by the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and is a continuation of the series of reports initiated in 1966. On July 13, 1993 the Deputy Director of Defense Research and Engineering established a Steering Group which is responsible for the preparation and oversight of the report and its underlying database. The Steering Group is composed of representatives from the offices of the Director of Defense Research and Engineering, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research and Technology, the Chief of Naval Research, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Research and Engineering), the Director of the Defense Nuclear Agency and the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Comptroller). An organizational entity is considered to be a "DoD RDT&E Activity" when it is owned and operated by the Government, and a minimum of 25% of its total effort is devoted to research, exploratory or advanced development, engineering development, systems or operational support, or some combination thereof Examples are a research laboratory, RD&E center, test activity, or multi-functional entity such as a "warfare center". An "In-House" RDT&E Activity is an organization where a minimum of 25% of the in-house manpower and/or 25% of the obligational authority used is devoted to in-house research, exploratory or advanced development, engineering development, etc. Each In-House RDT&E Activity of the DoD is described in a standard multi-page format in this year's edition of the report. A partial organization chart, entitled "Abbreviated Functional Chart - Technical Organizations", appears for each Activity to provide an overview of its technical operations. Activities are listed alphabetically within their respective military departments. Selected data are summarized in tables in the first section of the report. Sections then follow which cover the Army, Navy, Air Force and the Defense Nuclear Agency. Organizational changes for FY92 appear in Appendix A, including the new structures of the Naval Warfare Centers. Appendix B contains definitions of the report data elements displayed in this report and contained in the database. Appendix C defines selected abbreviations and acronyms. All zero-filled report data fields reflect a zero amount reported. Every effort has been made to provide accurate information. Each submission was reviewed and approved by the head of the Activity. All numbers and statements submitted by each Activity were then thoroughly examined by the members and staff of the Steering Group. Please note though, that this report does not reflect the total DoD RDT&E program. It is also not an accounting document, but rather a "snapshot" of the operation of individual Activities. All funding data reflect total obligational authority received in FY92. In preparing for annual publication, more data has been accumulated in a computerized JAN 25, 199 database than is published in the report All of the data is used by numerous organizations, including DoD, Office of Technology Assessment, DoD Audit Agency, various committees of the Congress, and the General Accounting Office. This report and its underlying database provide easily accessible, comprehensive and accurate information without frequent querying of field Activities. This publication should be given widespread distribution in the DoD Laboratories, both as an internal management document at the Director and Commanding Officer level, and as a catalog of general activity at the bench level. It provides laboratory staff an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the functional capabilities of other DoD Laboratories, thereby encouraging scientists and engineers to communicate with their counterparts at other labs on problems of In addition, this publication should be helpful to those in the private sector interested in exploring the potential for technology cooperation with DoD Laboratories. ta K. Jones Di ector De nse Rese rch and Engineering Note. For additional copies of this report, contact: Office of the Secretary of Defense or I-NET, Inc. Director, Defense Research and ATTN: C.S. Group - Project 8920 Engineering, ATTN: Rm 3D129 LM 6430 Rockledge Drive, Suite 600 3080 Defense Pentagon Bethesda, MD 20817 Washington, DC 20301-3080 (301) 564-6712 ii CONTENTS F o rewo rd ....................................................................................................................................... C o n te n ts ............................................................................................................................ ...... ... iii TABLES C o n te nt s ........................................................................................................................................ 1- 1 Table I. Army RDT&E Activities, Program & Personnel Data ...................... 1-2 Table 2. Army RDT& E Activities, Facility Data ................................................................ 1-3 Table 3. Navy RDT&E Activities, Program & Personnel Data ........................................ 1-4 Table 4. Navy RDT& E Activities, Facility Data ................................................................. 1-5 Table 5. Air Force RDT& E Activities, Program & Personnel Data .................................... 1-6 Table 6. Air Force RDT& E Activities, Facility Data .......................................................... 1-7 Table 7. Defense Nuclear Agency RDT&E Activities, Program and Personnel Data ............ 1-8 Table 8. Defense Nuclear Agency RDT&E Activities, Facility Data .................................. 1-9 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Arm y Contents ............................................................................................................................. 2-1 Aeromedical Research Laboratory ................................................................................................ 2-2 Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center ............................................................ 2-6 Army Research Laboratory ............................................................................................................ 2-10 Aviation Research, Development and Engineering Center ............................................................... 2-16 Aviation Technical Test Center ...................................................................................................... 2-20 Belvoir Research, Development and Engineering Center ................................................................. 2-24 CECOM Research, Development and Engineering Center ............................................................... 2-28 Chem ical Research Development and Engineering Center ............................................................... 2-32 Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory ....................................................................... 2-36 Cold Regions Test Center ........................................................................................................ 2-4 0 Combat System s Test Activity ................................................................................................. 2-4 4 Construction Engineering Research Laboratories ....................................................................... 2-4 8 Dugway Proving G round .............................................................................................................. 2-52 Electronic Proving Ground ............................................................................................................. 2-56 Engineer W aterways Experiment Station ....................................................................................... 2-60 Institute of Surgical Research ........................................................................................................ 2-64 M ateriel Systems Analysis Activity ............................................................................................... 2-68 M edical Research Institute of Chemical Defense ............................................................................ 2-72 M edical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases ........................................................................... 2-76 M issile Research, Development & Engineering Center ................................................................... 2-80 Natick Research, Development & Engineering Center ..................................................................... 2-84 OPTEC Test and Evaluation Comm and ......................................................................................... 2-88 Research Institute for the Behavioral & Social Sciences ................................ 2-92 iii CONTENTS Research Institute of Environmental M edicine ...................................................................... ... 2-96 Tank-Automotive Research, Development & Engr Center ............................................................... 2-100 Topographic Engineering Center .................................................................................................... 2-104 W alter Reed Army Institute of Research ........................................................................................ 2-108 W hite Sands M issile Range ...................................................................................................... 2-112 Yuma Proving Ground ................................................................................................................... 2-116 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY N a vy C o nt en ts ............................................................................................................................... 3- 1 Aerospace M edical Research Laboratory ...................................................................................... 3-2 Air Wa rfare Center ....................................................................................................................... 3-6 Biodynamics Laboratory ................................................................................................................ 3-12 Civil Engineering Laboratory ......................................................................................................... 3-16 Clothing and Textile Research Facility ........................................................................................... 3-20 Command, Control and Ocean Surveillance Center ......................................................................... 3-24 Dental Research Institute ............................................................................................................... 3-28 Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Center ........................................................................... 3-32 Health Research Center .............................................................................................................. 3-36 M edical Research Institute ............................................................................................................ 3-40 M edical Research Unit #2 .............................................................................................................. 3-44 M edical Research Unit #3 .............................................................................................................. 3-4 8 Naval Research Laboratory ........................................................................................................... 3-52 Personnel Research and Development Center .................................................................................. 3-56 Submarine Me dical Research Laboratory ...................................................................................... 3-60 Surface W arfare Center ................................................................................................................. 3-64 Undersea Wa rfare Center ............................................................................................................... 3-70 DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Air Force Contents ........................................................................................................................ 4-1 Armstrong Laboratory .................................................................................................................. 4-2 Arnold Engineering Development Center ....................................................................................... 4-6 Development Test Center ............................................................................................................... 4-10 Flight Test Center ......................................................................................................................... 4-14 Phillips Laboratory ....................................................................................................................... 4-18 Rome Laboratory ........................................................................................................................ 4-22 W right Laboratory ........................................................................................................................ 4-26 4950th Test Wi ng ......................................................................................................................... 4-30 6585th Test Group ........................................................................................................................ 4-34 iv CONTENTS DEFENSE NUCLEAR AGENCY De fense N uclear Ag ency C ontents ................................................................................................. 5-1 Arm ed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute ............................................................................... 5-2 APPENDICES: A . Changes in Organization or Nam e ............................................................................... A-i B. Definitions of Report Elem ents ..................................................................................... B-1 C. Selected Standard Abbreviations and Acronyms ........................................................... C-I V CONTENTS This page intentionally left blank vi TABLES DOD IN-HOUSE RDT&E ACTIVITIES REPORT FY92 Tables Tables Table 1. Army RDT&E Activities, Program & Personnel Data ................................ 1-2 Table 2. Army RDT&E Activities, Facility Data .................................................. 1-3 Table 3. Navy RDT&E Activities, Program & Personnel Data ................................. 1-4 Table 4. Navy RDT&E Activities, Facility Data .................................................. 1-5 Table 5. Air Force RDT&E Activities, Program & Personnel Data .......................... 1-6 Table 6. Air Force RDT&E Activities, Facility Data ............................................. 1-7 Table 'T Defense Nuclear Agency RDT&E Activities, Program and Personnel Data ...... 1-8 Table 8. Defense Nuclear Agency RDT&E Activities, Facility Data ......................... 1-9 1-1

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