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Preview DTIC ADA277805: Atmospheric Effects on Airborne Lasers for Tactical Missile Defense: Clouds and Turbulence

Copy (cid:127) U of 110 copies AD-A277 805 IDA DOCUMENT D- 1082 ATMOSPHERIC EFFECTS ON AIRBORNE LASERS FOR TACTICAL MISSILE DEFENSE: CLOUDS AND TURBULENCE DTIC SELEC'T pMARR311994 SF1 F 0 E. Bauer R. R. Beland (USAF-PUGP/OPA) January 1993 *mM Prepawdf or S0 Ballistic Missile Defense Organization * Appmved fr public release; dlalrbullen unlimited. 94 3 31 002 0 INSTITUTE FOR DEFENSE ANALYSES 1801 N. Beauregard Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22311-1772 IDA Log No. HO 91-40634 DEFINITIONS Report. Repe amst he menadu lhrllllv and mea PaI NYs ualiderd lodesle; IDA poftesa. They uI 1a14y010411 resll t Of le pPrIeSesWl bhih (a) hava a direst bearing a decisions affecting =INe Programs, (b)a ddress seem at s11gellaaa seem ilas th Exacutiv BradInhc hC ongreasisdee the public, or (C)a ddress laeso that have elgiflen eseumlac ImPludellee. IDA Repate awree viewed by eutside Paelsb at uxparl to ensure thei Moh quIlly ad relevause antphr eblms aleled and they we releee Group Reports Greep Reaprte mcai the ifulp aid resells of IDA mlablisabd werhtug gree aid peeals, sepmadatseer lhdlvibelsa aibgasetul r humwhabm Itew euld be the uobjes at an IDA Rope. IDA Group Repeals are reviewed by the sealr Indivdduals impa ~efolra t he proueleilase i tesa s Meod by IDA Iaa mu *ter gh qual~y ad ishvase lathe probhlam slodled, aid awreel eaeid byfth Presiee af IDA. Papesm, also aethaillative and --wetI ly repdede udc e at IDA. address sludim tha are nerrewar Inm aepthi aOtnh amsawd InR epedh. 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AAgtbI. VA 2O2-430M. ma d bI Oboe. U oý md ow Poo- w Ro(cid:127)i,(cid:127) Pmoa I0704.01OeA .... 0E ,.(cid:127) 1. AGENCY USE ONLY (Leave blank) 2. REPORT DATE 3. REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVERED January 1993 Final--June-December 1991 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5. FUNDING NUMBERS Atmospheric Effects on Airborne Lasers for Tactical Missile Defense: G - MDA 903 89 C 0003 Clouds and Turbulence 6AUTHORS) T -T-R2-597.12 Ernest Bauer, Robert R. Beland PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) a. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER Institute for Defense Analyses 1801 N. Beauregard St. IDA Document D-1082 Alexandria, VA 22311-1772 SPONSORINGIMONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSORINGIMONITORING AGENCY REPORT NUMBER Ballistic Missile Defense Organization The Pentagon Washington, DC 20301-7100 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 12a. DISTRIBUTIOWAVAILABIUTY STATEMENT 12b. DISTRIBUTION CODE Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. 13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words) In the context of Tactical Missile Defense (TMD), an Airborne (High-Energy) Laser (ABL) is investigated for its possible utility for boost-phase kill of a tactical ballistic missile, at a range of 100-1,000 km. Here we examine the effects of clouds and atmospheric turbulence, including possible compensation by Adaptive Optics (AO) techniques, which can interfere with the functioning of this concept. To avoid the effect of clouds, the aircraft carrying the laser should fly as high as possible, preferably above the tropopause. At 15 km (49 kft) there will be no problem at mid- and high latitudes, but in the tropics conventional aircraft cannot fly high enough to avoid possible interference from towering cumulonimbus, which have been found upon occasion as high as 20 km. Regarding the effects of atmospheric turbulence on beam propagation, if the airplane flies high enough that the optical viewing path avoids cloud, there would probably be no major problems with turbulence at ranges of not more than 100 km. However, for longer ranges, there may be significant effects of phase coherence, beam wander, and beam broadening that could require compensation by AO. There are critical uncertainties in models of atmospheric turbulence, suggesting that more data are needed. Work at USAF/Phillips Laboratory and at MIT/Lincoln Laboratory is attacking the problems of appropriate compensation for atmospheric turbulence by AO techniques, but the current level of effort is not adequate to support deployment of an ABL system for TMD on a near-term basis. 14. SUBJECT TERMS 15. NUMBER OF PAGES Atmospheric propagation, laser, clouds, turbulence 54 16. PRICE CODE 17. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 18. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 19. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 20. UMITATION OF ABSTRACT OF REPORT OF THIS PAGE OF ABSTRACT UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED SAR NSN 7540-20-55(0 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89) Peoibed byANSJ SW(cid:127).Z W31 "2t-102 IDA DOCUMENT D-1082 ATMOSPHERIC EFFECTS ON AIRBORNE LASERS FOR TACTICAL MISSILE DEFENSE: CLOUDS AND TURBULENCE * E. Bauer Accesio,.Fo" , AN ý c RA L'd R .R .B el a n d (USAF-PL/GP/OPA) I :\. Justict o-,. 0 I BlY y. ..... :;........ ................. . D14 ibuton, I...._ ........ _ January 1993 Dist (cid:127),,,'o-oraiI • I Dist Specia! fJ- DA I S ll l • INSTITUTE FOR DEFENSE ANALYSES Contract MDA 903 89 C 0003 Task T-R2-597.12 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish to thank Chief Augustine, USAF; Keith Gilbert, BDM Corp., Albuquerque, NM; Jan Herrmann, MIT Lincoln Laboratory; and Bill Rose, Rose Engineering & Research, Inc., for helpful discussions. We also thank the reviewers, Brett Ellerbroek, USAF/PL; Rex Finke, IDA/STD; Darryl Greenwood, MIT Lincoln Laboratory; Michael Tavis, The Aerospace Corporation, and Edwin Townsley, IDA/STD, for their careful and thorough review of this document. This work was done as part of the POET (Phase One Engineering Team) TMDAT (Tactical Missile Defense Advanced Technology) Study of summer 1991, supported by SDIO. iii 0 ABSTRACT In the context of Tactical Missile Defense (TMD), an Airborne (High-Energy) Laser (ABL) is being investigated for its possible utility for boost-phase kill of a tactical ballistic missile, at a range of 100-1,000 km. The propagation of the laser beam through the atmosphere can be stopped by clouds and atmospheric turbulence. To avoid the effect of clouds, the aircraft carrying the laser should fly as high as possible, preferably above the tropopause where there are very few clouds. Normal aircraft flight altitudes should be adequate at mid- and high latitudes, but not in the tropics. Atmospheric turbulence is highly variable, but generally falls off with increasing altitude. If the airplane flies high enough to avoid clouds, it is probable that for ranges of 100 km or less the effects of turbulence are not serious. However, there exist no experimental data on laser beam propagation through long-range near-horizontal paths, and available models of atmospheric turbulence are inadequate. Theoretical analysis summarized here suggests that for ranges in excess of 100 km there may be significant effects that could require compensation by Adaptive Optics, explicitly deformable transmitter mirrors. There are critical uncertainties in models of atmospheric turbulence, suggesting that experimental flight data are needed. Current work is attacking the problems of appropriate compensation for atmospheric turbulence by Adaptive Optics techniques, but the level of effort is not adequate to support deployment of an ABL system for TMD on a near-term basis. v CONTENTS Acknowledgments ................................................................................... i Abstat ................................................................................................ v Figures ............................................................................................ ix Tables .............................................................................................. x Summary ........................................................................................ S-1 1. THE PROBLEM ............................................................................... 1 2. CLOUDS .................................................................................. 9 3. ATMOSPHERIC TURBULENCE ..................................................... 13 3.1 Introduction and Overview ....................................................... 13 3.2 The Parameter C,2 ........................... ................................... . . 16 3.3 Geometrical Considerations ....................................................... 20 3.4 Near-Field Vs. Far-Field Conditions ............................................ 21 3.5 Weak Fluctuations ................................................................ 21 3.6 Beam Wander ...................................................................... 22 3.7 Beam Broadening .................................................................. 23 3.8 Some Results .......................................................................... 24 3.9 Summary ............................................................................... 26 4. ADAPTIVE CORRECTION FOR TURBULENCE ................................ 29 5. OTHER CONCERNS ................................................................... 31 5.1 Thermal Blooming ................................................................ 31 5.2 Ducting ............................................................................. 33 6. SUGGESTED MEASUREMENT AND STUDY PROGRAM .................... 35 6.1 Clouds ............................................................................... 35 6.2 Optical Turbulence ................................................................ 35 7. DISCUSSION ........................................................................... 39 References ........................................................................................ 41 vii FIGURES S-i. The Problem Addressed .................................................................... S-1 S-2 Optical Turbulence in the Atmosphere: Structure of the Parameter Cn2 ............. S-4 1. The Problem Addressed .................................................................. 1 2. Schematic Location of Tropopause and Jet Streams (Js = Subtropical Jet, Jp = Polar Jet) in Winter .................................................................. 3 3. Optical Turbulence in the Atmosphere: Structure of the Parameter Cn2 ................ 4 4. Models of the Jet Stream: Wind Speed and Turbulence .................................. 5 5. Adaptive Compensation and Isoplanatism ................................................ 14 6. Comparison of SLC Day and Night and HV 5/7 Models ............................ 18 7. Comparison of the SLC Night and AFGL AMOS Models, Both Displayed Relative to the Mountaintop Surface ................................................... 19 8. Atmospheric Turbulence Strehl Ratio for Aircraft at 13 km and Target at 20 kmi, for SLC and HV/57 Models ........................................ 25 9. Aerosol Extinction Profile in the Atmosphere ........................................ 32 10. Sample Temperature Profile in a Subtropical Atmosphere Showing Ifigh Thermal Gradients ................................................................ 33 ix TABLES S- 1. Environmental Issues for Airborne Lasers ............................................... S-2 1. Some Representative Trajectory Data .................................................... 2 2. Mean Seasonal Heights of the Tropopause ................................................. 2 3. High and Total Cloudiaess at Representative Locations in the Northern Hemisphere .................................................................... 10 4. Global Frequency of Occurrence of Cirrus Clouds ................................... 11 5. Effective Path Lengths Through Turbulence as a Function of Elevation Angle a (d = 0. 1 Ian) ......................................................... 20 6. Variance of Log Amplitude .............................................................. 21 7. Values for the Lateral Coherence Length Po (m) ......................................... 24 8. Values for RMS Beam Radius ps (m) .................................................... 24 x SUMMARY The effectiveness of an optical laser weapon depends, in large part, on the characteristics of the optical path the beam must traverse. Among the factors influencing that path for airborne lasers intended to engage tactical ballistic missiles are clouds and turbulence. In the context of Tactical Missile Defense (TMD), an Airborne (High-Energy) Laser (ABL) is examined for its possible utility for boost-phase kill of a tactical ballistic missile, at a range of 100-1000 km. Figure S-I sketches the problem addressed, and Table S-i outlines environmental issues. Here we examine the effects of clouds and of atmospheric turbulence--including its possible compensation by Adaptive Optical (AO) techniques with a deformable transmitter mirror-that can interfere with the functioning of this concepL ZZC II 9 1091 IM Figure S-1. The Problem Addressed S-1

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