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DTIC ADA272133: Laboratory Demonstration of Oviposition by Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) in Covered Water Jars PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA272133: Laboratory Demonstration of Oviposition by Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) in Covered Water Jars

DCn^o0 r , se1(cid:127)A"&".'"A '7ON PAGE Fofm Apwav __MB No 07O-0-8O1 - AD-A272 133 Ilrl 5HllhtIIIEII J TYPE AND UATIS COvI9IO 4 .Ll , JU.,g,.( S. FUNDING NUMBERS Laboratory demonstration of oviposition by Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) in covered water jars. 6. AUTHOR(S) Daniel Strickman anct Pattamaporn Kittavapong 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND AODRESS(ES) B. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER Walter Reed Parmy Institute cf Research Washington, DC 20307-5100 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADORESS(ES) 10. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY REPORT NUMBER U. S. Army Medical Research & Development Corimand FL. Detrick, Frederick, MD 21702-5012 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES !(cid:127)ELECTE NFO V 0. t_3 . 12a. DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY STATEMENT -121 ISTRIBUTION C APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE: DISTRIBUTION UNLIMITEDA 13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words) In Thailand, ceramic jars (135-200 liters) covered by aluminum lids commonly are used to store water for household use. In laboratory cages, gravid female Aedes aegypti(L.) were able to enter and oviposit in a covered water jar. Although the aluminum lid was not a complete barrier to gravid females, it reduced th enumber of eggs oviposited by 77%. A vertically oriented foam rubber ring which was compressed between the lip of the jar and the flange of the lid effectively sealed the jar against ovipositing mosquitoes. 14. SUBJECT TERMS 15. NUMBER OF PAGES Aedes aegypti, oviposition, water-jar covers 16. PRICE CODE 17. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 18. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 119. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 20. LIMITATION OF ABSTRACT OF REPORT OF THI PGF AST0ACT ItSN 7540-0O_280-5500 SHORT COMMUNICATION Laboratory Demonstration of Oviposition by Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) in Covered Water Jars DANIEL STRICKMANI.2 AND PATTAMAPORN KITTAYAPONG3 J. Med. Entomol. 30(5): 947-949 (1993) ABSTRACT In Thailand, ceramic jars (135-200 liters) covered by aluminum lids com- monly are used to store water for household use. In laboratory cages, gravid female Aedes aegypti (L.) were able to enter and oviposit in a covered water jar. Although the aluminum lid was not a complete barrier to gravid females, it reduced the number of eggs oviposited by 77%. A vertically oriented foam rubber ring which was compressed between the lip of the jar and the flange of the lid effectively sealed the jar against ovipositing mosquitoes. KEY WORDS Aedes aegypti, oviposition, water-jar covers Aedes aegypti (L.) is a vector of dengue virus in oviposited by the same mosquitoes after a sec- rural areas of Thailand (Sheppard et al. 1969, ond 24-h period during which the jar was uncov- Halstead 1984, Chareonsook et al. 1990), where ered. Comparison of the number of eggs ovipos- roughly glazed ceramic "ong" jars (135-200 liter ited on the first and second days provided a capacity) are an important larval habitat foi this measure of the degree to which a cover discour- species. We observed an average of six water jars aged oviposition. per house in a rural Thai village, and 44% of The mosquitoes used in this study were the F, these jars were infested with Ae. aegypti larvae progeny of lal .e collected in a Thai village (Kittayapong & Strickinan 1993). (Hua Sam Rong Subdistrict, Plaeng Yao District, Jars often are covered with a commercially Chachoengsao Province). Eggs for each cohort manufactured aluminum lid to keep the water were hatched simultaneously under partial vac- clean. These lids have been promoted in Thai- uum (Barbosa & Peters 1969) and reared under land as a means of preventing the larval devel- closely controlled environmental (30°C, equal opment of Ae. aegypti (e.g., Prugsaphong 1990), hours of light and dark) and nutritional (50 larvae because they appear to form a solid barrier per 1.5 liters with 1.5 g ground fish food during against mosquitoes. Contrary to expectation, a development) conditions. Five-day old females recent survey of larval sites recorded a greater that took a ful1 human blood meal were incu- proportion of infestation in covered than in un- bated for 47-49 h at 30'C with access to a cut covered jars located outdoors (Kittayapong & raisin before they were released into a test cage Strickman 1993). Our laboratory experiment with the experimental jar. measured the ability of gravid Ae. aegypti to en- The experimental jar was located in a nylon- ter a water jar beneath modified and unmodified tulle cage (1 by 1.5 by 2 m high) in a room open commercial covers, to ambient temperature in Bangkok. Water tem- peratures in the jar ranged between 27 and 310C Materials and Methods during the experiment; 29°C was the median temperature. The experimental watei jar was The strategy of this experiment was to count similar to those used in rural Thailand (200-liter the number of eggs oviposited in a covered water capacity, 71 cm high, 43 cm inner diameter at jar exposed in a cage to five gravid Ae. aegypti opening), with no holes or large gaps on the lip during 24 h, then to count the number of eggs or body of the jar. The water jar was filled about one-third full with -80 liters of water. The views of the authors do not purport to reflect the position During each trial, strips of kraft paper towels of the Department of the Army or the Department of Defense (8 cm vertical, 25 cm horizontal) were taped to (Para. 4-3, AR 360-5). IDepartment of Medical Entomology, U.S. Army Medical the inner wall of the jar so that the water line Component, Armed Forces Research Institute of Medical Sci- covered the lower edges and the sides of the ences, APO AP 96546. strips overlapped. Depending on the trial treat- 2 Current address and to whom reprint requests should be ment, the appropriate cover (or no cover) was n - -... . . .. %%l- V ? - Institute placed on the jar, then five gravid mosquitoes 9 27252'J' -- idol Uni- were introduced .,to the cage. After 23.5-24.5 h, the paper towel strips were replaced with new (0)9 5 9 I 948 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 30, no. 5 Table I. Effect of various modifications of commercial aluminum covers on oviposition by Ae. aegypti in a water jar No. trials Total lean no. eggs ') Cover treatment with per trial ovip, orn daN I eggs Day I D)a% 2 Unmodified 4 1,135 46 (24) 144 (76) Horizontal sponge ring 4 935 24 (16) 1:32 (84 Vertical sponge ring 0 1,064 0 (0) 177 100) No cover 6 1,092 176(96) 6 (4) Percentage of total eggs oviposited on both days. lid in four of six trials (Table 1). Evidently, the females were able to find small gaps between the lid and the lip of the jar. Modification of the lid Fig. 1. Modifications of commercial aluminum lids by adding a horizontally oriented layer of foam with vertically oriented (left) and horizontally oriented rubber also failed to prevent entry by ovipositing (right) rings of foam rubber. The lids rest on a Thai females in four of six trials. In contrast, no eggs water jar. were oviposited when the layer of foam rubber strips for the second day of the trial, the jar being was oriented vertically between the outer side of left uncovered. After the second day (47.5-48.5 the jar lip and the inner side of the lid flange. h), strips were again removed and mosquitoes Differenct. between treatments were indi- were captured and killed in a small net, Eggs on cated by the numbers of eggs deposited on the the strips were counted immediately after they first day (adjusted F = 27.49; df = 3, 14; P < were removed from the jar. 0.005). Significantly fewer (P < 0.005) eggs were Each of the following four treatments was rep- oviposited on the first day in trials with covers licated six times: (1) an unmodified commercial than in trials without a cover. The differences aluminum cover; (2) a commercial c 3vcr modi- between various covers were not statistically sig- fled by gluing (Dunlop Adhesive LP, Laminated nificant (P > 0.05). The total number of eggs Plastics Adhesive, Contact Adhesive, Dunlop, oviposited during both days of each trial did not Thailand) a horizontally oriented ring of foam vary significantly among treatments (mean, 176 rubber (2 cm thick) in the commercial aluminum eggs per trial; unadjusted F = 0.32; df = 3, 20; cover (Fig. 1), forming a layer between the metal P > 0.1), demonstrating that the differences be- lid and the top of the lip of the jar; (3) a commer- tween treatments were not the result of changes cial cover modified by gluing a 2-cm layer of in fecundity induced by the various treatments. sponge rubber to the inner side of the flange of a The reduction in number of eggs oviposited metal cover (Fig. 1), forming a vertical sponge when jars were covered can be explained either ring between the outer side of the jar lip and the by each mosquito ovipositing fewer eggs or, flange of the lid; and (4) the jar left uncovered more likely, fewer mosquitoes entering the jar. during both days of eac6h trial. Because only 24 and 16% of the eggs were ovi- In addition to noting whether or not eggs posited when the jar was covered with the un- were oviposited in the jar, the quantity of eggs modified cover and cover with horizontal foam oviposited on the first day of each replicate ring, respectively (Table 1), it is probable that was regressed as a function of the total eggs ovi- only about one in five females entered the jar posited during both days and compared among under these covers. No mosquitoes were able to treatments using an analysis of covariance enter the jar having a cover with a vertical foam (ANCOVA) (Steel & Torrie 1960). The ANCOVA ring. Gravid mosquitoes that did not enter the jar adjusted for the number of eggs oviposited in and oviposit on the first day with the cover in each trial. Differences between adjusted treat- place evidently held their eggs and then ovipos- ment means were tested in a series of t tests ited them on the second day when the cover was based on the calculation of the standard error of removed. Retention of eggs did not reduce the the difference between each pair of means. The total number of eggs oviposited after the cover uniformity of the total number of eggs oviposited was removed. gtreatments was analyzed by a one-way Modification of metal lids with vertical foam amonga rings may prove to be a practical way to reduce populations of Ae. aegypti in Thailand. Gluing Results and Discussion the foam into a lid as described in this paper costs only about $0.15 and takes advantage of the Gravid Ae. aegypti entered the water jar coy- investment in the lid already made by the house- ered by the unmodified commercial aluminum holder. Use of the lid with a foam ring would be September 1.993 STeicKm.IN &-K ITT ,'-PO\NC: Ae. aeiupti OVIPOSITION IN COVEREID JARs 94.9 especially helpful for drinking water in jars that sonal surveillance on dengue vectors in rural areas. require frequent access and which are not Special Epidemiological Surveillance Report, Min- readily treated with chemicals. Field trials that istry of ttealth (Thailand) 2: 1-21 1English suninia- include use of the modified lid are currently in ry). progress in ceoperation with the Thai Ministry of Halstead, S. B. 1984. Selective primary health care: Public Health, strategies for control of disease in the developing world. XI. Dengue. Rev. Infect. Dis. 6: 251-264. Kittayapong, P. & D. Strickman. 1993. Distribution Acknowledgments of contaiiier-inhabiting Aedes (Diptera: Colicidae) larvae at a dengue focus in Thailand. 1. Med. 4W e thank the following individuals from the Armed Entomol. 30: 601-606. Forces Research Institute of Medical Sciences, Prugsaphong, K. 1990. Dengue. Close to the Dictor Bangkok, Thailind: Ratana Wannapong and Phittaya 14: 24-32 (In Thai). Chuailua for assistance in the laboratory, and Ronald Sheppard, P. M., W. W. Macdonald, R. J. Tonn & B. Rosenberg for helpful comments or the manuscript. Grab. 1969. The dynamics ofan adult population of Aedes acgipti in relation to dengue haemor- References Cited rhagic fever in Bangkok. J. Anina. Ecol. 38: 661-702. Steel, RG.D. & J. H. Torrie. 1960. Principles and Barbosa, P. & T. N1. Peters. 1969. A comparative procedures of statistics. McGraw-Hill, New York. studv of egg hatching techniques for Aedes aegypti kL. . %;osq. News 29: 548-551. Chareonsook, 0., S. Thanprasertsuk, K. Singklang, T. Received for publication 26 March 1992; accepted Yawwa, S. Purahong & P. Kunasol. 1990. Sea- 23 March 1993. Accesion For NTIS CfM)l OTIC TA, L Jt t.:c l ........................... By ............ .... Av:ilability Codes Avail and,'or Special TDnC QUALITY INSPECTED 5

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