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Preview DTIC ADA276042: Model Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient Profiles

A 'r 7 AD -A 2D7 6 042 ormaon.SSee nd comrnwts regarding thisb (cid:127)rden or any other as o4 thi collection of inlotmalton. icidain Suggestions$ Pi~jP 't~IU0188), tOirntl orWmaastihoinn golopne.r aDtiCo n2s0 a5n0d3 .Reports. 1215 Jetterson Davis Highway. Suite 1204. Arlington. VA 22202-4302. an to mfu uiililK 1l1lI1I W11I1l~i iMfi t1e11. 3.FR ienpaol r-t PTryopcee eanddin gDsates Covered. [1 • T I (cid:127)5. Funding Numbers. I / J 0-ouei uLiluse Attenuation Coeffieient profiles | Contract E LE" - C ProgramE lement No. 0603741D 6. Author~s). BProject No. P742 E B 242 19 94 L.EspF *' Task Ao. Accession No. DN259069 Work Unit No. 9352ZA 7. Performing Organization Name(s) and Address(es). 8. Performing Organization Naval Oceanographic and Atmospheric Research Laboratory Report Number. Ocean Science Directorate PR 92:044:352 Stennis Space Center, MS 39529-5004 9. Sponsoring/Monitoring Agency Name(s) and Address(es). 10. Sponsoring/Monitoring Agency Naval Oceanographic and Atmospheric Research Laboratory Report Number. Ocean Acoustics and Technology Directorate Stennis Space Center, MS 39529-5004 PR 92:044:352 11. Supplementary Notes. Published in IGARSS '92. 12a. Distribution/Availability Statement. 12b. Distribution Code. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. 13. Abstract (Maximum 200 words). Light transport through water is controlled by the properties of dissolved substances, particulate matter, and water itself. The rate at which the light field decays can be measured by optical instrumentation and parameterized by the apparent optical property of the water, the diffuse attenuation coefficient, kl. The diffuse attenuation coefficient is known to vary with depth near the surface 2. However, as the light field penetrates to greater depths, the value of k approaches an asymptotic value which can be treated as a quasi-inherent property of the water mass3.Generally, the actual depth at which k approaches an asymptotic value is the bottom of the euphotic zone (1% level) for all but the clearest waters. The primary optical parameter of interest in this study is the downwelling diffuse attenuation coefficient, kd, which we will designate simply as "k". The objective of this work is to develop methods or algorithms for computing vertical, or depth, profiles of k given a surface k value. 14. Subject Terms. 15. Number of Pages. Lasers, models, optics, surveillance 3 16. Price (ode. 17. Security Classification 18. Security Classification 19. Security Classification 20. Limitation of Abstract. of Report. of This Page. of Abstract. Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified SAR NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89) Prescribed by ANSI Sid. Z39-18 29W1 02 94-05402 9 4 2 1 8 0 1 0 illlllli~l1111!llll Best Available Copy IGARSS '2 InternationalG eoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium i~sCli> rif 1rA& Sp~ecial MODEL DIFFUSE ATTENUATION COEFFICIENT PROFILES L. Estep Naval Research Laboratory Stennis Space Center, MS. 39529. INTRODUCTION Light transport through water is controlled by the properties of dissolved substances, particulate matter, and water itself. The rate at which the light field decays can be measured by optical . instrumentation and parameterized by an apparent optical property of the water, the diffuse attenuation coefficient, k1. The diffuse attenuation coefficent is known to vary with depth near the surfaceý. However, as the light field penetrates to greater depths, the value of k approaches an asymptotic value which can be treated as a quasi-inherent Figure 1. Austin-McGlamer property of the water mass3. Generally, the model scenario. actual depth at which k approaches an statistical considerations over many different asymptotic value is the bottom of the euphotic regions or sites. The surface layer has a zone (1% level) for all but the clearest satellite given k value of k, and a thickness waters. of l/k. m. The second, intermediate, layer is The primary optical parameter of interest 100-1/k. m thick and it's k, value is given by in this study is the downwelling diffuse the relation attenuation coefficient, kd, which we will designate simply as "k". The objective of k, 1.- . this work is to develop methods or algorithms (2) for computing vertical, or depth, profiles of 100- k given a surface k value. BACKGROUND AND METHODS The thickness of the bottom layer is 100 m and it's kh value given by the formula In Case I waters', a strong correlation has been shown to exist5 netween chlorophyll k 200k° -(i°O-ikA)k- (3) 0 (Chl) concentration and water optics. i00 Algorithms have been developed to allow transformations from chlorophyll Thus, the surface-intermediate layer depth sum concentrations in the surface ocean waters to and bottom depth, are fixed in the model k surface water optics. Using these scenario. The k values of all three layers may algorithms in conjunction with satellite vary depending on the surface k value given. imagery, a synoptic view of the surface water The second algorithm relies on some optics of the world's oceans is p3ssible. Case recent work by Platt et al.8 that partitions I surface waters comprise, on average, the top the North Atlantic into a matrix based upon 15 to 20 meters of the ocean. The chlorophyll region, season, and water depth. These distribution with depth must be considered partitions provide specific Gaussian profile since it has been shown that values of surface models for each element of the matrix to give water optics do not correlate with the water the Chl distribution with depth. The Gaussian optical state with depth'. The focus of the model used in this work has the form present work has been to develop k profile algorithmUs sing thart esultsa re locafler om spesciefivc. eral Scripps (-(z)=C÷ oa/h ,t)--e xI4- -2zo 2 (4) Institute of Oceanography cruises, Austin and McGlamery' developed relations between surface where C(z) represents the variat ion of Cti k values and the average k value over l00 with depth h/(n*(2- Th ,.) -otrn arid 20n meters depth. Thed rplationn (- d , C "dw hhWiicm ha xilsn ums,u peCr,im isp osthede bt,h' e ::otGIhia ussian or'p;r,ciu ile,, =0.222k +0.031(1) and a is the width of the peak. The algoritL;: k.0. .l. 0.2. employed in the present work uses the Gaussian profile model above as well as the data for Using this information, a set of equations the width, peak value, and ratio of the peak utilizing the diffuse optical depths invoked to the background biomass, given by Platt et uytilizingthe adiu optical deplths invked al.8, to drive a local and surface specific Chi by the Austin and McGlamery results were profile, which, in turn, is transformed back development scenariog to a k value using results due to Morelý. The model takes as input a CZCS surface k value at The ocean from the surface to 200 meters 490 nm. This is transformed to a surface Chl depth is divided into three layers. These are value. Next, this surface Chl value is termed the surface layer, the intermediate transformed using results due to Smith and layer, and the bottom layer. Caution is Baker"0, advised in attempting to tie these layers to any actual oceanir layering in some given Log(C,)=0.7888 Lng(C,)-0.02 (5) region. These layers are derived from purely SI 72x I!f1, <J) ' (cid:127) ) r)IA il I~')(cid:127)2 20s. where C¶ is the column averaged concentration, in mq/mý, and C, is the s:irface concentration. MODEL K PROFILES In Equation (1), the wateL depth over which .... - the water column is taken is the euphotic depth, z.. Thus, Smith and Baker's results provide us with a column average Chl value. The euphotic depth can be found from Morel9 and - is given by the relation Z..=38.0ChY 42 (6) where Chl is, here, the column average ,-hlorophyll fz,,r the surtacc t¢ the 1% light level. The product of the column averaged Chl Figure 2. Autec field data k over the euphotic depth and the euphotic depth values plotted against gives an integrated Chl over the euphotic algorithm results. depth. The next step is to calculate the MODEL K PROFILES background biomass, Co. Integrating Equation (4) over the euphotic depth, using the peak to *--- .. ....... ..... ......... background biomass ratio, with C, constant over .- the range of integration, we arrive at the form IntegratedC h 1.t flZ+.pz- ( eJ,:o2 )Z ) d (7) " . .. -,2 where "Integrated Chl" is the product of the column averaged Chl and euphotic depth aforementioned. Figure 3. Sargasso Sea data sh Given the values of the particular Platt owing a deep Chl maximum. partition, the algorithm determines the gaussian curve parameters. The algorithm then MODEL K PROFILES generates a profile which adjusts the parameters of the Gaussian profile peak to conserve total chlorophyll over the euphotic zone (or, in other words, bring Platt's (cid:127) , results in line with references 9 and 10). - V DATA COMPARISON RESULTS " j . Using field datasets obtained from the 0 50 *0 , Sargasso Sea and the AUTEC range, comparisons were made with the algorithms mentioned above. Figures 2-5 give some comparisons of the k profile models of Austin-McGlamery, Platt, and Figure 4. AUTEC range field the field data profiles. results. Note scatter in k Figure 2 exhibits line plots of the data. results of the Austin-McGlamery and Platt algorithms compared to AUTEC range data. The stair-step line shown above represents the MODEL K PROFILES downwelling k profile from field data. The ... legend labels the lines due to the two . algorithms discussed above. Both the Austin- McGlamery and Platt results trend fairly close to the data line. However, the Platt results - nearly lie on the data-lin,.. Figure 3 provides a tield dataset where a . deep chlorophyll maximum peak presents itself. The Platt and Austin-Morel models exhibit a peak, as does the data, but the peak phasing and amplitude are off. However, when one considers in all these cases that semi- empirical results from limited datasets are Figure 5. Sargasso Sea low built into the models, it is not surprising broad, and deep Chl peak. that for some selected field dataset there Table 1 provides average error values for the deep water models versus the field data will exist the sort of mismatch seen in Figure for the datasets shown above. The average 3. In fact, it is rather surprizing that one error was calculated by computing the percent can obtain the fairly close match seen in difference FigureF ig22.u. e aerror dfeec of the relevant model and associated Figure 4 and 5 provide further field data results point by point and comparisons of the k profile model results averagingaover ull points. compared to the field data. averaging over all points. 2Nk TABLE 1 8. Platt, T., C. Caverhill, and S. WC~tC-1,N)ON 0,P --it-,CLS Sathyendranath, "Basin-Scale Estimates of - ,.,, Oceanic Primary Production by Remote Sensing: 15147-15159, 1991. 9. Morel, A., "Optical Modeling of the Upper Ocean in Relation to Its Biogenous Matter .vG ISaw.,O a% . Content (Case I Waters)," Journ. of Geophys. Res., 93, 10749-10768, 1988. 10. Smith, R. C. and K. S. Baker, "The bio- algorithm errors, optical state of ocean waters and remote sensing," Limnol. and Oceanog., 23, 247-259, As seen in Table 1, their is little 1978. difference in the k profile algorithms in their relative accuracy of predicting real world profiles for the field data used. CONCLUSIONS Algorithms for the profiles of Chl or k with depth have been developed. These algorithms allow one to take surface values of downwelling k from satellite imagery and, without actual coeval supporting in situ measurements, derive a profile of k for a given pixel. These algorithms are confronted by field data. The algorithm that reproduces the deep water field data represented by the Sargasso Sea and AUTEC areas most closely is the Platt based model. Caveats need to be made. First, the above work assumes Case I water scenarios. Second, the results are based upon work performed by extracting empirical relationships from real world datasets. If we can assume the datasets are generally representative of the world's oceans, then the profiles generated should provide representative estimates of the k profiles for areas of interest. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was supported by the SPAWARS ADI program. Dr. Gerald Morris program manager. REFEERENCES I. Duntley, S. Q., "Light in the Sea," J. Opt. Soc. Am., 58, 214-233, 1963. 2. Preisendorfer, R. W., "Hydrologic Optics," vol.1, Washington: U.S.- Department of Commerce, 1976. 3. Preisendorfer, R. W., "Hydrologic Optics," vol.3, Washington: U.S. Department of Commerce, 1976. 4. Morel, A., and L. Prieur, "Analysis of Variations in Ocean Color," Limnol. Oceanograph., 22, pp.709-722, 1977. 5. Austin, R.W., and T.J. Petzold, " *The determination of the diffuse attenuation coefficient of sea water using the coastal zone color scanner," Oceanography from Space, ed. J.F.R. Gower, Proceedings of COSPAR/SCOR/IUCRM Symposium, Venice 1980. 6. Mueller, J., "Bioptical provinces of the Northeast Pacific Ocean: A provisional analysis," Limnol. Oceanograph., 34, pp.1572- 1586, 1989. 7. Austin, R. W. and B. L. McGlamery, "Passive Remote Sensing of Ocean Optical Propagation Parameters," in Physical Aspects of Light in tt3Ee§, ed. J. E. Tyler, Proceedings of Tenth Pacific Science Congress, Honolulu, HA, August 1961. University of Hawaii Press, 1964. 205

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